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  1. marrittm

    what is best way to remove grass

    Nothing wrong with doing it by hand if its a small area, but you still need to let the weedkiller work. Digging or rotovating alone will not kill the grass and weeds off.
    Nothing wrong with doing it by hand if its a small area, but you still need to let the weedkiller work. Digging or rotovating alone will not kill the grass and weeds off.
    Nothing wrong with doing it by hand if its a small area, but you still need to let the weedkiller work. Digging or rotovating alone will not kill the grass and weeds off.
    Nothing wrong with doing it by hand if its a small area, but you still need to let the weedkiller work. Digging or rotovating alone will not kill the grass and weeds off.
  2. engine

    Lawn Help!

    beachleafs advice is sound, Id add that top dressing and watering will help.
    beachleafs advice is sound, Id add that top dressing and watering will help.
    beachleafs advice is sound, Id add that top dressing and watering will help.
    beachleafs advice is sound, Id add that top dressing and watering will help.
  3. Kathy535

    Poor drainage of clay soil - will a lawn grow?

    Kathyit does sound very wet if the water table is 6 inches downyou may have to think about how to improve drainageif you can't get grass to grow, try shady grass or failing that...
    Kathyit does sound very wet if the water table is 6 inches downyou may have to think about how to improve drainageif you can't get grass to grow, try shady grass or failing that sedge, rushes or ferns, all of which like some moisture in the soil John
    Kathyit does sound very wet if the water table is 6 inches downyou may have to think about how to improve drainageif you can't get grass to grow, try shady grass or failing that sedge, rushes or ferns, all of which like some moisture...
    Kathyit does sound very wet if the water table is 6 inches downyou may have to think about how to improve drainageif you can't get grass to grow, try shady grass or failing that...
  4. BostonPatriot

    Tips on an unhealthy looking lawn

    Where is the best place to buy this feed?Thanks, Nick
    Where is the best place to buy this feed?Thanks, Nick
    Where is the best place to buy this feed?Thanks, Nick
    Where is the best place to buy this feed?Thanks, Nick
  5. Bashy

    Lawn weeds - Help and advice please

    Thanks Jarbax. Sound advice. Have a good day
    Thanks Jarbax. Sound advice. Have a good day
    Thanks Jarbax. Sound advice. Have a good day
    Thanks Jarbax. Sound advice. Have a good day
  6. TH

    Lawn mission.

    We must have the worse North facing lawn in Yorkshire���� When it rains the lawn is just like a big sponge /ice rink����nothing grows much.I will admit we have 7 hens but they...
    We must have the worse North facing lawn in Yorkshireâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ When it rains the lawn is just like a big sponge /ice rinkâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦nothing grows much.I will admit we have 7 hens but they donâ??t go on the lawn very often except for maybe the last 20 mins before bed.I would like to...
    We must have the worse North facing lawn in Yorkshireâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ When it rains the lawn is just like a big sponge /ice rinkâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦nothing grows much.I will admit we have 7 hens but they donâ??t go on the lawn very often except for...
    We must have the worse North facing lawn in Yorkshire���� When it rains the lawn is just like a big sponge /ice rink����nothing grows much.I will admit we have 7 hens but they...
  7. James.E

    My debut Lawn

    I didnt say to turf over the existing. i said spray off whats there then run a cultivator over to give a good tilth, rake over THEN seed or turf.
    I didnt say to turf over the existing. i said spray off whats there then run a cultivator over to give a good tilth, rake over THEN seed or turf.
    I didnt say to turf over the existing. i said spray off whats there then run a cultivator over to give a good tilth, rake over THEN seed or turf.
    I didnt say to turf over the existing. i said spray off whats there then run a cultivator over to give a good tilth, rake over THEN seed or turf.
  8. minty

    Lawn scortch

    Thanks! a mint.
    Thanks! a mint.
    Thanks! a mint.
    Thanks! a mint.
  9. mattd

    moving lawn

    thats sort of what i planned to do. is it worth soaking so wet and rolling it?
    thats sort of what i planned to do. is it worth soaking so wet and rolling it?
    thats sort of what i planned to do. is it worth soaking so wet and rolling it?
    thats sort of what i planned to do. is it worth soaking so wet and rolling it?
  10. marrittm

    help laying new lawn

    Spray with roundup leave 2 weeks then rotovate. if needs be add a small amount of topsoil. Rake off stones and seed. Keep watered.
    Spray with roundup leave 2 weeks then rotovate. if needs be add a small amount of topsoil. Rake off stones and seed. Keep watered.
    Spray with roundup leave 2 weeks then rotovate. if needs be add a small amount of topsoil. Rake off stones and seed. Keep watered.
    Spray with roundup leave 2 weeks then rotovate. if needs be add a small amount of topsoil. Rake off stones and seed. Keep watered.
  11. drewster

    I've mown through my lawn mower cable!

    Part P does not apply and the moulded on plugs are hardly moisture proof as the motor industry discovered years ago. In fact moulding on unless there is actual fusing of the two materials (PVC...
    Part P does not apply and the moulded on plugs are hardly moisture proof as the motor industry discovered years ago. In fact moulding on unless there is actual fusing of the two materials (PVC cable to whatever material the plug is made of) make it probable that moisture will be drawn in by the...
    Part P does not apply and the moulded on plugs are hardly moisture proof as the motor industry discovered years ago. In fact moulding on unless there is actual fusing of the two materials (PVC cable to whatever material the plug is made of) make...
    Part P does not apply and the moulded on plugs are hardly moisture proof as the motor industry discovered years ago. In fact moulding on unless there is actual fusing of the two materials (PVC...
  12. FILBS234

    Patchy Lawn

    Hi David and thank you,yes we do have a very large German Shepard,and to explain last year when we moved to this address we had the lawn turfed and our big foot turned it into a quaqmire in no...
    Hi David and thank you,yes we do have a very large German Shepard,and to explain last year when we moved to this address we had the lawn turfed and our big foot turned it into a quaqmire in no time at all along with the urine stains it was a right mess,anyway we have bought some more land now...
    Hi David and thank you,yes we do have a very large German Shepard,and to explain last year when we moved to this address we had the lawn turfed and our big foot turned it into a quaqmire in no time at all along with the urine stains it was a...
    Hi David and thank you,yes we do have a very large German Shepard,and to explain last year when we moved to this address we had the lawn turfed and our big foot turned it into a quaqmire in no...
  13. Tangle

    Paving sets as lawn edge / mowing strip?

    Call me Mr Organic, but Ive always found a dose of 6 inches of ROUNDUP soon solves that problem. If you put paving etc down you just have a new edge to manage. good luck
    Call me Mr Organic, but Ive always found a dose of 6 inches of ROUNDUP soon solves that problem. If you put paving etc down you just have a new edge to manage. good luck
    Call me Mr Organic, but Ive always found a dose of 6 inches of ROUNDUP soon solves that problem. If you put paving etc down you just have a new edge to manage. good luck
    Call me Mr Organic, but Ive always found a dose of 6 inches of ROUNDUP soon solves that problem. If you put paving etc down you just have a new edge to manage. good luck
  14. Bally

    weeds in new lawn

    keep it cut short or the weeds will set seed and you will have even more weeds
    keep it cut short or the weeds will set seed and you will have even more weeds
    keep it cut short or the weeds will set seed and you will have even more weeds
    keep it cut short or the weeds will set seed and you will have even more weeds
  15. brown4s

    growing new lawn over wood chippings

    Laurel contains some cyanide, but it dissipates once the wood and leaves are dead. I regularly put laurel prunings through the shredder. The product has a strong almondy smell, which I think is...
    Laurel contains some cyanide, but it dissipates once the wood and leaves are dead. I regularly put laurel prunings through the shredder. The product has a strong almondy smell, which I think is the cyanide. Once it has been composted for a few weeks the smell goes, and it rots down normally. So,...
    Laurel contains some cyanide, but it dissipates once the wood and leaves are dead. I regularly put laurel prunings through the shredder. The product has a strong almondy smell, which I think is the cyanide. Once it has been composted for a few...
    Laurel contains some cyanide, but it dissipates once the wood and leaves are dead. I regularly put laurel prunings through the shredder. The product has a strong almondy smell, which I think is...
  16. giw12

    New house...big lawn!

    Thanks both of you for the info on ALS. Looks useful
    Thanks both of you for the info on ALS. Looks useful
    Thanks both of you for the info on ALS. Looks useful
    Thanks both of you for the info on ALS. Looks useful
  17. shiney

    Grass Is Really Growing Now

    Shiney: With such a large amount of grass cuttings, any tips on how to compost it quickly and neatly?
    Shiney: With such a large amount of grass cuttings, any tips on how to compost it quickly and neatly?
    Shiney: With such a large amount of grass cuttings, any tips on how to compost it quickly and neatly?
    Shiney: With such a large amount of grass cuttings, any tips on how to compost it quickly and neatly?
  18. greeners

    Bare patches / thin grass coverage

    I used some 'shady area' seed from B&Q autumn 2006 to fill in a patch where a stump had been removed. The seed took ages to germinate. There was little to see after 2 weeks, but it did eventually...
    I used some 'shady area' seed from B&Q autumn 2006 to fill in a patch where a stump had been removed. The seed took ages to germinate. There was little to see after 2 weeks, but it did eventually come through quite well.
    I used some 'shady area' seed from B&Q autumn 2006 to fill in a patch where a stump had been removed. The seed took ages to germinate. There was little to see after 2 weeks, but it did eventually come through quite well.
    I used some 'shady area' seed from B&Q autumn 2006 to fill in a patch where a stump had been removed. The seed took ages to germinate. There was little to see after 2 weeks, but it did eventually...
  19. Loofah

    Lawn treatment

    Loofah, how have you got on? We moved into our house in January and I'm now looking at sorting out our garden. I've cut the grass a couple times and the weeds and moss are rife.
    Loofah, how have you got on? We moved into our house in January and I'm now looking at sorting out our garden. I've cut the grass a couple times and the weeds and moss are rife.
    Loofah, how have you got on? We moved into our house in January and I'm now looking at sorting out our garden. I've cut the grass a couple times and the weeds and moss are rife.
    Loofah, how have you got on? We moved into our house in January and I'm now looking at sorting out our garden. I've cut the grass a couple times and the weeds and moss are rife.
  20. clueless1

    Mini meadow lawn

    Sounds like a cool job! I mow the paths about once a week (with a pushmower)in the growing season and scythe half down at the end of August (or early Sept if I'm being especially lazy ). I...
    Sounds like a cool job! I mow the paths about once a week (with a pushmower)in the growing season and scythe half down at the end of August (or early Sept if I'm being especially lazy ). I know all the received wisdom is cutting twice a year, but mine seems to be doing ok on only one cut a...
    Sounds like a cool job! I mow the paths about once a week (with a pushmower)in the growing season and scythe half down at the end of August (or early Sept if I'm being especially lazy ). I know all the received wisdom is cutting twice a year,...
    Sounds like a cool job! I mow the paths about once a week (with a pushmower)in the growing season and scythe half down at the end of August (or early Sept if I'm being especially lazy ). I...

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