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  1. MPLB

    My lawn is a disaster

    Agree, totally.
    Agree, totally.
    Agree, totally.
    Agree, totally.
  2. jimbobly

    Lawn Problem

    Urm sounds interesting - special squirrel spray?
    Urm sounds interesting - special squirrel spray?
    Urm sounds interesting - special squirrel spray?
    Urm sounds interesting - special squirrel spray?
  3. Rosiemongrel

    Crime and Criminal

    Ah Rosie the joys of a dog run along the hedge been there, done that although truth be told we haven't got one now (a homemade dog run by the girls that is)our BIG Lad use to do it and to be...
    Ah Rosie the joys of a dog run along the hedge been there, done that although truth be told we haven't got one now (a homemade dog run by the girls that is)our BIG Lad use to do it and to be honest I wouldn't mind having to put up with his little run if I could wish him back.Our two old...
    Ah Rosie the joys of a dog run along the hedge been there, done that although truth be told we haven't got one now (a homemade dog run by the girls that is)our BIG Lad use to do it and to be honest I wouldn't mind having to put up with his little...
    Ah Rosie the joys of a dog run along the hedge been there, done that although truth be told we haven't got one now (a homemade dog run by the girls that is)our BIG Lad use to do it and to be...
  4. Bashy

    Lawn help

    Thanks guys. Yeah, the decking's looking great. A job I should really have done last year but kept putting it off. Well it's done now and the wife is pleased with it, and that's all that matters....
    Thanks guys. Yeah, the decking's looking great. A job I should really have done last year but kept putting it off. Well it's done now and the wife is pleased with it, and that's all that matters. It keeps her happy :)
    Thanks guys. Yeah, the decking's looking great. A job I should really have done last year but kept putting it off. Well it's done now and the wife is pleased with it, and that's all that matters. It keeps her happy :)
    Thanks guys. Yeah, the decking's looking great. A job I should really have done last year but kept putting it off. Well it's done now and the wife is pleased with it, and that's all that matters....
  5. colint

    Seed or lawn after moss removal ?

    Lots... less preparation with seed and cheaper than using turf, will also match in better.
    Lots... less preparation with seed and cheaper than using turf, will also match in better.
    Lots... less preparation with seed and cheaper than using turf, will also match in better.
    Lots... less preparation with seed and cheaper than using turf, will also match in better.
  6. trying hard

    Ideas to protect my front grass

    Pete, I agree. I live in a cul de sac and sometimes we can have as many as 6 or 7 vans and pickups taking up the limited parking spaces.
    Pete, I agree. I live in a cul de sac and sometimes we can have as many as 6 or 7 vans and pickups taking up the limited parking spaces.
    Pete, I agree. I live in a cul de sac and sometimes we can have as many as 6 or 7 vans and pickups taking up the limited parking spaces.
    Pete, I agree. I live in a cul de sac and sometimes we can have as many as 6 or 7 vans and pickups taking up the limited parking spaces.
  7. SJ


    I also do not use granulated weed and feed .Not only is it easy to overaply and scortch it is also expensive and as a trade user bulky to transport.For weeds I treat with spearhead ( the...
    I also do not use granulated weed and feed .Not only is it easy to overaply and scortch it is also expensive and as a trade user bulky to transport.For weeds I treat with spearhead ( the comercial equivelant of verdone)For green up regular sparys of ferrous sulphate and the ocasional...
    I also do not use granulated weed and feed .Not only is it easy to overaply and scortch it is also expensive and as a trade user bulky to transport.For weeds I treat with spearhead ( the comercial equivelant of verdone)For green up regular...
    I also do not use granulated weed and feed .Not only is it easy to overaply and scortch it is also expensive and as a trade user bulky to transport.For weeds I treat with spearhead ( the...
  8. j9xdr7

    weeds in lawn

  9. mztrouble

    new turf

    Id avoid walking on it for a few more weeks if poss, cut it when the weathers a bit dier on a high cut.Gradually lower your cutting heigh each time till you get to the height you normally cut at.
    Id avoid walking on it for a few more weeks if poss, cut it when the weathers a bit dier on a high cut.Gradually lower your cutting heigh each time till you get to the height you normally cut at.
    Id avoid walking on it for a few more weeks if poss, cut it when the weathers a bit dier on a high cut.Gradually lower your cutting heigh each time till you get to the height you normally cut at.
    Id avoid walking on it for a few more weeks if poss, cut it when the weathers a bit dier on a high cut.Gradually lower your cutting heigh each time till you get to the height you normally cut at.
  10. denpot

    X-Post - Help, i've killed my lawn..

    My father in law wanted to use general purpose weedkiller on the area around the bottom of the garden by the fence. He mixed it in a watering can at the outside tap (top of garden)then walked...
    My father in law wanted to use general purpose weedkiller on the area around the bottom of the garden by the fence. He mixed it in a watering can at the outside tap (top of garden)then walked across the lawn to the back fence. He never thought to see if the watering can was leaking, which it...
    My father in law wanted to use general purpose weedkiller on the area around the bottom of the garden by the fence. He mixed it in a watering can at the outside tap (top of garden)then walked across the lawn to the back fence. He never thought to...
    My father in law wanted to use general purpose weedkiller on the area around the bottom of the garden by the fence. He mixed it in a watering can at the outside tap (top of garden)then walked...
  11. denpot

    Help, i killed my lawn..

    You should have used a selective turf weedkiller like verdone.Scratch up the areas with a rake, then overseed. Stick a mix in a few handfulls of compost in with the seed so as to help it stick.
    You should have used a selective turf weedkiller like verdone.Scratch up the areas with a rake, then overseed. Stick a mix in a few handfulls of compost in with the seed so as to help it stick.
    You should have used a selective turf weedkiller like verdone.Scratch up the areas with a rake, then overseed. Stick a mix in a few handfulls of compost in with the seed so as to help it stick.
    You should have used a selective turf weedkiller like verdone.Scratch up the areas with a rake, then overseed. Stick a mix in a few handfulls of compost in with the seed so as to help it stick.
  12. Loofah

    Lawn seed

    Dwarf ryegrass preferably. Be aware that some of the cheaper grass mixtures contain nothing more than two agricultural, late heading grazing grasses in pretty boxes.
    Dwarf ryegrass preferably. Be aware that some of the cheaper grass mixtures contain nothing more than two agricultural, late heading grazing grasses in pretty boxes.
    Dwarf ryegrass preferably. Be aware that some of the cheaper grass mixtures contain nothing more than two agricultural, late heading grazing grasses in pretty boxes.
    Dwarf ryegrass preferably. Be aware that some of the cheaper grass mixtures contain nothing more than two agricultural, late heading grazing grasses in pretty boxes.
  13. bluey

    Grass Seed & treatment for semi shaded lawn areas

    I am also in the real world of horticulture! I'm 47 and have been doing my garden for 23yrs last 8 or 9 being totally tropical.
    I am also in the real world of horticulture! I'm 47 and have been doing my garden for 23yrs last 8 or 9 being totally tropical.
    I am also in the real world of horticulture! I'm 47 and have been doing my garden for 23yrs last 8 or 9 being totally tropical.
    I am also in the real world of horticulture! I'm 47 and have been doing my garden for 23yrs last 8 or 9 being totally tropical.
  14. intermiplants

    the last cut?

    inter, I might think about swapping at some time but don't hold your breathe :D . I don't feed, rake, scarify or weedkill any of my lawns. The lawn in the picture takes something less than 30...
    inter, I might think about swapping at some time but don't hold your breathe :D . I don't feed, rake, scarify or weedkill any of my lawns. The lawn in the picture takes something less than 30 minutes. Apart from two very small lawns that take more time getting the mower to them and then...
    inter, I might think about swapping at some time but don't hold your breathe :D . I don't feed, rake, scarify or weedkill any of my lawns. The lawn in the picture takes something less than 30 minutes. Apart from two very small lawns that...
    inter, I might think about swapping at some time but don't hold your breathe :D . I don't feed, rake, scarify or weedkill any of my lawns. The lawn in the picture takes something less than 30...
  15. khampson

    Mint in lawn, not good

    I don't know much about lawns but I'm OK on mint. Beechleaf is right. Keep mowing and occasionally sprinkle with sugar and vinegar. Oh and buy a leg of lamb. :D
    I don't know much about lawns but I'm OK on mint. Beechleaf is right. Keep mowing and occasionally sprinkle with sugar and vinegar. Oh and buy a leg of lamb. :D
    I don't know much about lawns but I'm OK on mint. Beechleaf is right. Keep mowing and occasionally sprinkle with sugar and vinegar. Oh and buy a leg of lamb. :D
    I don't know much about lawns but I'm OK on mint. Beechleaf is right. Keep mowing and occasionally sprinkle with sugar and vinegar. Oh and buy a leg of lamb. :D
  16. jachu

    What have I done to my lawn

    For overseeding. Cut your lawn quite short. Rake or scarify the surface to remove any thatch and expose a little soil as a seedbed. Apply good quality lawn seed at the recommended rate. Lightly...
    For overseeding. Cut your lawn quite short. Rake or scarify the surface to remove any thatch and expose a little soil as a seedbed. Apply good quality lawn seed at the recommended rate. Lightly rake again to get the seed down to the soil (as it won't grow stuck to the leaves of other grass...
    For overseeding. Cut your lawn quite short. Rake or scarify the surface to remove any thatch and expose a little soil as a seedbed. Apply good quality lawn seed at the recommended rate. Lightly rake again to get the seed down to the soil (as it...
    For overseeding. Cut your lawn quite short. Rake or scarify the surface to remove any thatch and expose a little soil as a seedbed. Apply good quality lawn seed at the recommended rate. Lightly...
  17. Lyn

    Help with lawn

  18. Greensman

    Greensman Lawn Care

    Hello All Members, We are a company called Greenman. We specialize in Lawn Care in the Cheshire Area. For a FREE lawn analysis please free call 08000 OR E-Mail us via our...
    Hello All Members, We are a company called Greenman. We specialize in Lawn Care in the Cheshire Area. For a FREE lawn analysis please free call 08000 OR E-Mail us via our website.www.greenman.net______________________________________________** EDITED ** [ 14. February 2008, 10:07 PM:...
    Hello All Members, We are a company called Greenman. We specialize in Lawn Care in the Cheshire Area. For a FREE lawn analysis please free call 08000 OR E-Mail us via our...
    Hello All Members, We are a company called Greenman. We specialize in Lawn Care in the Cheshire Area. For a FREE lawn analysis please free call 08000 OR E-Mail us via our...
  19. Jurassic

    Lawn Sand

    And it keeps the worms under control.
    And it keeps the worms under control.
    And it keeps the worms under control.
    And it keeps the worms under control.
  20. mcmac74

    weeds in new lawn

    I have eliminated all weeds in a lawn by regular scarifying. Grass seems to be the only thing that can withstand this treatment. Scarifying is best done just prior to mowing, so the leaves of the...
    I have eliminated all weeds in a lawn by regular scarifying. Grass seems to be the only thing that can withstand this treatment. Scarifying is best done just prior to mowing, so the leaves of the weeds are set up to be chopped off by the mower. So if you have the time and energy it is an...
    I have eliminated all weeds in a lawn by regular scarifying. Grass seems to be the only thing that can withstand this treatment. Scarifying is best done just prior to mowing, so the leaves of the weeds are set up to be chopped off by the mower....
    I have eliminated all weeds in a lawn by regular scarifying. Grass seems to be the only thing that can withstand this treatment. Scarifying is best done just prior to mowing, so the leaves of the...

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