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Garden Planting Discussion
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Ground Elder in my lawn
Hi Brada & Welcome, Yes I think weed killer is the way as well. You could use the gel Glyphosate type that you paint on individual leaves. Very effective as well... :( But I would say...
Hi Brada & Welcome, Yes I think weed killer is the way as well. You could use the gel Glyphosate type that you paint on individual leaves. Very effective as well... :( But I would say DO NOT :eek: mulch the clippings if you have ground elder in them as the tiniest bit will start...
Hi Brada & Welcome, Yes I think weed killer is the way as well. You could use the gel Glyphosate type that you paint on individual leaves. Very effective as well... :( But I would say DO NOT :eek: mulch the clippings if you have...
Hi Brada & Welcome, Yes I think weed killer is the way as well. You could use the gel Glyphosate type that you paint on individual leaves. Very effective as well... :( But I would say...
Aug 21, 2007
Marley Farley
Aug 26, 2007
Lawn Maintenance help
Hi thegooner and welcome. Firstly scarify, secondly aerate, thirdly add your top dressing and sweep this into the holes you made while aerating. Why do you need to overseed? But, more...
Hi thegooner and welcome. Firstly scarify, secondly aerate, thirdly add your top dressing and sweep this into the holes you made while aerating. Why do you need to overseed? But, more importantly,how long is the grass at present? David.
Hi thegooner and welcome. Firstly scarify, secondly aerate, thirdly add your top dressing and sweep this into the holes you made while aerating. Why do you need to overseed? But, more importantly,how long is the grass at present? David.
Hi thegooner and welcome. Firstly scarify, secondly aerate, thirdly add your top dressing and sweep this into the holes you made while aerating. Why do you need to overseed? But, more...
Aug 21, 2007
Aug 25, 2007
lawn seed....canada green any good?
Canada green is fantastic i used it in the outher hebrides which has to deal with 100mph+ winds and driving rain which is full of salt from the atlantic and after 6 months i was having to mow the...
Canada green is fantastic i used it in the outher hebrides which has to deal with 100mph+ winds and driving rain which is full of salt from the atlantic and after 6 months i was having to mow the lawn at least 3 times a week that was 5 years ago and apart from adding some evergreen complete once...
Canada green is fantastic i used it in the outher hebrides which has to deal with 100mph+ winds and driving rain which is full of salt from the atlantic and after 6 months i was having to mow the lawn at least 3 times a week that was 5 years ago...
Canada green is fantastic i used it in the outher hebrides which has to deal with 100mph+ winds and driving rain which is full of salt from the atlantic and after 6 months i was having to mow the...
Aug 9, 2007
Aug 25, 2007
Saving new lawn
Never been a believer in "all in one" products especially for lawns. I dont like pellets either, too many do's and don'ts. As Ive posted before, I use foliar feed treatments for lawns using a...
Never been a believer in "all in one" products especially for lawns. I dont like pellets either, too many do's and don'ts. As Ive posted before, I use foliar feed treatments for lawns using a hose end sprayer every two or three weeks thro the growing season. This way you get even feed and...
Never been a believer in "all in one" products especially for lawns. I dont like pellets either, too many do's and don'ts. As Ive posted before, I use foliar feed treatments for lawns using a hose end sprayer every two or three weeks thro the...
Never been a believer in "all in one" products especially for lawns. I dont like pellets either, too many do's and don'ts. As Ive posted before, I use foliar feed treatments for lawns using a...
Aug 2, 2007
Aug 15, 2007
(more) new lawn problems
Hi Mcmac,We had new turf laid at the end of April, after 8 weeks or so I was very disapointed with it, it was full of meadow grass had lots of bare bits and then developed red thread with all...
Hi Mcmac,We had new turf laid at the end of April, after 8 weeks or so I was very disapointed with it, it was full of meadow grass had lots of bare bits and then developed red thread with all the rain and big patches looked dead! It now looks so much better and is really thick and green,...
Hi Mcmac,We had new turf laid at the end of April, after 8 weeks or so I was very disapointed with it, it was full of meadow grass had lots of bare bits and then developed red thread with all the rain and big patches looked dead! It now looks...
Hi Mcmac,We had new turf laid at the end of April, after 8 weeks or so I was very disapointed with it, it was full of meadow grass had lots of bare bits and then developed red thread with all...
Aug 4, 2007
Aug 8, 2007
getting lines on lawns using flymo ?
hi dendrobiumyou know i have thought the very same thing my self it does look like normal grass and it does go flat if i sit on it maybe i will have to sit and get someone to drag me up and...
hi dendrobiumyou know i have thought the very same thing my self it does look like normal grass and it does go flat if i sit on it maybe i will have to sit and get someone to drag me up and down it :D :D :D im slowly giving up on stripes
hi dendrobiumyou know i have thought the very same thing my self it does look like normal grass and it does go flat if i sit on it maybe i will have to sit and get someone to drag me up and down it :D :D :D im slowly giving up on...
hi dendrobiumyou know i have thought the very same thing my self it does look like normal grass and it does go flat if i sit on it maybe i will have to sit and get someone to drag me up and...
May 12, 2007
Aug 6, 2007
New lawn - Help
Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay. Ditto for a hollow but add compost
Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay. Ditto for a hollow but add compost
Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay. Ditto for a hollow but add compost
Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay. Ditto for a hollow but add compost
Jul 29, 2007
Aug 6, 2007
Lawn problems - turfed in May, starting to thin with yellow/brown patches
After you have 'Wiggled' mix equal part of john innes soil compost with river[sharpe] sand and spread a thin layer over the surface and then sweep it into the holes. This will improve drainage...
After you have 'Wiggled' mix equal part of john innes soil compost with river[sharpe] sand and spread a thin layer over the surface and then sweep it into the holes. This will improve drainage and get some structure beneathe the lawn. repeat over the years.Liquid feed the turf every two...
After you have 'Wiggled' mix equal part of john innes soil compost with river[sharpe] sand and spread a thin layer over the surface and then sweep it into the holes. This will improve drainage and get some structure beneathe the lawn. repeat...
After you have 'Wiggled' mix equal part of john innes soil compost with river[sharpe] sand and spread a thin layer over the surface and then sweep it into the holes. This will improve drainage...
Jun 23, 2007
Aug 2, 2007
Mushrooms on me lawn!
I've had mushroomss in the lawn, and I just left them to do there job of breaking down the rubbish that's in there. When they had done there job I got rid of the top part.
I've had mushroomss in the lawn, and I just left them to do there job of breaking down the rubbish that's in there. When they had done there job I got rid of the top part.
I've had mushroomss in the lawn, and I just left them to do there job of breaking down the rubbish that's in there. When they had done there job I got rid of the top part.
I've had mushroomss in the lawn, and I just left them to do there job of breaking down the rubbish that's in there. When they had done there job I got rid of the top part.
Jul 26, 2007
Jul 31, 2007
Circular Lawn
Thanks Glen for your Input its appreciated, Who needs books when I have all my GC friends Here.
Thanks Glen for your Input its appreciated, Who needs books when I have all my GC friends Here.
Thanks Glen for your Input its appreciated, Who needs books when I have all my GC friends Here.
Thanks Glen for your Input its appreciated, Who needs books when I have all my GC friends Here.
Jul 28, 2007
Jul 28, 2007
Lawn Growing Asparagus!
Tell you what EGW,If you get anymore i will trade with you for the mushrooms growing on mine :D
Tell you what EGW,If you get anymore i will trade with you for the mushrooms growing on mine :D
Tell you what EGW,If you get anymore i will trade with you for the mushrooms growing on mine :D
Tell you what EGW,If you get anymore i will trade with you for the mushrooms growing on mine :D
Jun 29, 2007
Jul 27, 2007
Chamomile Lawn
Thanks for your kind words. I was influenced by a raised herb garden when I was a teenager. I wasn't into gardening but my grandparents took me (no idea where it was). The first plant I...
Thanks for your kind words. I was influenced by a raised herb garden when I was a teenager. I wasn't into gardening but my grandparents took me (no idea where it was). The first plant I remember which made an impression was a beautiful red Bergamot (Monarda) which had a wonderful scent - yet...
Thanks for your kind words. I was influenced by a raised herb garden when I was a teenager. I wasn't into gardening but my grandparents took me (no idea where it was). The first plant I remember which made an impression was a beautiful red...
Thanks for your kind words. I was influenced by a raised herb garden when I was a teenager. I wasn't into gardening but my grandparents took me (no idea where it was). The first plant I...
Jul 26, 2007
Jul 27, 2007
Sowing new lawn
Thank you so much, that's great advice!I've been trying to take out the biggest lumps, luckily there aren't too many big ones. Hopefully I'll be able to sow it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you so much, that's great advice!I've been trying to take out the biggest lumps, luckily there aren't too many big ones. Hopefully I'll be able to sow it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you so much, that's great advice!I've been trying to take out the biggest lumps, luckily there aren't too many big ones. Hopefully I'll be able to sow it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you so much, that's great advice!I've been trying to take out the biggest lumps, luckily there aren't too many big ones. Hopefully I'll be able to sow it in the next couple of weeks.
Jul 21, 2007
Jul 24, 2007
Grass is Dying
You can usually tell if the problem is through an applicatin that has been made of feed or killer, you will see the pattern in the lawn as say your arm swung as you applied.Patterns can tell you...
You can usually tell if the problem is through an applicatin that has been made of feed or killer, you will see the pattern in the lawn as say your arm swung as you applied.Patterns can tell you alot about the cause of a problem.Donovan
You can usually tell if the problem is through an applicatin that has been made of feed or killer, you will see the pattern in the lawn as say your arm swung as you applied.Patterns can tell you alot about the cause of a problem.Donovan
You can usually tell if the problem is through an applicatin that has been made of feed or killer, you will see the pattern in the lawn as say your arm swung as you applied.Patterns can tell you...
Jun 12, 2007
Jul 20, 2007
Growing a lawn on top of silt?
Sidonie, I entirely agree, the worst thing you can do is add salt to a garden, this is why you should never use bulders sand in the garden either. David.
Sidonie, I entirely agree, the worst thing you can do is add salt to a garden, this is why you should never use bulders sand in the garden either. David.
Sidonie, I entirely agree, the worst thing you can do is add salt to a garden, this is why you should never use bulders sand in the garden either. David.
Sidonie, I entirely agree, the worst thing you can do is add salt to a garden, this is why you should never use bulders sand in the garden either. David.
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 19, 2007
A real mess of a lawn!
I would just rake it to get the dead stuff off and reseed. It looks as though something has been on top of it for a while, in which case it shouldn't be necessary to dig it.
I would just rake it to get the dead stuff off and reseed. It looks as though something has been on top of it for a while, in which case it shouldn't be necessary to dig it.
I would just rake it to get the dead stuff off and reseed. It looks as though something has been on top of it for a while, in which case it shouldn't be necessary to dig it.
I would just rake it to get the dead stuff off and reseed. It looks as though something has been on top of it for a while, in which case it shouldn't be necessary to dig it.
Small orange giraffe
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 19, 2007
this is my lawn need help
Hi.I am no expert certainly, though i do love my lawn. The detailed picture you offer indicates a variety problem as much as anything. Differing varities of grass will flourish in different...
Hi.I am no expert certainly, though i do love my lawn. The detailed picture you offer indicates a variety problem as much as anything. Differing varities of grass will flourish in different conditions.I recon you have common bent or couch grass there on a sandy soil. Rhizomal grasses love...
Hi.I am no expert certainly, though i do love my lawn. The detailed picture you offer indicates a variety problem as much as anything. Differing varities of grass will flourish in different conditions.I recon you have common bent or couch...
Hi.I am no expert certainly, though i do love my lawn. The detailed picture you offer indicates a variety problem as much as anything. Differing varities of grass will flourish in different...
Jun 24, 2007
Jul 18, 2007
Ant hills in lawn
Oh, I sooooooooooooo enjoyed reading these solutions to the problem
Oh, I sooooooooooooo enjoyed reading these solutions to the problem
Oh, I sooooooooooooo enjoyed reading these solutions to the problem
Oh, I sooooooooooooo enjoyed reading these solutions to the problem
Jul 4, 2007
Jul 8, 2007
How long to let grass dry out before mowing?
Quite agree, TO. Assuming you have a petrol mower, IMO, you can cut your grass if it's a bit wet (not raining - I don't do that!) Picking up grass when it's wet is a bit of a problem, so I use...
Quite agree, TO. Assuming you have a petrol mower, IMO, you can cut your grass if it's a bit wet (not raining - I don't do that!) Picking up grass when it's wet is a bit of a problem, so I use either a big flymo, or more often recently, a mulcher mower. The mulcher leaves a tidier finish...
Quite agree, TO. Assuming you have a petrol mower, IMO, you can cut your grass if it's a bit wet (not raining - I don't do that!) Picking up grass when it's wet is a bit of a problem, so I use either a big flymo, or more often recently, a...
Quite agree, TO. Assuming you have a petrol mower, IMO, you can cut your grass if it's a bit wet (not raining - I don't do that!) Picking up grass when it's wet is a bit of a problem, so I use...
Jul 4, 2007
Jul 4, 2007
An unusual lawn feature
Definitely different!
Can't wait to see the others!
Definitely different!
Can't wait to see the others!
Definitely different!
Can't wait to see the others!
Definitely different!
Can't wait to see the others!
Jun 20, 2007
Jun 22, 2007
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