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  1. Joanann

    My poorly lawn

    Thanks, will keep you posted on my progress.Joanann
    Thanks, will keep you posted on my progress.Joanann
    Thanks, will keep you posted on my progress.Joanann
    Thanks, will keep you posted on my progress.Joanann
  2. Merroney

    How do I turn my lawn, that looks like a field, back to it's former glory?

    Hi MerroneyThis link might help you! Hope it helps. Sean
    Hi MerroneyThis link might help you! Hope it helps. Sean
    Hi MerroneyThis link might help you! Hope it helps. Sean
    Hi MerroneyThis link might help you! Hope it helps. Sean
  3. warped

    reseeding grass and levelling lawn

    I use exactly the same technique Dendy - boring job, but well worth the effort, even in my weed patch.
    I use exactly the same technique Dendy - boring job, but well worth the effort, even in my weed patch.
    I use exactly the same technique Dendy - boring job, but well worth the effort, even in my weed patch.
    I use exactly the same technique Dendy - boring job, but well worth the effort, even in my weed patch.
  4. compost maker

    when to cut crocus filled lawn

    Coucil round here have a lot of grassed areas with naturalised crocus and daffs. What they do is mow the main grass areas but leave the bulb filled areas untill the bulb leaves die back then cut...
    Coucil round here have a lot of grassed areas with naturalised crocus and daffs. What they do is mow the main grass areas but leave the bulb filled areas untill the bulb leaves die back then cut over sometime in June. Seems to work for them and we have glorious displays of spring bulbs every...
    Coucil round here have a lot of grassed areas with naturalised crocus and daffs. What they do is mow the main grass areas but leave the bulb filled areas untill the bulb leaves die back then cut over sometime in June. Seems to work for them and...
    Coucil round here have a lot of grassed areas with naturalised crocus and daffs. What they do is mow the main grass areas but leave the bulb filled areas untill the bulb leaves die back then cut...
  5. daisybelle

    Alternatives to grass

    my friend was also fed up with her lawn ,so she opted for artificial turf,sounds terrible looks great :D
    my friend was also fed up with her lawn ,so she opted for artificial turf,sounds terrible looks great :D
    my friend was also fed up with her lawn ,so she opted for artificial turf,sounds terrible looks great :D
    my friend was also fed up with her lawn ,so she opted for artificial turf,sounds terrible looks great :D
  6. mcmac74

    new house, bad lawn, please help...

    ThanksI've begun turning over the area and removing moss, weeds and old grass....its hard work but should be clear to rotovate next week. Is a 26mm depth gonna be good enough? Looked at HSS and...
    ThanksI've begun turning over the area and removing moss, weeds and old grass....its hard work but should be clear to rotovate next week. Is a 26mm depth gonna be good enough? Looked at HSS and thats the only one they do.Two other i need to put any weed killer treatment on the...
    ThanksI've begun turning over the area and removing moss, weeds and old grass....its hard work but should be clear to rotovate next week. Is a 26mm depth gonna be good enough? Looked at HSS and thats the only one they do.Two other
    ThanksI've begun turning over the area and removing moss, weeds and old grass....its hard work but should be clear to rotovate next week. Is a 26mm depth gonna be good enough? Looked at HSS and...
  7. Dillydo

    Moss in Lawns

    Apparantly the correct height to cut the lawn is one inch, if you scalp it moss is encouraged to grow.Good tip from the GreenThumb man :D
    Apparantly the correct height to cut the lawn is one inch, if you scalp it moss is encouraged to grow.Good tip from the GreenThumb man :D
    Apparantly the correct height to cut the lawn is one inch, if you scalp it moss is encouraged to grow.Good tip from the GreenThumb man :D
    Apparantly the correct height to cut the lawn is one inch, if you scalp it moss is encouraged to grow.Good tip from the GreenThumb man :D
  8. compost maker

    Lawn cutting HELP

  9. Barry D.

    Raised Lawn

    Can't think of a cheap alternative, but to bring in soil in the quantity required by the lorry load, as this is cheap when buying in bulk form.
    Can't think of a cheap alternative, but to bring in soil in the quantity required by the lorry load, as this is cheap when buying in bulk form.
    Can't think of a cheap alternative, but to bring in soil in the quantity required by the lorry load, as this is cheap when buying in bulk form.
    Can't think of a cheap alternative, but to bring in soil in the quantity required by the lorry load, as this is cheap when buying in bulk form.
  10. davesporty

    soggy dirty lawn

    I would wait till dryer weather and fork the lawn to aerate it. I assume the lawn is not boggy all the time? If it is, then fork and apply lawn sand to help drainage. At the end of the year and...
    I would wait till dryer weather and fork the lawn to aerate it. I assume the lawn is not boggy all the time? If it is, then fork and apply lawn sand to help drainage. At the end of the year and every year give it a good scarify to get rid of old thatch that accumulates over the season.
    I would wait till dryer weather and fork the lawn to aerate it. I assume the lawn is not boggy all the time? If it is, then fork and apply lawn sand to help drainage. At the end of the year and every year give it a good scarify to get rid of old...
    I would wait till dryer weather and fork the lawn to aerate it. I assume the lawn is not boggy all the time? If it is, then fork and apply lawn sand to help drainage. At the end of the year and...
  11. pollyanne


    Hi Pollyanne, i mowed someones lawn today- it certainly seems to have started growing early this year. I understand that the growing point of grass varies dependant on the time of year, so if you...
    Hi Pollyanne, i mowed someones lawn today- it certainly seems to have started growing early this year. I understand that the growing point of grass varies dependant on the time of year, so if you go too short (when the growing point is high) it shocks it quite bad and it takes a fair while to...
    Hi Pollyanne, i mowed someones lawn today- it certainly seems to have started growing early this year. I understand that the growing point of grass varies dependant on the time of year, so if you go too short (when the growing point is high) it...
    Hi Pollyanne, i mowed someones lawn today- it certainly seems to have started growing early this year. I understand that the growing point of grass varies dependant on the time of year, so if you...
  12. Stingo

    Anyone cut their lawn yet?

    Cut mine they look ok, what I do this time of the year because the grass is always wet through rain or dew is a few hours before I plan on cutting it I drag a brush all over it this knocks the...
    Cut mine they look ok, what I do this time of the year because the grass is always wet through rain or dew is a few hours before I plan on cutting it I drag a brush all over it this knocks the excess water drops to ground level then it makes it that bit drier cutting it later
    Cut mine they look ok, what I do this time of the year because the grass is always wet through rain or dew is a few hours before I plan on cutting it I drag a brush all over it this knocks the excess water drops to ground level then it makes it...
    Cut mine they look ok, what I do this time of the year because the grass is always wet through rain or dew is a few hours before I plan on cutting it I drag a brush all over it this knocks the...
  13. Elle T

    What Grass Seed to use? HELP!

    It would be well worth some preparatory work before sowing seed, Elle (Welcome, btw! :D )Chances are the bogginess is because of the usual builders' rubbish left behind. We had this problem...
    It would be well worth some preparatory work before sowing seed, Elle (Welcome, btw! :D )Chances are the bogginess is because of the usual builders' rubbish left behind. We had this problem too, although I didn't particularly want to lay grass on the soil. What I did was to dig over the...
    It would be well worth some preparatory work before sowing seed, Elle (Welcome, btw! :D )Chances are the bogginess is because of the usual builders' rubbish left behind. We had this problem too, although I didn't particularly want to lay...
    It would be well worth some preparatory work before sowing seed, Elle (Welcome, btw! :D )Chances are the bogginess is because of the usual builders' rubbish left behind. We had this problem...
  14. lynne


    Hi LynneI've just had a leaflet through the door for greenthumb and was thinking about making some enquiries as my lawn is awful at the moment.So you found them good at first but not so much...
    Hi LynneI've just had a leaflet through the door for greenthumb and was thinking about making some enquiries as my lawn is awful at the moment.So you found them good at first but not so much now?Sorry I can't help you with Lawnsmart
    Hi LynneI've just had a leaflet through the door for greenthumb and was thinking about making some enquiries as my lawn is awful at the moment.So you found them good at first but not so much now?Sorry I can't help you with Lawnsmart
    Hi LynneI've just had a leaflet through the door for greenthumb and was thinking about making some enquiries as my lawn is awful at the moment.So you found them good at first but not so much...
  15. Jayce_K

    Advice welcomed on grass/weed removal..

    Morning! Firstly - congrats on getting that job!! (I was workless for quite a while, so I know how lousy it is!)I've used Roundup on the farmyard here, and it worked. The weeds died. And...
    Morning! Firstly - congrats on getting that job!! (I was workless for quite a while, so I know how lousy it is!)I've used Roundup on the farmyard here, and it worked. The weeds died. And yes, it does get neutralised by the soil. I know because a new lot of weeds has come back!! :( ...
    Morning! Firstly - congrats on getting that job!! (I was workless for quite a while, so I know how lousy it is!)I've used Roundup on the farmyard here, and it worked. The weeds died. And yes, it does get neutralised by the soil. I know...
    Morning! Firstly - congrats on getting that job!! (I was workless for quite a while, so I know how lousy it is!)I've used Roundup on the farmyard here, and it worked. The weeds died. And...
  16. Jane Louise

    Sowing grass seed in March

    remember dont sow the seed too thickly or damping off may occur
    remember dont sow the seed too thickly or damping off may occur
    remember dont sow the seed too thickly or damping off may occur
    remember dont sow the seed too thickly or damping off may occur
  17. daisybelle

    Putting sand on lawns

    I use a medium fine sand.
    I use a medium fine sand.
    I use a medium fine sand.
    I use a medium fine sand.
  18. oldwinegum

    after thirty five i need to improve the lawn. Help!!

    Do a Springtime feed & weed, plus aerating, or else call Green Thumb to do it all for you!!
    Do a Springtime feed & weed, plus aerating, or else call Green Thumb to do it all for you!!
    Do a Springtime feed & weed, plus aerating, or else call Green Thumb to do it all for you!!
    Do a Springtime feed & weed, plus aerating, or else call Green Thumb to do it all for you!!
  19. Tiarella

    Lawn help please

    Update: Green Thumb called me today to say they DO do my area They are coming round on Saturday to do a free assessment! Yipeeeeeeeeee.
    Update: Green Thumb called me today to say they DO do my area They are coming round on Saturday to do a free assessment! Yipeeeeeeeeee.
    Update: Green Thumb called me today to say they DO do my area They are coming round on Saturday to do a free assessment! Yipeeeeeeeeee.
    Update: Green Thumb called me today to say they DO do my area They are coming round on Saturday to do a free assessment! Yipeeeeeeeeee.
  20. The Lawn Man

    Lawn Pests

    Starlings and blackbirds will keep leather jackets under control. Chemicals kill friends and foes indiscriminately and will make your garden a wildlife-free zone. You will be ever more ...
    Starlings and blackbirds will keep leather jackets under control. Chemicals kill friends and foes indiscriminately and will make your garden a wildlife-free zone. You will be ever more dependent on poisons and locked into an arms race that you can never win.
    Starlings and blackbirds will keep leather jackets under control. Chemicals kill friends and foes indiscriminately and will make your garden a wildlife-free zone. You will be ever more dependent on poisons and locked into an arms race ...
    Starlings and blackbirds will keep leather jackets under control. Chemicals kill friends and foes indiscriminately and will make your garden a wildlife-free zone. You will be ever more ...

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