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  1. pollyanne


    We laid our new lawn in June this year - just before the hosepipe bans were put into place!We made sure that each roll was pushed up to the next one so that there were no gaps as it does shrink...
    We laid our new lawn in June this year - just before the hosepipe bans were put into place!We made sure that each roll was pushed up to the next one so that there were no gaps as it does shrink slightly. Make sure that yours is watered enough and I agree with Frogesque about sowing seed in...
    We laid our new lawn in June this year - just before the hosepipe bans were put into place!We made sure that each roll was pushed up to the next one so that there were no gaps as it does shrink slightly. Make sure that yours is watered enough...
    We laid our new lawn in June this year - just before the hosepipe bans were put into place!We made sure that each roll was pushed up to the next one so that there were no gaps as it does shrink...
  2. richardw


    If its green slime then it is algae.
    If its green slime then it is algae.
    If its green slime then it is algae.
    If its green slime then it is algae.
  3. pauljrog

    Planning a lawn question

    The compost will oxidize and disappear over a few years, and has limited nutrient holding capacity - in 3 years you will have a problem. This year the peat bogs that supply its main component will...
    The compost will oxidize and disappear over a few years, and has limited nutrient holding capacity - in 3 years you will have a problem. This year the peat bogs that supply its main component will have a problem.You can buy 1 tonne bags (builder bags) of OK soil from Rolawn for approx �£60,...
    The compost will oxidize and disappear over a few years, and has limited nutrient holding capacity - in 3 years you will have a problem. This year the peat bogs that supply its main component will have a problem.You can buy 1 tonne bags (builder...
    The compost will oxidize and disappear over a few years, and has limited nutrient holding capacity - in 3 years you will have a problem. This year the peat bogs that supply its main component will...
  4. Victoria

    Grasses for a Shady Spot

    Mmmm, would have to see it in real life. Stil want that other though!
    Mmmm, would have to see it in real life. Stil want that other though!
    Mmmm, would have to see it in real life. Stil want that other though!
    Mmmm, would have to see it in real life. Stil want that other though!
  5. Royster

    Lifting lawn and using it for soil

    Ok Dave W. I'll bear this in mind too. Thanks! Royster
    Ok Dave W. I'll bear this in mind too. Thanks! Royster
    Ok Dave W. I'll bear this in mind too. Thanks! Royster
    Ok Dave W. I'll bear this in mind too. Thanks! Royster
  6. Honey Bee

    I have grass!!!!!! :o)))

    If you put in the short morning glory (only 12 inches), then it doesn't get too straggly. Fancy sent me some seeds which I planted last weekend and they are up already so will bloom early in the...
    If you put in the short morning glory (only 12 inches), then it doesn't get too straggly. Fancy sent me some seeds which I planted last weekend and they are up already so will bloom early in the year. You could sow now, then again in the Spring for a second crop (it's too hot here to do...
    If you put in the short morning glory (only 12 inches), then it doesn't get too straggly. Fancy sent me some seeds which I planted last weekend and they are up already so will bloom early in the year. You could sow now, then again in the Spring...
    If you put in the short morning glory (only 12 inches), then it doesn't get too straggly. Fancy sent me some seeds which I planted last weekend and they are up already so will bloom early in the...
  7. paul walker

    my lawn needs help

    there are quite a few things to think about here, a good lawn needs drainage, so does it get waterlogged easily? you might need to topdress with coarse sand, and fork the ground to assist...
    there are quite a few things to think about here, a good lawn needs drainage, so does it get waterlogged easily? you might need to topdress with coarse sand, and fork the ground to assist drainage is it getting enough sunlight ...... or is it totally shaded? the black slime suggests a disease,...
    there are quite a few things to think about here, a good lawn needs drainage, so does it get waterlogged easily? you might need to topdress with coarse sand, and fork the ground to assist drainage is it getting enough sunlight ...... or is it...
    there are quite a few things to think about here, a good lawn needs drainage, so does it get waterlogged easily? you might need to topdress with coarse sand, and fork the ground to assist...
  8. Murdoch

    Patchy lawn

    it has to be sharp sand [concreting/horticultural].... gritty, not the kind used for mortar, top dressing with topsoil / sand loam plus slow release autum fertiliser then broadcast on grass seed,...
    it has to be sharp sand [concreting/horticultural].... gritty, not the kind used for mortar, top dressing with topsoil / sand loam plus slow release autum fertiliser then broadcast on grass seed, the seed needs to be on top, it is really quite late in the year for grass seed, but it can all be...
    it has to be sharp sand [concreting/horticultural].... gritty, not the kind used for mortar, top dressing with topsoil / sand loam plus slow release autum fertiliser then broadcast on grass seed, the seed needs to be on top, it is really quite...
    it has to be sharp sand [concreting/horticultural].... gritty, not the kind used for mortar, top dressing with topsoil / sand loam plus slow release autum fertiliser then broadcast on grass seed,...
  9. Gardener Claire

    Mushrooms in Lawn

    its the weather whats making the mushrooms grow on your lawn.
    its the weather whats making the mushrooms grow on your lawn.
    its the weather whats making the mushrooms grow on your lawn.
    its the weather whats making the mushrooms grow on your lawn.
  10. lynne

    grass seed

    I bought it, left it in the shed, and the mice loved it! Cleared it in one week! Probably not the experience you were looking for.
    I bought it, left it in the shed, and the mice loved it! Cleared it in one week! Probably not the experience you were looking for.
    I bought it, left it in the shed, and the mice loved it! Cleared it in one week! Probably not the experience you were looking for.
    I bought it, left it in the shed, and the mice loved it! Cleared it in one week! Probably not the experience you were looking for.
  11. harryb

    Lawn Moss

    I think it would be OK to use lawn sand.
    I think it would be OK to use lawn sand.
    I think it would be OK to use lawn sand.
    I think it would be OK to use lawn sand.
  12. windy miller

    turf stripper

    Think I'd do the same. Just think of your virtuous hard work as you sit with your feet up at the end of the day!PS bit excited by the biscuit references..I'm a Waitrose triple nut shortbread fan.
    Think I'd do the same. Just think of your virtuous hard work as you sit with your feet up at the end of the day!PS bit excited by the biscuit references..I'm a Waitrose triple nut shortbread fan.
    Think I'd do the same. Just think of your virtuous hard work as you sit with your feet up at the end of the day!PS bit excited by the biscuit references..I'm a Waitrose triple nut shortbread fan.
    Think I'd do the same. Just think of your virtuous hard work as you sit with your feet up at the end of the day!PS bit excited by the biscuit references..I'm a Waitrose triple nut shortbread fan.
  13. gardencat

    Will a New Lawn work on this surface ?

    Your welcome. Preperation of the surface can be a hard work, but the results will more than pay back, as you sit on your greensward, sipping a glass of chilled wine :D
    Your welcome. Preperation of the surface can be a hard work, but the results will more than pay back, as you sit on your greensward, sipping a glass of chilled wine :D
    Your welcome. Preperation of the surface can be a hard work, but the results will more than pay back, as you sit on your greensward, sipping a glass of chilled wine :D
    Your welcome. Preperation of the surface can be a hard work, but the results will more than pay back, as you sit on your greensward, sipping a glass of chilled wine :D
  14. ikay

    Plant taking over my lawn

    ground elder is perniscious. it looks like the leaf on the canadian flag, it can be tiny or big, the roots are typically white and link up to each new plants, try painting on glycophosphate,...
    ground elder is perniscious. it looks like the leaf on the canadian flag, it can be tiny or big, the roots are typically white and link up to each new plants, try painting on glycophosphate, plantain has thick stap like leaves
    ground elder is perniscious. it looks like the leaf on the canadian flag, it can be tiny or big, the roots are typically white and link up to each new plants, try painting on glycophosphate, plantain has thick stap like leaves
    ground elder is perniscious. it looks like the leaf on the canadian flag, it can be tiny or big, the roots are typically white and link up to each new plants, try painting on glycophosphate,...
  15. mowgley

    turf preparation

    thanks for the replies. I will be buying the turf from rolawn. I will take your advice and rake in some bonemeal into soil before laying the turf. As well as removing the old turf, i have to...
    thanks for the replies. I will be buying the turf from rolawn. I will take your advice and rake in some bonemeal into soil before laying the turf. As well as removing the old turf, i have to remove 4 hardy fuchsia's from the corners of the old lawn, do these root deeply? Will they start to...
    thanks for the replies. I will be buying the turf from rolawn. I will take your advice and rake in some bonemeal into soil before laying the turf. As well as removing the old turf, i have to remove 4 hardy fuchsia's from the corners of the old...
    thanks for the replies. I will be buying the turf from rolawn. I will take your advice and rake in some bonemeal into soil before laying the turf. As well as removing the old turf, i have to...
  16. pollyanne

    newly turfed lawnf

    Cool jazid, good to see you back mate. :D
    Cool jazid, good to see you back mate. :D
    Cool jazid, good to see you back mate. :D
    Cool jazid, good to see you back mate. :D
  17. Honey


    Well, that is a lot of work. Be sure you get every scrap of root out, otherwise you may find you have a lawn with patches of whatever this is coming through it.
    Well, that is a lot of work. Be sure you get every scrap of root out, otherwise you may find you have a lawn with patches of whatever this is coming through it.
    Well, that is a lot of work. Be sure you get every scrap of root out, otherwise you may find you have a lawn with patches of whatever this is coming through it.
    Well, that is a lot of work. Be sure you get every scrap of root out, otherwise you may find you have a lawn with patches of whatever this is coming through it.
  18. MJME

    Lawn woes

    MJMEI have exactly the same problem as you.And I'm going to do what BM has suggested to you enlarge the bed. I think it will look more attractive as lawn is okay but boring, wheras planting...
    MJMEI have exactly the same problem as you.And I'm going to do what BM has suggested to you enlarge the bed. I think it will look more attractive as lawn is okay but boring, wheras planting new things will add more variety and colour.Think I'm going to do mine in the spring though.Stingo
    MJMEI have exactly the same problem as you.And I'm going to do what BM has suggested to you enlarge the bed. I think it will look more attractive as lawn is okay but boring, wheras planting new things will add more variety and colour.Think...
    MJMEI have exactly the same problem as you.And I'm going to do what BM has suggested to you enlarge the bed. I think it will look more attractive as lawn is okay but boring, wheras planting...
  19. Gogs


    Any ideas where i can buy some tall growing varigated grasses,i stupidly left some at our previous home
    Any ideas where i can buy some tall growing varigated grasses,i stupidly left some at our previous home
    Any ideas where i can buy some tall growing varigated grasses,i stupidly left some at our previous home
    Any ideas where i can buy some tall growing varigated grasses,i stupidly left some at our previous home
  20. elainem

    Smelly Lawn

    EU got all sniffy about testing insecticides and fungicides so Armatillox is now sold as a general cleaner. As LoL points out it does smell (Of disinfectant - like an old fashioned really clean...
    EU got all sniffy about testing insecticides and fungicides so Armatillox is now sold as a general cleaner. As LoL points out it does smell (Of disinfectant - like an old fashioned really clean Casualy Department :cool: ) It's my weapon of choice for anything mossy, green and slimey or smelling of...
    EU got all sniffy about testing insecticides and fungicides so Armatillox is now sold as a general cleaner. As LoL points out it does smell (Of disinfectant - like an old fashioned really clean Casualy Department :cool: ) It's my weapon of choice...
    EU got all sniffy about testing insecticides and fungicides so Armatillox is now sold as a general cleaner. As LoL points out it does smell (Of disinfectant - like an old fashioned really clean...

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