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Garden Planting Discussion
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Turf on top of Turf
Sorry, late again. It's not best practice but can be done, saving time & money (who's paying?) :(
Sorry, late again. It's not best practice but can be done, saving time & money (who's paying?) :(
Sorry, late again. It's not best practice but can be done, saving time & money (who's paying?) :(
Sorry, late again. It's not best practice but can be done, saving time & money (who's paying?) :(
Mar 7, 2006
Mar 8, 2006
Grass - do I cut it back?
Great - thanks - will get out there and do it as soon as the weather calms down a bit :rolleyes:
Great - thanks - will get out there and do it as soon as the weather calms down a bit :rolleyes:
Great - thanks - will get out there and do it as soon as the weather calms down a bit :rolleyes:
Great - thanks - will get out there and do it as soon as the weather calms down a bit :rolleyes:
Mar 7, 2006
Mar 8, 2006
Grass Garden ?
rhs site, with plant selector is probaly quickest option for specific answers. I love grasses, but haven't direct info on sizes, except that ophiopogon is lovely but small, and pampas grass is...
rhs site, with plant selector is probaly quickest option for specific answers. I love grasses, but haven't direct info on sizes, except that ophiopogon is lovely but small, and pampas grass is probably a bit tall! I partic like festuca glauca, but again, maybe a bit small for you? Pennisetum...
rhs site, with plant selector is probaly quickest option for specific answers. I love grasses, but haven't direct info on sizes, except that ophiopogon is lovely but small, and pampas grass is probably a bit tall! I partic like festuca glauca,...
rhs site, with plant selector is probaly quickest option for specific answers. I love grasses, but haven't direct info on sizes, except that ophiopogon is lovely but small, and pampas grass is...
Mar 4, 2006
Mar 5, 2006
new lawn
This time of year you are looking around 4 to 6 weeks to start to knit and lay root in to the ground.One way to test to see what is going on, try the pull test. Find the edge of one of the turfs...
This time of year you are looking around 4 to 6 weeks to start to knit and lay root in to the ground.One way to test to see what is going on, try the pull test. Find the edge of one of the turfs and give it a gentle pull, if it comes away easily you know it has not fused.As for cutting the...
This time of year you are looking around 4 to 6 weeks to start to knit and lay root in to the ground.One way to test to see what is going on, try the pull test. Find the edge of one of the turfs and give it a gentle pull, if it comes away...
This time of year you are looking around 4 to 6 weeks to start to knit and lay root in to the ground.One way to test to see what is going on, try the pull test. Find the edge of one of the turfs...
Feb 26, 2006
Feb 27, 2006
Advice on how to level lawn appreciated...
If it is not a massive lawn you could use a straight edge. This could be a piece of timber, also knock in, as working, small pegs to give you a guide for leveling and filling in.
If it is not a massive lawn you could use a straight edge. This could be a piece of timber, also knock in, as working, small pegs to give you a guide for leveling and filling in.
If it is not a massive lawn you could use a straight edge. This could be a piece of timber, also knock in, as working, small pegs to give you a guide for leveling and filling in.
If it is not a massive lawn you could use a straight edge. This could be a piece of timber, also knock in, as working, small pegs to give you a guide for leveling and filling in.
Feb 21, 2006
Feb 22, 2006
new lawn
the area is 110msq It has been raining lately and there has been puddles on the top left, but will the turf grow okay on top of the 50mm top soil. The clayish surface isn't completely compact...
the area is 110msq It has been raining lately and there has been puddles on the top left, but will the turf grow okay on top of the 50mm top soil. The clayish surface isn't completely compact together.
the area is 110msq It has been raining lately and there has been puddles on the top left, but will the turf grow okay on top of the 50mm top soil. The clayish surface isn't completely compact together.
the area is 110msq It has been raining lately and there has been puddles on the top left, but will the turf grow okay on top of the 50mm top soil. The clayish surface isn't completely compact...
Feb 18, 2006
Feb 19, 2006
Yellow Lawn!!!!
I work full time on a clay soil and have now got the lawns, about 6 acres, pretty good, even the croquet area is as good as golf greens. The problem with clay soil is it retains moisture and...
I work full time on a clay soil and have now got the lawns, about 6 acres, pretty good, even the croquet area is as good as golf greens. The problem with clay soil is it retains moisture and you get some areas that seem more quoggy than others, some simple tips to help, but not...
I work full time on a clay soil and have now got the lawns, about 6 acres, pretty good, even the croquet area is as good as golf greens. The problem with clay soil is it retains moisture and you get some areas that seem more quoggy than...
I work full time on a clay soil and have now got the lawns, about 6 acres, pretty good, even the croquet area is as good as golf greens. The problem with clay soil is it retains moisture and...
Feb 13, 2006
Feb 16, 2006
dead grass
I have an elderly friend and her dog piddles all over her lawn terrible mess. Can't you dog lovers train your doggies to wee in one area? Fence a bit off perhaps until it learns.
I have an elderly friend and her dog piddles all over her lawn terrible mess. Can't you dog lovers train your doggies to wee in one area? Fence a bit off perhaps until it learns.
I have an elderly friend and her dog piddles all over her lawn terrible mess. Can't you dog lovers train your doggies to wee in one area? Fence a bit off perhaps until it learns.
I have an elderly friend and her dog piddles all over her lawn terrible mess. Can't you dog lovers train your doggies to wee in one area? Fence a bit off perhaps until it learns.
Feb 12, 2006
Feb 14, 2006
Spongy, wet lawn
So far as I know, I believe a wet, soggy lawn to be indicative of moss and thatch - dead grass. So what your lawn needs is scarifying. Take a look at this site, it's a mine of good...
So far as I know, I believe a wet, soggy lawn to be indicative of moss and thatch - dead grass. So what your lawn needs is scarifying. Take a look at this site, it's a mine of good tips. http://www.lawn-care-tips.co.uk/lawn-maintenance/index.htm
So far as I know, I believe a wet, soggy lawn to be indicative of moss and thatch - dead grass. So what your lawn needs is scarifying. Take a look at this site, it's a mine of good tips. http://www.lawn-care-tips.co.uk/lawn-maintenance/index.htm
So far as I know, I believe a wet, soggy lawn to be indicative of moss and thatch - dead grass. So what your lawn needs is scarifying. Take a look at this site, it's a mine of good...
Feb 11, 2006
Feb 11, 2006
New lawn but when is best?
Before you go ahead with your plans to dig up and re-turf, what are the main problems with the old grass? What do you mean by tired? too many weeds? moss? Would it be possable to re-juvinate this...
Before you go ahead with your plans to dig up and re-turf, what are the main problems with the old grass? What do you mean by tired? too many weeds? moss? Would it be possable to re-juvinate this sad grass, and save you money, time, and back ache. Lawn sand applied in February will kill off moss...
Before you go ahead with your plans to dig up and re-turf, what are the main problems with the old grass? What do you mean by tired? too many weeds? moss? Would it be possable to re-juvinate this sad grass, and save you money, time, and back...
Before you go ahead with your plans to dig up and re-turf, what are the main problems with the old grass? What do you mean by tired? too many weeds? moss? Would it be possable to re-juvinate this...
Feb 8, 2006
terry od
Feb 10, 2006
bumpy lawn question!
Grass from seed takes quite a time to make a hard useable lawn, 2 years at least and you need a mix with ryegrass for strength and useability. On the other hand you could go the instant lawn way...
Grass from seed takes quite a time to make a hard useable lawn, 2 years at least and you need a mix with ryegrass for strength and useability. On the other hand you could go the instant lawn way and that is ready for light traffic very soon but must be kept well watered for the first summer....
Grass from seed takes quite a time to make a hard useable lawn, 2 years at least and you need a mix with ryegrass for strength and useability. On the other hand you could go the instant lawn way and that is ready for light traffic very soon but...
Grass from seed takes quite a time to make a hard useable lawn, 2 years at least and you need a mix with ryegrass for strength and useability. On the other hand you could go the instant lawn way...
Feb 8, 2006
Feb 10, 2006
Very well summed up Palustris. By not feeding you encourage the roots to look for nutrients in the soil beneath the turf which speeds up the knitting process.
Very well summed up Palustris. By not feeding you encourage the roots to look for nutrients in the soil beneath the turf which speeds up the knitting process.
Very well summed up Palustris. By not feeding you encourage the roots to look for nutrients in the soil beneath the turf which speeds up the knitting process.
Very well summed up Palustris. By not feeding you encourage the roots to look for nutrients in the soil beneath the turf which speeds up the knitting process.
Feb 8, 2006
Feb 8, 2006
Laying a new lawn?
Me thinks it's a bit late for lisa to worry about mad cow and all that! :D
Me thinks it's a bit late for lisa to worry about mad cow and all that! :D
Me thinks it's a bit late for lisa to worry about mad cow and all that! :D
Me thinks it's a bit late for lisa to worry about mad cow and all that! :D
Jan 26, 2006
Jan 29, 2006
Improving my Lawn
Besides aerating, and raking the thatch - I would suggest feeding it once it starts growing again - and keep it trimmed. Blades set high at the beginning of the season, and then lower. Cutting the...
Besides aerating, and raking the thatch - I would suggest feeding it once it starts growing again - and keep it trimmed. Blades set high at the beginning of the season, and then lower. Cutting the grass and feeding should cause it to fill out - unless there is something in the soil that is not...
Besides aerating, and raking the thatch - I would suggest feeding it once it starts growing again - and keep it trimmed. Blades set high at the beginning of the season, and then lower. Cutting the grass and feeding should cause it to fill out -...
Besides aerating, and raking the thatch - I would suggest feeding it once it starts growing again - and keep it trimmed. Blades set high at the beginning of the season, and then lower. Cutting the...
Jan 25, 2006
Jan 25, 2006
Grass is turning black and dying
without further info, i have to assume some sort of black mould.......if so, rake vigorously wih a spring tine rake, aerate with fork to improve drainage, re seed when temperature is higher.......
without further info, i have to assume some sort of black mould.......if so, rake vigorously wih a spring tine rake, aerate with fork to improve drainage, re seed when temperature is higher.... you soil needs to be 5 degrees C
without further info, i have to assume some sort of black mould.......if so, rake vigorously wih a spring tine rake, aerate with fork to improve drainage, re seed when temperature is higher.... you soil needs to be 5 degrees C
without further info, i have to assume some sort of black mould.......if so, rake vigorously wih a spring tine rake, aerate with fork to improve drainage, re seed when temperature is higher.......
Jan 13, 2006
Lady Gardener
Jan 14, 2006
Worm Casts on Lawn
Hi md, I bought some last year from local petshop by Vetzyme. It was for my sister's 2 dogs who tend to use gravel- apparently it worked well!
Hi md, I bought some last year from local petshop by Vetzyme. It was for my sister's 2 dogs who tend to use gravel- apparently it worked well!
Hi md, I bought some last year from local petshop by Vetzyme. It was for my sister's 2 dogs who tend to use gravel- apparently it worked well!
Hi md, I bought some last year from local petshop by Vetzyme. It was for my sister's 2 dogs who tend to use gravel- apparently it worked well!
Sep 19, 2005
Jan 12, 2006
Lawn seems to be dying :-(
Your female dog's urine is poisonous to your lawn, if possible have a special area for your dog to pee, also the drainage problem is possably the turf people but it could be that there is no grass...
Your female dog's urine is poisonous to your lawn, if possible have a special area for your dog to pee, also the drainage problem is possably the turf people but it could be that there is no grass to absorb all the water, don't cut the grass too short, let the grass grow normally and in spring...
Your female dog's urine is poisonous to your lawn, if possible have a special area for your dog to pee, also the drainage problem is possably the turf people but it could be that there is no grass to absorb all the water, don't cut the grass too...
Your female dog's urine is poisonous to your lawn, if possible have a special area for your dog to pee, also the drainage problem is possably the turf people but it could be that there is no grass...
Nov 13, 2005
The Little Gardener
Jan 7, 2006
making lawn
Thanks for the tip, Rudham (again!) I'm planning to relay my lawn as the chap who did it, put in 15tons of topsoil beforehand - almost pure clay! So after 5 years of struggle, I'm giving up and...
Thanks for the tip, Rudham (again!) I'm planning to relay my lawn as the chap who did it, put in 15tons of topsoil beforehand - almost pure clay! So after 5 years of struggle, I'm giving up and starting again!
Thanks for the tip, Rudham (again!) I'm planning to relay my lawn as the chap who did it, put in 15tons of topsoil beforehand - almost pure clay! So after 5 years of struggle, I'm giving up and starting again!
Thanks for the tip, Rudham (again!) I'm planning to relay my lawn as the chap who did it, put in 15tons of topsoil beforehand - almost pure clay! So after 5 years of struggle, I'm giving up and...
Jan 5, 2006
Jan 7, 2006
dog urine damage on lawns [re: my lawn is dying]
Yes I have a dog, a bitch, and all the bare patched to prove it, still I've never really been one to worry too much about the grass (its not a lawn), but it does look a bit scruffy in summer or...
Yes I have a dog, a bitch, and all the bare patched to prove it, still I've never really been one to worry too much about the grass (its not a lawn), but it does look a bit scruffy in summer or after a frosty spell. Thats an interesting artical, dont know if she'll like tomato juice, I'll have...
Yes I have a dog, a bitch, and all the bare patched to prove it, still I've never really been one to worry too much about the grass (its not a lawn), but it does look a bit scruffy in summer or after a frosty spell. Thats an interesting artical,...
Yes I have a dog, a bitch, and all the bare patched to prove it, still I've never really been one to worry too much about the grass (its not a lawn), but it does look a bit scruffy in summer or...
Nov 14, 2005
Nov 14, 2005
Lawn-Moss sclarifier??
I know the feeling michaelmas daisy. However that said, I haven't given up hope on mine - and morning exercises sorted the shoulder problems for me - thanks to my local osteopath.
I know the feeling michaelmas daisy. However that said, I haven't given up hope on mine - and morning exercises sorted the shoulder problems for me - thanks to my local osteopath.
I know the feeling michaelmas daisy. However that said, I haven't given up hope on mine - and morning exercises sorted the shoulder problems for me - thanks to my local osteopath.
I know the feeling michaelmas daisy. However that said, I haven't given up hope on mine - and morning exercises sorted the shoulder problems for me - thanks to my local osteopath.
Oct 31, 2005
Nov 1, 2005
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