New Members Introduction

A Place For New Members To Come And Introduce Themselves To The Forum. - JUST INTRODUCTIONS; NO QUESTIONS IN HERE PLEASE

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  1. tampabay

    Hello to everyone

    Hard landscaping is the framework - the walls, paths, fences, holes, channels, mounds - tarmac, stone, brick, gravel, plastic, concrete - can include the wiring, and drainage, and water supply...
    Hard landscaping is the framework - the walls, paths, fences, holes, channels, mounds - tarmac, stone, brick, gravel, plastic, concrete - can include the wiring, and drainage, and water supply .....whatever - before you cloth your garden in plants, trees and shrubs. .
    Hard landscaping is the framework - the walls, paths, fences, holes, channels, mounds - tarmac, stone, brick, gravel, plastic, concrete - can include the wiring, and drainage, and water supply .....whatever - before you cloth your garden in...
    Hard landscaping is the framework - the walls, paths, fences, holes, channels, mounds - tarmac, stone, brick, gravel, plastic, concrete - can include the wiring, and drainage, and water supply...
  2. keith

    From a novice gardener

    Hi everyone, And a big thank-you to everyone, Jacqui, Juliendave,Tina, Cazza, Emma and SteveW who's advice I took and planted my spindly tomatoes up to the first pair of leaves, and sure enough...
    Hi everyone, And a big thank-you to everyone, Jacqui, Juliendave,Tina, Cazza, Emma and SteveW who's advice I took and planted my spindly tomatoes up to the first pair of leaves, and sure enough they are going great.The greenhouse is full, all 'vegs' and flowers I grew from seed, so I am dead...
    Hi everyone, And a big thank-you to everyone, Jacqui, Juliendave,Tina, Cazza, Emma and SteveW who's advice I took and planted my spindly tomatoes up to the first pair of leaves, and sure enough they are going great.The greenhouse is full, all...
    Hi everyone, And a big thank-you to everyone, Jacqui, Juliendave,Tina, Cazza, Emma and SteveW who's advice I took and planted my spindly tomatoes up to the first pair of leaves, and sure enough...
  3. 1happy chick


    hiya guys! my names sarah, and i live in redditch nr brum. Im a bit new to this forum stuff, so if i cock up, just excuse me! I love gardening, even though theres loads of stuff i dont know,...
    hiya guys! my names sarah, and i live in redditch nr brum. Im a bit new to this forum stuff, so if i cock up, just excuse me! I love gardening, even though theres loads of stuff i dont know, but i just love being out there, in the garden, getting covered in compost, leaves (and other...
    hiya guys! my names sarah, and i live in redditch nr brum. Im a bit new to this forum stuff, so if i cock up, just excuse me! I love gardening, even though theres loads of stuff i dont know, but i just love being out there, in the garden,...
    hiya guys! my names sarah, and i live in redditch nr brum. Im a bit new to this forum stuff, so if i cock up, just excuse me! I love gardening, even though theres loads of stuff i dont know,...
  4. taney

    new gardener

    Hi Tim,Thanx for the offer.Can you please tell me about the details of the person u r talking about?how much would it cost me?
    Hi Tim,Thanx for the offer.Can you please tell me about the details of the person u r talking about?how much would it cost me?
    Hi Tim,Thanx for the offer.Can you please tell me about the details of the person u r talking about?how much would it cost me?
    Hi Tim,Thanx for the offer.Can you please tell me about the details of the person u r talking about?how much would it cost me?
  5. stacey14


    the sandy part will gow good carrots, just add some of the soil to it mix it in an bingo the perfect patch for carrotts
    the sandy part will gow good carrots, just add some of the soil to it mix it in an bingo the perfect patch for carrotts
    the sandy part will gow good carrots, just add some of the soil to it mix it in an bingo the perfect patch for carrotts
    the sandy part will gow good carrots, just add some of the soil to it mix it in an bingo the perfect patch for carrotts
  6. spud


    hi spud on what tips do you ask for growing veg flowers bedding plants etc?
    hi spud on what tips do you ask for growing veg flowers bedding plants etc?
    hi spud on what tips do you ask for growing veg flowers bedding plants etc?
    hi spud on what tips do you ask for growing veg flowers bedding plants etc?
  7. rblady

    hello all

    Raspberries can be very invasive, throwing lots of shoots out. So make sure you want it where you plant it.Nathan.
    Raspberries can be very invasive, throwing lots of shoots out. So make sure you want it where you plant it.Nathan.
    Raspberries can be very invasive, throwing lots of shoots out. So make sure you want it where you plant it.Nathan.
    Raspberries can be very invasive, throwing lots of shoots out. So make sure you want it where you plant it.Nathan.
  8. Ambersparkle

    hallo to all, from an old newbie

    could go on! Plants I have (survived) in my quite shady patch ,under Yew and Firs:-Hosta,viola labridolica,euphorbia,bamboo,Arum pictum,Iris foetidissima,euonymus,Aucuba,Bergenia,Alchemilla...
    could go on! Plants I have (survived) in my quite shady patch ,under Yew and Firs:-Hosta,viola labridolica,euphorbia,bamboo,Arum pictum,Iris foetidissima,euonymus,Aucuba,Bergenia,Alchemilla mollis,Begonia,Rosa rugossa,Helleborous Orientalis and Foetidissimus(plants I wouldn`t be without at this...
    could go on! Plants I have (survived) in my quite shady patch ,under Yew and Firs:-Hosta,viola labridolica,euphorbia,bamboo,Arum pictum,Iris foetidissima,euonymus,Aucuba,Bergenia,Alchemilla mollis,Begonia,Rosa rugossa,Helleborous Orientalis and...
    could go on! Plants I have (survived) in my quite shady patch ,under Yew and Firs:-Hosta,viola labridolica,euphorbia,bamboo,Arum pictum,Iris foetidissima,euonymus,Aucuba,Bergenia,Alchemilla...
  9. spademan19

    hi all

    No problem spademan, hope you find it of use.Nathan.
    No problem spademan, hope you find it of use.Nathan.
    No problem spademan, hope you find it of use.Nathan.
    No problem spademan, hope you find it of use.Nathan.
  10. traceyg

    hi newbie here got a few questions

    Hi Russ Thanks very much for the answers, really appreciated. Just can't wait for everything to start blooming now, like everyone i'm sure. Its so exciting waiting for everything to come up isn't...
    Hi Russ Thanks very much for the answers, really appreciated. Just can't wait for everything to start blooming now, like everyone i'm sure. Its so exciting waiting for everything to come up isn't it and it took me 33 yrs to realise it LOL. thanks again Tracey
    Hi Russ Thanks very much for the answers, really appreciated. Just can't wait for everything to start blooming now, like everyone i'm sure. Its so exciting waiting for everything to come up isn't it and it took me 33 yrs to realise it...
    Hi Russ Thanks very much for the answers, really appreciated. Just can't wait for everything to start blooming now, like everyone i'm sure. Its so exciting waiting for everything to come up isn't...
  11. Kennard

    New kid on the block

    hi im kennard im 17 i joined this as i have a deep intrest in amenity horticulture i start a course in september at nescott folling onto a rhs degree , my other intrest include movies comics...
    hi im kennard im 17 i joined this as i have a deep intrest in amenity horticulture i start a course in september at nescott folling onto a rhs degree , my other intrest include movies comics video games montain bikeing going to the gym simspons and shooting (air rifles onto paper targets i anit...
    hi im kennard im 17 i joined this as i have a deep intrest in amenity horticulture i start a course in september at nescott folling onto a rhs degree , my other intrest include movies comics video games montain bikeing going to the gym simspons...
    hi im kennard im 17 i joined this as i have a deep intrest in amenity horticulture i start a course in september at nescott folling onto a rhs degree , my other intrest include movies comics...

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