Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. Reddwarf4ever

    Choice of plants for a cemetery plot

    A lot depends on the site, is it sheltered woodland or open meadow, whereabouts in the uk? All those appear to be herbaceous perennials so will disappear over winter, something to bear in mind....
    A lot depends on the site, is it sheltered woodland or open meadow, whereabouts in the uk? All those appear to be herbaceous perennials so will disappear over winter, something to bear in mind. Does the site get mown and are there rabbits? Sorry for all the questions but I like to plant on my...
    A lot depends on the site, is it sheltered woodland or open meadow, whereabouts in the uk? All those appear to be herbaceous perennials so will disappear over winter, something to bear in mind. Does the site get mown and are there rabbits? Sorry...
    A lot depends on the site, is it sheltered woodland or open meadow, whereabouts in the uk? All those appear to be herbaceous perennials so will disappear over winter, something to bear in mind....
  2. Jack Snakes

    Kaffir Lime tree

    Is there much visible root, JS? If not, the last thing I'd do is disturb the rootball as that will probably finish it off. It's a job to judge what's best without being on the spot, but I'd put...
    Is there much visible root, JS? If not, the last thing I'd do is disturb the rootball as that will probably finish it off. It's a job to judge what's best without being on the spot, but I'd put it back in it's pot, leave it in a shady, sheltered corner, give it 1/2l of water once a fortnight if...
    Is there much visible root, JS? If not, the last thing I'd do is disturb the rootball as that will probably finish it off. It's a job to judge what's best without being on the spot, but I'd put it back in it's pot, leave it in a shady, sheltered...
    Is there much visible root, JS? If not, the last thing I'd do is disturb the rootball as that will probably finish it off. It's a job to judge what's best without being on the spot, but I'd put...
  3. Shaneoak

    Giant hollyhock leaves

    Taking one or two off probably wouldn't do any harm.During this hot weather the flowers are going over quickly, I'm taking them off as you can see a new flower head forming.
    Taking one or two off probably wouldn't do any harm.During this hot weather the flowers are going over quickly, I'm taking them off as you can see a new flower head forming.
    Taking one or two off probably wouldn't do any harm.During this hot weather the flowers are going over quickly, I'm taking them off as you can see a new flower head forming.
    Taking one or two off probably wouldn't do any harm.During this hot weather the flowers are going over quickly, I'm taking them off as you can see a new flower head forming.
  4. Funkar

    Where to buy Laurels in bulk.

    @Funkar If you can hang on until the bare root season and accept plants 30 to 50 cm tall then 50+ are available each no doubt need to add VAT and delivery. Or if you can't wait then the same size...
    @Funkar If you can hang on until the bare root season and accept plants 30 to 50 cm tall then 50+ are available each no doubt need to add VAT and delivery. Or if you can't wait then the same size pot grown are £2.58 each. Don't envy you pruning that lot with secateurs every spring though.
    @Funkar If you can hang on until the bare root season and accept plants 30 to 50 cm tall then 50+ are available each no doubt need to add VAT and delivery. Or if you can't wait then the same size pot grown are £2.58 each. Don't envy you pruning...
    @Funkar If you can hang on until the bare root season and accept plants 30 to 50 cm tall then 50+ are available each no doubt need to add VAT and delivery. Or if you can't wait then the same size...
  5. CostasK

    Clematis wilting

    Hi,I have a clematis Montana that was doing great until recently and suddenly its leaves went really droopy (the whole plant).I tried watering it more but this didn't help. I have read that...
    Hi,I have a clematis Montana that was doing great until recently and suddenly its leaves went really droopy (the whole plant).I tried watering it more but this didn't help. I have read that Montanas are quite resistant to clematis wilt so I guess that wouldn't be the most likely scenario...
    Hi,I have a clematis Montana that was doing great until recently and suddenly its leaves went really droopy (the whole plant).I tried watering it more but this didn't help. I have read that Montanas are quite resistant to clematis wilt so I...
    Hi,I have a clematis Montana that was doing great until recently and suddenly its leaves went really droopy (the whole plant).I tried watering it more but this didn't help. I have read that...
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  6. Jowo

    Brown patches on ficus leaves

    Ah, thank you. It should be in the perfect position now so fingers crossed. I'm hoping all the brown leaves were inherited so I've removed them which will make it easier to monitor for new...
    Ah, thank you. It should be in the perfect position now so fingers crossed. I'm hoping all the brown leaves were inherited so I've removed them which will make it easier to monitor for new changes. Many thanks
    Ah, thank you. It should be in the perfect position now so fingers crossed. I'm hoping all the brown leaves were inherited so I've removed them which will make it easier to monitor for new changes. Many thanks
    Ah, thank you. It should be in the perfect position now so fingers crossed. I'm hoping all the brown leaves were inherited so I've removed them which will make it easier to monitor for new...
  7. CostasK

    Dahlia - could it still be alive?

    Don't try splitting it, find the neck where last year's top growth came from and look for any sign of buds.
    Don't try splitting it, find the neck where last year's top growth came from and look for any sign of buds.
    Don't try splitting it, find the neck where last year's top growth came from and look for any sign of buds.
    Don't try splitting it, find the neck where last year's top growth came from and look for any sign of buds.
  8. Plaurel

    Portugese Laurel - Growth on Branches

    Hi saw some info Portuguese Laurels tend to branch out better if you prune them yearly. If you dont, the lower branches will start to thicken and leaves will not grow much. The more you...
    Hi saw some info Portuguese Laurels tend to branch out better if you prune them yearly. If you dont, the lower branches will start to thicken and leaves will not grow much. The more you prune, the more the shrub will create more branches Portuguese Laurel can be finicky when it comes to...
    Hi saw some info Portuguese Laurels tend to branch out better if you prune them yearly. If you dont, the lower branches will start to thicken and leaves will not grow much. The more you prune, the more the shrub will create more branches ...
    Hi saw some info Portuguese Laurels tend to branch out better if you prune them yearly. If you dont, the lower branches will start to thicken and leaves will not grow much. The more you...
  9. Jocko

    Hedge given a real cut.

    The boss tells me it is a Privet. With Hawthorn, Honeysuckle and Ivy through it (courtesy of bords and other wildlife).
    The boss tells me it is a Privet. With Hawthorn, Honeysuckle and Ivy through it (courtesy of bords and other wildlife).
    The boss tells me it is a Privet. With Hawthorn, Honeysuckle and Ivy through it (courtesy of bords and other wildlife).
    The boss tells me it is a Privet. With Hawthorn, Honeysuckle and Ivy through it (courtesy of bords and other wildlife).
  10. Bradshaw_John

    Vaccinium 'Fireballs'

    Suckers are only a real problem on grafted plants mainly. Is it grafted?I assume you are using ericacaous compost as they like acid soil and the leaves may go yellow if it's not. If the new...
    Suckers are only a real problem on grafted plants mainly. Is it grafted?I assume you are using ericacaous compost as they like acid soil and the leaves may go yellow if it's not. If the new leaves green up in the next few weeks it's ok.
    Suckers are only a real problem on grafted plants mainly. Is it grafted?I assume you are using ericacaous compost as they like acid soil and the leaves may go yellow if it's not. If the new leaves green up in the next few weeks it's ok.
    Suckers are only a real problem on grafted plants mainly. Is it grafted?I assume you are using ericacaous compost as they like acid soil and the leaves may go yellow if it's not. If the new...
  11. CanadianLori

    Zulu Warrior doesn't give seeds?

    A lot bigger than mine and no slug damage , looks great.
    A lot bigger than mine and no slug damage , looks great.
    A lot bigger than mine and no slug damage , looks great.
    A lot bigger than mine and no slug damage , looks great.
  12. lake47

    Concerned about my plant!

    Dracaena marginata not Cordyline.
    Dracaena marginata not Cordyline.
    Dracaena marginata not Cordyline.
    Dracaena marginata not Cordyline.
  13. Jocko

    My first foray with Lupins.

    Thanks, Nigel. I will do that (still some first flush flowers on it). If I see any aphids I will nuke them.
    Thanks, Nigel. I will do that (still some first flush flowers on it). If I see any aphids I will nuke them.
    Thanks, Nigel. I will do that (still some first flush flowers on it). If I see any aphids I will nuke them.
    Thanks, Nigel. I will do that (still some first flush flowers on it). If I see any aphids I will nuke them.
  14. justin249

    How To Grow Mesembryanthemum Plants

    I have grown them very successfully here in Scotland. A good few years back now. I think I bought the plants from B&Q or Homebase.
    I have grown them very successfully here in Scotland. A good few years back now. I think I bought the plants from B&Q or Homebase.
    I have grown them very successfully here in Scotland. A good few years back now. I think I bought the plants from B&Q or Homebase.
    I have grown them very successfully here in Scotland. A good few years back now. I think I bought the plants from B&Q or Homebase.
  15. Nikolaos

    A couple of issues with one of my Buddleia davidii

    Thanks @pete! Yeah, having awful problems with blackfly and greenfly this year so might well be honeydew. Ladybirds are gradually coming in to sort the issue out now, so I should see less and less...
    Thanks @pete! Yeah, having awful problems with blackfly and greenfly this year so might well be honeydew. Ladybirds are gradually coming in to sort the issue out now, so I should see less and less of it, I suppose. I quite like the caterpillars and with 5 buddleias to potentially strip I think...
    Thanks @pete! Yeah, having awful problems with blackfly and greenfly this year so might well be honeydew. Ladybirds are gradually coming in to sort the issue out now, so I should see less and less of it, I suppose. I quite like the caterpillars...
    Thanks @pete! Yeah, having awful problems with blackfly and greenfly this year so might well be honeydew. Ladybirds are gradually coming in to sort the issue out now, so I should see less and less...
  16. Schofe56

    What has happened to my dahlias?

    Assuming you mean you put them outdoors during the day, were they in full sun. It looks as pete said to me.
    Assuming you mean you put them outdoors during the day, were they in full sun. It looks as pete said to me.
    Assuming you mean you put them outdoors during the day, were they in full sun. It looks as pete said to me.
    Assuming you mean you put them outdoors during the day, were they in full sun. It looks as pete said to me.
  17. Arty Bee

    Companion Planting for Passionflower?

    He is a bit anal and generally against putting anything on. On a different section of wall there is already a form of virgin creeper that has very sparse leaves. I think maybe to try that. Or grow...
    He is a bit anal and generally against putting anything on. On a different section of wall there is already a form of virgin creeper that has very sparse leaves. I think maybe to try that. Or grow an ivy and them deliberately kill it and grow the passionflower on the remains.
    He is a bit anal and generally against putting anything on. On a different section of wall there is already a form of virgin creeper that has very sparse leaves. I think maybe to try that. Or grow an ivy and them deliberately kill it and grow the...
    He is a bit anal and generally against putting anything on. On a different section of wall there is already a form of virgin creeper that has very sparse leaves. I think maybe to try that. Or grow...
  18. Grandma Sue

    I would love to know the name?

    Thank you pete, This has now given me a chance to find out more about them. On looking Oxalis up, I found mine called the Oxalis Regnelli Bulb, pink with shamrock leave.My garden really does ...
    Thank you pete, This has now given me a chance to find out more about them. On looking Oxalis up, I found mine called the Oxalis Regnelli Bulb, pink with shamrock leave.My garden really does look great when the poppies are in flower as they all seem to like a dry gritty area.
    Thank you pete, This has now given me a chance to find out more about them. On looking Oxalis up, I found mine called the Oxalis Regnelli Bulb, pink with shamrock leave.My garden really does look great when the poppies are in flower as they all...
    Thank you pete, This has now given me a chance to find out more about them. On looking Oxalis up, I found mine called the Oxalis Regnelli Bulb, pink with shamrock leave.My garden really does ...
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  19. Djmturner

    Yucca plant help.

    It looks like one stem has not rooted and has been slowly rotting instead.Put the others, with roots, back in some fresh compost and discard the rotten one.
    It looks like one stem has not rooted and has been slowly rotting instead.Put the others, with roots, back in some fresh compost and discard the rotten one.
    It looks like one stem has not rooted and has been slowly rotting instead.Put the others, with roots, back in some fresh compost and discard the rotten one.
    It looks like one stem has not rooted and has been slowly rotting instead.Put the others, with roots, back in some fresh compost and discard the rotten one.
  20. lindyco

    Iris buds curl up & wilt.

    Hi everyone. I have a selection of different irises in my garden which I planted 4-5 years ago. They are all in the same place, a long thin bed, and have multiplied, producing lots of large,...
    Hi everyone. I have a selection of different irises in my garden which I planted 4-5 years ago. They are all in the same place, a long thin bed, and have multiplied, producing lots of large, colourful blooms. Last year and now this year again some of the buds are failing to fully open and are...
    Hi everyone. I have a selection of different irises in my garden which I planted 4-5 years ago. They are all in the same place, a long thin bed, and have multiplied, producing lots of large, colourful blooms. Last year and now this year again...
    Hi everyone. I have a selection of different irises in my garden which I planted 4-5 years ago. They are all in the same place, a long thin bed, and have multiplied, producing lots of large,...
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