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  1. Billi

    Should i cut back my Croton?

    I'd leave it alone, it looks good to me. Its a plant i have always struggled with.
    I'd leave it alone, it looks good to me. Its a plant i have always struggled with.
    I'd leave it alone, it looks good to me. Its a plant i have always struggled with.
    I'd leave it alone, it looks good to me. Its a plant i have always struggled with.
  2. VeggieNovice

    A little garden privacy?

    For instant privacy I can recommend something like this:If you don't mind having fake plastic trellis that is.But - you can take it with you if you move and you can place it where ever you...
    For instant privacy I can recommend something like this:If you don't mind having fake plastic trellis that is.But - you can take it with you if you move and you can place it where ever you like.B&Q sell them for £45 or if you are close to a Home Bargains you can pick one up for...
    For instant privacy I can recommend something like this:If you don't mind having fake plastic trellis that is.But - you can take it with you if you move and you can place it where ever you like.B&Q sell them for £45 or if you are close to...
    For instant privacy I can recommend something like this:If you don't mind having fake plastic trellis that is.But - you can take it with you if you move and you can place it where ever you...
  3. Jules W

    Dracaena - Wrinkled Stem

    Only thing that crosses my mind is, as you say the compost feels dry and it dries out quickly are you giving it a thorough watering and then letting it dry out. Only in one of the pictures it...
    Only thing that crosses my mind is, as you say the compost feels dry and it dries out quickly are you giving it a thorough watering and then letting it dry out. Only in one of the pictures it looks like the roots are all at the top of the pot and maybe no going down to the bottom.
    Only thing that crosses my mind is, as you say the compost feels dry and it dries out quickly are you giving it a thorough watering and then letting it dry out. Only in one of the pictures it looks like the roots are all at the top of the pot...
    Only thing that crosses my mind is, as you say the compost feels dry and it dries out quickly are you giving it a thorough watering and then letting it dry out. Only in one of the pictures it...
  4. Laura123

    Is this beyond help?

    I don't need the space, maybe I'll give it a chance yet!
    I don't need the space, maybe I'll give it a chance yet!
    I don't need the space, maybe I'll give it a chance yet!
    I don't need the space, maybe I'll give it a chance yet!
  5. daisybelle

    Ivy as houseplant in low light?

    In my experience peace lily and pothos seem to do well in low light Oh and snake plants
    In my experience peace lily and pothos seem to do well in low light Oh and snake plants
    In my experience peace lily and pothos seem to do well in low light Oh and snake plants
    In my experience peace lily and pothos seem to do well in low light Oh and snake plants
  6. ricky101

    Tradescantia - Spider Lily

    Well its up to you ricky if you don't like them get rid , its likely the supplier didn't know what colour they were going to be. I potted one on yesterday called sweet Katie its got yellow foliage...
    Well its up to you ricky if you don't like them get rid , its likely the supplier didn't know what colour they were going to be. I potted one on yesterday called sweet Katie its got yellow foliage with blue flowers.
    Well its up to you ricky if you don't like them get rid , its likely the supplier didn't know what colour they were going to be. I potted one on yesterday called sweet Katie its got yellow foliage with blue flowers.
    Well its up to you ricky if you don't like them get rid , its likely the supplier didn't know what colour they were going to be. I potted one on yesterday called sweet Katie its got yellow foliage...
  7. exlabman

    salvia winter care

    My S confertiflora stayed outside all winter in the ground. Still has foliage although, like the S guaranitica, this is rather yellow. The S involuctra lost it's foliage and is just shooting. I...
    My S confertiflora stayed outside all winter in the ground. Still has foliage although, like the S guaranitica, this is rather yellow. The S involuctra lost it's foliage and is just shooting. I did take cuttings of these and Amistad. S guaranitica has had flowers on it except for February and is...
    My S confertiflora stayed outside all winter in the ground. Still has foliage although, like the S guaranitica, this is rather yellow. The S involuctra lost it's foliage and is just shooting. I did take cuttings of these and Amistad. S...
    My S confertiflora stayed outside all winter in the ground. Still has foliage although, like the S guaranitica, this is rather yellow. The S involuctra lost it's foliage and is just shooting. I...
  8. The Scottish Gardener

    Cucumber seedling wilting

    Thank you JWK. I will see how they get on. I gave some plants to a friend for her 4 year old daughter, she sent me a photo of them and they are doing great! I put the 2 biggest droopy plants in...
    Thank you JWK. I will see how they get on. I gave some plants to a friend for her 4 year old daughter, she sent me a photo of them and they are doing great! I put the 2 biggest droopy plants in the heated propagator overnight and they have perked up. Your advice is much appreciated, thank you...
    Thank you JWK. I will see how they get on. I gave some plants to a friend for her 4 year old daughter, she sent me a photo of them and they are doing great! I put the 2 biggest droopy plants in the heated propagator overnight and they have perked...
    Thank you JWK. I will see how they get on. I gave some plants to a friend for her 4 year old daughter, she sent me a photo of them and they are doing great! I put the 2 biggest droopy plants in...
  9. martyn bromley

    What's wrong.

    Also look for anything that looks like a small spiders web, a very common house plant pest is Red Spider Mite, you usually need a magnifier to see them but become just visible when they start...
    Also look for anything that looks like a small spiders web, a very common house plant pest is Red Spider Mite, you usually need a magnifier to see them but become just visible when they start making a web and are in plague numbers.For watering in Winter, wait until you see the leaves just...
    Also look for anything that looks like a small spiders web, a very common house plant pest is Red Spider Mite, you usually need a magnifier to see them but become just visible when they start making a web and are in plague numbers.For watering...
    Also look for anything that looks like a small spiders web, a very common house plant pest is Red Spider Mite, you usually need a magnifier to see them but become just visible when they start...
  10. Felicity Grace

    Pieris Japonica Help!

    Hi as pete mentioned water well first How to Transplant Pieris Japonica | Home Guides | SF …homeguides.sfgate.com/how-to-transplant-pieris-japonica-13428
    Hi as pete mentioned water well first How to Transplant Pieris Japonica | Home Guides | SF …homeguides.sfgate.com/how-to-transplant-pieris-japonica-13428
    Hi as pete mentioned water well first How to Transplant Pieris Japonica | Home Guides | SF …homeguides.sfgate.com/how-to-transplant-pieris-japonica-13428
    Hi as pete mentioned water well first How to Transplant Pieris Japonica | Home Guides | SF …homeguides.sfgate.com/how-to-transplant-pieris-japonica-13428
  11. groundbeetle

    How to care for carnivorous plants in winter?

    I noticed that my sundews have come through the mild winter in good condition, normally don't see them until mid May as they disappear under the moss even in the cold greenhouse. This year they...
    I noticed that my sundews have come through the mild winter in good condition, normally don't see them until mid May as they disappear under the moss even in the cold greenhouse. This year they didn't even go in the cold greenhouse. As for potting on etc you could use plastic pots with no...
    I noticed that my sundews have come through the mild winter in good condition, normally don't see them until mid May as they disappear under the moss even in the cold greenhouse. This year they didn't even go in the cold greenhouse. As for...
    I noticed that my sundews have come through the mild winter in good condition, normally don't see them until mid May as they disappear under the moss even in the cold greenhouse. This year they...
  12. Shaneoak

    Latest you can plant Crocus?

    The crocus bulbs that I bought from Poundland in January for 50p, half price, have all come up and two of them are flowering, others have lots of buds. Nice feast for early pollinating insects...
    The crocus bulbs that I bought from Poundland in January for 50p, half price, have all come up and two of them are flowering, others have lots of buds. Nice feast for early pollinating insects hopefully.The tulips have all come up too, but slightly behind tulips that I planted back in late...
    The crocus bulbs that I bought from Poundland in January for 50p, half price, have all come up and two of them are flowering, others have lots of buds. Nice feast for early pollinating insects hopefully.The tulips have all come up too, but...
    The crocus bulbs that I bought from Poundland in January for 50p, half price, have all come up and two of them are flowering, others have lots of buds. Nice feast for early pollinating insects...
    crocus.jpg Bulb_Size_2021_UK-2.jpg B5023988-3F9E-4FF9-9055-1D8649209D4A_1_201_a.jpeg
  13. Kevin Cowans

    Can Ninebark 'Burning Embers' be Hard Pruned

    Hello @PerkiThanks, I now know what I will be doing in the MorningKevin
    Hello @PerkiThanks, I now know what I will be doing in the MorningKevin
    Hello @PerkiThanks, I now know what I will be doing in the MorningKevin
    Hello @PerkiThanks, I now know what I will be doing in the MorningKevin
  14. PhilC

    Will LED Grow lights burn a Tree Fern?

    I don't think you can hurry up a tree fern, they grow at their own very slow pace. Sounds ideal in an humid bathroom till it gets bigger.
    I don't think you can hurry up a tree fern, they grow at their own very slow pace. Sounds ideal in an humid bathroom till it gets bigger.
    I don't think you can hurry up a tree fern, they grow at their own very slow pace. Sounds ideal in an humid bathroom till it gets bigger.
    I don't think you can hurry up a tree fern, they grow at their own very slow pace. Sounds ideal in an humid bathroom till it gets bigger.
  15. Scotkat


    looks just like spurge laurel (daphne laureola) that grows on the chalk around these parts
    looks just like spurge laurel (daphne laureola) that grows on the chalk around these parts
    looks just like spurge laurel (daphne laureola) that grows on the chalk around these parts
    looks just like spurge laurel (daphne laureola) that grows on the chalk around these parts
  16. Jocko

    Crocus and when they come out.

    After the overnight snow, the croci have started to come through. Must be a couple of dozen or so. Just the yellow and cream. No purple ones as yet.
    After the overnight snow, the croci have started to come through. Must be a couple of dozen or so. Just the yellow and cream. No purple ones as yet.
    After the overnight snow, the croci have started to come through. Must be a couple of dozen or so. Just the yellow and cream. No purple ones as yet.
    After the overnight snow, the croci have started to come through. Must be a couple of dozen or so. Just the yellow and cream. No purple ones as yet.
  17. Michael Hewett


    I know nothing about Orchids @Upsydaisy so all help is gratefully received :dbgrtmb:
    I know nothing about Orchids @Upsydaisy so all help is gratefully received :dbgrtmb:
    I know nothing about Orchids @Upsydaisy so all help is gratefully received :dbgrtmb:
    I know nothing about Orchids @Upsydaisy so all help is gratefully received :dbgrtmb:
  18. PeterJ
    Like x 4

    Antirrhinum Brighton Rock

    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
  19. Logan
  20. JBat

    Cistus pulverulentus in windy location

    Thank you!
    Thank you!
    Thank you!
    Thank you!

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