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Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. Kevin Cowans

    Fatsia Japonica issue

    Hello allThanks for the replies.As recommended, I will wait until the warmer weather arrives and then look at cutting back the affected areas.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the replies.As recommended, I will wait until the warmer weather arrives and then look at cutting back the affected areas.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the replies.As recommended, I will wait until the warmer weather arrives and then look at cutting back the affected areas.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the replies.As recommended, I will wait until the warmer weather arrives and then look at cutting back the affected areas.ThanksKevin
  2. Kevin Cowans

    Pruning Salvia 'Icterina' and 'Purpurascens'

    I trim mine back and they are ok.if anything they come back a denser plant.you might have knocked back the flowering,though id be surprised
    I trim mine back and they are ok.if anything they come back a denser plant.you might have knocked back the flowering,though id be surprised
    I trim mine back and they are ok.if anything they come back a denser plant.you might have knocked back the flowering,though id be surprised
    I trim mine back and they are ok.if anything they come back a denser plant.you might have knocked back the flowering,though id be surprised
  3. pattie

    agapanthus query

    Ha, ok, I am preening because the agapanthus, with some extra muscle (not mine) has been lifted out of its prison which is the glazed pot and repotted. The glazed pot remains in tact! The bad news...
    Ha, ok, I am preening because the agapanthus, with some extra muscle (not mine) has been lifted out of its prison which is the glazed pot and repotted. The glazed pot remains in tact! The bad news is that the large, deep wooden container to which it was placed fell apart because it's bottom is...
    Ha, ok, I am preening because the agapanthus, with some extra muscle (not mine) has been lifted out of its prison which is the glazed pot and repotted. The glazed pot remains in tact! The bad news is that the large, deep wooden container to which...
    Ha, ok, I am preening because the agapanthus, with some extra muscle (not mine) has been lifted out of its prison which is the glazed pot and repotted. The glazed pot remains in tact! The bad news...
  4. Passport1

    Proper way to remove dead blooms from Hydrangia

    Thanks all for the replies and advise...Much appreicated.
    Thanks all for the replies and advise...Much appreicated.
    Thanks all for the replies and advise...Much appreicated.
    Thanks all for the replies and advise...Much appreicated.
  5. Nikolaos

    Growing Hops Along A Fence, How Time-Consuming Is It?

    Have you thought about a climbing hydrangea?
    Have you thought about a climbing hydrangea?
    Have you thought about a climbing hydrangea?
    Have you thought about a climbing hydrangea?
  6. Gizmo

    all sorted plants

    Many thanks for your reply. Not sure at the moment if I can dig this pond out but I will give it a go. But with ponds that have been dug out not sure the depth of the first layer or is it just...
    Many thanks for your reply. Not sure at the moment if I can dig this pond out but I will give it a go. But with ponds that have been dug out not sure the depth of the first layer or is it just prefence? With preformed again not sure about digging but we would like a few small fish but finding a...
    Many thanks for your reply. Not sure at the moment if I can dig this pond out but I will give it a go. But with ponds that have been dug out not sure the depth of the first layer or is it just prefence? With preformed again not sure about digging...
    Many thanks for your reply. Not sure at the moment if I can dig this pond out but I will give it a go. But with ponds that have been dug out not sure the depth of the first layer or is it just...
  7. Eroka

    Help! My potted Olive Tree (Olea Europea) is dying...

    :cry3: But thank you. I will stop watering it and see if it revives when spring comes. Thank you all!
    :cry3: But thank you. I will stop watering it and see if it revives when spring comes. Thank you all!
    :cry3: But thank you. I will stop watering it and see if it revives when spring comes. Thank you all!
    :cry3: But thank you. I will stop watering it and see if it revives when spring comes. Thank you all!
  8. buddleia64
  9. Jane Kirk

    Crassula dropping limbs

    My first thought was root rot also.Is the compost really damp?I find just some water in winter helps them to flower.
    My first thought was root rot also.Is the compost really damp?I find just some water in winter helps them to flower.
    My first thought was root rot also.Is the compost really damp?I find just some water in winter helps them to flower.
    My first thought was root rot also.Is the compost really damp?I find just some water in winter helps them to flower.
  10. ashley1234

    areca palm scale

    Yes it is a pot plant, so worth a try if it still returns , thanks for this tip.
    Yes it is a pot plant, so worth a try if it still returns , thanks for this tip.
    Yes it is a pot plant, so worth a try if it still returns , thanks for this tip.
    Yes it is a pot plant, so worth a try if it still returns , thanks for this tip.
  11. Kevin Cowans

    Can 'Japanese Anemone' be Hard Pruned?

    Hello @peteThanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @peteThanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @peteThanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @peteThanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
  12. clum111

    Small Plants for Staircase

    There are several exiting options, depending on what kind of greenery you are after. A photo of the situation would be great.Devil's Ivy is a brilliant climber you can fix on the wall to snake...
    There are several exiting options, depending on what kind of greenery you are after. A photo of the situation would be great.Devil's Ivy is a brilliant climber you can fix on the wall to snake around in a very ornamental fashion. It's a large plant but the roots are small and it grows well in...
    There are several exiting options, depending on what kind of greenery you are after. A photo of the situation would be great.Devil's Ivy is a brilliant climber you can fix on the wall to snake around in a very ornamental fashion. It's a large...
    There are several exiting options, depending on what kind of greenery you are after. A photo of the situation would be great.Devil's Ivy is a brilliant climber you can fix on the wall to snake...
    tradescantiaand pothos1.jpg
  13. Shaneoak

    Mohican Allium, Pink Allium and Muscari...too late to plant?

    Update: Arrived and all planted :) Was a right skill full maneuvering job trying not to hit other bulbs whilst planting these and i kept sporadically unearthing crocus that had started to set root...
    Update: Arrived and all planted :) Was a right skill full maneuvering job trying not to hit other bulbs whilst planting these and i kept sporadically unearthing crocus that had started to set root and shoot! I just re planted them, i'm sure they will be okay. There was a lot of space left under...
    Update: Arrived and all planted :) Was a right skill full maneuvering job trying not to hit other bulbs whilst planting these and i kept sporadically unearthing crocus that had started to set root and shoot! I just re planted them, i'm sure they...
    Update: Arrived and all planted :) Was a right skill full maneuvering job trying not to hit other bulbs whilst planting these and i kept sporadically unearthing crocus that had started to set root...
  14. Kevin Cowans

    How to move a small Winter Jasmine

    Hello @ricky101Thanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @ricky101Thanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @ricky101Thanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @ricky101Thanks for the reply and the information.Kevin
  15. Shaneoak


    Lucky you! A pic would be great in feb or whenever they bloom.
    Lucky you! A pic would be great in feb or whenever they bloom.
    Lucky you! A pic would be great in feb or whenever they bloom.
    Lucky you! A pic would be great in feb or whenever they bloom.
  16. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    Show Us Your Houseplants in Bloom now 2020.

    A pair of "Christmas " cacti
    A pair of "Christmas " cacti
    A pair of "Christmas " cacti
    A pair of "Christmas " cacti
    IMG_1884.JPG IMG_1891.JPG P1180001.JPG P1180006.JPG P2060008.JPG P2190065.JPG
  17. wiseowl
    Like x 7

    Christmas Cactus

    Mine have been in bloom for a fortnight too.:) Even the tiny cutting that I took in May has a tiny bud on it.
    Mine have been in bloom for a fortnight too.:) Even the tiny cutting that I took in May has a tiny bud on it.
    Mine have been in bloom for a fortnight too.:) Even the tiny cutting that I took in May has a tiny bud on it.
    Mine have been in bloom for a fortnight too.:) Even the tiny cutting that I took in May has a tiny bud on it.
    P1020616.JPG P1020617.JPG upload_2020-11-7_14-32-28.png upload_2020-11-7_14-36-52.png upload_2020-11-7_14-37-34.png IMG_20201107_170150.jpg
  18. buddleia64


    Just heel them in somewhere, or put them in a pot and cover with compost.
    Just heel them in somewhere, or put them in a pot and cover with compost.
    Just heel them in somewhere, or put them in a pot and cover with compost.
    Just heel them in somewhere, or put them in a pot and cover with compost.
  19. Kevin Cowans

    Can anyone please recommend a plant?

    Hello allThanks for the replies, much appreciated.@Clare G no that is not lawn around the corner, it is another border, unfortunately, I do not know what it is that is growing on the surface,...
    Hello allThanks for the replies, much appreciated.@Clare G no that is not lawn around the corner, it is another border, unfortunately, I do not know what it is that is growing on the surface, something I need to look in to.I will look up the suggestions.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the replies, much appreciated.@Clare G no that is not lawn around the corner, it is another border, unfortunately, I do not know what it is that is growing on the surface, something I need to look in to.I will look up...
    Hello allThanks for the replies, much appreciated.@Clare G no that is not lawn around the corner, it is another border, unfortunately, I do not know what it is that is growing on the surface,...
  20. Shaneoak

    Brought Small variety of Chrysanthemums from Asda-withered...

    If you get flowering cyclamen, the type florists sell, they should last a fair time, most of the winter, but as pot plants they need cool airy conditions, too hot and they dont like it, too cold,...
    If you get flowering cyclamen, the type florists sell, they should last a fair time, most of the winter, but as pot plants they need cool airy conditions, too hot and they dont like it, too cold, frost, and they die . An unheated porch tend to suit them if frost free.Garden cyclamen are a...
    If you get flowering cyclamen, the type florists sell, they should last a fair time, most of the winter, but as pot plants they need cool airy conditions, too hot and they dont like it, too cold, frost, and they die . An unheated porch tend to...
    If you get flowering cyclamen, the type florists sell, they should last a fair time, most of the winter, but as pot plants they need cool airy conditions, too hot and they dont like it, too cold,...

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