Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. alligatorlizard

    Houseplant recommendations for 10 inch window sill?

    Hi @alligatorlizard , welcome to the forum! :)Pothos (Devil's Ivy) is a superb houseplant and can be grown any way you like. On a narrow windowsill you might want to guide it upwards along the...
    Hi @alligatorlizard , welcome to the forum! :)Pothos (Devil's Ivy) is a superb houseplant and can be grown any way you like. On a narrow windowsill you might want to guide it upwards along the side of the window and then turn it to frame the window.Pothos looks lush and green and will...
    Hi @alligatorlizard , welcome to the forum! :)Pothos (Devil's Ivy) is a superb houseplant and can be grown any way you like. On a narrow windowsill you might want to guide it upwards along the side of the window and then turn it to frame the...
    Hi @alligatorlizard , welcome to the forum! :)Pothos (Devil's Ivy) is a superb houseplant and can be grown any way you like. On a narrow windowsill you might want to guide it upwards along the...
    Welcome Tropical2.jpeg upload_2025-2-13_19-8-38.png
  2. dowtish

    Rubber (House) Plant - Larger Leaf Wanted

    I think the main thing with rubber plants is they survive where others would die. Survive being the operative word, they just struggle on even when unhappy. That was why they have always been...
    I think the main thing with rubber plants is they survive where others would die. Survive being the operative word, they just struggle on even when unhappy. That was why they have always been popular, but you rarely see one that is thriving outside a conservatory.
    I think the main thing with rubber plants is they survive where others would die. Survive being the operative word, they just struggle on even when unhappy. That was why they have always been popular, but you rarely see one that is thriving...
    I think the main thing with rubber plants is they survive where others would die. Survive being the operative word, they just struggle on even when unhappy. That was why they have always been...
  3. Victoria

    Leptospermum scoparium

    Well according to the RHS its, Leptospermum lanigerum 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum myrtifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum liversidgei 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum grandifolium 'Silver...
    Well according to the RHS its, Leptospermum lanigerum 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum myrtifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum liversidgei 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum grandifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum scoparium 'Silver Sheen'Basically, I dont think they know.:biggrin:
    Well according to the RHS its, Leptospermum lanigerum 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum myrtifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum liversidgei 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum grandifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum scoparium 'Silver Sheen'Basically, I dont...
    Well according to the RHS its, Leptospermum lanigerum 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum myrtifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum liversidgei 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum grandifolium 'Silver...
  4. Kevin Cowans

    Is my Rosemary No More?

    I agree with cutting it back and let it regenerate. One of mine in a very exposed position dies back like yours every few years with just a few green stems left at the base. But the old root...
    I agree with cutting it back and let it regenerate. One of mine in a very exposed position dies back like yours every few years with just a few green stems left at the base. But the old root system will still be there and mine grows back quickly and strongly when it warms up.I agree with...
    I agree with cutting it back and let it regenerate. One of mine in a very exposed position dies back like yours every few years with just a few green stems left at the base. But the old root system will still be there and mine grows back quickly...
    I agree with cutting it back and let it regenerate. One of mine in a very exposed position dies back like yours every few years with just a few green stems left at the base. But the old root...
  5. Mark Barker

    Acuba Japonica

    First you need to I'd the pest. I don't use neem oil but would use a systemic insecticide during mid summer. The black mould should just wash off.
    First you need to I'd the pest. I don't use neem oil but would use a systemic insecticide during mid summer. The black mould should just wash off.
    First you need to I'd the pest. I don't use neem oil but would use a systemic insecticide during mid summer. The black mould should just wash off.
    First you need to I'd the pest. I don't use neem oil but would use a systemic insecticide during mid summer. The black mould should just wash off.
  6. Victoria

    Which Category?

    Both Munchkin and Van run in during the day to use the litter box. :heehee: We actually created the Sand Garden when we moved here with the three so they had a place to go outdoors, but it is not often...
    Both Munchkin and Van run in during the day to use the litter box. :heehee: We actually created the Sand Garden when we moved here with the three so they had a place to go outdoors, but it is not often used for the purpose it was created. :rolleyespink:Enjoy the Art Group. The sun is out now and it is almost...
    Both Munchkin and Van run in during the day to use the litter box. :heehee: We actually created the Sand Garden when we moved here with the three so they had a place to go outdoors, but it is not often used for the purpose it was created. :rolleyespink:Enjoy the...
    Both Munchkin and Van run in during the day to use the litter box. :heehee: We actually created the Sand Garden when we moved here with the three so they had a place to go outdoors, but it is not often...
    Munch in Sandgarden.jpg
  7. Shaneoak


    Thankyou. Yeh they’re very garish for my taste , but you get some primrose light yellow ones which can be pretty
    Thankyou. Yeh they’re very garish for my taste , but you get some primrose light yellow ones which can be pretty
    Thankyou. Yeh they’re very garish for my taste , but you get some primrose light yellow ones which can be pretty
    Thankyou. Yeh they’re very garish for my taste , but you get some primrose light yellow ones which can be pretty
  8. Bluebell Q

    Anthurium spindly & has blotchy leaves- please help

    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
  9. Bluebell Q

    Aeonium arboreum leaves dropping! How have I failed this plant?

    Thank you! I’m definitely not going to sit it outside in the sun anymore, perhaps it really and truly does just want to be left alone in a corner… it if keeps dropping leaves at this rate, it’ll...
    Thank you! I’m definitely not going to sit it outside in the sun anymore, perhaps it really and truly does just want to be left alone in a corner… it if keeps dropping leaves at this rate, it’ll be a stick soon !
    Thank you! I’m definitely not going to sit it outside in the sun anymore, perhaps it really and truly does just want to be left alone in a corner… it if keeps dropping leaves at this rate, it’ll be a stick soon !
    Thank you! I’m definitely not going to sit it outside in the sun anymore, perhaps it really and truly does just want to be left alone in a corner… it if keeps dropping leaves at this rate, it’ll...
  10. Jungle Jane

    My dying Ferns....what am I doing wrong?

    I have more casualties with houseplants than plants in the garden. Were your ferns bought as houseplants @Jungle Jane or could they be given a new location outside?
    I have more casualties with houseplants than plants in the garden. Were your ferns bought as houseplants @Jungle Jane or could they be given a new location outside?
    I have more casualties with houseplants than plants in the garden. Were your ferns bought as houseplants @Jungle Jane or could they be given a new location outside?
    I have more casualties with houseplants than plants in the garden. Were your ferns bought as houseplants @Jungle Jane or could they be given a new location outside?
  11. The Bird Lady

    Orchid aerial roots

    Thanks everyone. I would have only taken a little bit off, but I'll leave them for now, especially as they are flowering.
    Thanks everyone. I would have only taken a little bit off, but I'll leave them for now, especially as they are flowering.
    Thanks everyone. I would have only taken a little bit off, but I'll leave them for now, especially as they are flowering.
    Thanks everyone. I would have only taken a little bit off, but I'll leave them for now, especially as they are flowering.
  12. Alan Clark

    New Plant and Fungus Species of 2024

    Kew's favourite new species this year.Kew's Top 10 New Species of 2024 | Kew
    Kew's favourite new species this year.Kew's Top 10 New Species of 2024 | Kew
    Kew's favourite new species this year.Kew's Top 10 New Species of 2024 | Kew
    Kew's favourite new species this year.Kew's Top 10 New Species of 2024 | Kew
  13. groundbeetle

    Germinating Cyclamen seeds, temperature.

    I've had various Tilebarn (Anne, Greville, Nicholas) from AGS seed. I put them in a clay pot, cover with grit, leave in greenhouse and water when I remember. They germinate a lot slower than fresh...
    I've had various Tilebarn (Anne, Greville, Nicholas) from AGS seed. I put them in a clay pot, cover with grit, leave in greenhouse and water when I remember. They germinate a lot slower than fresh seed from my own plants of hederifolium which are much plumper. The leaf patterns and colours on...
    I've had various Tilebarn (Anne, Greville, Nicholas) from AGS seed. I put them in a clay pot, cover with grit, leave in greenhouse and water when I remember. They germinate a lot slower than fresh seed from my own plants of hederifolium which are...
    I've had various Tilebarn (Anne, Greville, Nicholas) from AGS seed. I put them in a clay pot, cover with grit, leave in greenhouse and water when I remember. They germinate a lot slower than fresh...
  14. wiseowl

    Show Us Your HousePlants In Bloom Now 2023/2024

    Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
    Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
    Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
    Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
  15. TheMadHedger

    Amarylis bulbs very very slow to grow new shoots .......

    One of ours is in flower, but the other is still not showing any growth. Both bought from Lidl at the same time.
    One of ours is in flower, but the other is still not showing any growth. Both bought from Lidl at the same time.
    One of ours is in flower, but the other is still not showing any growth. Both bought from Lidl at the same time.
    One of ours is in flower, but the other is still not showing any growth. Both bought from Lidl at the same time.
  16. CostasK

    Can this sedum be saved?

    Yes, I can remember roughly what it is but not exactly.I think that rather than singing the name, which the world doesn't need to hear considering my..vocal abilities, I will think of it as a...
    Yes, I can remember roughly what it is but not exactly.I think that rather than singing the name, which the world doesn't need to hear considering my..vocal abilities, I will think of it as a spell from Harry Potter.HYYLO-TELEPHIUM!
    Yes, I can remember roughly what it is but not exactly.I think that rather than singing the name, which the world doesn't need to hear considering my..vocal abilities, I will think of it as a spell from Harry Potter.HYYLO-TELEPHIUM!
    Yes, I can remember roughly what it is but not exactly.I think that rather than singing the name, which the world doesn't need to hear considering my..vocal abilities, I will think of it as a...
  17. Shaneoak

    Frost and plants left out!!

    Thanks for the replies and tips . Much appreciated
    Thanks for the replies and tips . Much appreciated
    Thanks for the replies and tips . Much appreciated
    Thanks for the replies and tips . Much appreciated
  18. Esoxlucius


    I bought mine back in March, it was very small (see pic) and only a couple of quid. It was amongst some larger specimens and because the light was so bright at the garden centre, the leaves on the...
    I bought mine back in March, it was very small (see pic) and only a couple of quid. It was amongst some larger specimens and because the light was so bright at the garden centre, the leaves on the larger specimens were stunning.I was looking forward to what mine would turn out like. However,...
    I bought mine back in March, it was very small (see pic) and only a couple of quid. It was amongst some larger specimens and because the light was so bright at the garden centre, the leaves on the larger specimens were stunning.I was looking...
    I bought mine back in March, it was very small (see pic) and only a couple of quid. It was amongst some larger specimens and because the light was so bright at the garden centre, the leaves on the...
    IMG_20241123_102524_HDR.jpg IMG_20241123_102547_HDR.jpg IMG_20240313_161148_HDR.jpg
  19. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    Show us you houseplants

    For foliage plants. My biggest three.Begonia luxurians.Coleus, flower stem removes and two side branches removes for cuttings which are now growing.Platycerium bifurcatum.
    For foliage plants. My biggest three.Begonia luxurians.Coleus, flower stem removes and two side branches removes for cuttings which are now growing.Platycerium bifurcatum.
    For foliage plants. My biggest three.Begonia luxurians.Coleus, flower stem removes and two side branches removes for cuttings which are now growing.Platycerium bifurcatum.
    For foliage plants. My biggest three.Begonia luxurians.Coleus, flower stem removes and two side branches removes for cuttings which are now growing.Platycerium bifurcatum.
    beg.JPG coleus.JPG platy.JPG
  20. a1154

    Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican fleabane from seed

    Someone gave me a small plant about 3 years ago. It seems to seed itself very easily. I had about a dozen plants appear in a domed planter last year !
    Someone gave me a small plant about 3 years ago. It seems to seed itself very easily. I had about a dozen plants appear in a domed planter last year !
    Someone gave me a small plant about 3 years ago. It seems to seed itself very easily. I had about a dozen plants appear in a domed planter last year !
    Someone gave me a small plant about 3 years ago. It seems to seed itself very easily. I had about a dozen plants appear in a domed planter last year !

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