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  1. clum111

    Japanese Flowering Plants?

    @Anthony Rogers @longk @Sheal Sorry, didn't know you left messages until now when I came to check a word. Thanks for the info and photos. Didn't think about orchids, so will be looking at them;)
    @Anthony Rogers @longk @Sheal Sorry, didn't know you left messages until now when I came to check a word. Thanks for the info and photos. Didn't think about orchids, so will be looking at them;)
    @Anthony Rogers @longk @Sheal Sorry, didn't know you left messages until now when I came to check a word. Thanks for the info and photos. Didn't think about orchids, so will be looking at them;)
    @Anthony Rogers @longk @Sheal Sorry, didn't know you left messages until now when I came to check a word. Thanks for the info and photos. Didn't think about orchids, so will be looking at them;)
  2. mick naisbitt


    Some of my Camellias also have yellowing leaves. My soil is pretty acid and I grow many Rhododendron, Azaleas, Pieris, Meconopsis etc with no problems. I am pretty certain the yellowing leaves on...
    Some of my Camellias also have yellowing leaves. My soil is pretty acid and I grow many Rhododendron, Azaleas, Pieris, Meconopsis etc with no problems. I am pretty certain the yellowing leaves on some of mine is due to cold weather. My yellow flowered Camellias are looking the worst and they are...
    Some of my Camellias also have yellowing leaves. My soil is pretty acid and I grow many Rhododendron, Azaleas, Pieris, Meconopsis etc with no problems. I am pretty certain the yellowing leaves on some of mine is due to cold weather. My yellow...
    Some of my Camellias also have yellowing leaves. My soil is pretty acid and I grow many Rhododendron, Azaleas, Pieris, Meconopsis etc with no problems. I am pretty certain the yellowing leaves on...
  3. *Donna*

    Orchid not flowered this year

    Phalaenopsis enjoy bright indirect light. Place it in a room with eastern exposure and it will thrive. It flourishes also at southern or bright northern windows. Also bear in mind that placing an...
    Phalaenopsis enjoy bright indirect light. Place it in a room with eastern exposure and it will thrive. It flourishes also at southern or bright northern windows. Also bear in mind that placing an orchid in a room with northern exposure may lead to fewer bloom production or no blooms at all.
    Phalaenopsis enjoy bright indirect light. Place it in a room with eastern exposure and it will thrive. It flourishes also at southern or bright northern windows. Also bear in mind that placing an orchid in a room with northern exposure may lead...
    Phalaenopsis enjoy bright indirect light. Place it in a room with eastern exposure and it will thrive. It flourishes also at southern or bright northern windows. Also bear in mind that placing an...
  4. exlabman

    osteospernum hybrid

    yes almost dry , I tend to water my lot in the greenhouse mid/late October and to be honest thats that until Feb at least (mine is a cold greenhouse)
    yes almost dry , I tend to water my lot in the greenhouse mid/late October and to be honest thats that until Feb at least (mine is a cold greenhouse)
    yes almost dry , I tend to water my lot in the greenhouse mid/late October and to be honest thats that until Feb at least (mine is a cold greenhouse)
    yes almost dry , I tend to water my lot in the greenhouse mid/late October and to be honest thats that until Feb at least (mine is a cold greenhouse)
  5. Anthony Rogers

    Lophospermum purpusii

    Deffo an annual. I've tried. Possible with supplementary lighting I'd say but otherwise forget it.
    Deffo an annual. I've tried. Possible with supplementary lighting I'd say but otherwise forget it.
    Deffo an annual. I've tried. Possible with supplementary lighting I'd say but otherwise forget it.
    Deffo an annual. I've tried. Possible with supplementary lighting I'd say but otherwise forget it.
  6. Anthony Rogers

    Ornamental rice

    that made me think , how about a "grain" ?
    that made me think , how about a "grain" ?
    that made me think , how about a "grain" ?
    that made me think , how about a "grain" ?
  7. John Stevenson

    Protecting Echium

    Peter, its strange but it could just be down to positioning in a winter like the last one. Full winter sun, so it gets it full on first thing in the morning in January, would be my advice.
    Peter, its strange but it could just be down to positioning in a winter like the last one. Full winter sun, so it gets it full on first thing in the morning in January, would be my advice.
    Peter, its strange but it could just be down to positioning in a winter like the last one. Full winter sun, so it gets it full on first thing in the morning in January, would be my advice.
    Peter, its strange but it could just be down to positioning in a winter like the last one. Full winter sun, so it gets it full on first thing in the morning in January, would be my advice.
  8. amymac78


    I forgot to say use a mixture of John inns no 3 and 3/4 about a quarter of multipurpose, they will be able to stay in the pots longer, if just multipurpose, wash off the roots next year and pot...
    I forgot to say use a mixture of John inns no 3 and 3/4 about a quarter of multipurpose, they will be able to stay in the pots longer, if just multipurpose, wash off the roots next year and pot up in fresh about middle of March, they wont mind I do the same and it doesn't stop them flowering
    I forgot to say use a mixture of John inns no 3 and 3/4 about a quarter of multipurpose, they will be able to stay in the pots longer, if just multipurpose, wash off the roots next year and pot up in fresh about middle of March, they wont mind I...
    I forgot to say use a mixture of John inns no 3 and 3/4 about a quarter of multipurpose, they will be able to stay in the pots longer, if just multipurpose, wash off the roots next year and pot...
  9. nikirushka

    Unhappy Honesty!

    I'd give them plenty of water, as their root system has been disturbed.
    I'd give them plenty of water, as their root system has been disturbed.
    I'd give them plenty of water, as their root system has been disturbed.
    I'd give them plenty of water, as their root system has been disturbed.
  10. Cornish gardener

    Summer planting

    Possibly not for the fair, but I remember aeons ago at school having bean seeds and a jam jar with a roll of blotting paper in it which was kept damp. The beans were put between the BP and glass...
    Possibly not for the fair, but I remember aeons ago at school having bean seeds and a jam jar with a roll of blotting paper in it which was kept damp. The beans were put between the BP and glass and we could watch how the growing of the roots and shoots occurred at different times.
    Possibly not for the fair, but I remember aeons ago at school having bean seeds and a jam jar with a roll of blotting paper in it which was kept damp. The beans were put between the BP and glass and we could watch how the growing of the roots and...
    Possibly not for the fair, but I remember aeons ago at school having bean seeds and a jam jar with a roll of blotting paper in it which was kept damp. The beans were put between the BP and glass...
  11. rosebay

    Topdressing houseplants

    No, keep top soil for the garden.
    No, keep top soil for the garden.
    No, keep top soil for the garden.
    No, keep top soil for the garden.
  12. Wardy

    Philaenopsis orchid pollination help

    Just an update, all the flowers have fallen off now.
    Just an update, all the flowers have fallen off now.
    Just an update, all the flowers have fallen off now.
    Just an update, all the flowers have fallen off now.
  13. "M"
    Like x 7

    Woodland flowers

    Some of the pretty flowers seen on my travels through the woods this morning.A close upAnd some primroses looking very mellow yellow today (alongside wood anemones?)There were other...
    Some of the pretty flowers seen on my travels through the woods this morning.A close upAnd some primroses looking very mellow yellow today (alongside wood anemones?)There were other pretty things I took photo's of, but this camera is a nutter and not always gives the desired results....
    Some of the pretty flowers seen on my travels through the woods this morning.A close upAnd some primroses looking very mellow yellow today (alongside wood anemones?)There were other pretty things I took photo's of, but this camera is...
    Some of the pretty flowers seen on my travels through the woods this morning.A close upAnd some primroses looking very mellow yellow today (alongside wood anemones?)There were other...
    DSCF7209 (576x1024).jpg DSCF7252 (1024x576).jpg DSCF7233 (1024x576).jpg DSCF7245.JPG
  14. Nash

    Bleeding Heart

    They may still flower this year silu ... I've known mine come back for a second flush later in the year. Mind you, I'm a lot further south than you, but even so, don't give up on them this year ;)
    They may still flower this year silu ... I've known mine come back for a second flush later in the year. Mind you, I'm a lot further south than you, but even so, don't give up on them this year ;)
    They may still flower this year silu ... I've known mine come back for a second flush later in the year. Mind you, I'm a lot further south than you, but even so, don't give up on them this year ;)
    They may still flower this year silu ... I've known mine come back for a second flush later in the year. Mind you, I'm a lot further south than you, but even so, don't give up on them this year ;)
  15. nikirushka

    Foxtail lilies

    Brilliant :) Parts of my garden get quite boggy in winter but not the spot where these will be going, it drains well there. It's just where the dogs have trashed the lawn that suffers. ...
    Brilliant :) Parts of my garden get quite boggy in winter but not the spot where these will be going, it drains well there. It's just where the dogs have trashed the lawn that suffers. *sigh*Thank you :)
    Brilliant :) Parts of my garden get quite boggy in winter but not the spot where these will be going, it drains well there. It's just where the dogs have trashed the lawn that suffers. *sigh*Thank you :)
    Brilliant :) Parts of my garden get quite boggy in winter but not the spot where these will be going, it drains well there. It's just where the dogs have trashed the lawn that suffers. ...
  16. MissAgapanthus

    My Passionflower cuttings are flowering

    Great. That's what I thought. It's a hard ob but someone has to do it.
    Great. That's what I thought. It's a hard ob but someone has to do it.
    Great. That's what I thought. It's a hard ob but someone has to do it.
    Great. That's what I thought. It's a hard ob but someone has to do it.
  17. silu


    Well Palustris I would appear to have had the same problem as you. Many of the bulbs were of flowering size as when I brought them back from France (roughly April of 2013) I stuck them in a pot...
    Well Palustris I would appear to have had the same problem as you. Many of the bulbs were of flowering size as when I brought them back from France (roughly April of 2013) I stuck them in a pot in the greenhouse and they flowered. They were sort of in the way so I thought they would do better...
    Well Palustris I would appear to have had the same problem as you. Many of the bulbs were of flowering size as when I brought them back from France (roughly April of 2013) I stuck them in a pot in the greenhouse and they flowered. They were sort...
    Well Palustris I would appear to have had the same problem as you. Many of the bulbs were of flowering size as when I brought them back from France (roughly April of 2013) I stuck them in a pot...
  18. froot

    LOV Houseplant?

    Thank you Spruce :)
    Thank you Spruce :)
    Thank you Spruce :)
    Thank you Spruce :)
  19. rosebay

    Parlour Palm (houseplant) - cleaning leaves

    Hi Rosebay, I use a normal small spray and add a drop (1!) of washing up liquid. It seems to loosen the dust from the leaves. If your palm is on a carpet, cover it before spraying as you get the...
    Hi Rosebay, I use a normal small spray and add a drop (1!) of washing up liquid. It seems to loosen the dust from the leaves. If your palm is on a carpet, cover it before spraying as you get the best results if you spray the leaves dripping wet.Walls are also in danger zone unless you are a...
    Hi Rosebay, I use a normal small spray and add a drop (1!) of washing up liquid. It seems to loosen the dust from the leaves. If your palm is on a carpet, cover it before spraying as you get the best results if you spray the leaves dripping wet....
    Hi Rosebay, I use a normal small spray and add a drop (1!) of washing up liquid. It seems to loosen the dust from the leaves. If your palm is on a carpet, cover it before spraying as you get the...
  20. amymac78


    I've just bought a Pennisetum Herbstzauber, at the moment its in a 9cm pot and is quite small, would it be ok in a pot that is H50 x D30 cm?
    I've just bought a Pennisetum Herbstzauber, at the moment its in a 9cm pot and is quite small, would it be ok in a pot that is H50 x D30 cm?
    I've just bought a Pennisetum Herbstzauber, at the moment its in a 9cm pot and is quite small, would it be ok in a pot that is H50 x D30 cm?
    I've just bought a Pennisetum Herbstzauber, at the moment its in a 9cm pot and is quite small, would it be ok in a pot that is H50 x D30 cm?

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