Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. TurnedThespian

    Holly obsession stopped in its tracks

    Yes, I've looked and unfortunately can't get the rarer ones anywhere near me. The cost of postage is so high from the few places that do stock the others I really can't justify shipping them. I'm...
    Yes, I've looked and unfortunately can't get the rarer ones anywhere near me. The cost of postage is so high from the few places that do stock the others I really can't justify shipping them. I'm going to hold out in the hope that Welsh Holly have Elegantissima later in the year, and any others...
    Yes, I've looked and unfortunately can't get the rarer ones anywhere near me. The cost of postage is so high from the few places that do stock the others I really can't justify shipping them. I'm going to hold out in the hope that Welsh Holly...
    Yes, I've looked and unfortunately can't get the rarer ones anywhere near me. The cost of postage is so high from the few places that do stock the others I really can't justify shipping them. I'm...
  2. clueless1

    I've been given a MASSIVE yukka tree

    I'm assuming its Y. elephantipes, the usual houseplant type, its spineless and becomes tree like in stature. Most, but not all, of the garden types have spines.
    I'm assuming its Y. elephantipes, the usual houseplant type, its spineless and becomes tree like in stature. Most, but not all, of the garden types have spines.
    I'm assuming its Y. elephantipes, the usual houseplant type, its spineless and becomes tree like in stature. Most, but not all, of the garden types have spines.
    I'm assuming its Y. elephantipes, the usual houseplant type, its spineless and becomes tree like in stature. Most, but not all, of the garden types have spines.
  3. clueless1

    Plant to take over the bathroom

    Rosary vine, Ceropegia woodii and yes it is very messy but also very pretty.
    Rosary vine, Ceropegia woodii and yes it is very messy but also very pretty.
    Rosary vine, Ceropegia woodii and yes it is very messy but also very pretty.
    Rosary vine, Ceropegia woodii and yes it is very messy but also very pretty.
  4. Sheal

    Indoor plant

    Thanks Stephen, that's what I was thinking. :)
    Thanks Stephen, that's what I was thinking. :)
    Thanks Stephen, that's what I was thinking. :)
    Thanks Stephen, that's what I was thinking. :)
  5. Jenny namaste
    Like x 9

    Mimosa pudica - a fun plant!!

    i found soaking the seeds a couple hours in hot water and then starting in paper towels really sped things up. they like alot of warmth in the beginning.
    i found soaking the seeds a couple hours in hot water and then starting in paper towels really sped things up. they like alot of warmth in the beginning.
    i found soaking the seeds a couple hours in hot water and then starting in paper towels really sped things up. they like alot of warmth in the beginning.
    i found soaking the seeds a couple hours in hot water and then starting in paper towels really sped things up. they like alot of warmth in the beginning.
  6. tracy carter

    telegraph plant

    i think it's gotta be humidity. kinda tricky keeping the rh up when i need to constantly vent the lights. yeah its winter here. going to try the wet towel wick method. never had an issue with...
    i think it's gotta be humidity. kinda tricky keeping the rh up when i need to constantly vent the lights. yeah its winter here. going to try the wet towel wick method. never had an issue with other plants so its taking me a while to fine tune. here's hoping they don't croak in the process.
    i think it's gotta be humidity. kinda tricky keeping the rh up when i need to constantly vent the lights. yeah its winter here. going to try the wet towel wick method. never had an issue with other plants so its taking me a while to fine tune....
    i think it's gotta be humidity. kinda tricky keeping the rh up when i need to constantly vent the lights. yeah its winter here. going to try the wet towel wick method. never had an issue with...
  7. Phil A
    Like x 9

    Glastonbury Thorn

    Later, 17th of Jan last year,
    Later, 17th of Jan last year,
    Later, 17th of Jan last year,
    Later, 17th of Jan last year,
  8. Giulio Veronese

    Evergreen Shrub

    The pic shows a shrub with compound pinnate leaves and would fit very well with Jasminum officinale. (Ash trees and Elderberry have a similar arrangement of leaves.)While Ligustrum has...
    The pic shows a shrub with compound pinnate leaves and would fit very well with Jasminum officinale. (Ash trees and Elderberry have a similar arrangement of leaves.)While Ligustrum has simple leaves that are opposite each other on a twig so can be ruled out.
    The pic shows a shrub with compound pinnate leaves and would fit very well with Jasminum officinale. (Ash trees and Elderberry have a similar arrangement of leaves.)While Ligustrum has simple leaves that are opposite each other on a twig so...
    The pic shows a shrub with compound pinnate leaves and would fit very well with Jasminum officinale. (Ash trees and Elderberry have a similar arrangement of leaves.)While Ligustrum has...
  9. clueless1

    Plants for a bottle garden

    If they are small enough to fit in the neck of a half gallon scrumpy bottle, then it is an option. Microplugs would fit.
    If they are small enough to fit in the neck of a half gallon scrumpy bottle, then it is an option. Microplugs would fit.
    If they are small enough to fit in the neck of a half gallon scrumpy bottle, then it is an option. Microplugs would fit.
    If they are small enough to fit in the neck of a half gallon scrumpy bottle, then it is an option. Microplugs would fit.
  10. Spruce


    To my eyes for a five year old plant that is truly outstanding!
    To my eyes for a five year old plant that is truly outstanding!
    To my eyes for a five year old plant that is truly outstanding!
    To my eyes for a five year old plant that is truly outstanding!
  11. Passport1

    Is my potted house plant healthy

    Thanks all for the replies and feedback I decided to discard the plant Thanks for your help
    Thanks all for the replies and feedback I decided to discard the plant Thanks for your help
    Thanks all for the replies and feedback I decided to discard the plant Thanks for your help
    Thanks all for the replies and feedback I decided to discard the plant Thanks for your help
  12. Bilbo675
    Like x 14

    Money Plant in Flower!!

    I've got a couple growing out the shingle on my greenhouse floor. They got there by dropped leaves rooting. They flower every year in mid winter, I never water them even in the summer. Its a...
    I've got a couple growing out the shingle on my greenhouse floor. They got there by dropped leaves rooting. They flower every year in mid winter, I never water them even in the summer. Its a plant that really just does best when its struggling.
    I've got a couple growing out the shingle on my greenhouse floor. They got there by dropped leaves rooting. They flower every year in mid winter, I never water them even in the summer. Its a plant that really just does best when its struggling.
    I've got a couple growing out the shingle on my greenhouse floor. They got there by dropped leaves rooting. They flower every year in mid winter, I never water them even in the summer. Its a...
  13. Ian Taylor
    Like x 3

    one of our Orchids

  14. Philip Hughes

    Evergreen shrubs

    Ceanothus is evergreen (leaves are small, but unremarkable) and has Blue flowers. Pick a variety that is properly hardy if your site is exposed.Lavender edging at the front perhaps (one like...
    Ceanothus is evergreen (leaves are small, but unremarkable) and has Blue flowers. Pick a variety that is properly hardy if your site is exposed.Lavender edging at the front perhaps (one like Munstead is reasonably small)
    Ceanothus is evergreen (leaves are small, but unremarkable) and has Blue flowers. Pick a variety that is properly hardy if your site is exposed.Lavender edging at the front perhaps (one like Munstead is reasonably small)
    Ceanothus is evergreen (leaves are small, but unremarkable) and has Blue flowers. Pick a variety that is properly hardy if your site is exposed.Lavender edging at the front perhaps (one like...
  15. Lolimac


    Just found this photo from mid May this year - just planted out my sweet peas . It shows our Olive tree standard - £20 from Asda, really pleased with it :dbgrtmb: Bottom right is Choisya Aztec pearl -...
    Just found this photo from mid May this year - just planted out my sweet peas . It shows our Olive tree standard - £20 from Asda, really pleased with it :dbgrtmb: Bottom right is Choisya Aztec pearl - possibly my favourite evergreen shrub . Behind is another evergreen the second non flowering non...
    Just found this photo from mid May this year - just planted out my sweet peas . It shows our Olive tree standard - £20 from Asda, really pleased with it :dbgrtmb: Bottom right is Choisya Aztec pearl - possibly my favourite evergreen shrub . Behind is...
    Just found this photo from mid May this year - just planted out my sweet peas . It shows our Olive tree standard - £20 from Asda, really pleased with it :dbgrtmb: Bottom right is Choisya Aztec pearl -...
    Choisya \'Sundance\' (2).JPG sDSCN0654.JPG
  16. harry123


    Thanks val:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thanks val:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thanks val:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thanks val:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
  17. silu


    Yes the leaves are more rounded (at the base anyway) and furry on Russeliana still lovely though :), I did manage to get you a bit of seed not a lot but enough to get a few plants hopefully.
    Yes the leaves are more rounded (at the base anyway) and furry on Russeliana still lovely though :), I did manage to get you a bit of seed not a lot but enough to get a few plants hopefully.
    Yes the leaves are more rounded (at the base anyway) and furry on Russeliana still lovely though :), I did manage to get you a bit of seed not a lot but enough to get a few plants hopefully.
    Yes the leaves are more rounded (at the base anyway) and furry on Russeliana still lovely though :), I did manage to get you a bit of seed not a lot but enough to get a few plants hopefully.
    tuberosa.jpg russeliana.jpg
  18. sal73

    Plectranthus forsteri 'Marginatus'

    The one that I'm really after is Mona Lavender - any ideas where I could find that?Sorry Sal, that wasn't very helpful was it!
    The one that I'm really after is Mona Lavender - any ideas where I could find that?Sorry Sal, that wasn't very helpful was it!
    The one that I'm really after is Mona Lavender - any ideas where I could find that?Sorry Sal, that wasn't very helpful was it!
    The one that I'm really after is Mona Lavender - any ideas where I could find that?Sorry Sal, that wasn't very helpful was it!
  19. sal73
  20. pete
    Like x 4

    Hymenosporum flavum

    We will have to see how professional it is in a couple of months or so.;):biggrin:
    We will have to see how professional it is in a couple of months or so.;):biggrin:
    We will have to see how professional it is in a couple of months or so.;):biggrin:
    We will have to see how professional it is in a couple of months or so.;):biggrin:

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