Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. miraflores

    lamb ears plants

    Probably related to them being split it. Might have been better to have kept them in pots for a while, after splitting, to give them time to get going again. Easy enough to move pots out of the...
    Probably related to them being split it. Might have been better to have kept them in pots for a while, after splitting, to give them time to get going again. Easy enough to move pots out of the heat of the sun, and in the house (for example) they don't have any wind to dry them out ... and so...
    Probably related to them being split it. Might have been better to have kept them in pots for a while, after splitting, to give them time to get going again. Easy enough to move pots out of the heat of the sun, and in the house (for example)...
    Probably related to them being split it. Might have been better to have kept them in pots for a while, after splitting, to give them time to get going again. Easy enough to move pots out of the...
  2. Rowan

    Hebe Newbie :)

    Hi everyone, thanks. :)
    Hi everyone, thanks. :)
    Hi everyone, thanks. :)
    Hi everyone, thanks. :)
  3. Ellen

    Buddleia (again!)

    Thanks everyone :)
    Thanks everyone :)
    Thanks everyone :)
    Thanks everyone :)
  4. Mamashoe

    Can Phormium Jester be cut completely back?

    Thanks noisette47. That may be part of the problem. My Phormium is in a very dry area and I tend not to water that area very often as it is in the "well established area" I will, however, do so...
    Thanks noisette47. That may be part of the problem. My Phormium is in a very dry area and I tend not to water that area very often as it is in the "well established area" I will, however, do so from now on. Fortunately, where I'm going to plant the other piece is more moist. Thanks for the tips.
    Thanks noisette47. That may be part of the problem. My Phormium is in a very dry area and I tend not to water that area very often as it is in the "well established area" I will, however, do so from now on. Fortunately, where I'm going to plant...
    Thanks noisette47. That may be part of the problem. My Phormium is in a very dry area and I tend not to water that area very often as it is in the "well established area" I will, however, do so...
  5. Gay Gardener

    Mazus Reptans

    Thanks Doug. It does seem that there are varying opinions on how Mazus is best used/placed. Will have to experiment.GG
    Thanks Doug. It does seem that there are varying opinions on how Mazus is best used/placed. Will have to experiment.GG
    Thanks Doug. It does seem that there are varying opinions on how Mazus is best used/placed. Will have to experiment.GG
    Thanks Doug. It does seem that there are varying opinions on how Mazus is best used/placed. Will have to experiment.GG
  6. Sweet-pea66

    Growing Tree lily bulbs

    Thank you Madahhlia amd Silu for your comments, i will leave them in the tubs for the time being and take your advice. My concern was that the lilies seem to be getting big very quickly and i...
    Thank you Madahhlia amd Silu for your comments, i will leave them in the tubs for the time being and take your advice. My concern was that the lilies seem to be getting big very quickly and i wasnt sure whether the tub was big enough to cope with the roots
    Thank you Madahhlia amd Silu for your comments, i will leave them in the tubs for the time being and take your advice. My concern was that the lilies seem to be getting big very quickly and i wasnt sure whether the tub was big enough to cope with...
    Thank you Madahhlia amd Silu for your comments, i will leave them in the tubs for the time being and take your advice. My concern was that the lilies seem to be getting big very quickly and i...
  7. Markymark

    Sambucus Nigeria black beauty pruning

    Well i have given it a cut back and am just gonna leave it now for the rest of the year. Hopefully I will see significantly more flowers next year...watch this space! Thanks for all the advice...
    Well i have given it a cut back and am just gonna leave it now for the rest of the year. Hopefully I will see significantly more flowers next year...watch this space! Thanks for all the advice...
    Well i have given it a cut back and am just gonna leave it now for the rest of the year. Hopefully I will see significantly more flowers next year...watch this space! Thanks for all the advice...
    Well i have given it a cut back and am just gonna leave it now for the rest of the year. Hopefully I will see significantly more flowers next year...watch this space! Thanks for all the advice...
  8. Sproule

    Castlewellan Gold Browning

    I've no idea what that is!! :hate-shocked:
    I've no idea what that is!! :hate-shocked:
    I've no idea what that is!! :hate-shocked:
    I've no idea what that is!! :hate-shocked:
  9. wiseowl


    Precisely, woo! And that would make you a good neighbour, conscientious citizen, and a wise old owl indeed ;)
    Precisely, woo! And that would make you a good neighbour, conscientious citizen, and a wise old owl indeed ;)
    Precisely, woo! And that would make you a good neighbour, conscientious citizen, and a wise old owl indeed ;)
    Precisely, woo! And that would make you a good neighbour, conscientious citizen, and a wise old owl indeed ;)
  10. Ellen


    I like and use Growmore occasionally but granulated feed takes more time to break down and release nutrients to the plants so I tend to use a soluble feed:coffee::snork: as I think the plants can make use of it...
    I like and use Growmore occasionally but granulated feed takes more time to break down and release nutrients to the plants so I tend to use a soluble feed:coffee::snork: as I think the plants can make use of it more quickly.
    I like and use Growmore occasionally but granulated feed takes more time to break down and release nutrients to the plants so I tend to use a soluble feed:coffee::snork: as I think the plants can make use of it more quickly.
    I like and use Growmore occasionally but granulated feed takes more time to break down and release nutrients to the plants so I tend to use a soluble feed:coffee::snork: as I think the plants can make use of it...
  11. whis4ey

    Flowering shrubs

    Gorgeous shrubs: especially like your hydrangea :dbgrtmb:
    Gorgeous shrubs: especially like your hydrangea :dbgrtmb:
    Gorgeous shrubs: especially like your hydrangea :dbgrtmb:
    Gorgeous shrubs: especially like your hydrangea :dbgrtmb:
  12. silu

    Maybe check your dark leafed Sambucas.

    I only really concern myself with blackfly on veg. I'll let the ladybirds eat mine if they're there :)
    I only really concern myself with blackfly on veg. I'll let the ladybirds eat mine if they're there :)
    I only really concern myself with blackfly on veg. I'll let the ladybirds eat mine if they're there :)
    I only really concern myself with blackfly on veg. I'll let the ladybirds eat mine if they're there :)
  13. Philip Hughes

    Rudbeckia Early Bird Gold (PBR)

    Hi, I am growing the above plant in containers and the foliage is doing very well; large, healthy leaves. However, there is no sign of any flower stems or buds. This variety is supposed to...
    Hi, I am growing the above plant in containers and the foliage is doing very well; large, healthy leaves. However, there is no sign of any flower stems or buds. This variety is supposed to start flowering in June and as we move into August flowering is not going to happen yet! I have six...
    Hi, I am growing the above plant in containers and the foliage is doing very well; large, healthy leaves. However, there is no sign of any flower stems or buds. This variety is supposed to start flowering in June and as we move into August...
    Hi, I am growing the above plant in containers and the foliage is doing very well; large, healthy leaves. However, there is no sign of any flower stems or buds. This variety is supposed to...
  14. ennnceee

    My violas again next year?

    OOh , even more plants. Thanks Spruce, I'll try that in the morning. Jenny
    OOh , even more plants. Thanks Spruce, I'll try that in the morning. Jenny
    OOh , even more plants. Thanks Spruce, I'll try that in the morning. Jenny
    OOh , even more plants. Thanks Spruce, I'll try that in the morning. Jenny
  15. HarryS

    Mystery Sweet Pea ?

    Hi Longk , the colours are pretty much spot on for both SPs . I know the Matacuna on the T and M site is a lot darker than this.
    Hi Longk , the colours are pretty much spot on for both SPs . I know the Matacuna on the T and M site is a lot darker than this.
    Hi Longk , the colours are pretty much spot on for both SPs . I know the Matacuna on the T and M site is a lot darker than this.
    Hi Longk , the colours are pretty much spot on for both SPs . I know the Matacuna on the T and M site is a lot darker than this.
  16. Sheal

    Spiraea Japonica

    Thanks Loofah, :) but that reads nothing like my plant and mine isn't deciduous. My brother sent me a copy of the label. I'll have a look around on the web, but the sites don't seem to say...
    Thanks Loofah, :) but that reads nothing like my plant and mine isn't deciduous. My brother sent me a copy of the label. I'll have a look around on the web, but the sites don't seem to say whether it will be okay in an exposed position with most plants.
    Thanks Loofah, :) but that reads nothing like my plant and mine isn't deciduous. My brother sent me a copy of the label. I'll have a look around on the web, but the sites don't seem to say whether it will be okay in an exposed position with...
    Thanks Loofah, :) but that reads nothing like my plant and mine isn't deciduous. My brother sent me a copy of the label. I'll have a look around on the web, but the sites don't seem to say...
    Spiraea 'Japonica'.jpg
  17. Val..

    Making my hydrangea blue

    Remember years ago taking cuttings from what was a pink Hydrangea from a friend. It then turned blue after I added some Aluminum sulphate. I think Hydrangeas are very variable when given...
    Remember years ago taking cuttings from what was a pink Hydrangea from a friend. It then turned blue after I added some Aluminum sulphate. I think Hydrangeas are very variable when given different growing conditions, and watering with tap water will probably affect the ph of erecacious ...
    Remember years ago taking cuttings from what was a pink Hydrangea from a friend. It then turned blue after I added some Aluminum sulphate. I think Hydrangeas are very variable when given different growing conditions, and watering with tap...
    Remember years ago taking cuttings from what was a pink Hydrangea from a friend. It then turned blue after I added some Aluminum sulphate. I think Hydrangeas are very variable when given...
  18. wiseowl

    Clematis Advice

    I will buy "cheap" Clematis if the plant is a good one and of a variety I like whatever the source. I will also pay a good price for something I haven't seen before and think will be a nice...
    I will buy "cheap" Clematis if the plant is a good one and of a variety I like whatever the source. I will also pay a good price for something I haven't seen before and think will be a nice addition to the garden. I think we should look past the illusion of some thing being better because it's...
    I will buy "cheap" Clematis if the plant is a good one and of a variety I like whatever the source. I will also pay a good price for something I haven't seen before and think will be a nice addition to the garden. I think we should look past the...
    I will buy "cheap" Clematis if the plant is a good one and of a variety I like whatever the source. I will also pay a good price for something I haven't seen before and think will be a nice...
  19. dinp

    Red Robin Shrubs

    Good evening all. Three years ago I purchased some very small Laurel hedge plants and Red Robin, though these were much larger. The laurel hedge plants have caught up in size and both are a good...
    Good evening all. Three years ago I purchased some very small Laurel hedge plants and Red Robin, though these were much larger. The laurel hedge plants have caught up in size and both are a good size. Last year I trimmed the Laurel hedge plants with the aim of getting them to become bushy....
    Good evening all. Three years ago I purchased some very small Laurel hedge plants and Red Robin, though these were much larger. The laurel hedge plants have caught up in size and both are a good size. Last year I trimmed the Laurel hedge plants...
    Good evening all. Three years ago I purchased some very small Laurel hedge plants and Red Robin, though these were much larger. The laurel hedge plants have caught up in size and both are a good...
  20. Selleri

    Passiflora Empress Eugenie needs a place to rule- help!

    Thank you Sal, both for the advise and for the smashing photos! I'll definitely make room for a hardy Passiflora next summer, they are just so gorgeous and quirky plants. I saw one in Italy...
    Thank you Sal, both for the advise and for the smashing photos! I'll definitely make room for a hardy Passiflora next summer, they are just so gorgeous and quirky plants. I saw one in Italy which had actually bent the cast iron fence rods to suit its growing preferences- the stems were thumb...
    Thank you Sal, both for the advise and for the smashing photos! I'll definitely make room for a hardy Passiflora next summer, they are just so gorgeous and quirky plants. I saw one in Italy which had actually bent the cast iron fence rods to...
    Thank you Sal, both for the advise and for the smashing photos! I'll definitely make room for a hardy Passiflora next summer, they are just so gorgeous and quirky plants. I saw one in Italy...

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