Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. nFrost

    How low can you grow a Leylandii

    Thanks all, I'll advise him that it'll look ugly and probably a bit daft too! Yes the trunks have ivy growing up them, they were like that when we moved in last year. I've removed a lot of the...
    Thanks all, I'll advise him that it'll look ugly and probably a bit daft too! Yes the trunks have ivy growing up them, they were like that when we moved in last year. I've removed a lot of the ivy that was trailing through the leylandii branches so it didn't look so bad. I quite like it too!
    Thanks all, I'll advise him that it'll look ugly and probably a bit daft too! Yes the trunks have ivy growing up them, they were like that when we moved in last year. I've removed a lot of the ivy that was trailing through the leylandii...
    Thanks all, I'll advise him that it'll look ugly and probably a bit daft too! Yes the trunks have ivy growing up them, they were like that when we moved in last year. I've removed a lot of the...
  2. Jiffy

    Dwarf Daffodils

    Thank You Kristen That may explane it
    Thank You Kristen That may explane it
    Thank You Kristen That may explane it
    Thank You Kristen That may explane it
  3. Isandri

    Orange/Apricot rose for container

    Lady of Shalott (my avatar) Lady Emma Hamilton. Lady of Shalott isn't very fragranced but Lady Emma Hamilton is
    Lady of Shalott (my avatar) Lady Emma Hamilton. Lady of Shalott isn't very fragranced but Lady Emma Hamilton is
    Lady of Shalott (my avatar) Lady Emma Hamilton. Lady of Shalott isn't very fragranced but Lady Emma Hamilton is
    Lady of Shalott (my avatar) Lady Emma Hamilton. Lady of Shalott isn't very fragranced but Lady Emma Hamilton is
  4. dandanuk

    Lonicera help

    Thank you, you have also put my mind at rest, I will sit it out and make sure they get all they need.
    Thank you, you have also put my mind at rest, I will sit it out and make sure they get all they need.
    Thank you, you have also put my mind at rest, I will sit it out and make sure they get all they need.
    Thank you, you have also put my mind at rest, I will sit it out and make sure they get all they need.
  5. Fat Controller

    Nemophila - how fussy?

    Thanks again John :) - I found growing those other things last year that it really took the edge off the patio, so hopefully they will look just as good.
    Thanks again John :) - I found growing those other things last year that it really took the edge off the patio, so hopefully they will look just as good.
    Thanks again John :) - I found growing those other things last year that it really took the edge off the patio, so hopefully they will look just as good.
    Thanks again John :) - I found growing those other things last year that it really took the edge off the patio, so hopefully they will look just as good.
  6. dinp

    Sorbaria Sem

    Hi again. Anyone have an idea why the plants I have planted that came from the main plant have wilted a little? The new plants had decent roots. I used bonemeal and watered quite a bit. I dont...
    Hi again. Anyone have an idea why the plants I have planted that came from the main plant have wilted a little? The new plants had decent roots. I used bonemeal and watered quite a bit. I dont think they are dead, but not as upright as when they were attached to the main plant. Could I have...
    Hi again. Anyone have an idea why the plants I have planted that came from the main plant have wilted a little? The new plants had decent roots. I used bonemeal and watered quite a bit. I dont think they are dead, but not as upright as when they...
    Hi again. Anyone have an idea why the plants I have planted that came from the main plant have wilted a little? The new plants had decent roots. I used bonemeal and watered quite a bit. I dont...
  7. sal73

    Rare Clematis

    Well, sal, you're thinking about the group of Clematis called Cirrhosas. They're mostly evergreen and here's a few names: Freckles Landsdown Gem Jingle Bells Wisley Cream Balearica a slightly...
    Well, sal, you're thinking about the group of Clematis called Cirrhosas. They're mostly evergreen and here's a few names: Freckles Landsdown Gem Jingle Bells Wisley Cream Balearica a slightly exotic Clematis called napaulensis and of course, Winter Beauty The group Armandii are evergreen but...
    Well, sal, you're thinking about the group of Clematis called Cirrhosas. They're mostly evergreen and here's a few names: Freckles Landsdown Gem Jingle Bells Wisley Cream Balearica a slightly exotic Clematis called napaulensis and of course,...
    Well, sal, you're thinking about the group of Clematis called Cirrhosas. They're mostly evergreen and here's a few names: Freckles Landsdown Gem Jingle Bells Wisley Cream Balearica a slightly...
  8. stumorphmac


    Well, Provado is systemic and will stay in the plant so that when it next gets visited by pests and they suck the sap they will die. Unfortunately by the time that happens the plant will be in...
    Well, Provado is systemic and will stay in the plant so that when it next gets visited by pests and they suck the sap they will die. Unfortunately by the time that happens the plant will be in trouble. I take it that the Aconite is in the soil and not in a pot? It sounds like black fly...
    Well, Provado is systemic and will stay in the plant so that when it next gets visited by pests and they suck the sap they will die. Unfortunately by the time that happens the plant will be in trouble. I take it that the Aconite is in the...
    Well, Provado is systemic and will stay in the plant so that when it next gets visited by pests and they suck the sap they will die. Unfortunately by the time that happens the plant will be in...
  9. sumbody


    The last 2 are showing signs of life today , do not know where it`s all going.
    The last 2 are showing signs of life today , do not know where it`s all going.
    The last 2 are showing signs of life today , do not know where it`s all going.
    The last 2 are showing signs of life today , do not know where it`s all going.
  10. hans


    The bar attachment works very well it is so much stronger than the electric scarifier. The mower collects the grass in a collector at the back it does grass very well. When the bar attachment is...
    The bar attachment works very well it is so much stronger than the electric scarifier. The mower collects the grass in a collector at the back it does grass very well. When the bar attachment is on it collects nothing just leaves it on the lawn due to being set much higher and slightly narrower...
    The bar attachment works very well it is so much stronger than the electric scarifier. The mower collects the grass in a collector at the back it does grass very well. When the bar attachment is on it collects nothing just leaves it on the lawn...
    The bar attachment works very well it is so much stronger than the electric scarifier. The mower collects the grass in a collector at the back it does grass very well. When the bar attachment is...
  11. Fern4

    Clematis for a pot.

    Hi Fern One that I grew in a very large pot was Guernsey Cream didnt go to tall and had it in a pot for 5 years , planted it out here thinking I was doing the best thing and it died !! I...
    Hi Fern One that I grew in a very large pot was Guernsey Cream didnt go to tall and had it in a pot for 5 years , planted it out here thinking I was doing the best thing and it died !! I should of kept in the pot I have been after a new one but the nursery;s by me never have it in so...
    Hi Fern One that I grew in a very large pot was Guernsey Cream didnt go to tall and had it in a pot for 5 years , planted it out here thinking I was doing the best thing and it died !! I should of kept in the pot I have been after a new one...
    Hi Fern One that I grew in a very large pot was Guernsey Cream didnt go to tall and had it in a pot for 5 years , planted it out here thinking I was doing the best thing and it died !! I...
  12. noisette47

    Iris Reversion

    Spot on! I met the great man once, at Dixter, and found him much more accessible, friendly and welcoming than say, for instance, Beth Chatto.
    Spot on! I met the great man once, at Dixter, and found him much more accessible, friendly and welcoming than say, for instance, Beth Chatto.
    Spot on! I met the great man once, at Dixter, and found him much more accessible, friendly and welcoming than say, for instance, Beth Chatto.
    Spot on! I met the great man once, at Dixter, and found him much more accessible, friendly and welcoming than say, for instance, Beth Chatto.
  13. rich255

    Laurel problems HELP

    I'll be getting a reputation as 'chemical happy':sad: but for non-edibles, systemics can be a quick and effective solution. Where possible, I'd use them as a soil drench.
    I'll be getting a reputation as 'chemical happy':sad: but for non-edibles, systemics can be a quick and effective solution. Where possible, I'd use them as a soil drench.
    I'll be getting a reputation as 'chemical happy':sad: but for non-edibles, systemics can be a quick and effective solution. Where possible, I'd use them as a soil drench.
    I'll be getting a reputation as 'chemical happy':sad: but for non-edibles, systemics can be a quick and effective solution. Where possible, I'd use them as a soil drench.
  14. whis4ey

    Pieris Japonica

    That is a great looking plant. I bought mine , a tiny one, a year ago and its growing slow. Hope it looks as good as yours in time.
    That is a great looking plant. I bought mine , a tiny one, a year ago and its growing slow. Hope it looks as good as yours in time.
    That is a great looking plant. I bought mine , a tiny one, a year ago and its growing slow. Hope it looks as good as yours in time.
    That is a great looking plant. I bought mine , a tiny one, a year ago and its growing slow. Hope it looks as good as yours in time.
  15. sal73

    Clematis winter beauty

    I would say Clematis Armandii and Winter Beauty are about the same in hardiness, JWK. I lost the very first Armandii I bought due to cold and that started my curiosity of clematis and learn how to...
    I would say Clematis Armandii and Winter Beauty are about the same in hardiness, JWK. I lost the very first Armandii I bought due to cold and that started my curiosity of clematis and learn how to get them to survive. I found it was better to disregard what was quoted on the hardiness scale and...
    I would say Clematis Armandii and Winter Beauty are about the same in hardiness, JWK. I lost the very first Armandii I bought due to cold and that started my curiosity of clematis and learn how to get them to survive. I found it was better to...
    I would say Clematis Armandii and Winter Beauty are about the same in hardiness, JWK. I lost the very first Armandii I bought due to cold and that started my curiosity of clematis and learn how to...
  16. Crassus

    Does my Peace Lily need re-potting?

    Ah,OK. Spathiphyllum then, rather than Arum / Zantedeschia. Same Aroid family though. Don't know much about them, but I don't think they will tolerate sitting in water, so keep the water level...
    Ah,OK. Spathiphyllum then, rather than Arum / Zantedeschia. Same Aroid family though. Don't know much about them, but I don't think they will tolerate sitting in water, so keep the water level below the top of the gravel.
    Ah,OK. Spathiphyllum then, rather than Arum / Zantedeschia. Same Aroid family though. Don't know much about them, but I don't think they will tolerate sitting in water, so keep the water level below the top of the gravel.
    Ah,OK. Spathiphyllum then, rather than Arum / Zantedeschia. Same Aroid family though. Don't know much about them, but I don't think they will tolerate sitting in water, so keep the water level...
  17. Philip Hughes

    Helenium, Achillea and Echinacea

    Hmmmmmmmm, Phil, it looks like the fickle finger of fate has not been kind to your plants and they've faded away.:dunno::hate-shocked:
    Hmmmmmmmm, Phil, it looks like the fickle finger of fate has not been kind to your plants and they've faded away.:dunno::hate-shocked:
    Hmmmmmmmm, Phil, it looks like the fickle finger of fate has not been kind to your plants and they've faded away.:dunno::hate-shocked:
    Hmmmmmmmm, Phil, it looks like the fickle finger of fate has not been kind to your plants and they've faded away.:dunno::hate-shocked:
  18. Coolsox
    Like x 5

    Aristolochia sempervirens

    That really is rather splendid!
    That really is rather splendid!
    That really is rather splendid!
    That really is rather splendid!
  19. silu

    Anybody else had trouble with Centranthus Ruber Album

    It is naturally a cliff dweller, so can tolerate high rainfall by the fact it grows in a well drained place & just sends lots of roots down.
    It is naturally a cliff dweller, so can tolerate high rainfall by the fact it grows in a well drained place & just sends lots of roots down.
    It is naturally a cliff dweller, so can tolerate high rainfall by the fact it grows in a well drained place & just sends lots of roots down.
    It is naturally a cliff dweller, so can tolerate high rainfall by the fact it grows in a well drained place & just sends lots of roots down.
  20. Val..


    I do have a little garden and have 2 of them ;) , it`s a crime not try one
    I do have a little garden and have 2 of them ;) , it`s a crime not try one
    I do have a little garden and have 2 of them ;) , it`s a crime not try one
    I do have a little garden and have 2 of them ;) , it`s a crime not try one

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