Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. Val..


    I cossetted mine for the first few years but now I find them popping up in unexpected areas of the garden. Not sure if they have seeded or if a stray tuber has been thrown out with the compost.
    I cossetted mine for the first few years but now I find them popping up in unexpected areas of the garden. Not sure if they have seeded or if a stray tuber has been thrown out with the compost.
    I cossetted mine for the first few years but now I find them popping up in unexpected areas of the garden. Not sure if they have seeded or if a stray tuber has been thrown out with the compost.
    I cossetted mine for the first few years but now I find them popping up in unexpected areas of the garden. Not sure if they have seeded or if a stray tuber has been thrown out with the compost.
  2. grai

    too late to do hyacinths?

    Hi and Welcome If you mean for a Christmas display ? yes it is to late to get them into flower but not to late to plant up have then for February / March in the house still time to plant them...
    Hi and Welcome If you mean for a Christmas display ? yes it is to late to get them into flower but not to late to plant up have then for February / March in the house still time to plant them . So carry on as you would of done and as soon as you see about a inch poking through bring them in...
    Hi and Welcome If you mean for a Christmas display ? yes it is to late to get them into flower but not to late to plant up have then for February / March in the house still time to plant them . So carry on as you would of done and as soon as...
    Hi and Welcome If you mean for a Christmas display ? yes it is to late to get them into flower but not to late to plant up have then for February / March in the house still time to plant them...
  3. rustyroots

    Bellis perrenis 'Blushing bride'

    Never grown them Rusty - but with this very cold weather I would certainly keep the pots in a cold frame overwinter.
    Never grown them Rusty - but with this very cold weather I would certainly keep the pots in a cold frame overwinter.
    Never grown them Rusty - but with this very cold weather I would certainly keep the pots in a cold frame overwinter.
    Never grown them Rusty - but with this very cold weather I would certainly keep the pots in a cold frame overwinter.
  4. HarryS

    Echinacea v Rudbeckia ?

    Clueless I have used that joke for years? Madahhlia, keep it inside for winter. Sand in hole? Erm! I tried that couple years back thinking echinaceas needed very free draining soil but they...
    Clueless I have used that joke for years? Madahhlia, keep it inside for winter. Sand in hole? Erm! I tried that couple years back thinking echinaceas needed very free draining soil but they want good soil. Sunshine yes. In spring incorporate compost of some sort into hole, decent size...
    Clueless I have used that joke for years? Madahhlia, keep it inside for winter. Sand in hole? Erm! I tried that couple years back thinking echinaceas needed very free draining soil but they want good soil. Sunshine yes. In spring...
    Clueless I have used that joke for years? Madahhlia, keep it inside for winter. Sand in hole? Erm! I tried that couple years back thinking echinaceas needed very free draining soil but they...
  5. Evil Len

    Can I cut down centaurea silver feathers ?

    Trouble is, they are big, quite blousey, but very prone to breaking off at the base !
    Trouble is, they are big, quite blousey, but very prone to breaking off at the base !
    Trouble is, they are big, quite blousey, but very prone to breaking off at the base !
    Trouble is, they are big, quite blousey, but very prone to breaking off at the base !
  6. Nick Hudd


    Our garden is very cold, many things which survive elsewhere, just freeze here.
    Our garden is very cold, many things which survive elsewhere, just freeze here.
    Our garden is very cold, many things which survive elsewhere, just freeze here.
    Our garden is very cold, many things which survive elsewhere, just freeze here.
  7. Kris Lord

    Sweet peas ... what to do over winter?

    Yeah, I was meaning that too :)
    Yeah, I was meaning that too :)
    Yeah, I was meaning that too :)
    Yeah, I was meaning that too :)
  8. miraflores
    Like x 5


    There is a picture I still regret not taking as I was roaming around the very north tip of Washington State on the Pacific coast side. It was a field of lavender. I saw it from the road down a...
    There is a picture I still regret not taking as I was roaming around the very north tip of Washington State on the Pacific coast side. It was a field of lavender. I saw it from the road down a path and should have turned in. Seemed that in this area lavender does really well.
    There is a picture I still regret not taking as I was roaming around the very north tip of Washington State on the Pacific coast side. It was a field of lavender. I saw it from the road down a path and should have turned in. Seemed that in...
    There is a picture I still regret not taking as I was roaming around the very north tip of Washington State on the Pacific coast side. It was a field of lavender. I saw it from the road down a...
  9. Spruce

    Miniature Hosta (formerly dwarf)

    "Mini Hosta" vs. "Dwarf Hosta" - What's the difference?In 2011, the American Hosta Society standarized the qualifications for mini hostas, effectively eliminating the term "dwarf hosta" as...
    "Mini Hosta" vs. "Dwarf Hosta" - What's the difference?In 2011, the American Hosta Society standarized the qualifications for mini hostas, effectively eliminating the term "dwarf hosta" as correct terminology. The AHS recognizes mini hostas by leaf size (the leaf must be smaller than 6 square...
    "Mini Hosta" vs. "Dwarf Hosta" - What's the difference?In 2011, the American Hosta Society standarized the qualifications for mini hostas, effectively eliminating the term "dwarf hosta" as correct terminology. The AHS recognizes mini hostas by...
    "Mini Hosta" vs. "Dwarf Hosta" - What's the difference?In 2011, the American Hosta Society standarized the qualifications for mini hostas, effectively eliminating the term "dwarf hosta" as...
  10. justracing

    Rudbeckia - young plants

    I split up some big daisies, Leucanthemum, today and replanted them but the tops had already died off. Just a bit nervous about moving stuff whilst still flowering- just!
    I split up some big daisies, Leucanthemum, today and replanted them but the tops had already died off. Just a bit nervous about moving stuff whilst still flowering- just!
    I split up some big daisies, Leucanthemum, today and replanted them but the tops had already died off. Just a bit nervous about moving stuff whilst still flowering- just!
    I split up some big daisies, Leucanthemum, today and replanted them but the tops had already died off. Just a bit nervous about moving stuff whilst still flowering- just!
  11. miraflores

    Vigna caracalla

    I've been growing this for a couple of years now with no success yet. One plant in the garden and one in the greenhouse. It forms tubers rather like a Dahlia so it may just be too immature at the...
    I've been growing this for a couple of years now with no success yet. One plant in the garden and one in the greenhouse. It forms tubers rather like a Dahlia so it may just be too immature at the moment.
    I've been growing this for a couple of years now with no success yet. One plant in the garden and one in the greenhouse. It forms tubers rather like a Dahlia so it may just be too immature at the moment.
    I've been growing this for a couple of years now with no success yet. One plant in the garden and one in the greenhouse. It forms tubers rather like a Dahlia so it may just be too immature at the...
  12. harry123


    Ah! I did similar but lifted mine into a big pot of ericaceous compost and feed lightly with miracle grow for acid loving plants. Leaves came back on what looked like dead branches. My plant...
    Ah! I did similar but lifted mine into a big pot of ericaceous compost and feed lightly with miracle grow for acid loving plants. Leaves came back on what looked like dead branches. My plant though is a different type to yours though.
    Ah! I did similar but lifted mine into a big pot of ericaceous compost and feed lightly with miracle grow for acid loving plants. Leaves came back on what looked like dead branches. My plant though is a different type to yours though.
    Ah! I did similar but lifted mine into a big pot of ericaceous compost and feed lightly with miracle grow for acid loving plants. Leaves came back on what looked like dead branches. My plant...
  13. wiseowl
    Like x 8

    Fatsia Japonica

    My young variegated one planted last March is showing a bud, it has lost most of it's variegation though.
    My young variegated one planted last March is showing a bud, it has lost most of it's variegation though.
    My young variegated one planted last March is showing a bud, it has lost most of it's variegation though.
    My young variegated one planted last March is showing a bud, it has lost most of it's variegation though.
  14. Fat Controller

    Dahlia XXXL

    Hi - Madahhlia. I too had read that D. excelsa was just a varient of imperialis. Excelsa had several flowers for me and they do seem to be very similar to pictures I have seen of the imperialis...
    Hi - Madahhlia. I too had read that D. excelsa was just a varient of imperialis. Excelsa had several flowers for me and they do seem to be very similar to pictures I have seen of the imperialis flower. But otherwise I would have said they were very different plants. Imperialis has very...
    Hi - Madahhlia. I too had read that D. excelsa was just a varient of imperialis. Excelsa had several flowers for me and they do seem to be very similar to pictures I have seen of the imperialis flower. But otherwise I would have said they were...
    Hi - Madahhlia. I too had read that D. excelsa was just a varient of imperialis. Excelsa had several flowers for me and they do seem to be very similar to pictures I have seen of the imperialis...
  15. Kristen

    Biggest Cardoon / Cynara Variety?

    I'll let you know when I collect the seed Kristen, its nearly ready :)
    I'll let you know when I collect the seed Kristen, its nearly ready :)
    I'll let you know when I collect the seed Kristen, its nearly ready :)
    I'll let you know when I collect the seed Kristen, its nearly ready :)

    A fucshia named "twiggy"

    Me too!! (Must be catching :heehee: )
    Me too!! (Must be catching :heehee: )
    Me too!! (Must be catching :heehee: )
    Me too!! (Must be catching :heehee: )
  17. Laurence Wilkinson

    heathers in a wall

    Doesn't sound a very promising site for heathers to be honest. If it's an old wall, and has naturally been colonised by ferns, mosses & lichens as you say, then it's probably already providing a...
    Doesn't sound a very promising site for heathers to be honest. If it's an old wall, and has naturally been colonised by ferns, mosses & lichens as you say, then it's probably already providing a good habitat for those species (and possibly specialist invertebrates as well). Trying to plant...
    Doesn't sound a very promising site for heathers to be honest. If it's an old wall, and has naturally been colonised by ferns, mosses & lichens as you say, then it's probably already providing a good habitat for those species (and possibly...
    Doesn't sound a very promising site for heathers to be honest. If it's an old wall, and has naturally been colonised by ferns, mosses & lichens as you say, then it's probably already providing a...
  18. Bilbo675

    Limited Time Bulb Sale 50% Off

    They have a very good delivery,will use them again
    They have a very good delivery,will use them again
    They have a very good delivery,will use them again
    They have a very good delivery,will use them again
  19. sal73

    Forbidden Plants

    Steep in hot water and sip :eeew:
    Steep in hot water and sip :eeew:
    Steep in hot water and sip :eeew:
    Steep in hot water and sip :eeew:
  20. cyberdyne

    Winter suggestions

    Thank you to all for the great suggestions. I'm not sure what I'm going to go for but I'm now armed with a good list and am about to head off to the garden centre. I'll let you know what I...
    Thank you to all for the great suggestions. I'm not sure what I'm going to go for but I'm now armed with a good list and am about to head off to the garden centre. I'll let you know what I found/purchased. Many thanks again.
    Thank you to all for the great suggestions. I'm not sure what I'm going to go for but I'm now armed with a good list and am about to head off to the garden centre. I'll let you know what I found/purchased. Many thanks again.
    Thank you to all for the great suggestions. I'm not sure what I'm going to go for but I'm now armed with a good list and am about to head off to the garden centre. I'll let you know what I...

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