Other Plants

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  1. Auntpol

    starting perennials early?

    The way that I see it is that some things are fine started off early if they have certain characteristics. I've just started off Lobelia Queen Victoria - it has a basal growth habit (ie; new...
    The way that I see it is that some things are fine started off early if they have certain characteristics. I've just started off Lobelia Queen Victoria - it has a basal growth habit (ie; new shoots develop from the root stock) so although it could get leggy what I do is to cut the top off at...
    The way that I see it is that some things are fine started off early if they have certain characteristics. I've just started off Lobelia Queen Victoria - it has a basal growth habit (ie; new shoots develop from the root stock) so although it...
    The way that I see it is that some things are fine started off early if they have certain characteristics. I've just started off Lobelia Queen Victoria - it has a basal growth habit (ie; new...
  2. sal73

    Metallic leaves

    Sal, it does looks a little like Hemigraphis Alternata.John (you're a hero:biggrin: ), P Crispa is what I have always known and grown as Laciniata. I haven't come across Shiso Britton before. The red...
    Sal, it does looks a little like Hemigraphis Alternata.John (you're a hero:biggrin: ), P Crispa is what I have always known and grown as Laciniata. I haven't come across Shiso Britton before. The red (purple) and green one I have is more Coleus like.
    Sal, it does looks a little like Hemigraphis Alternata.John (you're a hero:biggrin: ), P Crispa is what I have always known and grown as Laciniata. I haven't come across Shiso Britton before. The red (purple) and green one I have is more Coleus like.
    Sal, it does looks a little like Hemigraphis Alternata.John (you're a hero:biggrin: ), P Crispa is what I have always known and grown as Laciniata. I haven't come across Shiso Britton before. The red...
  3. averil

    Does anyone grow adenium obesum

    Averil, I feed all my succulents with a half strength solution of Chempack 3. Not use if it is still available, but the chemical forumla is 3-3-3, so any multi-purpose product would be ok....
    Averil, I feed all my succulents with a half strength solution of Chempack 3. Not use if it is still available, but the chemical forumla is 3-3-3, so any multi-purpose product would be ok. Sometimes (ie if I remember) towards the end of the season I use tomoto feed to try and harden then up...
    Averil, I feed all my succulents with a half strength solution of Chempack 3. Not use if it is still available, but the chemical forumla is 3-3-3, so any multi-purpose product would be ok. Sometimes (ie if I remember) towards the end of the...
    Averil, I feed all my succulents with a half strength solution of Chempack 3. Not use if it is still available, but the chemical forumla is 3-3-3, so any multi-purpose product would be ok....
  4. Fat Controller

    Saving tubers

    As Pete said: no rush with Dahlias. I often don't lift mine until well into December (if it is mild and not excessively wet). Only reason for lifting Dahlias is: Just in case the winter is...
    As Pete said: no rush with Dahlias. I often don't lift mine until well into December (if it is mild and not excessively wet). Only reason for lifting Dahlias is: Just in case the winter is really hard - and might kill them To get them to start earlier in the Spring To propagate from them (in...
    As Pete said: no rush with Dahlias. I often don't lift mine until well into December (if it is mild and not excessively wet). Only reason for lifting Dahlias is: Just in case the winter is really hard - and might kill them To get them to...
    As Pete said: no rush with Dahlias. I often don't lift mine until well into December (if it is mild and not excessively wet). Only reason for lifting Dahlias is: Just in case the winter is...
  5. Mr Grinch

    Ajuga Bugle

    I've not found them a problem with the perennial shoots that I have but they will stop new seedlings from growing. That's why they're a good ground cover plant.
    I've not found them a problem with the perennial shoots that I have but they will stop new seedlings from growing. That's why they're a good ground cover plant.
    I've not found them a problem with the perennial shoots that I have but they will stop new seedlings from growing. That's why they're a good ground cover plant.
    I've not found them a problem with the perennial shoots that I have but they will stop new seedlings from growing. That's why they're a good ground cover plant.
  6. "M"

    Shot in the dark: divine fragrance!

    Thank you, Sue! Maybe a neighbour is growing that and that is what I can smell.
    Thank you, Sue! Maybe a neighbour is growing that and that is what I can smell.
    Thank you, Sue! Maybe a neighbour is growing that and that is what I can smell.
    Thank you, Sue! Maybe a neighbour is growing that and that is what I can smell.
  7. suzie hawker

    plants for a pergola

    If the plants will be in heavy shade, Clematis alpina, (there are lots of varieties, different colours and heights) does well. It's also happy in a container. You can plant clematis any time to be...
    If the plants will be in heavy shade, Clematis alpina, (there are lots of varieties, different colours and heights) does well. It's also happy in a container. You can plant clematis any time to be honest - but autumn and spring are good. Plant them a bit deeper than they were in the pot, (helps...
    If the plants will be in heavy shade, Clematis alpina, (there are lots of varieties, different colours and heights) does well. It's also happy in a container. You can plant clematis any time to be honest - but autumn and spring are good. Plant...
    If the plants will be in heavy shade, Clematis alpina, (there are lots of varieties, different colours and heights) does well. It's also happy in a container. You can plant clematis any time to be...
  8. EddieJ

    Corokia Cotoneaster

    I think you might be ok; have you read this article from the telegraph?
    I think you might be ok; have you read this article from the telegraph?
    I think you might be ok; have you read this article from the telegraph?
    I think you might be ok; have you read this article from the telegraph?

    Plant Ideas Please...

    Thanks for all your ideas...very much appreciated. x
    Thanks for all your ideas...very much appreciated. x
    Thanks for all your ideas...very much appreciated. x
    Thanks for all your ideas...very much appreciated. x
  10. Anthorn

    Rootgrow on flowering houseplants

    Didn't know that. Oh well I'm an old guy and it's hard to beat the habit of a lifetime. But there is an excuse for lining the bottom of the pot when using clay pots. The hole in the bottom tends...
    Didn't know that. Oh well I'm an old guy and it's hard to beat the habit of a lifetime. But there is an excuse for lining the bottom of the pot when using clay pots. The hole in the bottom tends to be big in proportion to the size of the pot: Without lining, compost is lost every time it's...
    Didn't know that. Oh well I'm an old guy and it's hard to beat the habit of a lifetime. But there is an excuse for lining the bottom of the pot when using clay pots. The hole in the bottom tends to be big in proportion to the size of the pot:...
    Didn't know that. Oh well I'm an old guy and it's hard to beat the habit of a lifetime. But there is an excuse for lining the bottom of the pot when using clay pots. The hole in the bottom tends...
  11. jodymol

    Fuschia help

    I pot up my tip cuttings then put into a ziplock bag without rooting power and leave for 3 weeks then well rooted. I then grow my cuttings on and nip out at 3rd pair of leaves then turn a 1/4...
    I pot up my tip cuttings then put into a ziplock bag without rooting power and leave for 3 weeks then well rooted. I then grow my cuttings on and nip out at 3rd pair of leaves then turn a 1/4 turn each day to get an even shape. And feed with tomato feed. I am growing a mini standard...
    I pot up my tip cuttings then put into a ziplock bag without rooting power and leave for 3 weeks then well rooted. I then grow my cuttings on and nip out at 3rd pair of leaves then turn a 1/4 turn each day to get an even shape. And feed with...
    I pot up my tip cuttings then put into a ziplock bag without rooting power and leave for 3 weeks then well rooted. I then grow my cuttings on and nip out at 3rd pair of leaves then turn a 1/4...
  12. chan2


    Hello all, anyone got experience of growing these? I am looking for plants to grow in my greenhouse for temporary displays at work. Reading up on Crossandra it suggests that they will grow...
    Hello all, anyone got experience of growing these? I am looking for plants to grow in my greenhouse for temporary displays at work. Reading up on Crossandra it suggests that they will grow quickly from seed and flower all summer, which sounds perfect. Can anyone tell me if it is as easy...
    Hello all, anyone got experience of growing these? I am looking for plants to grow in my greenhouse for temporary displays at work. Reading up on Crossandra it suggests that they will grow quickly from seed and flower all summer, which...
    Hello all, anyone got experience of growing these? I am looking for plants to grow in my greenhouse for temporary displays at work. Reading up on Crossandra it suggests that they will grow...
  13. Phil A

    Mrs Chopper's Mushrooms

    can't tell from just that...
    can't tell from just that...
    can't tell from just that...
    can't tell from just that...
  14. islayhawk

    Fuschia Hedge

    I think you would probably get about 1ft of re-growth. I don't think the manure will make much difference. Just a thought Islayhawk, from my own experience. Check the woody parts of the fuschia...
    I think you would probably get about 1ft of re-growth. I don't think the manure will make much difference. Just a thought Islayhawk, from my own experience. Check the woody parts of the fuschia hedge for woodworm. I had to dig a large one out three years ago as it was riddled with it.
    I think you would probably get about 1ft of re-growth. I don't think the manure will make much difference. Just a thought Islayhawk, from my own experience. Check the woody parts of the fuschia hedge for woodworm. I had to dig a large one out...
    I think you would probably get about 1ft of re-growth. I don't think the manure will make much difference. Just a thought Islayhawk, from my own experience. Check the woody parts of the fuschia...
  15. boogaloo

    Great house plants to grow... ideas?

    Just had a proper look at your link - fantastic stuff! Shows how much more interesting life can be than the usual supermarket carbon copies. I think the Pumbago is looking a definite!
    Just had a proper look at your link - fantastic stuff! Shows how much more interesting life can be than the usual supermarket carbon copies. I think the Pumbago is looking a definite!
    Just had a proper look at your link - fantastic stuff! Shows how much more interesting life can be than the usual supermarket carbon copies. I think the Pumbago is looking a definite!
    Just had a proper look at your link - fantastic stuff! Shows how much more interesting life can be than the usual supermarket carbon copies. I think the Pumbago is looking a definite!
  16. jjrc

    Anyone have a spare (preferrably big) aloe vera plant they can send me? (in the U.K)

    Btw , can I be cheacky an ask if anyone got any Aloe ciliaris andAloe mitriformis or can anyone tell me where i can buy some.... sorry jjrc , still got some common aloe for you if you need .:)
    Btw , can I be cheacky an ask if anyone got any Aloe ciliaris andAloe mitriformis or can anyone tell me where i can buy some.... sorry jjrc , still got some common aloe for you if you need .:)
    Btw , can I be cheacky an ask if anyone got any Aloe ciliaris andAloe mitriformis or can anyone tell me where i can buy some.... sorry jjrc , still got some common aloe for you if you need .:)
    Btw , can I be cheacky an ask if anyone got any Aloe ciliaris andAloe mitriformis or can anyone tell me where i can buy some.... sorry jjrc , still got some common aloe for you if you need .:)
  17. stumorphmac

    Water Chestnut

    I think there are 2 king of water chestnut sold in supermarket...... the one I grown was Trapa natans ....got it from an asian store and it`s a floting plant ......then you got the american...
    I think there are 2 king of water chestnut sold in supermarket...... the one I grown was Trapa natans ....got it from an asian store and it`s a floting plant ......then you got the american Eleocharis dulcis that actually grow in soil ......they are different shape. about the water hyacyinth , I...
    I think there are 2 king of water chestnut sold in supermarket...... the one I grown was Trapa natans ....got it from an asian store and it`s a floting plant ......then you got the american Eleocharis dulcis that actually grow in soil ......they...
    I think there are 2 king of water chestnut sold in supermarket...... the one I grown was Trapa natans ....got it from an asian store and it`s a floting plant ......then you got the american...
  18. tweaky

    Cheese Plant.

    Cheers mate and thanks for the link. :thumb:
    Cheers mate and thanks for the link. :thumb:
    Cheers mate and thanks for the link. :thumb:
    Cheers mate and thanks for the link. :thumb:
  19. Charlie

    Orchid after flowering

    Many thanks Pete
    Many thanks Pete
    Many thanks Pete
    Many thanks Pete
  20. Marley Farley

    Money plant in flower

    Well here is a money plant in desparate need of something.
    Well here is a money plant in desparate need of something.
    Well here is a money plant in desparate need of something.
    Well here is a money plant in desparate need of something.

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