Other Plants

Any Other Plants Not Covered In Other Areas, Including House Plants Can Be Found Here

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  1. Esoxlucius

    Repotting timeline

    Thanks, lol. My beauty star is one of my better looking calatheas, it's positively thriving. Others are doing well but need a few "tweaks" to look as good as that one.It's very rewarding when...
    Thanks, lol. My beauty star is one of my better looking calatheas, it's positively thriving. Others are doing well but need a few "tweaks" to look as good as that one.It's very rewarding when you finally find out what a plant really likes, and they stop sulking at you and actually get on with...
    Thanks, lol. My beauty star is one of my better looking calatheas, it's positively thriving. Others are doing well but need a few "tweaks" to look as good as that one.It's very rewarding when you finally find out what a plant really likes, and...
    Thanks, lol. My beauty star is one of my better looking calatheas, it's positively thriving. Others are doing well but need a few "tweaks" to look as good as that one.It's very rewarding when...
  2. Bear1

    camassia quamash not up yet

    My Camassias are just starting to go over, hastened by the hot weekend, 27C. They are planted in a border of perennials in my garden in SW France. It gets very hot and dry here in summer and wet...
    My Camassias are just starting to go over, hastened by the hot weekend, 27C. They are planted in a border of perennials in my garden in SW France. It gets very hot and dry here in summer and wet in winter. The bed gets watered occasionally by my handyman when I'm in the UK. The soil is clay with...
    My Camassias are just starting to go over, hastened by the hot weekend, 27C. They are planted in a border of perennials in my garden in SW France. It gets very hot and dry here in summer and wet in winter. The bed gets watered occasionally by my...
    My Camassias are just starting to go over, hastened by the hot weekend, 27C. They are planted in a border of perennials in my garden in SW France. It gets very hot and dry here in summer and wet...
    AAA9AD80-C853-43B5-B826-7C88C472050E.jpeg Camassia.jpg Camassia-flower.jpg IMG_0767.JPG IMG_0768 2.JPG
  3. Loofah


    I’ve been repotting pelargonium cuttings and some of them are in flower. I was planning to start putting them in the cold frame during the day, but I’ve reconsidered after seeing the forecast for...
    I’ve been repotting pelargonium cuttings and some of them are in flower. I was planning to start putting them in the cold frame during the day, but I’ve reconsidered after seeing the forecast for next week.Santa Maria Centennial Antique Rose
    I’ve been repotting pelargonium cuttings and some of them are in flower. I was planning to start putting them in the cold frame during the day, but I’ve reconsidered after seeing the forecast for next week.Santa Maria Centennial Antique Rose
    I’ve been repotting pelargonium cuttings and some of them are in flower. I was planning to start putting them in the cold frame during the day, but I’ve reconsidered after seeing the forecast for...
    upload_2024-3-21_17-0-55.png IMG_4122.jpeg PXL_20240321_172522598.MP.jpg IMG_4069.jpeg IMG_1388.jpeg IMG_2859.jpeg
  4. hoofy

    Camelia and azalea both dead?

    Oops. That could be an expensive mistake.
    Oops. That could be an expensive mistake.
    Oops. That could be an expensive mistake.
    Oops. That could be an expensive mistake.
  5. simone_in_wiltshire

    Whe do you plant Sweet peaSweet pea (South West of England)?

    Not too late at all @AuntyRach . I often sow them at this time of year. I just sowed some a couple of days ago, and may do some more soon. It'll give you a later display, which many people find...
    Not too late at all @AuntyRach . I often sow them at this time of year. I just sowed some a couple of days ago, and may do some more soon. It'll give you a later display, which many people find useful. Remember that they don't necessarily need lots of sun either. I grow lots of mine in shadier...
    Not too late at all @AuntyRach . I often sow them at this time of year. I just sowed some a couple of days ago, and may do some more soon. It'll give you a later display, which many people find useful. Remember that they don't necessarily need...
    Not too late at all @AuntyRach . I often sow them at this time of year. I just sowed some a couple of days ago, and may do some more soon. It'll give you a later display, which many people find...
  6. Golarne

    Easy slug resistant plants please for shady clay

    Going for easy, reliable plants is always better with the scenario you have. If they do well, and your daughter then enjoys it, she'll experiment and maybe do a bit more research etc as she goes...
    Going for easy, reliable plants is always better with the scenario you have. If they do well, and your daughter then enjoys it, she'll experiment and maybe do a bit more research etc as she goes along. My two aren't remotely interested, and I've never tried to make them because it would be like...
    Going for easy, reliable plants is always better with the scenario you have. If they do well, and your daughter then enjoys it, she'll experiment and maybe do a bit more research etc as she goes along. My two aren't remotely interested, and I've...
    Going for easy, reliable plants is always better with the scenario you have. If they do well, and your daughter then enjoys it, she'll experiment and maybe do a bit more research etc as she goes...
  7. Esoxlucius

    Strelitzia reginae

    I don't know about science, but I am a simpleton when it comes to gardening, as I am in my personal being and prefer natural remedies to chemical.You can just look at my garden and see if...
    I don't know about science, but I am a simpleton when it comes to gardening, as I am in my personal being and prefer natural remedies to chemical.You can just look at my garden and see if anything suffers by my neglect or only occasionally feeding with natural products and I don't grow the...
    I don't know about science, but I am a simpleton when it comes to gardening, as I am in my personal being and prefer natural remedies to chemical.You can just look at my garden and see if anything suffers by my neglect or only occasionally...
    I don't know about science, but I am a simpleton when it comes to gardening, as I am in my personal being and prefer natural remedies to chemical.You can just look at my garden and see if...
  8. Shaneoak

    Storm damage

    Down here the camellias and magnolias are taking a hammering. It is such a shame. Everywhere is littered with fallen petals. With an amber warning for more strong winds tomorrow.
    Down here the camellias and magnolias are taking a hammering. It is such a shame. Everywhere is littered with fallen petals. With an amber warning for more strong winds tomorrow.
    Down here the camellias and magnolias are taking a hammering. It is such a shame. Everywhere is littered with fallen petals. With an amber warning for more strong winds tomorrow.
    Down here the camellias and magnolias are taking a hammering. It is such a shame. Everywhere is littered with fallen petals. With an amber warning for more strong winds tomorrow.
  9. hi2u_uk

    Chilean Guava 'KA-POW' Ugni molinae requirements

    Thanks for this. Ive taken the plastic off and given it some water . If all the deliveries go to plan im expecting it will have to go outside next weekend as i dont really like indoor plants
    Thanks for this. Ive taken the plastic off and given it some water . If all the deliveries go to plan im expecting it will have to go outside next weekend as i dont really like indoor plants
    Thanks for this. Ive taken the plastic off and given it some water . If all the deliveries go to plan im expecting it will have to go outside next weekend as i dont really like indoor plants
    Thanks for this. Ive taken the plastic off and given it some water . If all the deliveries go to plan im expecting it will have to go outside next weekend as i dont really like indoor plants
  10. latimer

    Removing moss from hosta

    Thanks @Plantminded I'll bear that in mind.
    Thanks @Plantminded I'll bear that in mind.
    Thanks @Plantminded I'll bear that in mind.
    Thanks @Plantminded I'll bear that in mind.
  11. latimer

    Broken apart dahlia tubers

    Lol, I would but it's Ramadan and I'm fasting!
    Lol, I would but it's Ramadan and I'm fasting!
    Lol, I would but it's Ramadan and I'm fasting!
    Lol, I would but it's Ramadan and I'm fasting!
  12. Esoxlucius


    Mine go in the shower too @JennyJB with the small ones being done in the bath and left to soak for an hour so I know their compost is throrughly moistened then left to drain comletely so they're...
    Mine go in the shower too @JennyJB with the small ones being done in the bath and left to soak for an hour so I know their compost is throrughly moistened then left to drain comletely so they're not sodden.Taller ones get wheeled into the showe once or twice in winter. Nearly all of them end...
    Mine go in the shower too @JennyJB with the small ones being done in the bath and left to soak for an hour so I know their compost is throrughly moistened then left to drain comletely so they're not sodden.Taller ones get wheeled into the showe...
    Mine go in the shower too @JennyJB with the small ones being done in the bath and left to soak for an hour so I know their compost is throrughly moistened then left to drain comletely so they're...
  13. Kevin Cowans

    Tidying Heuchera 'Melting Fire'

    Hi @Kevin Cowans - heucheras often push themselves up out of the ground, and the purples seem to do it most. You can simply dig them up and replant a bit deeper without any problem. It's a good...
    Hi @Kevin Cowans - heucheras often push themselves up out of the ground, and the purples seem to do it most. You can simply dig them up and replant a bit deeper without any problem. It's a good idea to divide them at that point too, if you want more plants and even small pieces can be taken off,...
    Hi @Kevin Cowans - heucheras often push themselves up out of the ground, and the purples seem to do it most. You can simply dig them up and replant a bit deeper without any problem. It's a good idea to divide them at that point too, if you want...
    Hi @Kevin Cowans - heucheras often push themselves up out of the ground, and the purples seem to do it most. You can simply dig them up and replant a bit deeper without any problem. It's a good...
  14. Kevin Cowans

    Moving a Hosta

    Should be fine where you have moved it.
    Should be fine where you have moved it.
    Should be fine where you have moved it.
    Should be fine where you have moved it.
  15. Kevin Cowans

    Pruning Cotton Lavender

    HelloI have not Cut it Back too much, just enough to Tidy it.This is how it looks now:Much Better :)It has New Growth which is always a Good sign.I may be more Drastic Next Year, I...
    HelloI have not Cut it Back too much, just enough to Tidy it.This is how it looks now:Much Better :)It has New Growth which is always a Good sign.I may be more Drastic Next Year, I will see how it goes.ThanksKevin
    HelloI have not Cut it Back too much, just enough to Tidy it.This is how it looks now:Much Better :)It has New Growth which is always a Good sign.I may be more Drastic Next Year, I will see how it goes.ThanksKevin
    HelloI have not Cut it Back too much, just enough to Tidy it.This is how it looks now:Much Better :)It has New Growth which is always a Good sign.I may be more Drastic Next Year, I...
    20240212_090503.jpg 20240402_101631.jpg
  16. Februarysgirl

    V.V. Quick Question About Geraniums

    Because you said you thought the geraniums might not like it, I wondered whether you were adding it in bulk like rotted farmyard manure (which might possibly rot the crowns if they were buried in...
    Because you said you thought the geraniums might not like it, I wondered whether you were adding it in bulk like rotted farmyard manure (which might possibly rot the crowns if they were buried in it). No problem at all with a sprinkling of pellets, in fact they might flower better for it.
    Because you said you thought the geraniums might not like it, I wondered whether you were adding it in bulk like rotted farmyard manure (which might possibly rot the crowns if they were buried in it). No problem at all with a sprinkling of...
    Because you said you thought the geraniums might not like it, I wondered whether you were adding it in bulk like rotted farmyard manure (which might possibly rot the crowns if they were buried in...
  17. My Clay Jungle

    Sedum Green roof maintenance- Vermiculite/perlite or other?

    My green roof (2yrs old) is patchy and needs maintenance. I've read the instructions from the installation company, but they are vague. I'm going to add slow release fertiliser, with sedum off...
    My green roof (2yrs old) is patchy and needs maintenance. I've read the instructions from the installation company, but they are vague. I'm going to add slow release fertiliser, with sedum off cuts plus a 'substrate'- but should this substrate contain vermiculite, perlite or something else? ...
    My green roof (2yrs old) is patchy and needs maintenance. I've read the instructions from the installation company, but they are vague. I'm going to add slow release fertiliser, with sedum off cuts plus a 'substrate'- but should this substrate...
    My green roof (2yrs old) is patchy and needs maintenance. I've read the instructions from the installation company, but they are vague. I'm going to add slow release fertiliser, with sedum off...
  18. Esoxlucius


    I've never heard of that but yes, that looks to be just what i'm looking for. Just need to find one now! Thank you.
    I've never heard of that but yes, that looks to be just what i'm looking for. Just need to find one now! Thank you.
    I've never heard of that but yes, that looks to be just what i'm looking for. Just need to find one now! Thank you.
    I've never heard of that but yes, that looks to be just what i'm looking for. Just need to find one now! Thank you.
  19. Poppypuss

    Hardy Geranium ideas

    Last summer I gave away a ton of Hardy Geraniums, free. Like minded gardeners came over and got lots for their needed areas.
    Last summer I gave away a ton of Hardy Geraniums, free. Like minded gardeners came over and got lots for their needed areas.
    Last summer I gave away a ton of Hardy Geraniums, free. Like minded gardeners came over and got lots for their needed areas.
    Last summer I gave away a ton of Hardy Geraniums, free. Like minded gardeners came over and got lots for their needed areas.
  20. Kevin Cowans

    Primula Seedlings: What Next

    The trays would be fine outside, but they give a little more protection than just leaving them where they are.
    The trays would be fine outside, but they give a little more protection than just leaving them where they are.
    The trays would be fine outside, but they give a little more protection than just leaving them where they are.
    The trays would be fine outside, but they give a little more protection than just leaving them where they are.

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