Other Plants

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  1. bluegeranium

    Poinsettia should I repot?

    Thanks for the advice I have left it alone and placed it in a larger pot for support as suggested and it looks fine with no loss of leaves yet which is what usually happens so fingers crossed.
    Thanks for the advice I have left it alone and placed it in a larger pot for support as suggested and it looks fine with no loss of leaves yet which is what usually happens so fingers crossed.
    Thanks for the advice I have left it alone and placed it in a larger pot for support as suggested and it looks fine with no loss of leaves yet which is what usually happens so fingers crossed.
    Thanks for the advice I have left it alone and placed it in a larger pot for support as suggested and it looks fine with no loss of leaves yet which is what usually happens so fingers crossed.
  2. Purple Streaks

    Foxtail lilies

    I have 3 Pinokkio plus others I'm hoping I will successfully grow these beautiful plants . I will let you know what happens ,Perki your garden with the Alliums is lovely.....I'm Very...
    I have 3 Pinokkio plus others I'm hoping I will successfully grow these beautiful plants . I will let you know what happens ,Perki your garden with the Alliums is lovely.....I'm Very envious everything looks so well managed .Thank you to everyone else too for giving me the...
    I have 3 Pinokkio plus others I'm hoping I will successfully grow these beautiful plants . I will let you know what happens ,Perki your garden with the Alliums is lovely.....I'm Very envious everything looks so well managed .Thank...
    I have 3 Pinokkio plus others I'm hoping I will successfully grow these beautiful plants . I will let you know what happens ,Perki your garden with the Alliums is lovely.....I'm Very...
  3. Shaneoak


    Yes, hopefully they will arrive before end December. Do you know of any stories where they haven't bloomed because they were planted in late nov?
    Yes, hopefully they will arrive before end December. Do you know of any stories where they haven't bloomed because they were planted in late nov?
    Yes, hopefully they will arrive before end December. Do you know of any stories where they haven't bloomed because they were planted in late nov?
    Yes, hopefully they will arrive before end December. Do you know of any stories where they haven't bloomed because they were planted in late nov?
  4. Esoxlucius


    Yes I have found you need roots attached to all divisions, its very easy to end up with all the roots attached to one section.
    Yes I have found you need roots attached to all divisions, its very easy to end up with all the roots attached to one section.
    Yes I have found you need roots attached to all divisions, its very easy to end up with all the roots attached to one section.
    Yes I have found you need roots attached to all divisions, its very easy to end up with all the roots attached to one section.
  5. Esoxlucius

    Virginia creeper.

    The usual one doesn't need sun to change colour, but the one you have needs more sun. I expect that's the problem. When it's very mild, many plants take longer to change and colour up too. It's...
    The usual one doesn't need sun to change colour, but the one you have needs more sun. I expect that's the problem. When it's very mild, many plants take longer to change and colour up too. It's been very mild here and all the trees have been very slow to do that, and are holding their leaves...
    The usual one doesn't need sun to change colour, but the one you have needs more sun. I expect that's the problem. When it's very mild, many plants take longer to change and colour up too. It's been very mild here and all the trees have been very...
    The usual one doesn't need sun to change colour, but the one you have needs more sun. I expect that's the problem. When it's very mild, many plants take longer to change and colour up too. It's...
  6. roders

    Bare root Wallflowers.

    Yes ,for one shilling & six pence.
    Yes ,for one shilling & six pence.
    Yes ,for one shilling & six pence.
    Yes ,for one shilling & six pence.
  7. Fof

    Cyclamen help

    And very long lived too.
    And very long lived too.
    And very long lived too.
    And very long lived too.
  8. Baalmaiden

    Perennials that don't get out of hand.

    Thanks everyone, some interesting ideas here, I'll definitely try some of these. Unfortunately Dahlias and Echinaceas are a no as the slugs and snails here eat them as soon as they try poking out...
    Thanks everyone, some interesting ideas here, I'll definitely try some of these. Unfortunately Dahlias and Echinaceas are a no as the slugs and snails here eat them as soon as they try poking out of the ground. I have anemone 'Crispy Curly' given to me by my sister which is pretty well behaved...
    Thanks everyone, some interesting ideas here, I'll definitely try some of these. Unfortunately Dahlias and Echinaceas are a no as the slugs and snails here eat them as soon as they try poking out of the ground. I have anemone 'Crispy Curly' ...
    Thanks everyone, some interesting ideas here, I'll definitely try some of these. Unfortunately Dahlias and Echinaceas are a no as the slugs and snails here eat them as soon as they try poking out...
  9. TheMadHedger

    Winter flowering houseplants - best to grow from seed ?

    No problem there, I know that Cyclamen take at least nine months to flower. I just like the pleasure of growing something which I can enjoy.
    No problem there, I know that Cyclamen take at least nine months to flower. I just like the pleasure of growing something which I can enjoy.
    No problem there, I know that Cyclamen take at least nine months to flower. I just like the pleasure of growing something which I can enjoy.
    No problem there, I know that Cyclamen take at least nine months to flower. I just like the pleasure of growing something which I can enjoy.
  10. NoviceGardener2023

    Lenten Rose - Advice

    Thank you, I took your advice and did it earlier.
    Thank you, I took your advice and did it earlier.
    Thank you, I took your advice and did it earlier.
    Thank you, I took your advice and did it earlier.
  11. Michael Hewett

    When to plant

    Thanks for all replies. I think I'll wait until the autumn and then plant them, but keep them dry until the spring.I suppose the suppliers thought all bulbs should be planted in the autumn...
    Thanks for all replies. I think I'll wait until the autumn and then plant them, but keep them dry until the spring.I suppose the suppliers thought all bulbs should be planted in the autumn !The two I've got are bicolor and vandermerwei. The latter is small and is my favourite one, but it...
    Thanks for all replies. I think I'll wait until the autumn and then plant them, but keep them dry until the spring.I suppose the suppliers thought all bulbs should be planted in the autumn !The two I've got are bicolor and vandermerwei. The...
    Thanks for all replies. I think I'll wait until the autumn and then plant them, but keep them dry until the spring.I suppose the suppliers thought all bulbs should be planted in the autumn...
  12. Shaneoak


    Not really they would probably come under the heading of Half Hardy Annual, (HHA), whereas Foxgloves would be considered as Hardy Biennial (HB)It usually says on the packets when to sow and...
    Not really they would probably come under the heading of Half Hardy Annual, (HHA), whereas Foxgloves would be considered as Hardy Biennial (HB)It usually says on the packets when to sow and rough guide how to go about it.
    Not really they would probably come under the heading of Half Hardy Annual, (HHA), whereas Foxgloves would be considered as Hardy Biennial (HB)It usually says on the packets when to sow and rough guide how to go about it.
    Not really they would probably come under the heading of Half Hardy Annual, (HHA), whereas Foxgloves would be considered as Hardy Biennial (HB)It usually says on the packets when to sow and...
  13. fumanchu

    Help please re houseplant compost

    I'm gonna get me some sticky kitchen cabinets.:biggrin:Sometimes they can be confused with fruit flies in the summer months but fungus gnats are definitely a problem of over wet compost.
    I'm gonna get me some sticky kitchen cabinets.:biggrin:Sometimes they can be confused with fruit flies in the summer months but fungus gnats are definitely a problem of over wet compost.
    I'm gonna get me some sticky kitchen cabinets.:biggrin:Sometimes they can be confused with fruit flies in the summer months but fungus gnats are definitely a problem of over wet compost.
    I'm gonna get me some sticky kitchen cabinets.:biggrin:Sometimes they can be confused with fruit flies in the summer months but fungus gnats are definitely a problem of over wet compost.
  14. A Ban

    Yucca plant in trouble

    Thanks Pete, really appreciate your prompt advice!
    Thanks Pete, really appreciate your prompt advice!
    Thanks Pete, really appreciate your prompt advice!
    Thanks Pete, really appreciate your prompt advice!
  15. TheMadHedger

    Amaryllis - no water for two months yet the leaves refuse to brown

    Hiturn the pots on their side ... soon stop growing
    Hiturn the pots on their side ... soon stop growing
    Hiturn the pots on their side ... soon stop growing
    Hiturn the pots on their side ... soon stop growing
  16. Jocko

    Wilting Buddleia.

    It was a cultivar, Buddleja Berries and Cream.
    It was a cultivar, Buddleja Berries and Cream.
    It was a cultivar, Buddleja Berries and Cream.
    It was a cultivar, Buddleja Berries and Cream.
  17. Sophie_D

    Climbing hydrangeas struggling

    I have one against a back fence. The first couple of years it didn't do a great deal, but this spring it jumped into action and is growing fast, so I'm with the guys who say they start off slow...
    I have one against a back fence. The first couple of years it didn't do a great deal, but this spring it jumped into action and is growing fast, so I'm with the guys who say they start off slow above ground to put some good below ground growth on first. Mine is in good soil too. I also suspect...
    I have one against a back fence. The first couple of years it didn't do a great deal, but this spring it jumped into action and is growing fast, so I'm with the guys who say they start off slow above ground to put some good below ground growth on...
    I have one against a back fence. The first couple of years it didn't do a great deal, but this spring it jumped into action and is growing fast, so I'm with the guys who say they start off slow...
  18. Janet mahay

    Not sure what happened

    Hi looks like variegated yucca or Dracaena When I bought them they both said ever green from the same plant but didn't say what but I must say selleri they don't look much the same maybe they...
    Hi looks like variegated yucca or Dracaena When I bought them they both said ever green from the same plant but didn't say what but I must say selleri they don't look much the same maybe they meant the same family cause one slightly darker but the sick one has a root forming and I closely...
    Hi looks like variegated yucca or Dracaena When I bought them they both said ever green from the same plant but didn't say what but I must say selleri they don't look much the same maybe they meant the same family cause one slightly darker but...
    Hi looks like variegated yucca or Dracaena When I bought them they both said ever green from the same plant but didn't say what but I must say selleri they don't look much the same maybe they...
  19. Victoria
    Like x 3

    False Aralia

    Plerandra elegantissima / Schefflera elegantissima / Dizygotheca elegantissima and ??? which have always lived outdoors ...
    Plerandra elegantissima / Schefflera elegantissima / Dizygotheca elegantissima and ??? which have always lived outdoors ...
    Plerandra elegantissima / Schefflera elegantissima / Dizygotheca elegantissima and ??? which have always lived outdoors ...
    Plerandra elegantissima / Schefflera elegantissima / Dizygotheca elegantissima and ??? which have always lived outdoors ...
    Aralia2 10 Jul 23(1).jpg Aralia 10 Jul 23.jpg
  20. Kevin Cowans

    Struggling to Grow Sage Icterina

    Hello @noisette47Thanks for the Reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @noisette47Thanks for the Reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @noisette47Thanks for the Reply and the information.Kevin
    Hello @noisette47Thanks for the Reply and the information.Kevin

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