Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Matty Boy

    Mole trouble under the bed?

    Thanks for the links and advice. I can't wait to try the birthday card idea. Although it will probably end up a batttle of whits - who can stand the card music the longest!?!
    Thanks for the links and advice. I can't wait to try the birthday card idea. Although it will probably end up a batttle of whits - who can stand the card music the longest!?!
    Thanks for the links and advice. I can't wait to try the birthday card idea. Although it will probably end up a batttle of whits - who can stand the card music the longest!?!
    Thanks for the links and advice. I can't wait to try the birthday card idea. Although it will probably end up a batttle of whits - who can stand the card music the longest!?!
  2. meles

    Walnut problems

    Finally managed to get some pics, but I apologise for the size and quality. I haven't worked out how to do this properly yet, but you can see the problems - damaged leaves, blackened stems, split...
    Finally managed to get some pics, but I apologise for the size and quality. I haven't worked out how to do this properly yet, but you can see the problems - damaged leaves, blackened stems, split at top of tree...
    Finally managed to get some pics, but I apologise for the size and quality. I haven't worked out how to do this properly yet, but you can see the problems - damaged leaves, blackened stems, split at top of tree...
    Finally managed to get some pics, but I apologise for the size and quality. I haven't worked out how to do this properly yet, but you can see the problems - damaged leaves, blackened stems, split...
  3. sawfish

    pea plants turning yellow

    Mines gone all peelywhallie and pethetical like wot yours have, and hant ardly had no peas to speak of, bloomin disaster just more stuff for the compost heap I say
    Mines gone all peelywhallie and pethetical like wot yours have, and hant ardly had no peas to speak of, bloomin disaster just more stuff for the compost heap I say
    Mines gone all peelywhallie and pethetical like wot yours have, and hant ardly had no peas to speak of, bloomin disaster just more stuff for the compost heap I say
    Mines gone all peelywhallie and pethetical like wot yours have, and hant ardly had no peas to speak of, bloomin disaster just more stuff for the compost heap I say
  4. pam

    green fly cures

    GREAT TIP sparkle, will remember next time :eek:
    GREAT TIP sparkle, will remember next time :eek:
    GREAT TIP sparkle, will remember next time :eek:
    GREAT TIP sparkle, will remember next time :eek:
  5. rosa


    wish i had ladybirds rather have them
    wish i had ladybirds rather have them
    wish i had ladybirds rather have them
    wish i had ladybirds rather have them
  6. windy miller

    spotty hebe

    Thanks BM, Anything that hangs like a drunk is welcome to party with me 'n' Stella :D :D
    Thanks BM, Anything that hangs like a drunk is welcome to party with me 'n' Stella :D :D
    Thanks BM, Anything that hangs like a drunk is welcome to party with me 'n' Stella :D :D
    Thanks BM, Anything that hangs like a drunk is welcome to party with me 'n' Stella :D :D
  7. Scarecrow

    What's wrong with this plant - look!

    Hi Scarecrow,if it's any help, I'm new too and I had a poor cordyline which I'd stuck in a galvanised steel pot - with no drainage holes. I'm sure it all but drowned and the leaves drooped and...
    Hi Scarecrow,if it's any help, I'm new too and I had a poor cordyline which I'd stuck in a galvanised steel pot - with no drainage holes. I'm sure it all but drowned and the leaves drooped and peeled off. It went right back to just the upright stem and it looked all but dead. But I couldn't...
    Hi Scarecrow,if it's any help, I'm new too and I had a poor cordyline which I'd stuck in a galvanised steel pot - with no drainage holes. I'm sure it all but drowned and the leaves drooped and peeled off. It went right back to just the upright...
    Hi Scarecrow,if it's any help, I'm new too and I had a poor cordyline which I'd stuck in a galvanised steel pot - with no drainage holes. I'm sure it all but drowned and the leaves drooped and...
  8. jay

    Record breaking mutant slug

    I went on a torch-lit wander last night and caught a snail on the top leaf of one of my hostas!!!! :mad: :mad: it had climbed all the way up the pot, up the plant and up the stalk - leaving a huge...
    I went on a torch-lit wander last night and caught a snail on the top leaf of one of my hostas!!!! :mad: :mad: it had climbed all the way up the pot, up the plant and up the stalk - leaving a huge hole in the middle of the highest leaf!!!!! Almost as if it was hell-bent on doing the most visible...
    I went on a torch-lit wander last night and caught a snail on the top leaf of one of my hostas!!!! :mad: :mad: it had climbed all the way up the pot, up the plant and up the stalk - leaving a huge hole in the middle of the highest leaf!!!!! Almost...
    I went on a torch-lit wander last night and caught a snail on the top leaf of one of my hostas!!!! :mad: :mad: it had climbed all the way up the pot, up the plant and up the stalk - leaving a huge...
  9. elainefiz

    Blossom End Rot

    I have only had BER on my beef tomatoes and I think it is because they need more water than the regular toms. I have got gardeners delight which give me a handful of lovely toms every other day...
    I have only had BER on my beef tomatoes and I think it is because they need more water than the regular toms. I have got gardeners delight which give me a handful of lovely toms every other day and alicante, which are just starting to ripen. No BER on these varieties.I am growing in growbags...
    I have only had BER on my beef tomatoes and I think it is because they need more water than the regular toms. I have got gardeners delight which give me a handful of lovely toms every other day and alicante, which are just starting to ripen. No...
    I have only had BER on my beef tomatoes and I think it is because they need more water than the regular toms. I have got gardeners delight which give me a handful of lovely toms every other day...
  10. alan2273

    Plants & shrubs dying.

    My sumach is still a mystery. It is now shootingly strongly from all except the first branch affected, which is shooting from very low down. Some weeks ago the border in which it grows suffered...
    My sumach is still a mystery. It is now shootingly strongly from all except the first branch affected, which is shooting from very low down. Some weeks ago the border in which it grows suffered from weekiller spray blown from next door. Perhaps it was this? But still, why were the golden rod,...
    My sumach is still a mystery. It is now shootingly strongly from all except the first branch affected, which is shooting from very low down. Some weeks ago the border in which it grows suffered from weekiller spray blown from next door. Perhaps...
    My sumach is still a mystery. It is now shootingly strongly from all except the first branch affected, which is shooting from very low down. Some weeks ago the border in which it grows suffered...
  11. Liz

    I've got spots

    you beat me to it liz and Fmay has got them to, SNAILS and a few SLUGS :D
    you beat me to it liz and Fmay has got them to, SNAILS and a few SLUGS :D
    you beat me to it liz and Fmay has got them to, SNAILS and a few SLUGS :D
    you beat me to it liz and Fmay has got them to, SNAILS and a few SLUGS :D
  12. AndyG

    Worm like creature ID

    I've had an old tin bath (small) in the garden for a bit whilst I'm doing my DIY work. I thought it would attract wildlife, but like Andy I found it just went green and stinky and was populated...
    I've had an old tin bath (small) in the garden for a bit whilst I'm doing my DIY work. I thought it would attract wildlife, but like Andy I found it just went green and stinky and was populated with drowned snails!! I thought all the wildlife gardeners recommended it?
    I've had an old tin bath (small) in the garden for a bit whilst I'm doing my DIY work. I thought it would attract wildlife, but like Andy I found it just went green and stinky and was populated with drowned snails!! I thought all the wildlife...
    I've had an old tin bath (small) in the garden for a bit whilst I'm doing my DIY work. I thought it would attract wildlife, but like Andy I found it just went green and stinky and was populated...
  13. Julekha

    Ants/Insects on Ilex Meserveae Hedging

    Shrubs and trees need a lot of water in their first year after planting. That may be the cause of the buds not opening and leaves shrivelling. You can trim of the brown leaves if you like and...
    Shrubs and trees need a lot of water in their first year after planting. That may be the cause of the buds not opening and leaves shrivelling. You can trim of the brown leaves if you like and give as much water as you can. Then wait and see if they recover.
    Shrubs and trees need a lot of water in their first year after planting. That may be the cause of the buds not opening and leaves shrivelling. You can trim of the brown leaves if you like and give as much water as you can. Then wait and see ...
    Shrubs and trees need a lot of water in their first year after planting. That may be the cause of the buds not opening and leaves shrivelling. You can trim of the brown leaves if you like and...
  14. rosa
  15. jazid

    Flea Beetles.

    Lets hope your right, :D :D
    Lets hope your right, :D :D
    Lets hope your right, :D :D
    Lets hope your right, :D :D
  16. jervis

    Green caterpillars on the thyme

    If it had turned out to be something exotic I wouldn't have minded so much, but I just Googled it a an image and it's the caterpillar of the small cabbage white butterfly - described as 'probably...
    If it had turned out to be something exotic I wouldn't have minded so much, but I just Googled it a an image and it's the caterpillar of the small cabbage white butterfly - described as 'probably the most destructive larva of all'. You're telling me!
    If it had turned out to be something exotic I wouldn't have minded so much, but I just Googled it a an image and it's the caterpillar of the small cabbage white butterfly - described as 'probably the most destructive larva of all'. You're telling me!
    If it had turned out to be something exotic I wouldn't have minded so much, but I just Googled it a an image and it's the caterpillar of the small cabbage white butterfly - described as 'probably...
  17. Flora Poste

    beech with golden bark... + bugs!

    re q 1 - try this link - the American...
    re q 1 - try this link - the American beech
    re q 1 - try this link - the American beech
    re q 1 - try this link - the American...
  18. jay

    Green eggs

    Wow! I've never seen that colour shield bug I don't think..only the green ones. Cool! :DThey looked like eggs with eyes on Saturday, sweet!
    Wow! I've never seen that colour shield bug I don't think..only the green ones. Cool! :DThey looked like eggs with eyes on Saturday, sweet!
    Wow! I've never seen that colour shield bug I don't think..only the green ones. Cool! :DThey looked like eggs with eyes on Saturday, sweet!
    Wow! I've never seen that colour shield bug I don't think..only the green ones. Cool! :DThey looked like eggs with eyes on Saturday, sweet!
  19. barneyb

    cordyline leaves have turned yellow

    I'll try that , thanks Pete
    I'll try that , thanks Pete
    I'll try that , thanks Pete
    I'll try that , thanks Pete
  20. jay


    I left an apple core outside and the ants went mad for it, so... here's my cunning plan.. *thinks* - if I put lots of apple slices outside, the ants will eat it and forget about farming the...
    I left an apple core outside and the ants went mad for it, so... here's my cunning plan.. *thinks* - if I put lots of apple slices outside, the ants will eat it and forget about farming the blackfly on my parsley! Hey presto, the woodlice are eating the apples instead of the ants and I have...
    I left an apple core outside and the ants went mad for it, so... here's my cunning plan.. *thinks* - if I put lots of apple slices outside, the ants will eat it and forget about farming the blackfly on my parsley! Hey presto, the woodlice are...
    I left an apple core outside and the ants went mad for it, so... here's my cunning plan.. *thinks* - if I put lots of apple slices outside, the ants will eat it and forget about farming the...

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