Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. lil-lisa

    Hairy caterpillars

    There is another great website for British moths up "Pale Tussock" or another black and yellow hairy one would be "The Vapourer" a long shot would be "Grey...
    There is another great website for British moths up "Pale Tussock" or another black and yellow hairy one would be "The Vapourer" a long shot would be "Grey Dagger"The White marked Tussock I belive is an American species.Hope this helpsChris
    There is another great website for British moths up "Pale Tussock" or another black and yellow hairy one would be "The Vapourer" a long shot would be "Grey Dagger"The White marked Tussock I belive is an...
    There is another great website for British moths up "Pale Tussock" or another black and yellow hairy one would be "The Vapourer" a long shot would be "Grey...
  2. Mrs cloudy

    slug killing nematodes

    Hi Mrs Cloudy I have used nematodes before, and they work well against slugs, you do get quite a bit of coverage (water the soil, not the plants like I did the 1st time I used them!!!). They don't...
    Hi Mrs Cloudy I have used nematodes before, and they work well against slugs, you do get quite a bit of coverage (water the soil, not the plants like I did the 1st time I used them!!!). They don't work against snails. Only use them when the weather is a lot warmer than now - I tend to start in...
    Hi Mrs Cloudy I have used nematodes before, and they work well against slugs, you do get quite a bit of coverage (water the soil, not the plants like I did the 1st time I used them!!!). They don't work against snails. Only use them when the...
    Hi Mrs Cloudy I have used nematodes before, and they work well against slugs, you do get quite a bit of coverage (water the soil, not the plants like I did the 1st time I used them!!!). They don't...
  3. Stephen


    I would imagine everbody keeps away from the area.
    I would imagine everbody keeps away from the area.
    I would imagine everbody keeps away from the area.
    I would imagine everbody keeps away from the area.
  4. p.leonard.

    Does anybody know the cure for bay leaf curl?

    I can't see anything on Bay Leaf Curlthere are some diseases here would think either an aphid of some type attacking the young leaves or a...
    I can't see anything on Bay Leaf Curlthere are some diseases here would think either an aphid of some type attacking the young leaves or a fungal disease?
    I can't see anything on Bay Leaf Curlthere are some diseases here would think either an aphid of some type attacking the young leaves or a fungal disease?
    I can't see anything on Bay Leaf Curlthere are some diseases here would think either an aphid of some type attacking the young leaves or a...
  5. pricemazda

    Vine Weevil

    Thanks for the advice.
    Thanks for the advice.
    Thanks for the advice.
    Thanks for the advice.

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