Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. dogsbody

    Black onions

    I think Pete is spot on. I have seen the same thing myself in some years with distinct wet and dry periods.
    I think Pete is spot on. I have seen the same thing myself in some years with distinct wet and dry periods.
    I think Pete is spot on. I have seen the same thing myself in some years with distinct wet and dry periods.
    I think Pete is spot on. I have seen the same thing myself in some years with distinct wet and dry periods.
  2. vbgr

    Trouble in the greenhouse with fungi

    No worries, keep digging it over and hopefully it will disappear
    No worries, keep digging it over and hopefully it will disappear
    No worries, keep digging it over and hopefully it will disappear
    No worries, keep digging it over and hopefully it will disappear
  3. gloria knight

    help advice needed about seeking professional help for olive tree

    Is it in a pot or the ground? If in a pot has it drainage holes? Do you keep it indoors over winter?
    Is it in a pot or the ground? If in a pot has it drainage holes? Do you keep it indoors over winter?
    Is it in a pot or the ground? If in a pot has it drainage holes? Do you keep it indoors over winter?
    Is it in a pot or the ground? If in a pot has it drainage holes? Do you keep it indoors over winter?
  4. apasagic

    Help/advice needed: Sick lemon tree

    Have to agree, pete. The theory goes that you prune in early spring. If I do that, the shrubs struggle to regain their strength. Put on lots of wispy shoots, but don't flower as well. I leave them...
    Have to agree, pete. The theory goes that you prune in early spring. If I do that, the shrubs struggle to regain their strength. Put on lots of wispy shoots, but don't flower as well. I leave them alone now, apart from dead-heading the seed pods. quite big shrubs normally and I really don't...
    Have to agree, pete. The theory goes that you prune in early spring. If I do that, the shrubs struggle to regain their strength. Put on lots of wispy shoots, but don't flower as well. I leave them alone now, apart from dead-heading the seed pods....
    Have to agree, pete. The theory goes that you prune in early spring. If I do that, the shrubs struggle to regain their strength. Put on lots of wispy shoots, but don't flower as well. I leave them...
  5. Lem

    What's Your Thoughts on Neem Oil

    Thanks guys for sharing your experience’s with the dreaded mealy bug, and thanks Michael for the tip’s much appreciated :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks guys for sharing your experience’s with the dreaded mealy bug, and thanks Michael for the tip’s much appreciated :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks guys for sharing your experience’s with the dreaded mealy bug, and thanks Michael for the tip’s much appreciated :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks guys for sharing your experience’s with the dreaded mealy bug, and thanks Michael for the tip’s much appreciated :dbgrtmb:
  6. wildside

    Discontinued Bio Sprayday

    Thanks for your reply ricky101. I should have said orchid bark chips rather than compost as that is what I use. I will check out your suggestion.Matches are interesting. I thought I had...
    Thanks for your reply ricky101. I should have said orchid bark chips rather than compost as that is what I use. I will check out your suggestion.Matches are interesting. I thought I had accidentally found a remedy with soda crystals.I had a jar of diluted soda crystals to soak stained...
    Thanks for your reply ricky101. I should have said orchid bark chips rather than compost as that is what I use. I will check out your suggestion.Matches are interesting. I thought I had accidentally found a remedy with soda crystals.I had...
    Thanks for your reply ricky101. I should have said orchid bark chips rather than compost as that is what I use. I will check out your suggestion.Matches are interesting. I thought I had...
  7. Lexie

    Geranium watering issue

    These look like mine - which are this years plugs grown in fresh compost. I don't think that there's anything wrong as such - it's just a 'feature' of the plant.It's drawing near to the time to...
    These look like mine - which are this years plugs grown in fresh compost. I don't think that there's anything wrong as such - it's just a 'feature' of the plant.It's drawing near to the time to prune them back for Winter storage - cut the stems back to around 3" to just above a...
    These look like mine - which are this years plugs grown in fresh compost. I don't think that there's anything wrong as such - it's just a 'feature' of the plant.It's drawing near to the time to prune them back for Winter storage - cut the...
    These look like mine - which are this years plugs grown in fresh compost. I don't think that there's anything wrong as such - it's just a 'feature' of the plant.It's drawing near to the time to...
  8. McTavish14

    Dying cotoneaster

    Thank you Bark is still moist and green so have pruned as you suggested Thank you
    Thank you Bark is still moist and green so have pruned as you suggested Thank you
    Thank you Bark is still moist and green so have pruned as you suggested Thank you
    Thank you Bark is still moist and green so have pruned as you suggested Thank you
  9. Scrungee


    They tend to take a few bites at courgettes rather than eat the whole thing. I don't grow pumpkins anymore but seem to think they left them alone. I have ornamental gourds this year which haven't...
    They tend to take a few bites at courgettes rather than eat the whole thing. I don't grow pumpkins anymore but seem to think they left them alone. I have ornamental gourds this year which haven't been touched.
    They tend to take a few bites at courgettes rather than eat the whole thing. I don't grow pumpkins anymore but seem to think they left them alone. I have ornamental gourds this year which haven't been touched.
    They tend to take a few bites at courgettes rather than eat the whole thing. I don't grow pumpkins anymore but seem to think they left them alone. I have ornamental gourds this year which haven't...
  10. cactusdolly66

    Cotinus wilt

    Grreat - that seems like problem solved! Thanks very much
    Grreat - that seems like problem solved! Thanks very much
    Grreat - that seems like problem solved! Thanks very much
    Grreat - that seems like problem solved! Thanks very much
  11. Cassie23

    Box blight?

    They've stripped quite a few hedges around here but people are persevering! Dig out and plant an alternative
    They've stripped quite a few hedges around here but people are persevering! Dig out and plant an alternative
    They've stripped quite a few hedges around here but people are persevering! Dig out and plant an alternative
    They've stripped quite a few hedges around here but people are persevering! Dig out and plant an alternative
  12. ennnceee

    What is happening here?

    Yes, we think mealy bugs. Thank you.
    Yes, we think mealy bugs. Thank you.
    Yes, we think mealy bugs. Thank you.
    Yes, we think mealy bugs. Thank you.
  13. Usman Qureshi

    Insects hovering over tilled lawn!

    Thanks all for your responses! There was just too many of them so I started work on the front lawn instead! Will check again tomorrow and work up the courage to work alongside them. :heehee:Perhaps, but...
    Thanks all for your responses! There was just too many of them so I started work on the front lawn instead! Will check again tomorrow and work up the courage to work alongside them. :heehee:Perhaps, but they definitely weren't that big! The plan for tomorrow is to hopefully finish off levelling and...
    Thanks all for your responses! There was just too many of them so I started work on the front lawn instead! Will check again tomorrow and work up the courage to work alongside them. :heehee:Perhaps, but they definitely weren't that big! The plan for...
    Thanks all for your responses! There was just too many of them so I started work on the front lawn instead! Will check again tomorrow and work up the courage to work alongside them. :heehee:Perhaps, but...
  14. Gizmo

    allsorted flowers and veg

    i do use organic pellets and even slug trap and copper tape its a shame that this is what is eating our plants
    i do use organic pellets and even slug trap and copper tape its a shame that this is what is eating our plants
    i do use organic pellets and even slug trap and copper tape its a shame that this is what is eating our plants
    i do use organic pellets and even slug trap and copper tape its a shame that this is what is eating our plants
  15. seanflan02

    What is eating my plant and how do I treat it?

    Hi,Is this what you have seen ?If so its not so much the leaf damage thats the problems, its the grubs eating the roots away over winter, then you notice the plants are dying next...
    Hi,Is this what you have seen ?If so its not so much the leaf damage thats the problems, its the grubs eating the roots away over winter, then you notice the plants are dying next spring.Two main courses of action use an insecticide drench like Provardo or a dench of Nematoes like Nemasys.
    Hi,Is this what you have seen ?If so its not so much the leaf damage thats the problems, its the grubs eating the roots away over winter, then you notice the plants are dying next spring.Two main courses of action use an insecticide drench...
    Hi,Is this what you have seen ?If so its not so much the leaf damage thats the problems, its the grubs eating the roots away over winter, then you notice the plants are dying next...
  16. Mark L Cliff

    Clematis drooping suddenly?

    I had that happen in Bucks and it was Clematis Wilt.
    I had that happen in Bucks and it was Clematis Wilt.
    I had that happen in Bucks and it was Clematis Wilt.
    I had that happen in Bucks and it was Clematis Wilt.
  17. Welshman

    Sluggo for slugs

    I planted three Campanulas a few months ago, and one of them has had all its leaves eaten leaving only stems, presumably by slugs. Another one has had a lot of leaves eaten, with just the stems...
    I planted three Campanulas a few months ago, and one of them has had all its leaves eaten leaving only stems, presumably by slugs. Another one has had a lot of leaves eaten, with just the stems left, but still has a lot of surviving leaves and beautiful starry flowers. The third one, with...
    I planted three Campanulas a few months ago, and one of them has had all its leaves eaten leaving only stems, presumably by slugs. Another one has had a lot of leaves eaten, with just the stems left, but still has a lot of surviving leaves and...
    I planted three Campanulas a few months ago, and one of them has had all its leaves eaten leaving only stems, presumably by slugs. Another one has had a lot of leaves eaten, with just the stems...
  18. Chris B

    Dahlia leaf problem

    He's done it on his own plants and it works.Have to do it more than once like in the videos.
    He's done it on his own plants and it works.Have to do it more than once like in the videos.
    He's done it on his own plants and it works.Have to do it more than once like in the videos.
    He's done it on his own plants and it works.Have to do it more than once like in the videos.
  19. lolimac

    Box Blight..

    Best thing that ever happened!!!I was afraid I had to deal with those box bushes for the rest of my life after buying them together with the house. My wife liked they but in my eyes they are...
    Best thing that ever happened!!!I was afraid I had to deal with those box bushes for the rest of my life after buying them together with the house. My wife liked they but in my eyes they are absolutely useless for nature.So when the box blight came i had a good excuse to root them all out...
    Best thing that ever happened!!!I was afraid I had to deal with those box bushes for the rest of my life after buying them together with the house. My wife liked they but in my eyes they are absolutely useless for nature.So when the box...
    Best thing that ever happened!!!I was afraid I had to deal with those box bushes for the rest of my life after buying them together with the house. My wife liked they but in my eyes they are...
  20. bluepeter

    Is this chlorosis?

    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

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