Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. carrspaints

    Passion vine losing flowers

    My passiflora incarnata WOULD be flowering as well, if it wasn't for all the slugs eating it faster than it can grow. With lots of luck it has now reached a height that's out of our slugs reach,...
    My passiflora incarnata WOULD be flowering as well, if it wasn't for all the slugs eating it faster than it can grow. With lots of luck it has now reached a height that's out of our slugs reach, but it took a lot of personal care to get it there.Would you mind sharing a picture?
    My passiflora incarnata WOULD be flowering as well, if it wasn't for all the slugs eating it faster than it can grow. With lots of luck it has now reached a height that's out of our slugs reach, but it took a lot of personal care to get it...
    My passiflora incarnata WOULD be flowering as well, if it wasn't for all the slugs eating it faster than it can grow. With lots of luck it has now reached a height that's out of our slugs reach,...
  2. Caroline33

    Yellowing azalea woes

    Growmore is a good general fertiliser around the garden and veg patch but you need something more specific as you have found out for your azalea ...
    Growmore is a good general fertiliser around the garden and veg patch but you need something more specific as you have found out for your azalea ...
    Growmore is a good general fertiliser around the garden and veg patch but you need something more specific as you have found out for your azalea ...
    Growmore is a good general fertiliser around the garden and veg patch but you need something more specific as you have found out for your azalea ...
  3. Mitramonday

    Oh dear: this '?' is on several plants....

    So, I have found this on a rose, a bay tree, an azalea (all in different parts of my small, South Wales garden) - and those are just the plants I've inspected carefully. Some leaves are worse than...
    So, I have found this on a rose, a bay tree, an azalea (all in different parts of my small, South Wales garden) - and those are just the plants I've inspected carefully. Some leaves are worse than this...much more yellow - I have removed the worst affected leaves, but can anyone tell me what...
    So, I have found this on a rose, a bay tree, an azalea (all in different parts of my small, South Wales garden) - and those are just the plants I've inspected carefully. Some leaves are worse than this...much more yellow - I have removed the...
    So, I have found this on a rose, a bay tree, an azalea (all in different parts of my small, South Wales garden) - and those are just the plants I've inspected carefully. Some leaves are worse than...
    18FEB9A4-21D8-4B4F-9FA0-024E6B942BEE_1_102_o.jpeg ED84A2C7-2799-4FDB-B35B-8AD01E01A65D_1_105_c.jpeg D33DE1BB-E6BF-4E8F-A7BD-68184900BBF2_1_105_c.jpeg D33DE1BB-E6BF-4E8F-A7BD-68184900BBF2_1_105_c.jpeg
  4. Jasmine star

    Peach melred issue.

    Cheers Pete. I'll leave it be and keep my eye on it.
    Cheers Pete. I'll leave it be and keep my eye on it.
    Cheers Pete. I'll leave it be and keep my eye on it.
    Cheers Pete. I'll leave it be and keep my eye on it.
  5. Aldo

    Apple tree - Aphids and possbily beatles, how to treat?

    We tried a few home made remedies ourselves.First was a really, REALLY strong black tea. We brewed it specifically for this reason, let it cool and then sprayed it onto the leaves. Within a day...
    We tried a few home made remedies ourselves.First was a really, REALLY strong black tea. We brewed it specifically for this reason, let it cool and then sprayed it onto the leaves. Within a day there was a giant aphid party. It looked like a Techno-Rave and they multiplied like crazy. ...
    We tried a few home made remedies ourselves.First was a really, REALLY strong black tea. We brewed it specifically for this reason, let it cool and then sprayed it onto the leaves. Within a day there was a giant aphid party. It looked like a...
    We tried a few home made remedies ourselves.First was a really, REALLY strong black tea. We brewed it specifically for this reason, let it cool and then sprayed it onto the leaves. Within a day...
  6. Fysh

    Please help with my tomato problem

    I wouldn't worry about the curling, I think it's pretty normal. If the yellowing is only on the bottom leaves, it could be possibly a magnesium deficiency or just the leaves getting older.If...
    I wouldn't worry about the curling, I think it's pretty normal. If the yellowing is only on the bottom leaves, it could be possibly a magnesium deficiency or just the leaves getting older.If the plants are well looking in general, I wouldn't worry.
    I wouldn't worry about the curling, I think it's pretty normal. If the yellowing is only on the bottom leaves, it could be possibly a magnesium deficiency or just the leaves getting older.If the plants are well looking in general, I wouldn't...
    I wouldn't worry about the curling, I think it's pretty normal. If the yellowing is only on the bottom leaves, it could be possibly a magnesium deficiency or just the leaves getting older.If...
  7. Mitramonday

    "Outdoor Mandevilla"...what's wrong?

    Ahhh - lucky lady!!
    Ahhh - lucky lady!!
    Ahhh - lucky lady!!
    Ahhh - lucky lady!!
  8. JonnyE94

    Conifer Damage - Help needed

    Ok, sorry, I thought you was in the UK.;) If you didn't get freezing north east winds in February you must have been hiding under a duvet. :biggrin:
    Ok, sorry, I thought you was in the UK.;) If you didn't get freezing north east winds in February you must have been hiding under a duvet. :biggrin:
    Ok, sorry, I thought you was in the UK.;) If you didn't get freezing north east winds in February you must have been hiding under a duvet. :biggrin:
    Ok, sorry, I thought you was in the UK.;) If you didn't get freezing north east winds in February you must have been hiding under a duvet. :biggrin:
  9. Jowo

    Damn aphids!

    Thank you! Fingers crossed. It really looks a mess with the eggs affecting the majority of the leaves so really hoping it works. I'll keep you posted!
    Thank you! Fingers crossed. It really looks a mess with the eggs affecting the majority of the leaves so really hoping it works. I'll keep you posted!
    Thank you! Fingers crossed. It really looks a mess with the eggs affecting the majority of the leaves so really hoping it works. I'll keep you posted!
    Thank you! Fingers crossed. It really looks a mess with the eggs affecting the majority of the leaves so really hoping it works. I'll keep you posted!
  10. RoyP

    Hydrangea help?

    Thank you so so much for your time and all your explanations, I saved it for the future! Thank you, lovely gardeners, for all support, it is much easier to solve problems in my young garden:)
    Thank you so so much for your time and all your explanations, I saved it for the future! Thank you, lovely gardeners, for all support, it is much easier to solve problems in my young garden:)
    Thank you so so much for your time and all your explanations, I saved it for the future! Thank you, lovely gardeners, for all support, it is much easier to solve problems in my young garden:)
    Thank you so so much for your time and all your explanations, I saved it for the future! Thank you, lovely gardeners, for all support, it is much easier to solve problems in my young garden:)
  11. Scrungee

    Burrowing in potato bed

    There is FB&B + potato fertlizer on all 36 potatoes, but whatever it is burrowing, it's only interested in the one plant.
    There is FB&B + potato fertlizer on all 36 potatoes, but whatever it is burrowing, it's only interested in the one plant.
    There is FB&B + potato fertlizer on all 36 potatoes, but whatever it is burrowing, it's only interested in the one plant.
    There is FB&B + potato fertlizer on all 36 potatoes, but whatever it is burrowing, it's only interested in the one plant.
  12. Black Dog

    Show us your most hated and tenacious weeds

    All of the above. This year, apart from the usual border weeds contributed by FYM, there's also the 4,000m2 that used to be a lawn, full of every weed known to man. Well apart from celandine and...
    All of the above. This year, apart from the usual border weeds contributed by FYM, there's also the 4,000m2 that used to be a lawn, full of every weed known to man. Well apart from celandine and nettles, that is. I treated the 90% of couch grass last summer and have to wait until October to...
    All of the above. This year, apart from the usual border weeds contributed by FYM, there's also the 4,000m2 that used to be a lawn, full of every weed known to man. Well apart from celandine and nettles, that is. I treated the 90% of couch grass...
    All of the above. This year, apart from the usual border weeds contributed by FYM, there's also the 4,000m2 that used to be a lawn, full of every weed known to man. Well apart from celandine and...
  13. peter121


    thanks very much for replies. i used to have ants in and around paving now no. i think all of them took up residence in dalek bin i still have worms wood lice etc in compost .so it wont matter...
    thanks very much for replies. i used to have ants in and around paving now no. i think all of them took up residence in dalek bin i still have worms wood lice etc in compost .so it wont matter keeping regards peter.
    thanks very much for replies. i used to have ants in and around paving now no. i think all of them took up residence in dalek bin i still have worms wood lice etc in compost .so it wont matter keeping regards peter.
    thanks very much for replies. i used to have ants in and around paving now no. i think all of them took up residence in dalek bin i still have worms wood lice etc in compost .so it wont matter...
  14. clanless

    Leaf rust

    Well, I dont think its rust. Is there anything on the underside of the leaves?I'm thinking its something it might just grow out of when conditions improve and it gets established.
    Well, I dont think its rust. Is there anything on the underside of the leaves?I'm thinking its something it might just grow out of when conditions improve and it gets established.
    Well, I dont think its rust. Is there anything on the underside of the leaves?I'm thinking its something it might just grow out of when conditions improve and it gets established.
    Well, I dont think its rust. Is there anything on the underside of the leaves?I'm thinking its something it might just grow out of when conditions improve and it gets established.
  15. Kieran12

    Hydrangea Issues!!!

    Thanks for all your messages. I really appreciate it. I've given the excess fertiliser a good hose down to spread and hopefully it'll wash away..Hope the Hydrangea will be okay. I probably need...
    Thanks for all your messages. I really appreciate it. I've given the excess fertiliser a good hose down to spread and hopefully it'll wash away..Hope the Hydrangea will be okay. I probably need to learn to be more patient when it comes to gardening.:ThankYou:
    Thanks for all your messages. I really appreciate it. I've given the excess fertiliser a good hose down to spread and hopefully it'll wash away..Hope the Hydrangea will be okay. I probably need to learn to be more patient when it comes to...
    Thanks for all your messages. I really appreciate it. I've given the excess fertiliser a good hose down to spread and hopefully it'll wash away..Hope the Hydrangea will be okay. I probably need...
  16. tombuck

    Probable Weevil problem

    Was squashing evil weevils last night. The grubs are changing into adults atm in pots outside too. Time for chemicals,nematodes etc etc
    Was squashing evil weevils last night. The grubs are changing into adults atm in pots outside too. Time for chemicals,nematodes etc etc
    Was squashing evil weevils last night. The grubs are changing into adults atm in pots outside too. Time for chemicals,nematodes etc etc
    Was squashing evil weevils last night. The grubs are changing into adults atm in pots outside too. Time for chemicals,nematodes etc etc
  17. SusieD

    Confetti bush looking the worse for wear

    Yes I think probably wasn't quite ready, there were only a couple there and I thought it looked pretty but the poor thing is really not looking well! Think I'll stick to azaleas, I've been...
    Yes I think probably wasn't quite ready, there were only a couple there and I thought it looked pretty but the poor thing is really not looking well! Think I'll stick to azaleas, I've been looking for a yellow one
    Yes I think probably wasn't quite ready, there were only a couple there and I thought it looked pretty but the poor thing is really not looking well! Think I'll stick to azaleas, I've been looking for a yellow one
    Yes I think probably wasn't quite ready, there were only a couple there and I thought it looked pretty but the poor thing is really not looking well! Think I'll stick to azaleas, I've been...
  18. chalkie

    Dahlia leaves

    It's Cafe au Lait, think it will be on the larger size. I will stake as well.
    It's Cafe au Lait, think it will be on the larger size. I will stake as well.
    It's Cafe au Lait, think it will be on the larger size. I will stake as well.
    It's Cafe au Lait, think it will be on the larger size. I will stake as well.
  19. Conor M

    Bay Laurel leaf problem

    Thanks All. You know, looking at E.Ebbingei images online it actually does look like what I have. And apparently it’s pretty hardy so should hopefully be fine in the soil I have. Might still feed...
    Thanks All. You know, looking at E.Ebbingei images online it actually does look like what I have. And apparently it’s pretty hardy so should hopefully be fine in the soil I have. Might still feed it anyway and keep an eye on it!
    Thanks All. You know, looking at E.Ebbingei images online it actually does look like what I have. And apparently it’s pretty hardy so should hopefully be fine in the soil I have. Might still feed it anyway and keep an eye on it!
    Thanks All. You know, looking at E.Ebbingei images online it actually does look like what I have. And apparently it’s pretty hardy so should hopefully be fine in the soil I have. Might still feed...
  20. Sarah Eley

    Heavenly bamboo looking poorly

    Many thanks!
    Many thanks!
    Many thanks!
    Many thanks!

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