Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Pollys13

    Getting Rid Of This

    @Pollys13and self seeds if given a chance, makes a good present for those you don't like. I would have thought glyphosate would shift get one formulated for tough weeds.
    @Pollys13and self seeds if given a chance, makes a good present for those you don't like. I would have thought glyphosate would shift get one formulated for tough weeds.
    @Pollys13and self seeds if given a chance, makes a good present for those you don't like. I would have thought glyphosate would shift get one formulated for tough weeds.
    @Pollys13and self seeds if given a chance, makes a good present for those you don't like. I would have thought glyphosate would shift get one formulated for tough weeds.
  2. mazambo

    Lily pest

    Again today, in another pot, I'm certain we don't have a fox, I've had a crow in and around the pots but I don't think it's that. I've got some mesh I'm going to make a temporary cage.
    Again today, in another pot, I'm certain we don't have a fox, I've had a crow in and around the pots but I don't think it's that. I've got some mesh I'm going to make a temporary cage.
    Again today, in another pot, I'm certain we don't have a fox, I've had a crow in and around the pots but I don't think it's that. I've got some mesh I'm going to make a temporary cage.
    Again today, in another pot, I'm certain we don't have a fox, I've had a crow in and around the pots but I don't think it's that. I've got some mesh I'm going to make a temporary cage.
    20210410_134854.jpg 20210410_134858.jpg 20210411_120833.jpg 20210411_165141.jpg 20210414_161825.jpg 20210414_161822.jpg
  3. Howard Stone

    Box Blight

    Horray for box blight. When we bought our home in December 2019, box bushes were everywhere and my wife loved them.Then after the box blight I was finally allowed to kill them off one by one...
    Horray for box blight. When we bought our home in December 2019, box bushes were everywhere and my wife loved them.Then after the box blight I was finally allowed to kill them off one by one because it made them look bad.Now I have enough room to plant whatever I want. So THANK YOU
    Horray for box blight. When we bought our home in December 2019, box bushes were everywhere and my wife loved them.Then after the box blight I was finally allowed to kill them off one by one because it made them look bad.Now I have enough...
    Horray for box blight. When we bought our home in December 2019, box bushes were everywhere and my wife loved them.Then after the box blight I was finally allowed to kill them off one by one...
  4. Chris Wright

    Photinia - disease or shock ?

    It could be shock over winter but looks more likely photinia Leaf spot. Photinia leaf spot is a fungus attack and the best way of tackling it is good general garden hygiene, stop /slow the cycle...
    It could be shock over winter but looks more likely photinia Leaf spot. Photinia leaf spot is a fungus attack and the best way of tackling it is good general garden hygiene, stop /slow the cycle of the fungus by cleaning up any fallen leaves and I would mulch with compost in autumn or late...
    It could be shock over winter but looks more likely photinia Leaf spot. Photinia leaf spot is a fungus attack and the best way of tackling it is good general garden hygiene, stop /slow the cycle of the fungus by cleaning up any fallen leaves and...
    It could be shock over winter but looks more likely photinia Leaf spot. Photinia leaf spot is a fungus attack and the best way of tackling it is good general garden hygiene, stop /slow the cycle...
  5. Bradders

    Mosquito MADNESS - Help!

    @Bradders, I still don’t see any photos from you of what you have in your garden - just photos sourced from the internet. So we cannot comment on what insects you are being “plagued” by.We are...
    @Bradders, I still don’t see any photos from you of what you have in your garden - just photos sourced from the internet. So we cannot comment on what insects you are being “plagued” by.We are generally ahead of southern UK in insects here, but I have only seen a few midges and mozzies so far....
    @Bradders, I still don’t see any photos from you of what you have in your garden - just photos sourced from the internet. So we cannot comment on what insects you are being “plagued” by.We are generally ahead of southern UK in insects here, but...
    @Bradders, I still don’t see any photos from you of what you have in your garden - just photos sourced from the internet. So we cannot comment on what insects you are being “plagued” by.We are...
  6. FourLeafClover

    Feeling lucky?!

    Thank you for your reply - yes, it’s in the house and everyday new leaves are like this.
    Thank you for your reply - yes, it’s in the house and everyday new leaves are like this.
    Thank you for your reply - yes, it’s in the house and everyday new leaves are like this.
    Thank you for your reply - yes, it’s in the house and everyday new leaves are like this.
  7. noisette47
    Informative x 5

    Sciarid Flies

    Its the chemicals that are used to make matches. Phosphorous can add nutrients to the soil and potassium chlorate tends to be used in disinfectants, both these and other elements are used to make...
    Its the chemicals that are used to make matches. Phosphorous can add nutrients to the soil and potassium chlorate tends to be used in disinfectants, both these and other elements are used to make matches.
    Its the chemicals that are used to make matches. Phosphorous can add nutrients to the soil and potassium chlorate tends to be used in disinfectants, both these and other elements are used to make matches.
    Its the chemicals that are used to make matches. Phosphorous can add nutrients to the soil and potassium chlorate tends to be used in disinfectants, both these and other elements are used to make...
  8. Fredas

    Leggy nasturtiums?

    thanks Pete. I'll hold off until mid April :)
    thanks Pete. I'll hold off until mid April :)
    thanks Pete. I'll hold off until mid April :)
    thanks Pete. I'll hold off until mid April :)
  9. redd

    Thrips.....friend or foe

    Hello!Yes, I have been wiping them off everyday. I bought some neem oil which I might use to make a spray soon. Thanks for the advice about the sticky strips!!!
    Hello!Yes, I have been wiping them off everyday. I bought some neem oil which I might use to make a spray soon. Thanks for the advice about the sticky strips!!!
    Hello!Yes, I have been wiping them off everyday. I bought some neem oil which I might use to make a spray soon. Thanks for the advice about the sticky strips!!!
    Hello!Yes, I have been wiping them off everyday. I bought some neem oil which I might use to make a spray soon. Thanks for the advice about the sticky strips!!!
  10. Purple Streaks

    See what happens when?????????

    Ostara is a season, but she's also the Goddess of Spring & Dawn. Obviously "Easter" is derived from Ostara.
    Ostara is a season, but she's also the Goddess of Spring & Dawn. Obviously "Easter" is derived from Ostara.
    Ostara is a season, but she's also the Goddess of Spring & Dawn. Obviously "Easter" is derived from Ostara.
    Ostara is a season, but she's also the Goddess of Spring & Dawn. Obviously "Easter" is derived from Ostara.
  11. Ana-S

    Small green/yellow dot like fungi (maybe) in my new veggies pots

    Got it! Thank you very much
    Got it! Thank you very much
    Got it! Thank you very much
    Got it! Thank you very much
  12. Eddie Brittain

    Crown Gall on apple tree?

    Hi thanks I’ve checked for woolly Aphids and none are there.
    Hi thanks I’ve checked for woolly Aphids and none are there.
    Hi thanks I’ve checked for woolly Aphids and none are there.
    Hi thanks I’ve checked for woolly Aphids and none are there.
  13. Sheal


    Now you's a tip for protecting anything really precious. Take one sheet of heavy-duty concrete reinforcing mesh and a heavy-duty pair of cutters/wire snips. Cut 'Christmas-tree'...
    Now you's a tip for protecting anything really precious. Take one sheet of heavy-duty concrete reinforcing mesh and a heavy-duty pair of cutters/wire snips. Cut 'Christmas-tree' shapes with a 15cm (or thereabouts) stem. If you alternate the direction of cut, it maximises how many...
    Now you's a tip for protecting anything really precious. Take one sheet of heavy-duty concrete reinforcing mesh and a heavy-duty pair of cutters/wire snips. Cut 'Christmas-tree' shapes with a 15cm (or thereabouts) stem. If you...
    Now you's a tip for protecting anything really precious. Take one sheet of heavy-duty concrete reinforcing mesh and a heavy-duty pair of cutters/wire snips. Cut 'Christmas-tree'...
    IMG_5915.JPG IMG_5916.JPG IMG_5921.JPG IMG_5913.JPG IMG_5912.JPG WhatsApp Image 2021-01-09 at 19.12.42 (1).jpeg
  14. Purple Streaks

    Epsom salts

    I use it for my Buxus as a foliar feed if it's looking a bit ropey,always does the trick.
    I use it for my Buxus as a foliar feed if it's looking a bit ropey,always does the trick.
    I use it for my Buxus as a foliar feed if it's looking a bit ropey,always does the trick.
    I use it for my Buxus as a foliar feed if it's looking a bit ropey,always does the trick.
  15. Aldo
  16. Caelius

    Hollyhock rust & Mallows/Hibiscus worries:

    Thanks for all the replies.I unfortunately cannot post a picture as I already disposed of all the foliage with the spots on. But yes, yellow-ish spots on underside of leaves and...
    Thanks for all the replies.I unfortunately cannot post a picture as I already disposed of all the foliage with the spots on. But yes, yellow-ish spots on underside of leaves and yellow/orangey-brown spots on top. I also thought it would be more of a spring/summer thing but to me it certainly...
    Thanks for all the replies.I unfortunately cannot post a picture as I already disposed of all the foliage with the spots on. But yes, yellow-ish spots on underside of leaves and yellow/orangey-brown spots on top. I also thought it would be more...
    Thanks for all the replies.I unfortunately cannot post a picture as I already disposed of all the foliage with the spots on. But yes, yellow-ish spots on underside of leaves and...
  17. Upsydaisy

    Harts Tongue Fern

    I have two in hanging baskets.
    I have two in hanging baskets.
    I have two in hanging baskets.
    I have two in hanging baskets.
    IMG_20210202_144151_hdr.jpg upload_2021-2-2_23-11-47.png upload_2021-2-2_23-15-28.png upload_2021-2-2_23-22-38.png IMG_20200626_133324.jpg DSC00742.JPG
  18. Ct_purley

    Cherry laurel leaf problem

    I'm not really all that good at identifying problems from photos, but, having said that...It looks to me as if the leaves have holes in them. Cherry laurels like to have air around them, as they...
    I'm not really all that good at identifying problems from photos, but, having said that...It looks to me as if the leaves have holes in them. Cherry laurels like to have air around them, as they dont like damp conditions. When they are used as a hedge, the air circulation stops, they get damp,...
    I'm not really all that good at identifying problems from photos, but, having said that...It looks to me as if the leaves have holes in them. Cherry laurels like to have air around them, as they dont like damp conditions. When they are used as...
    I'm not really all that good at identifying problems from photos, but, having said that...It looks to me as if the leaves have holes in them. Cherry laurels like to have air around them, as they...
  19. Upsydaisy

    Who did this.......own up!!!

    Well, it wasn't him either:dunno::heehee:
    Well, it wasn't him either:dunno::heehee:
    Well, it wasn't him either:dunno::heehee:
    Well, it wasn't him either:dunno::heehee:
  20. DMM

    Olive tree problem.... anyone know what this is?

    Exactly the same here! Hundreds of flowers then bobbles and then they drop. Oh.... I did get one olive in 2020 ... ha
    Exactly the same here! Hundreds of flowers then bobbles and then they drop. Oh.... I did get one olive in 2020 ... ha
    Exactly the same here! Hundreds of flowers then bobbles and then they drop. Oh.... I did get one olive in 2020 ... ha
    Exactly the same here! Hundreds of flowers then bobbles and then they drop. Oh.... I did get one olive in 2020 ... ha

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