Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Palustris

    Root aphids

    I recall you having problems some years back with root aphids.Try Methelated spirit mixed with water. Cheap and usually very effective.
    I recall you having problems some years back with root aphids.Try Methelated spirit mixed with water. Cheap and usually very effective.
    I recall you having problems some years back with root aphids.Try Methelated spirit mixed with water. Cheap and usually very effective.
    I recall you having problems some years back with root aphids.Try Methelated spirit mixed with water. Cheap and usually very effective.
  2. Stanley2

    Phornium problem

    Thank you Pete - have just done that and moved the snail colony that decided to move in too.
    Thank you Pete - have just done that and moved the snail colony that decided to move in too.
    Thank you Pete - have just done that and moved the snail colony that decided to move in too.
    Thank you Pete - have just done that and moved the snail colony that decided to move in too.
  3. Paladin

    Toxic fungi

    OOPS! Dare I poke my head above the parrapet?Wowy fungi, toadstools, mushrooms.Please bare with me. I have grown up through the gardening ranks.. I have leared so much over the years. Valid...
    OOPS! Dare I poke my head above the parrapet?Wowy fungi, toadstools, mushrooms.Please bare with me. I have grown up through the gardening ranks.. I have leared so much over the years. Valid points and otherwise. The sciences that back todays gardens and gardeners, has become so vast. ...
    OOPS! Dare I poke my head above the parrapet?Wowy fungi, toadstools, mushrooms.Please bare with me. I have grown up through the gardening ranks.. I have leared so much over the years. Valid points and otherwise. The sciences that back...
    OOPS! Dare I poke my head above the parrapet?Wowy fungi, toadstools, mushrooms.Please bare with me. I have grown up through the gardening ranks.. I have leared so much over the years. Valid...
  4. Gwen austin

    Wasp nest in raised vegtable garden

    Thank you @noisette47 @Whin and @Jymi riddler. I'm taking your advices and calling in a professional.
    Thank you @noisette47 @Whin and @Jymi riddler. I'm taking your advices and calling in a professional.
    Thank you @noisette47 @Whin and @Jymi riddler. I'm taking your advices and calling in a professional.
    Thank you @noisette47 @Whin and @Jymi riddler. I'm taking your advices and calling in a professional.
  5. SandyNI

    leaves shrivelling

    Thanks ricky101. The flies were very small and I just assumed they'd come from the same place. I've spent a good few hours inspecting all plants and when you look carefully, they are deep down in...
    Thanks ricky101. The flies were very small and I just assumed they'd come from the same place. I've spent a good few hours inspecting all plants and when you look carefully, they are deep down in the centre. Surprisingly, there were less affected plants than I initially thought. I've grown about...
    Thanks ricky101. The flies were very small and I just assumed they'd come from the same place. I've spent a good few hours inspecting all plants and when you look carefully, they are deep down in the centre. Surprisingly, there were less affected...
    Thanks ricky101. The flies were very small and I just assumed they'd come from the same place. I've spent a good few hours inspecting all plants and when you look carefully, they are deep down in...
  6. ThePlantAssassin

    Orange spots on Pear tree leaves

    I found that on ours as there were only a few leaves affected,that removing them and binning (not composting) it kept the tree fairly healthy.
    I found that on ours as there were only a few leaves affected,that removing them and binning (not composting) it kept the tree fairly healthy.
    I found that on ours as there were only a few leaves affected,that removing them and binning (not composting) it kept the tree fairly healthy.
    I found that on ours as there were only a few leaves affected,that removing them and binning (not composting) it kept the tree fairly healthy.
  7. Cruachan


    We get those kind of marks on our outdoor Fuchsias, but as you can see from your photo, after the attack there is good new growth, so they should flower again in a few weeks.These days we try...
    We get those kind of marks on our outdoor Fuchsias, but as you can see from your photo, after the attack there is good new growth, so they should flower again in a few weeks.These days we try uses a systemic bug spray in spring before whatever it is attacks them, so we get the benefit of an...
    We get those kind of marks on our outdoor Fuchsias, but as you can see from your photo, after the attack there is good new growth, so they should flower again in a few weeks.These days we try uses a systemic bug spray in spring before whatever...
    We get those kind of marks on our outdoor Fuchsias, but as you can see from your photo, after the attack there is good new growth, so they should flower again in a few weeks.These days we try...
  8. Stanley2

    Rust spots on Agapanthus (in a pot)

    I have a 18" square pot of agapanthus which is starting to flower well but I have noticed some patches of rust coloured spots developingon a few of the leaves. Is this a cause for concern and if...
    I have a 18" square pot of agapanthus which is starting to flower well but I have noticed some patches of rust coloured spots developingon a few of the leaves. Is this a cause for concern and if so what course of action should I take? Thanks everyone.
    I have a 18" square pot of agapanthus which is starting to flower well but I have noticed some patches of rust coloured spots developingon a few of the leaves. Is this a cause for concern and if so what course of action should I take? Thanks...
    I have a 18" square pot of agapanthus which is starting to flower well but I have noticed some patches of rust coloured spots developingon a few of the leaves. Is this a cause for concern and if...
  9. Tim_777

    Black bamboo lost leaves

    It probably doesn't like the pot. Plant it out and hope for the best, they are expensive.
    It probably doesn't like the pot. Plant it out and hope for the best, they are expensive.
    It probably doesn't like the pot. Plant it out and hope for the best, they are expensive.
    It probably doesn't like the pot. Plant it out and hope for the best, they are expensive.
  10. Kerzara

    Wildflower disease

    Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help!
    Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help!
    Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help!
    Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help!
  11. Bart

    Red robin ornamental tree struggling

    Just my thoughts but if the pots are well enough drained the winter wet won't be a problem, this is a pretty hardy plant and survives well.Just wondering if they tend to get too dry at times....
    Just my thoughts but if the pots are well enough drained the winter wet won't be a problem, this is a pretty hardy plant and survives well.Just wondering if they tend to get too dry at times. They are naturally a big plant and fairly hungry so regular liquid feeding would be better than...
    Just my thoughts but if the pots are well enough drained the winter wet won't be a problem, this is a pretty hardy plant and survives well.Just wondering if they tend to get too dry at times. They are naturally a big plant and fairly hungry...
    Just my thoughts but if the pots are well enough drained the winter wet won't be a problem, this is a pretty hardy plant and survives well.Just wondering if they tend to get too dry at times....
  12. SandyNI

    Bugs on Nicotiana

    If you have some appropriate spray, the use it, otherwise a good hosing down can work.
    If you have some appropriate spray, the use it, otherwise a good hosing down can work.
    If you have some appropriate spray, the use it, otherwise a good hosing down can work.
    If you have some appropriate spray, the use it, otherwise a good hosing down can work.
  13. Maxkolonko

    Help with identifying bug please

    Thank you for your help
    Thank you for your help
    Thank you for your help
    Thank you for your help
  14. Andy Manley

    Hole in my tree

    @Andy Manley I'd definitely have a word with where you got it from.
    @Andy Manley I'd definitely have a word with where you got it from.
    @Andy Manley I'd definitely have a word with where you got it from.
    @Andy Manley I'd definitely have a word with where you got it from.
  15. jazzy

    Problem with roses

    Thank you Ricky that certainly looks like the problem I have.
    Thank you Ricky that certainly looks like the problem I have.
    Thank you Ricky that certainly looks like the problem I have.
    Thank you Ricky that certainly looks like the problem I have.
  16. chillipig

    Advice on brown leaves

    Botanically. Conifers really are a strange quantum. I have a friend, a Fellow of the Linnean Socy. He's based at Kew. He has written a book on conifers. Back to conifers we might grow in our...
    Botanically. Conifers really are a strange quantum. I have a friend, a Fellow of the Linnean Socy. He's based at Kew. He has written a book on conifers. Back to conifers we might grow in our gardens. Conifers tend to have a very special attraction to gardeners. Sad to say. Regardless of...
    Botanically. Conifers really are a strange quantum. I have a friend, a Fellow of the Linnean Socy. He's based at Kew. He has written a book on conifers. Back to conifers we might grow in our gardens. Conifers tend to have a very special...
    Botanically. Conifers really are a strange quantum. I have a friend, a Fellow of the Linnean Socy. He's based at Kew. He has written a book on conifers. Back to conifers we might grow in our...
  17. Upsydaisy

    Orchid help please.

    Thanks @Alisa and @Selleri . :)I think it's downfall was it's environment at my Dad's as he felt the cold and his place was always kept!! Dendrobuims are happier in cool to moderate...
    Thanks @Alisa and @Selleri . :)I think it's downfall was it's environment at my Dad's as he felt the cold and his place was always kept!! Dendrobuims are happier in cool to moderate temps that much I knew. Did try moving it around his house but frankly the whole house was hot!!:heehee:I...
    Thanks @Alisa and @Selleri . :)I think it's downfall was it's environment at my Dad's as he felt the cold and his place was always kept!! Dendrobuims are happier in cool to moderate temps that much I knew. Did try moving it around...
    Thanks @Alisa and @Selleri . :)I think it's downfall was it's environment at my Dad's as he felt the cold and his place was always kept!! Dendrobuims are happier in cool to moderate...
  18. GardeningFin


    I've decided to sacrifice some of my Linaria for them and pick them off others. I'm quite pleased to have some moths.
    I've decided to sacrifice some of my Linaria for them and pick them off others. I'm quite pleased to have some moths.
    I've decided to sacrifice some of my Linaria for them and pick them off others. I'm quite pleased to have some moths.
    I've decided to sacrifice some of my Linaria for them and pick them off others. I'm quite pleased to have some moths.
  19. Macraignil

    Cape fuchsia weevil control?

    Hi, About this time of year I find my cape fuchsia flowers are attacked by weevils and although still having the odd nice flower the overall look of the phygelius shrubs is made much worse by the...
    Hi, About this time of year I find my cape fuchsia flowers are attacked by weevils and although still having the odd nice flower the overall look of the phygelius shrubs is made much worse by the feeding of weevils. I do not want to use an insecticide as I don't believe in using toxic chemicals...
    Hi, About this time of year I find my cape fuchsia flowers are attacked by weevils and although still having the odd nice flower the overall look of the phygelius shrubs is made much worse by the feeding of weevils. I do not want to use an...
    Hi, About this time of year I find my cape fuchsia flowers are attacked by weevils and although still having the odd nice flower the overall look of the phygelius shrubs is made much worse by the...
  20. eddybaby

    Help what's wrong with my beautiful clematis? The saga continues....

    It could be a touch of weedkiller spray, or simply rain and climate. OK the foliage appears to be unaffected, but we have to understand some of the principles of a plants growth etc. In this...
    It could be a touch of weedkiller spray, or simply rain and climate. OK the foliage appears to be unaffected, but we have to understand some of the principles of a plants growth etc. In this instance. The flowers are shall we say, closer to the spray-off, so obviously would be mostly...
    It could be a touch of weedkiller spray, or simply rain and climate. OK the foliage appears to be unaffected, but we have to understand some of the principles of a plants growth etc. In this instance. The flowers are shall we say, closer to...
    It could be a touch of weedkiller spray, or simply rain and climate. OK the foliage appears to be unaffected, but we have to understand some of the principles of a plants growth etc. In this...

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