Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. TomR1964

    Is this maple leaf scorch?

    Dry springs are becoming the norm, this year it was extra sunny with it. I think Jap maples have always preferred some shade from drying winds and strong sunshine, especially in spring with soft...
    Dry springs are becoming the norm, this year it was extra sunny with it. I think Jap maples have always preferred some shade from drying winds and strong sunshine, especially in spring with soft your foliage.
    Dry springs are becoming the norm, this year it was extra sunny with it. I think Jap maples have always preferred some shade from drying winds and strong sunshine, especially in spring with soft your foliage.
    Dry springs are becoming the norm, this year it was extra sunny with it. I think Jap maples have always preferred some shade from drying winds and strong sunshine, especially in spring with soft...
  2. JWK
    Funny x 10

    Scare bear

    My family live in Canada and there are bear warning signs up now. Including grizzlies
    My family live in Canada and there are bear warning signs up now. Including grizzlies
    My family live in Canada and there are bear warning signs up now. Including grizzlies
    My family live in Canada and there are bear warning signs up now. Including grizzlies
  3. flamingjune

    Various trees have a high proportion of withered/blackened leaves

    Agree totally. Here there is a tall elderberry by the door and where it sticks up above the wall of the old stable opposite, it is gale blackened in a straight line. And the same phenomenon along...
    Agree totally. Here there is a tall elderberry by the door and where it sticks up above the wall of the old stable opposite, it is gale blackened in a straight line. And the same phenomenon along the rose hedging etc.
    Agree totally. Here there is a tall elderberry by the door and where it sticks up above the wall of the old stable opposite, it is gale blackened in a straight line. And the same phenomenon along the rose hedging etc.
    Agree totally. Here there is a tall elderberry by the door and where it sticks up above the wall of the old stable opposite, it is gale blackened in a straight line. And the same phenomenon along...
  4. thriftybri

    chrysanthemum plants stripped

    One of my precious tree lupin seedlings was reduced to a bare stalk. I had not renewed the slug pellets… I did so and the following morning there were several dead black slugs.. Never seen that...
    One of my precious tree lupin seedlings was reduced to a bare stalk. I had not renewed the slug pellets… I did so and the following morning there were several dead black slugs.. Never seen that kind before.
    One of my precious tree lupin seedlings was reduced to a bare stalk. I had not renewed the slug pellets… I did so and the following morning there were several dead black slugs.. Never seen that kind before.
    One of my precious tree lupin seedlings was reduced to a bare stalk. I had not renewed the slug pellets… I did so and the following morning there were several dead black slugs.. Never seen that...
  5. Clutcher

    Cabbage spots - help!

    Hi been growing these cabbages outside with mesh covering and snail deterrent.anyone know what these spots are?
    Hi been growing these cabbages outside with mesh covering and snail deterrent.anyone know what these spots are?
    Hi been growing these cabbages outside with mesh covering and snail deterrent.anyone know what these spots are?
    Hi been growing these cabbages outside with mesh covering and snail deterrent.anyone know what these spots are?
    DCD6CA32-A089-41FF-AB49-A7DC32A9CFD0.jpeg 771E898A-D038-4579-93A4-18149D2D1066.jpeg
  6. GardeningGreen

    Curling Cosmo Leaves

    I transplanted my cosmos a few weeks back and have started to notice some leaf curling. Has anyone seen this before? I have been treating with neem oil to prevent aphids, they’re watered regularly...
    I transplanted my cosmos a few weeks back and have started to notice some leaf curling. Has anyone seen this before? I have been treating with neem oil to prevent aphids, they’re watered regularly and the temperature has been perfect!
    I transplanted my cosmos a few weeks back and have started to notice some leaf curling. Has anyone seen this before? I have been treating with neem oil to prevent aphids, they’re watered regularly and the temperature has been perfect!
    I transplanted my cosmos a few weeks back and have started to notice some leaf curling. Has anyone seen this before? I have been treating with neem oil to prevent aphids, they’re watered regularly...
  7. Sarah Eley

    Phormium unwell

    Thank you, Cuttings! I read about these two on a US site and it said no such diseases existed I the UK which was why I was foxed! I shall look for a cure. Have taken off dead leaves so far.
    Thank you, Cuttings! I read about these two on a US site and it said no such diseases existed I the UK which was why I was foxed! I shall look for a cure. Have taken off dead leaves so far.
    Thank you, Cuttings! I read about these two on a US site and it said no such diseases existed I the UK which was why I was foxed! I shall look for a cure. Have taken off dead leaves so far.
    Thank you, Cuttings! I read about these two on a US site and it said no such diseases existed I the UK which was why I was foxed! I shall look for a cure. Have taken off dead leaves so far.
  8. Inga
  9. Howard Stone

    Some sort of insect on a vine

    I'm seeing positive results from the sulphur. Old leaves are completely free of the spots after one application; they appear on new leaves still. Fruits are forming nicely (though my vine doesn't...
    I'm seeing positive results from the sulphur. Old leaves are completely free of the spots after one application; they appear on new leaves still. Fruits are forming nicely (though my vine doesn't produce edible fruits, just ornamental ones.)One downside is that little white marks appeared on...
    I'm seeing positive results from the sulphur. Old leaves are completely free of the spots after one application; they appear on new leaves still. Fruits are forming nicely (though my vine doesn't produce edible fruits, just ornamental ones.)One...
    I'm seeing positive results from the sulphur. Old leaves are completely free of the spots after one application; they appear on new leaves still. Fruits are forming nicely (though my vine doesn't...
  10. Jannt86

    Is this normal for a rose?

    Hi Jann in that case I'd cut that open flower off and put in in the shade for a couple of days.
    Hi Jann in that case I'd cut that open flower off and put in in the shade for a couple of days.
    Hi Jann in that case I'd cut that open flower off and put in in the shade for a couple of days.
    Hi Jann in that case I'd cut that open flower off and put in in the shade for a couple of days.
  11. 2nd_bassoon

    Is this clematis wilt?

    Thanks both.Unfortunately we'll never know - I move out next week! I was wondering mainly for my own education, and so I can try to work out what I did wrong (and how not to do it again!)...
    Thanks both.Unfortunately we'll never know - I move out next week! I was wondering mainly for my own education, and so I can try to work out what I did wrong (and how not to do it again!) I'll cut it back and hope it recovers for the next tenants.I'm not actually sure - I first...
    Thanks both.Unfortunately we'll never know - I move out next week! I was wondering mainly for my own education, and so I can try to work out what I did wrong (and how not to do it again!) I'll cut it back and hope it recovers for the next...
    Thanks both.Unfortunately we'll never know - I move out next week! I was wondering mainly for my own education, and so I can try to work out what I did wrong (and how not to do it again!)...
  12. Fat Controller

    What are these?

    Indoors, not outdoors (and have now been removed) - these were on a wall in my daughter's bedroom. Are they moth larvae?
    Indoors, not outdoors (and have now been removed) - these were on a wall in my daughter's bedroom. Are they moth larvae?
    Indoors, not outdoors (and have now been removed) - these were on a wall in my daughter's bedroom. Are they moth larvae?
    Indoors, not outdoors (and have now been removed) - these were on a wall in my daughter's bedroom. Are they moth larvae?
    WhatsApp Image 2020-06-09 at 21.37.09.jpeg
  13. HarryS

    Papery leaves Problem?

    good show
    good show
    good show
    good show
  14. ljs007

    White slugs ruining lawn

    Maybe the slugs are just part of the "landscape" but you also have grubs. I'd lift a piece of turf to see. :dunno:
    Maybe the slugs are just part of the "landscape" but you also have grubs. I'd lift a piece of turf to see. :dunno:
    Maybe the slugs are just part of the "landscape" but you also have grubs. I'd lift a piece of turf to see. :dunno:
    Maybe the slugs are just part of the "landscape" but you also have grubs. I'd lift a piece of turf to see. :dunno:
  15. lowrider69

    Cheese plant dying Help Please

    For training the roots down, in nine when I notice a new one starting I take a 2 litre pop bottle that has had the very top ( the stiff bit) and bottom cut off (and a cut right up the side so it...
    For training the roots down, in nine when I notice a new one starting I take a 2 litre pop bottle that has had the very top ( the stiff bit) and bottom cut off (and a cut right up the side so it opens out) and open it out then let go ( gently) so it wraps the plant, position it so the emerging...
    For training the roots down, in nine when I notice a new one starting I take a 2 litre pop bottle that has had the very top ( the stiff bit) and bottom cut off (and a cut right up the side so it opens out) and open it out then let go ( gently)...
    For training the roots down, in nine when I notice a new one starting I take a 2 litre pop bottle that has had the very top ( the stiff bit) and bottom cut off (and a cut right up the side so it...
  16. pete

    Not seen this before on apples

    I'll put some in the post for you then. :biggrin:
    I'll put some in the post for you then. :biggrin:
    I'll put some in the post for you then. :biggrin:
    I'll put some in the post for you then. :biggrin:
  17. Tracy Stadden

    Cupressus Arizonica

    Well I think you will struggle to get agood looking plant out of that, they shouldn't sell stuff like that. Its alive but the dead bits wont recover so cut them off by all means.
    Well I think you will struggle to get agood looking plant out of that, they shouldn't sell stuff like that. Its alive but the dead bits wont recover so cut them off by all means.
    Well I think you will struggle to get agood looking plant out of that, they shouldn't sell stuff like that. Its alive but the dead bits wont recover so cut them off by all means.
    Well I think you will struggle to get agood looking plant out of that, they shouldn't sell stuff like that. Its alive but the dead bits wont recover so cut them off by all means.
  18. Chiefsub

    Cabbages gone, caulis next?

    I use butterfly netting over all my brassicas, even so one or two find their way in. Rub off the eggs before the blighters hatch.
    I use butterfly netting over all my brassicas, even so one or two find their way in. Rub off the eggs before the blighters hatch.
    I use butterfly netting over all my brassicas, even so one or two find their way in. Rub off the eggs before the blighters hatch.
    I use butterfly netting over all my brassicas, even so one or two find their way in. Rub off the eggs before the blighters hatch.
  19. Sophocles

    Saving a wilting / dying bare root rose

    It's probably going to drop those leaves as a reaction to the drying out, but I would leave it and new shoots may well start sprouting from the leaf axils. Just give it TLC for a while!
    It's probably going to drop those leaves as a reaction to the drying out, but I would leave it and new shoots may well start sprouting from the leaf axils. Just give it TLC for a while!
    It's probably going to drop those leaves as a reaction to the drying out, but I would leave it and new shoots may well start sprouting from the leaf axils. Just give it TLC for a while!
    It's probably going to drop those leaves as a reaction to the drying out, but I would leave it and new shoots may well start sprouting from the leaf axils. Just give it TLC for a while!
  20. Simon Bromley

    Victoria Plum Tree Disease

    Thanks for the reply. Yes there is a stone forming in the fruit. Think it may be Plum Brown Spot fungal infection but not sure. Didn’t want to destroy a mature tree if there was another way of...
    Thanks for the reply. Yes there is a stone forming in the fruit. Think it may be Plum Brown Spot fungal infection but not sure. Didn’t want to destroy a mature tree if there was another way of dealing with it.
    Thanks for the reply. Yes there is a stone forming in the fruit. Think it may be Plum Brown Spot fungal infection but not sure. Didn’t want to destroy a mature tree if there was another way of dealing with it.
    Thanks for the reply. Yes there is a stone forming in the fruit. Think it may be Plum Brown Spot fungal infection but not sure. Didn’t want to destroy a mature tree if there was another way of...

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