Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Katkatkat

    Unhappy Forsythia

    They're best pruned after flowering, whether it's an all over haircut, or a more balanced, natural approach. They don't like being too dry, and they always flower very readily on this side of...
    They're best pruned after flowering, whether it's an all over haircut, or a more balanced, natural approach. They don't like being too dry, and they always flower very readily on this side of Scotland, so it's pretty difficult to overwater them unless they're sitting in a bog. They're one of the...
    They're best pruned after flowering, whether it's an all over haircut, or a more balanced, natural approach. They don't like being too dry, and they always flower very readily on this side of Scotland, so it's pretty difficult to overwater them...
    They're best pruned after flowering, whether it's an all over haircut, or a more balanced, natural approach. They don't like being too dry, and they always flower very readily on this side of...
  2. ViewAhead

    Peace Lily problem

    On further investigation it seems the central spine of the leaf has thickening slightly and almost become two ridges, though these are still firmly joined to each other. :scratch:
    On further investigation it seems the central spine of the leaf has thickening slightly and almost become two ridges, though these are still firmly joined to each other. :scratch:
    On further investigation it seems the central spine of the leaf has thickening slightly and almost become two ridges, though these are still firmly joined to each other. :scratch:
    On further investigation it seems the central spine of the leaf has thickening slightly and almost become two ridges, though these are still firmly joined to each other. :scratch:
  3. Kellex

    Why is a corner of the garden is dying?

    I would be inclined to blame it on the tree taking moisture from the soil. The weather has been so crazy this last couple of years that I'm beginning to think that the usual rules don't apply any...
    I would be inclined to blame it on the tree taking moisture from the soil. The weather has been so crazy this last couple of years that I'm beginning to think that the usual rules don't apply any more.Personally I would clear the area as suggested by @ViewAhead, maybe cover it with bark or...
    I would be inclined to blame it on the tree taking moisture from the soil. The weather has been so crazy this last couple of years that I'm beginning to think that the usual rules don't apply any more.Personally I would clear the area as...
    I would be inclined to blame it on the tree taking moisture from the soil. The weather has been so crazy this last couple of years that I'm beginning to think that the usual rules don't apply any...
  4. Burr

    An invasion!

    Thank you. We are in a very wet, clay area. From what you are saying it looks as if it is here to stay and I’ll have to learn to live with it. I’ll keep trying to scoop it up off the most obvious...
    Thank you. We are in a very wet, clay area. From what you are saying it looks as if it is here to stay and I’ll have to learn to live with it. I’ll keep trying to scoop it up off the most obvious areas. It just seems odd that it hasn’t been a problem till this year. Presumably the...
    Thank you. We are in a very wet, clay area. From what you are saying it looks as if it is here to stay and I’ll have to learn to live with it. I’ll keep trying to scoop it up off the most obvious areas. It just seems odd that it hasn’t been a...
    Thank you. We are in a very wet, clay area. From what you are saying it looks as if it is here to stay and I’ll have to learn to live with it. I’ll keep trying to scoop it up off the most obvious...
  5. Engelbert

    Liquid Soap vs Detergent in sprays etc - what does this count as?

    I appreciate that the OP wasn’t necessarily seeking advice on neem oil but as several posters mention it, I would point out that it is not approved for use as a pesticide in the UK. A recent...
    I appreciate that the OP wasn’t necessarily seeking advice on neem oil but as several posters mention it, I would point out that it is not approved for use as a pesticide in the UK. A recent technical report by the HSE noted that it had negative impacts on both humans and nature. The active...
    I appreciate that the OP wasn’t necessarily seeking advice on neem oil but as several posters mention it, I would point out that it is not approved for use as a pesticide in the UK. A recent technical report by the HSE noted that it had negative...
    I appreciate that the OP wasn’t necessarily seeking advice on neem oil but as several posters mention it, I would point out that it is not approved for use as a pesticide in the UK. A recent...
  6. AnniD

    Antirrhinum rust - are seeds safe to collect ?

    Thanks @pete . It seems to be spreading at a heck of a rate. Due to life getting in the way, (and even if I had the inclination to try and fight it), I will be pulling them out next week when the...
    Thanks @pete . It seems to be spreading at a heck of a rate. Due to life getting in the way, (and even if I had the inclination to try and fight it), I will be pulling them out next week when the weather cools down. At least they put in a fantastic show for many weeks and the neighbours...
    Thanks @pete . It seems to be spreading at a heck of a rate. Due to life getting in the way, (and even if I had the inclination to try and fight it), I will be pulling them out next week when the weather cools down. At least they put in a...
    Thanks @pete . It seems to be spreading at a heck of a rate. Due to life getting in the way, (and even if I had the inclination to try and fight it), I will be pulling them out next week when the...
  7. trailguru

    Rudbeckia shrivelling up

    That’s interesting @fairygirl, I’ll have a look and see which ones my alleged perennials were. I’ve fallen in love with the Gloriosa Daisy ones, after getting some free with a magazine. Our second...
    That’s interesting @fairygirl, I’ll have a look and see which ones my alleged perennials were. I’ve fallen in love with the Gloriosa Daisy ones, after getting some free with a magazine. Our second year growing them this year. We lost a few to slugs but not too many.
    That’s interesting @fairygirl, I’ll have a look and see which ones my alleged perennials were. I’ve fallen in love with the Gloriosa Daisy ones, after getting some free with a magazine. Our second year growing them this year. We lost a few to...
    That’s interesting @fairygirl, I’ll have a look and see which ones my alleged perennials were. I’ve fallen in love with the Gloriosa Daisy ones, after getting some free with a magazine. Our second...
  8. pete

    Water melon

    My attempt at growing water melons has been slow going due to the cold spring and indifferent June and July, but the last couple of warm spells seemed to give them a spurt in growth and they have...
    My attempt at growing water melons has been slow going due to the cold spring and indifferent June and July, but the last couple of warm spells seemed to give them a spurt in growth and they have been setting fruit in the last week. Just as that has happened I've noticed some wilted leaves in...
    My attempt at growing water melons has been slow going due to the cold spring and indifferent June and July, but the last couple of warm spells seemed to give them a spurt in growth and they have been setting fruit in the last week. Just as that...
    My attempt at growing water melons has been slow going due to the cold spring and indifferent June and July, but the last couple of warm spells seemed to give them a spurt in growth and they have...
    DSC05667.JPG DSC05668.JPG DSC05669.JPG
  9. Carl Tobin

    Laurel leaf black tip

    Hi Carl, sorry to hear about the black tips on your variegated laurel hedge. I agree with fairygirl that airflow might be an issue, but it's also worth checking for root damage, overwatering, or...
    Hi Carl, sorry to hear about the black tips on your variegated laurel hedge. I agree with fairygirl that airflow might be an issue, but it's also worth checking for root damage, overwatering, or pests like aphids or spider mites. Try reducing watering and inspecting the roots.
    Hi Carl, sorry to hear about the black tips on your variegated laurel hedge. I agree with fairygirl that airflow might be an issue, but it's also worth checking for root damage, overwatering, or pests like aphids or spider mites. Try reducing...
    Hi Carl, sorry to hear about the black tips on your variegated laurel hedge. I agree with fairygirl that airflow might be an issue, but it's also worth checking for root damage, overwatering, or...
  10. On the Levels

    SOS mealy bug

    Cryptolaemus IMHO seem not to be that good. When I worked at the botanic gardens, one of my tasks was to distribute the regular supply of them amongst the plants. They look VERY like mealy but...
    Cryptolaemus IMHO seem not to be that good. When I worked at the botanic gardens, one of my tasks was to distribute the regular supply of them amongst the plants. They look VERY like mealy but they move quite fast. However they didn't seem to get rid of enough mealy, and need warmth.
    Cryptolaemus IMHO seem not to be that good. When I worked at the botanic gardens, one of my tasks was to distribute the regular supply of them amongst the plants. They look VERY like mealy but they move quite fast. However they didn't seem to get...
    Cryptolaemus IMHO seem not to be that good. When I worked at the botanic gardens, one of my tasks was to distribute the regular supply of them amongst the plants. They look VERY like mealy but...
  11. Michael Hewett


    Thought I would bring this old thread back with my sprawling beauty.In June where it is situated in The Sand Garden ...July ... .. with the Tecomaria ...Today from the house...
    Thought I would bring this old thread back with my sprawling beauty.In June where it is situated in The Sand Garden ...July ... .. with the Tecomaria ...Today from the house side ...
    Thought I would bring this old thread back with my sprawling beauty.In June where it is situated in The Sand Garden ...July ... .. with the Tecomaria ...Today from the house side ...
    Thought I would bring this old thread back with my sprawling beauty.In June where it is situated in The Sand Garden ...July ... .. with the Tecomaria ...Today from the house...
    Plumbago 15 Jul 24.jpg Plumbago & Tecomaria 15 Jul 24.jpg Plumbago1 6 Jun 24.jpg Plumbago1 11 Jun 24.jpg Plumbago2 6 Jun 24.jpg Plumbago2 11 Jun 24.jpg
  12. Tidemark

    Sycamore trees dying branch by branch in the Peak District

    More on climate change, the RHS invites gardeners to send them their observations about changes in their gardens.Help the RHS understand how climate change is affecting UK gardens
    More on climate change, the RHS invites gardeners to send them their observations about changes in their gardens.Help the RHS understand how climate change is affecting UK gardens
    More on climate change, the RHS invites gardeners to send them their observations about changes in their gardens.Help the RHS understand how climate change is affecting UK gardens
    More on climate change, the RHS invites gardeners to send them their observations about changes in their gardens.Help the RHS understand how climate change is affecting UK gardens
  13. Mikeybcoco

    Giant Yucca Transplant Problems

    You could try to revive it by reducing the trunks by half or more. New shoots will emerge as buds below the cuts and then grow to create another multi-headed plant, assuming the root ball is...
    You could try to revive it by reducing the trunks by half or more. New shoots will emerge as buds below the cuts and then grow to create another multi-headed plant, assuming the root ball is alive. It will also be far happier in the ground as Cordylines produce large tap roots which need soil depth.
    You could try to revive it by reducing the trunks by half or more. New shoots will emerge as buds below the cuts and then grow to create another multi-headed plant, assuming the root ball is alive. It will also be far happier in the ground as...
    You could try to revive it by reducing the trunks by half or more. New shoots will emerge as buds below the cuts and then grow to create another multi-headed plant, assuming the root ball is...
  14. bluegeranium

    Peony Problem

    It does look awful, but I think if you cut it down now you may not get any flowers next year.
    It does look awful, but I think if you cut it down now you may not get any flowers next year.
    It does look awful, but I think if you cut it down now you may not get any flowers next year.
    It does look awful, but I think if you cut it down now you may not get any flowers next year.
  15. CostasK

    The war on slugs

    Blackbirds and thrushes eat slugs. But not 200 at a sitting.:phew:
    Blackbirds and thrushes eat slugs. But not 200 at a sitting.:phew:
    Blackbirds and thrushes eat slugs. But not 200 at a sitting.:phew:
    Blackbirds and thrushes eat slugs. But not 200 at a sitting.:phew:
  16. Will Hay

    What is attacking my lobelia cardinalis

    Kinda more free fall. :biggrin: No bungee involved.
    Kinda more free fall. :biggrin: No bungee involved.
    Kinda more free fall. :biggrin: No bungee involved.
    Kinda more free fall. :biggrin: No bungee involved.
  17. BB3

    What happens after ant flying day?

    That's very interesting. Thank you
    That's very interesting. Thank you
    That's very interesting. Thank you
    That's very interesting. Thank you
  18. AnniD

    Crocosmia Query

    I love a challenge :biggrin:
    I love a challenge :biggrin:
    I love a challenge :biggrin:
    I love a challenge :biggrin:
  19. weas3l

    Hydrangea Problems

    I'd also add as a candidate some white flowering rugosa roses, they don't mind salty environments and are tough as anything and create nice hedges that can be trimmed if needed, after flowering
    I'd also add as a candidate some white flowering rugosa roses, they don't mind salty environments and are tough as anything and create nice hedges that can be trimmed if needed, after flowering
    I'd also add as a candidate some white flowering rugosa roses, they don't mind salty environments and are tough as anything and create nice hedges that can be trimmed if needed, after flowering
    I'd also add as a candidate some white flowering rugosa roses, they don't mind salty environments and are tough as anything and create nice hedges that can be trimmed if needed, after flowering
  20. Plantminded

    Getting rid of ants in block paving

    But if we ever need to park a car on the lawn, we’re ready.
    But if we ever need to park a car on the lawn, we’re ready.
    But if we ever need to park a car on the lawn, we’re ready.
    But if we ever need to park a car on the lawn, we’re ready.

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