Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. noisette47
    Informative x 4

    Palm moth

    Yep, but knowing our luck, pete, the wrong Moth would turn up.:wallbanging::dunno::heehee:
    Yep, but knowing our luck, pete, the wrong Moth would turn up.:wallbanging::dunno::heehee:
    Yep, but knowing our luck, pete, the wrong Moth would turn up.:wallbanging::dunno::heehee:
    Yep, but knowing our luck, pete, the wrong Moth would turn up.:wallbanging::dunno::heehee:
  2. Clare G

    keeping the pests out: boundary protection idea

    nice one ' cats rule hear, and dogs are not safe, I like cats but it would it would be nice if we had some thing to put them in their place.
    nice one ' cats rule hear, and dogs are not safe, I like cats but it would it would be nice if we had some thing to put them in their place.
    nice one ' cats rule hear, and dogs are not safe, I like cats but it would it would be nice if we had some thing to put them in their place.
    nice one ' cats rule hear, and dogs are not safe, I like cats but it would it would be nice if we had some thing to put them in their place.
  3. Fat Controller


    We need fox's to eat dead wild animals so don't shoot them all, some farmers herds have had some cows/beef animals dieing from Botuism because they have pick up dead carcass of wild animals with...
    We need fox's to eat dead wild animals so don't shoot them all, some farmers herds have had some cows/beef animals dieing from Botuism because they have pick up dead carcass of wild animals with the forage harvester and it's gone into the silage for the animals to eat also where the carcass of...
    We need fox's to eat dead wild animals so don't shoot them all, some farmers herds have had some cows/beef animals dieing from Botuism because they have pick up dead carcass of wild animals with the forage harvester and it's gone into the silage...
    We need fox's to eat dead wild animals so don't shoot them all, some farmers herds have had some cows/beef animals dieing from Botuism because they have pick up dead carcass of wild animals with...
  4. ricky101

    Rat Poison in Compost Heap

    @Zigs, Good job I never step in the places, they send me cold :whistle:
    @Zigs, Good job I never step in the places, they send me cold :whistle:
    @Zigs, Good job I never step in the places, they send me cold :whistle:
    @Zigs, Good job I never step in the places, they send me cold :whistle:
  5. Jack Snakes

    Peach Leaf Curl

    Thanks for your reply.. Will be fine Jack. :) When you eat your first peaches it will all be worthwhile:Wino:
    Thanks for your reply.. Will be fine Jack. :) When you eat your first peaches it will all be worthwhile:Wino:
    Thanks for your reply.. Will be fine Jack. :) When you eat your first peaches it will all be worthwhile:Wino:
    Thanks for your reply.. Will be fine Jack. :) When you eat your first peaches it will all be worthwhile:Wino:
  6. shiney

    Trouble With Fuschia

    would love to grow these, but my zone is too cold for them to survive over winter. and not about to fuss with bringing them inside. I try to keep my life simple. have enough to do already.
    would love to grow these, but my zone is too cold for them to survive over winter. and not about to fuss with bringing them inside. I try to keep my life simple. have enough to do already.
    would love to grow these, but my zone is too cold for them to survive over winter. and not about to fuss with bringing them inside. I try to keep my life simple. have enough to do already.
    would love to grow these, but my zone is too cold for them to survive over winter. and not about to fuss with bringing them inside. I try to keep my life simple. have enough to do already.
  7. Frey

    leaves yellow then turn black and curl

    :doh: wot am i like - I just told me, Aunt, to eat JA's cos they're good for her :snorky: .....does that mean she'll have to eat Globe Artichokes :heehee: Best get back and put her on nutritional hold till i got me...
    :doh: wot am i like - I just told me, Aunt, to eat JA's cos they're good for her :snorky: .....does that mean she'll have to eat Globe Artichokes :heehee: Best get back and put her on nutritional hold till i got me info right :help: ...thanks for the heads up @pete Gawd knows what i could have advised her :huh:
    :doh: wot am i like - I just told me, Aunt, to eat JA's cos they're good for her :snorky: .....does that mean she'll have to eat Globe Artichokes :heehee: Best get back and put her on nutritional hold till i got me info right :help: ...thanks for the heads up @pete Gawd...
    :doh: wot am i like - I just told me, Aunt, to eat JA's cos they're good for her :snorky: .....does that mean she'll have to eat Globe Artichokes :heehee: Best get back and put her on nutritional hold till i got me...
  8. Snorky85

    Vine weevil!

    I think the comments below explain why I, in my opinion! would prefer to adopt the method of drowning, as other gardeners have .... to any chemicals :sad: Im fully aware of the tenacity of any pest...
    I think the comments below explain why I, in my opinion! would prefer to adopt the method of drowning, as other gardeners have .... to any chemicals :sad: Im fully aware of the tenacity of any pest i said in my previous post the soil as we speak will be checked for grubs as i put any plants in...
    I think the comments below explain why I, in my opinion! would prefer to adopt the method of drowning, as other gardeners have .... to any chemicals :sad: Im fully aware of the tenacity of any pest i said in my previous post the soil as we speak...
    I think the comments below explain why I, in my opinion! would prefer to adopt the method of drowning, as other gardeners have .... to any chemicals :sad: Im fully aware of the tenacity of any pest...
  9. HarryS

    Clematis Problems x 2 , Help

    Update on my Burma Star:dunno:..its looking a bit sad...a before and after picture....although there seem to be two 'after' pictures!
    Update on my Burma Star:dunno:..its looking a bit sad...a before and after picture....although there seem to be two 'after' pictures!
    Update on my Burma Star:dunno:..its looking a bit sad...a before and after picture....although there seem to be two 'after' pictures!
    Update on my Burma Star:dunno:..its looking a bit sad...a before and after picture....although there seem to be two 'after' pictures!
    DSCN1751.jpg DSCN1750.jpg DSCN1754.jpg 20170914_142752.jpg 20170709_204736.jpg
  10. trevor but

    a cure for powdery mildew

    @trevor but ...Your most:sign0016:hope it's as successful for you, as it was for me Lupins :dbgrtmb:
    @trevor but ...Your most:sign0016:hope it's as successful for you, as it was for me Lupins :dbgrtmb:
    @trevor but ...Your most:sign0016:hope it's as successful for you, as it was for me Lupins :dbgrtmb:
    @trevor but ...Your most:sign0016:hope it's as successful for you, as it was for me Lupins :dbgrtmb:
  11. ricky101

    Rat Proof Compost Bin - ??

    Our council is exactly the same @ricky101, and fly tipping increased almost instantly. I can never understand the thinking behind failing to maintain things, only to spend 10-15 times more...
    Our council is exactly the same @ricky101, and fly tipping increased almost instantly. I can never understand the thinking behind failing to maintain things, only to spend 10-15 times more sorting the resulting problems. :scratch:
    Our council is exactly the same @ricky101, and fly tipping increased almost instantly. I can never understand the thinking behind failing to maintain things, only to spend 10-15 times more sorting the resulting problems. :scratch:
    Our council is exactly the same @ricky101, and fly tipping increased almost instantly. I can never understand the thinking behind failing to maintain things, only to spend 10-15 times more...
  12. Squirrel nuts

    Rose sawfly

    Hi Squirrel nuts, I do sympathise with your predicament. We live in 'insect paradise' here....most of them of the stinging/biting variety. Unfortunately, sawflies do seem more resistant than most...
    Hi Squirrel nuts, I do sympathise with your predicament. We live in 'insect paradise' here....most of them of the stinging/biting variety. Unfortunately, sawflies do seem more resistant than most to chemical and bacterial control. This is a long shot, but would old-fashioned fly papers or yellow...
    Hi Squirrel nuts, I do sympathise with your predicament. We live in 'insect paradise' here....most of them of the stinging/biting variety. Unfortunately, sawflies do seem more resistant than most to chemical and bacterial control. This is a long...
    Hi Squirrel nuts, I do sympathise with your predicament. We live in 'insect paradise' here....most of them of the stinging/biting variety. Unfortunately, sawflies do seem more resistant than most...
  13. ricky101

    Ants again...

    Sounds good Stanley :)
    Sounds good Stanley :)
    Sounds good Stanley :)
    Sounds good Stanley :)
  14. TomatoeTomato

    Disease on my potatoes?

    Thanks! That's super interesting. I've been doing a bunch of searching today and saw it mentioned a few times. I couldn't get a pic today, but this is probably the closest I could find online...
    Thanks! That's super interesting. I've been doing a bunch of searching today and saw it mentioned a few times. I couldn't get a pic today, but this is probably the closest I could find online (source):According to that site, this is Rhizoctonia. Though I'm still a little torn, as the leaves...
    Thanks! That's super interesting. I've been doing a bunch of searching today and saw it mentioned a few times. I couldn't get a pic today, but this is probably the closest I could find online (source):According to that site, this is...
    Thanks! That's super interesting. I've been doing a bunch of searching today and saw it mentioned a few times. I couldn't get a pic today, but this is probably the closest I could find online...
  15. Sally Parker

    Crocosmia Brown Tips

    Oh, ok, get what you are saying now! Thanks Verdun! :biggrin:
    Oh, ok, get what you are saying now! Thanks Verdun! :biggrin:
    Oh, ok, get what you are saying now! Thanks Verdun! :biggrin:
    Oh, ok, get what you are saying now! Thanks Verdun! :biggrin:
  16. Heucherella
  17. ahsanj

    Residential lawn issue

    Then I think it is a combination of worm casts and leatherjackets ahsanj :)
    Then I think it is a combination of worm casts and leatherjackets ahsanj :)
    Then I think it is a combination of worm casts and leatherjackets ahsanj :)
    Then I think it is a combination of worm casts and leatherjackets ahsanj :)
  18. awomaninsane

    Poorly apples

    Thanks @Irmemac that looks exactly like what it is. Its a shame that there is nothing I can do to fix it though. :sad:
    Thanks @Irmemac that looks exactly like what it is. Its a shame that there is nothing I can do to fix it though. :sad:
    Thanks @Irmemac that looks exactly like what it is. Its a shame that there is nothing I can do to fix it though. :sad:
    Thanks @Irmemac that looks exactly like what it is. Its a shame that there is nothing I can do to fix it though. :sad:
  19. Fat Controller

    What are these?

    I've taken another look at the bag today - there is a few of them in there, but not that many, and Mrs C is walloping it out to the birds to get shot of it. Its in the shed, so if they can find...
    I've taken another look at the bag today - there is a few of them in there, but not that many, and Mrs C is walloping it out to the birds to get shot of it. Its in the shed, so if they can find space in there to live, good on 'em I say, coz it is rammed full! :biggrin:
    I've taken another look at the bag today - there is a few of them in there, but not that many, and Mrs C is walloping it out to the birds to get shot of it. Its in the shed, so if they can find space in there to live, good on 'em I say, coz it...
    I've taken another look at the bag today - there is a few of them in there, but not that many, and Mrs C is walloping it out to the birds to get shot of it. Its in the shed, so if they can find...
  20. ricky101

    Insect repellent ..

    Well I can see why you wouldn't want to make a habit of it..:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Well I can see why you wouldn't want to make a habit of it..:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Well I can see why you wouldn't want to make a habit of it..:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Well I can see why you wouldn't want to make a habit of it..:lunapic 130165696578242 5:

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