Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Eli

    Strawberries and critters eating them

    Hm, so it might worth adding some slug traps nearer the straws.I'm determined to get to enjoy some this
    Hm, so it might worth adding some slug traps nearer the straws.I'm determined to get to enjoy some this
    Hm, so it might worth adding some slug traps nearer the straws.I'm determined to get to enjoy some this
    Hm, so it might worth adding some slug traps nearer the straws.I'm determined to get to enjoy some this
  2. cms273

    Wooly Aphid?

    At first glance I would say no cms as the nodules don't look wooly. Could we have a close up shot please.
    At first glance I would say no cms as the nodules don't look wooly. Could we have a close up shot please.
    At first glance I would say no cms as the nodules don't look wooly. Could we have a close up shot please.
    At first glance I would say no cms as the nodules don't look wooly. Could we have a close up shot please.
  3. mick

    Box Blight Symptoms

    Thank you for the replies
    Thank you for the replies
    Thank you for the replies
    Thank you for the replies
  4. Nw82

    Can anyone identify and tell me what to do with these?

    Nematodes are not usually sold for the winter.
    Nematodes are not usually sold for the winter.
    Nematodes are not usually sold for the winter.
    Nematodes are not usually sold for the winter.
  5. Ayam

    Vine tree disease

    Are we looking at winter pictures or does it look like that in the summer? Just some kind of idea where in the UK you are would be a help, also do you know the variety of grape?
    Are we looking at winter pictures or does it look like that in the summer? Just some kind of idea where in the UK you are would be a help, also do you know the variety of grape?
    Are we looking at winter pictures or does it look like that in the summer? Just some kind of idea where in the UK you are would be a help, also do you know the variety of grape?
    Are we looking at winter pictures or does it look like that in the summer? Just some kind of idea where in the UK you are would be a help, also do you know the variety of grape?
  6. miraflores

    grain pests

    Yep, if you got them in your grain and you do nowt about them they will turn the grain to dust, the grain beetle can be put into a shealed bag with no air and they will survive tough little things
    Yep, if you got them in your grain and you do nowt about them they will turn the grain to dust, the grain beetle can be put into a shealed bag with no air and they will survive tough little things
    Yep, if you got them in your grain and you do nowt about them they will turn the grain to dust, the grain beetle can be put into a shealed bag with no air and they will survive tough little things
    Yep, if you got them in your grain and you do nowt about them they will turn the grain to dust, the grain beetle can be put into a shealed bag with no air and they will survive tough little things
  7. Wardy

    Sciarid fly help

    Thanks I've been watering from the bottom of the mango only once a week thinking that would discourage them. I've also tried using diluted peppermint tea to water it but that only reduces the...
    Thanks I've been watering from the bottom of the mango only once a week thinking that would discourage them. I've also tried using diluted peppermint tea to water it but that only reduces the numbers a little bit
    Thanks I've been watering from the bottom of the mango only once a week thinking that would discourage them. I've also tried using diluted peppermint tea to water it but that only reduces the numbers a little bit
    Thanks I've been watering from the bottom of the mango only once a week thinking that would discourage them. I've also tried using diluted peppermint tea to water it but that only reduces the...
  8. wiseowl
    Informative x 4


    This is what I had to contend with some years ago. Mostly clear now but more difficult to treat when there are nearby plants you want to keep :)
    This is what I had to contend with some years ago. Mostly clear now but more difficult to treat when there are nearby plants you want to keep :)
    This is what I had to contend with some years ago. Mostly clear now but more difficult to treat when there are nearby plants you want to keep :)
    This is what I had to contend with some years ago. Mostly clear now but more difficult to treat when there are nearby plants you want to keep :)
    upload_2015-8-11_19-55-38.jpeg DSC00265.JPG
  9. Adamoxo

    Need help in understanding why my house has been overrun with aphids/greenflies

    We had a problem with fruit flies in the house earlier on this year. We didn't know where they were coming from until I noticed some in an unopened pack of grapes we got in that week's grocery...
    We had a problem with fruit flies in the house earlier on this year. We didn't know where they were coming from until I noticed some in an unopened pack of grapes we got in that week's grocery delivery. We stopped buying those grapes (from a large supermarket chain beginning with the letter T :whistle:...
    We had a problem with fruit flies in the house earlier on this year. We didn't know where they were coming from until I noticed some in an unopened pack of grapes we got in that week's grocery delivery. We stopped buying those grapes (from a...
    We had a problem with fruit flies in the house earlier on this year. We didn't know where they were coming from until I noticed some in an unopened pack of grapes we got in that week's grocery...
  10. nFrost

    Weird white fluff on raised veg bed

    I have always used old black engine oil for such things. Molds don't like it and it waterproofs the wood making mold return less likely. However (you might get some from your local garage - oil...
    I have always used old black engine oil for such things. Molds don't like it and it waterproofs the wood making mold return less likely. However (you might get some from your local garage - oil changes on cars etc) plants don't like it either, but if you are careful and only apply it to the...
    I have always used old black engine oil for such things. Molds don't like it and it waterproofs the wood making mold return less likely. However (you might get some from your local garage - oil changes on cars etc) plants don't like it either,...
    I have always used old black engine oil for such things. Molds don't like it and it waterproofs the wood making mold return less likely. However (you might get some from your local garage - oil...
  11. KevinPH

    Smoke Bush problem

    The pruning wouldn't make any difference Kevin, it's just the natural cycle before it drops it's leaves. :)
    The pruning wouldn't make any difference Kevin, it's just the natural cycle before it drops it's leaves. :)
    The pruning wouldn't make any difference Kevin, it's just the natural cycle before it drops it's leaves. :)
    The pruning wouldn't make any difference Kevin, it's just the natural cycle before it drops it's leaves. :)
  12. Liz McCafferty

    Does anyone know what this weed is?

    you need a lawn lawn mower, in this case..
    you need a lawn lawn mower, in this case..
    you need a lawn lawn mower, in this case..
    you need a lawn lawn mower, in this case..
  13. Scrungee

    Red Spider Mite and Vaseline

    Not sure how successful it would be. I believe the mites can be carried through the air on a thread of silk to reach other plants. I've had reasonable success using a spray of Neem oil / washing...
    Not sure how successful it would be. I believe the mites can be carried through the air on a thread of silk to reach other plants. I've had reasonable success using a spray of Neem oil / washing up liquid.
    Not sure how successful it would be. I believe the mites can be carried through the air on a thread of silk to reach other plants. I've had reasonable success using a spray of Neem oil / washing up liquid.
    Not sure how successful it would be. I believe the mites can be carried through the air on a thread of silk to reach other plants. I've had reasonable success using a spray of Neem oil / washing...
  14. maltaron

    Brassica disease Any suggestions?

    The top two pics look like Sprouts? I always found the lower leaves died off with Sprouts. Seems a bit early though? A pic showing the whole plant might be more revealing.
    The top two pics look like Sprouts? I always found the lower leaves died off with Sprouts. Seems a bit early though? A pic showing the whole plant might be more revealing.
    The top two pics look like Sprouts? I always found the lower leaves died off with Sprouts. Seems a bit early though? A pic showing the whole plant might be more revealing.
    The top two pics look like Sprouts? I always found the lower leaves died off with Sprouts. Seems a bit early though? A pic showing the whole plant might be more revealing.
  15. Seasidesal


    Any chance of a picture please
    Any chance of a picture please
    Any chance of a picture please
    Any chance of a picture please
  16. Jimbob80

    Help- some thing's digging up my lawnlawn

    I'm thinking birds too.
    I'm thinking birds too.
    I'm thinking birds too.
    I'm thinking birds too.
  17. HenryKelly

    Laurel Hedge Disease - please help!

    Never heard of marshmallow disease. It looks a bit fungal to me.:scratch:
    Never heard of marshmallow disease. It looks a bit fungal to me.:scratch:
    Never heard of marshmallow disease. It looks a bit fungal to me.:scratch:
    Never heard of marshmallow disease. It looks a bit fungal to me.:scratch:
  18. Rustler

    Caterpillar problem

    Caterpillars love Nasturtiums Rustler, perhaps next year you can plant some of those as a distraction. :)
    Caterpillars love Nasturtiums Rustler, perhaps next year you can plant some of those as a distraction. :)
    Caterpillars love Nasturtiums Rustler, perhaps next year you can plant some of those as a distraction. :)
    Caterpillars love Nasturtiums Rustler, perhaps next year you can plant some of those as a distraction. :)
  19. jpjeffery

    Greying petunia leaves

    Milk and water! Who'd'a'thot'it?!Well, clearly the guy who wrote the article... :-)
    Milk and water! Who'd'a'thot'it?!Well, clearly the guy who wrote the article... :-)
    Milk and water! Who'd'a'thot'it?!Well, clearly the guy who wrote the article... :-)
    Milk and water! Who'd'a'thot'it?!Well, clearly the guy who wrote the article... :-)
  20. Whitehawk

    Are these flying ants?

    Yes probably fever fly then. Reading online it's the larvae that's the issue as they will be an inch under the soil in nests and will start to spread.I can only see one solution which is using...
    Yes probably fever fly then. Reading online it's the larvae that's the issue as they will be an inch under the soil in nests and will start to spread.I can only see one solution which is using a leatherjacket treatment as it's essentially the same thing at this stage e.g the larvae is the...
    Yes probably fever fly then. Reading online it's the larvae that's the issue as they will be an inch under the soil in nests and will start to spread.I can only see one solution which is using a leatherjacket treatment as it's essentially the...
    Yes probably fever fly then. Reading online it's the larvae that's the issue as they will be an inch under the soil in nests and will start to spread.I can only see one solution which is using...

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