Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. wiseowl
    Informative x 5

    Tips That Work On Garden Pests

    than you for the tips
    than you for the tips
    than you for the tips
    than you for the tips
  2. froot


    Is it really? I didn't know that, oops.
    Is it really? I didn't know that, oops.
    Is it really? I didn't know that, oops.
    Is it really? I didn't know that, oops.
  3. Hendocal

    Honeysuckle with severed stalk

    Wow, grow back by the autumn? That's certainly very reassuring to know. But there's definitely no hope for the main plant? It was quite large. Probably 4-5m in length if you straightened it out....
    Wow, grow back by the autumn? That's certainly very reassuring to know. But there's definitely no hope for the main plant? It was quite large. Probably 4-5m in length if you straightened it out. Thanks for the help though @NigelJ
    Wow, grow back by the autumn? That's certainly very reassuring to know. But there's definitely no hope for the main plant? It was quite large. Probably 4-5m in length if you straightened it out. Thanks for the help though @NigelJ
    Wow, grow back by the autumn? That's certainly very reassuring to know. But there's definitely no hope for the main plant? It was quite large. Probably 4-5m in length if you straightened it out....
  4. Kristen

    Reducing Slug / Snail Population

    That's brilliant GG..Keep us posted with your progress.You've just reminded me to use my Nemaslug potion:thumbsup:
    That's brilliant GG..Keep us posted with your progress.You've just reminded me to use my Nemaslug potion:thumbsup:
    That's brilliant GG..Keep us posted with your progress.You've just reminded me to use my Nemaslug potion:thumbsup:
    That's brilliant GG..Keep us posted with your progress.You've just reminded me to use my Nemaslug potion:thumbsup:
  5. Beckie76

    Trailing begonias & red spider mite??

    Hi I wonder if anyone can put my mind at rest? I really fancy some trailing begonias in some baskets this year but a friend told me they attract red spider mite, is this true? (I'm worrying...
    Hi I wonder if anyone can put my mind at rest? I really fancy some trailing begonias in some baskets this year but a friend told me they attract red spider mite, is this true? (I'm worrying because red spider mite love chickens :eeew:, I'd hate for my girls to get them, I treat them monthly & the...
    Hi I wonder if anyone can put my mind at rest? I really fancy some trailing begonias in some baskets this year but a friend told me they attract red spider mite, is this true? (I'm worrying because red spider mite love chickens :eeew:, I'd hate for my...
    Hi I wonder if anyone can put my mind at rest? I really fancy some trailing begonias in some baskets this year but a friend told me they attract red spider mite, is this true? (I'm worrying...
  6. Tom_Thumb

    Help with identifying plant needed.

    Looks like honeysuckle to me too.
    Looks like honeysuckle to me too.
    Looks like honeysuckle to me too.
    Looks like honeysuckle to me too.
  7. xNattyx

    Best way get rid of spider mites?

    I think you are worrying too much. And probably looking up every obscure plant disease there is in the book.:)
    I think you are worrying too much. And probably looking up every obscure plant disease there is in the book.:)
    I think you are worrying too much. And probably looking up every obscure plant disease there is in the book.:)
    I think you are worrying too much. And probably looking up every obscure plant disease there is in the book.:)
  8. SimonZ

    Apple tree - powdery mildew? Or something else?

    Hi Pete I think he was showing what it looks like under the bark
    Hi Pete I think he was showing what it looks like under the bark
    Hi Pete I think he was showing what it looks like under the bark
    Hi Pete I think he was showing what it looks like under the bark
  9. JackJJW

    Bulbs - deformed growth

    Here we go. Snowdrop, daffodil and hyacinth...With a photo of one of the three healthy flowering snowdrops :D
    Here we go. Snowdrop, daffodil and hyacinth...With a photo of one of the three healthy flowering snowdrops :D
    Here we go. Snowdrop, daffodil and hyacinth...With a photo of one of the three healthy flowering snowdrops :D
    Here we go. Snowdrop, daffodil and hyacinth...With a photo of one of the three healthy flowering snowdrops :D
    IMG_0478.jpg IMG_0479.jpg IMG_0482.jpg IMG_0497.jpg
  10. Michael Cumming

    Stinging Nettles

    Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:Spruce is right, they need to be actively growing, spray with a systemic weed killer such as Roundup, that'll kill the roots as well.Make sure you do it when...
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:Spruce is right, they need to be actively growing, spray with a systemic weed killer such as Roundup, that'll kill the roots as well.Make sure you do it when there's no rain forecast. Takes a few weeks before you'll see them drop :)
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:Spruce is right, they need to be actively growing, spray with a systemic weed killer such as Roundup, that'll kill the roots as well.Make sure you do it when there's no rain forecast. Takes a few weeks before...
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:Spruce is right, they need to be actively growing, spray with a systemic weed killer such as Roundup, that'll kill the roots as well.Make sure you do it when...
  11. LyndaG


    Oh gosh - I don't think I've come across this one, I'm sure I would remember as it's so distinctive. And I'm growing Lillies this year, I must keep my eyes peeled. Thank you for all the helpful info x
    Oh gosh - I don't think I've come across this one, I'm sure I would remember as it's so distinctive. And I'm growing Lillies this year, I must keep my eyes peeled. Thank you for all the helpful info x
    Oh gosh - I don't think I've come across this one, I'm sure I would remember as it's so distinctive. And I'm growing Lillies this year, I must keep my eyes peeled. Thank you for all the helpful info x
    Oh gosh - I don't think I've come across this one, I'm sure I would remember as it's so distinctive. And I'm growing Lillies this year, I must keep my eyes peeled. Thank you for all the helpful info x
  12. ben01

    The year of the pest

    Yes - and if you can apply as close to when they first start appearing in spring, you'll get the first wave which should keep numbers down and manageable.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes - and if you can apply as close to when they first start appearing in spring, you'll get the first wave which should keep numbers down and manageable.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes - and if you can apply as close to when they first start appearing in spring, you'll get the first wave which should keep numbers down and manageable.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes - and if you can apply as close to when they first start appearing in spring, you'll get the first wave which should keep numbers down and manageable.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. deadfrog66
  14. Cactusflower

    Poorly Phalaenopsis

    All the shrivelled roots need to be cut off as close to the plant as is possible but only cut off the shrivelled root up to where you have a bit of root that looks green and healthy,( I can see...
    All the shrivelled roots need to be cut off as close to the plant as is possible but only cut off the shrivelled root up to where you have a bit of root that looks green and healthy,( I can see it at the front of the plant in the photo).If you have any other green roots then you might be lucky...
    All the shrivelled roots need to be cut off as close to the plant as is possible but only cut off the shrivelled root up to where you have a bit of root that looks green and healthy,( I can see it at the front of the plant in the photo).If you...
    All the shrivelled roots need to be cut off as close to the plant as is possible but only cut off the shrivelled root up to where you have a bit of root that looks green and healthy,( I can see...
  15. miraflores

    a new approach to fungicide spraying

    As I try not to use chemical sprays anymore, Java, I have to resort to this
    As I try not to use chemical sprays anymore, Java, I have to resort to this
    As I try not to use chemical sprays anymore, Java, I have to resort to this
    As I try not to use chemical sprays anymore, Java, I have to resort to this
  16. polypody


    Having had Weil's disease once i'd say yes, but check for any minor cuts first and use rubber gloves.Weil's disease makes Flu seem like fun :sad:
    Having had Weil's disease once i'd say yes, but check for any minor cuts first and use rubber gloves.Weil's disease makes Flu seem like fun :sad:
    Having had Weil's disease once i'd say yes, but check for any minor cuts first and use rubber gloves.Weil's disease makes Flu seem like fun :sad:
    Having had Weil's disease once i'd say yes, but check for any minor cuts first and use rubber gloves.Weil's disease makes Flu seem like fun :sad:
  17. PurpleCrazyHorse

    Help needed to identify this?

    Thanks both.Nothing flies off when I give it a shake and looking at Nigel's link, it's identical to the picture. Thanks so much for the info, I'm going to get myself some appropriate...
    Thanks both.Nothing flies off when I give it a shake and looking at Nigel's link, it's identical to the picture. Thanks so much for the info, I'm going to get myself some appropriate chemicals and try to stop the spread to the next door (smaller) shrub. Luckily not many plants in the front...
    Thanks both.Nothing flies off when I give it a shake and looking at Nigel's link, it's identical to the picture. Thanks so much for the info, I'm going to get myself some appropriate chemicals and try to stop the spread to the next door...
    Thanks both.Nothing flies off when I give it a shake and looking at Nigel's link, it's identical to the picture. Thanks so much for the info, I'm going to get myself some appropriate...
  18. Beverley

    Need help identifying pests on houseplants

    I'm always giving people Thrips :sad: :heehee:
    I'm always giving people Thrips :sad: :heehee:
    I'm always giving people Thrips :sad: :heehee:
    I'm always giving people Thrips :sad: :heehee:
  19. DMudlark

    Ho, the Nematodes!

    I've tried a few doses for slugs and two lots of vine weevil. It was expensive and I applied them in the correct conditions.So far I see no evidence that any of the applications actually worked....
    I've tried a few doses for slugs and two lots of vine weevil. It was expensive and I applied them in the correct conditions.So far I see no evidence that any of the applications actually worked. I guess I'll see in spring if the onslaught is any lower than last year... Our snail and slug...
    I've tried a few doses for slugs and two lots of vine weevil. It was expensive and I applied them in the correct conditions.So far I see no evidence that any of the applications actually worked. I guess I'll see in spring if the onslaught is...
    I've tried a few doses for slugs and two lots of vine weevil. It was expensive and I applied them in the correct conditions.So far I see no evidence that any of the applications actually worked....
  20. stumorphmac


    thanks marley will try this
    thanks marley will try this
    thanks marley will try this
    thanks marley will try this

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