Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Marley Farley

    Onion Weed - help me get rid of the pesky plants

    Hello GC folk,I need to get rid of onion weed. I have tried digging it up, pouring boiling water over it, used a mixture of bicarb & vinegar & swore at it! It grows out of gravel and from hard...
    Hello GC folk,I need to get rid of onion weed. I have tried digging it up, pouring boiling water over it, used a mixture of bicarb & vinegar & swore at it! It grows out of gravel and from hard to reach crevices.Help??!!miSim
    Hello GC folk,I need to get rid of onion weed. I have tried digging it up, pouring boiling water over it, used a mixture of bicarb & vinegar & swore at it! It grows out of gravel and from hard to reach crevices.Help??!!miSim
    Hello GC folk,I need to get rid of onion weed. I have tried digging it up, pouring boiling water over it, used a mixture of bicarb & vinegar & swore at it! It grows out of gravel and from hard...
  2. Anth

    Some bugs on my herbs white and green bugs

    I just wash the bugs off. You never get them all though. Greenfly eggs add unexpected flavour and texture :)
    I just wash the bugs off. You never get them all though. Greenfly eggs add unexpected flavour and texture :)
    I just wash the bugs off. You never get them all though. Greenfly eggs add unexpected flavour and texture :)
    I just wash the bugs off. You never get them all though. Greenfly eggs add unexpected flavour and texture :)
  3. norakay

    Problems with Saxifraga stolonifera

    Perhaps it needs feeding or a change of compost if that's what it's planted in. Nutrients disappear from compost after approximately six weeks.
    Perhaps it needs feeding or a change of compost if that's what it's planted in. Nutrients disappear from compost after approximately six weeks.
    Perhaps it needs feeding or a change of compost if that's what it's planted in. Nutrients disappear from compost after approximately six weeks.
    Perhaps it needs feeding or a change of compost if that's what it's planted in. Nutrients disappear from compost after approximately six weeks.
  4. StudentGardener

    Primrose pests and diseases?

    I have dug mine all out, more trouble than they are worth constant battle with caterpillars mainly, and the mould I did how ever have success with a few in the hanging baskets.
    I have dug mine all out, more trouble than they are worth constant battle with caterpillars mainly, and the mould I did how ever have success with a few in the hanging baskets.
    I have dug mine all out, more trouble than they are worth constant battle with caterpillars mainly, and the mould I did how ever have success with a few in the hanging baskets.
    I have dug mine all out, more trouble than they are worth constant battle with caterpillars mainly, and the mould I did how ever have success with a few in the hanging baskets.
  5. deadfrog66

    rubber plant help

    Well it`s a Crassula ovata, money plant or jade plant, beloved of chinese chippies. No idea what caused the hole, agree some sort of pest, do you have children with a hole punch :roflol:. Odd its only...
    Well it`s a Crassula ovata, money plant or jade plant, beloved of chinese chippies. No idea what caused the hole, agree some sort of pest, do you have children with a hole punch :roflol:. Odd its only those 2 leaves.
    Well it`s a Crassula ovata, money plant or jade plant, beloved of chinese chippies. No idea what caused the hole, agree some sort of pest, do you have children with a hole punch :roflol:. Odd its only those 2 leaves.
    Well it`s a Crassula ovata, money plant or jade plant, beloved of chinese chippies. No idea what caused the hole, agree some sort of pest, do you have children with a hole punch :roflol:. Odd its only...
  6. rosietutu


    Raspberry Sawfly Caterpillars?Maybe the Blue Tits got to them first?Beetles? They can cause a lot of damage to plants.
    Raspberry Sawfly Caterpillars?Maybe the Blue Tits got to them first?Beetles? They can cause a lot of damage to plants.
    Raspberry Sawfly Caterpillars?Maybe the Blue Tits got to them first?Beetles? They can cause a lot of damage to plants.
    Raspberry Sawfly Caterpillars?Maybe the Blue Tits got to them first?Beetles? They can cause a lot of damage to plants.
  7. hedgefog

    Is this plant doing ok?

    I haven't repotted it yet, but it is actually growing putting a couple of more leaves, so I am just leaving it as is.
    I haven't repotted it yet, but it is actually growing putting a couple of more leaves, so I am just leaving it as is.
    I haven't repotted it yet, but it is actually growing putting a couple of more leaves, so I am just leaving it as is.
    I haven't repotted it yet, but it is actually growing putting a couple of more leaves, so I am just leaving it as is.
  8. JackJJW

    Plum tree diseased?

    We have a 18-20ft plum tree in our garden. This year it flowered well in spring then no sooner did the leaves start growing, they also started dying. It's struggled through the year and is losing...
    We have a 18-20ft plum tree in our garden. This year it flowered well in spring then no sooner did the leaves start growing, they also started dying. It's struggled through the year and is losing its leaves again now for Autumn but it still show signs of what I think is rust.But I wondered if...
    We have a 18-20ft plum tree in our garden. This year it flowered well in spring then no sooner did the leaves start growing, they also started dying. It's struggled through the year and is losing its leaves again now for Autumn but it still show...
    We have a 18-20ft plum tree in our garden. This year it flowered well in spring then no sooner did the leaves start growing, they also started dying. It's struggled through the year and is losing...
    IMG_0065.jpg IMG_0066.jpg IMG_0067.jpg IMG_0068.jpg
  9. adamsh

    Crane Flys

  10. deadfrog66

    White fly

    Yes, its expensive, slow, and you cant use a spray for other pests.Good for the professionals not much use for us lot.
    Yes, its expensive, slow, and you cant use a spray for other pests.Good for the professionals not much use for us lot.
    Yes, its expensive, slow, and you cant use a spray for other pests.Good for the professionals not much use for us lot.
    Yes, its expensive, slow, and you cant use a spray for other pests.Good for the professionals not much use for us lot.
  11. HsuH
    Useful x 3

    Vine weevil: Susceptible Plants...?

    I've used Bayer Vine Weevil Killer 2 today (the one I bought recently is a year out of date but I figure a chemical doesn't really go out of date...) on the pot plants and will use the nematodes...
    I've used Bayer Vine Weevil Killer 2 today (the one I bought recently is a year out of date but I figure a chemical doesn't really go out of date...) on the pot plants and will use the nematodes in the bed this week when they arrive. On the patrol this evening I couldn't see any Weevils but I...
    I've used Bayer Vine Weevil Killer 2 today (the one I bought recently is a year out of date but I figure a chemical doesn't really go out of date...) on the pot plants and will use the nematodes in the bed this week when they arrive. On the...
    I've used Bayer Vine Weevil Killer 2 today (the one I bought recently is a year out of date but I figure a chemical doesn't really go out of date...) on the pot plants and will use the nematodes...
  12. richard6298

    Suspect Fireblight in Finnish Whitebeam

    Hmmmm, it could be fireblight. Take a look at this thread, it may help. :)
    Hmmmm, it could be fireblight. Take a look at this thread, it may help. :)
    Hmmmm, it could be fireblight. Take a look at this thread, it may help. :)
    Hmmmm, it could be fireblight. Take a look at this thread, it may help. :)
  13. wanderingspirits

    Mushrooms and my pet dog

    Looks like Honey Fungus. Won't do you or your dog any harm apart from a bit of bowel movement :)Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:
    Looks like Honey Fungus. Won't do you or your dog any harm apart from a bit of bowel movement :)Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:
    Looks like Honey Fungus. Won't do you or your dog any harm apart from a bit of bowel movement :)Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:
    Looks like Honey Fungus. Won't do you or your dog any harm apart from a bit of bowel movement :)Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:
  14. CharlieBot

    Slug explosion!!!

    Like JackJJW, my hostas have also remained safe in tall pots with copper tape. However, that hasn't been the case in my local Garden Centre where they're selling a load of (heavily chewed) named...
    Like JackJJW, my hostas have also remained safe in tall pots with copper tape. However, that hasn't been the case in my local Garden Centre where they're selling a load of (heavily chewed) named varieties off for £1 each so I've bought a few and will be dividing them soon hoping that I've picked...
    Like JackJJW, my hostas have also remained safe in tall pots with copper tape. However, that hasn't been the case in my local Garden Centre where they're selling a load of (heavily chewed) named varieties off for £1 each so I've bought a few and...
    Like JackJJW, my hostas have also remained safe in tall pots with copper tape. However, that hasn't been the case in my local Garden Centre where they're selling a load of (heavily chewed) named...
  15. jackdog

    Tomato skins with scratchy marks

    The skins will probably taste a bit tough, no harm in trying, if you don't like them remove them as Zigs says :dbgrtmb:
    The skins will probably taste a bit tough, no harm in trying, if you don't like them remove them as Zigs says :dbgrtmb:
    The skins will probably taste a bit tough, no harm in trying, if you don't like them remove them as Zigs says :dbgrtmb:
    The skins will probably taste a bit tough, no harm in trying, if you don't like them remove them as Zigs says :dbgrtmb:
  16. hyeung

    What are these on my lawn?

    Hello HY and welcome to GC:) The black pests are slugs. They don't really do damage to a lawn but are probably on their way to decimate some choice plants in nearby beds! Depending on how you feel...
    Hello HY and welcome to GC:) The black pests are slugs. They don't really do damage to a lawn but are probably on their way to decimate some choice plants in nearby beds! Depending on how you feel about using chemicals, either pellets (based on methiocarb or Ferramol brand) or beer traps are...
    Hello HY and welcome to GC:) The black pests are slugs. They don't really do damage to a lawn but are probably on their way to decimate some choice plants in nearby beds! Depending on how you feel about using chemicals, either pellets (based on...
    Hello HY and welcome to GC:) The black pests are slugs. They don't really do damage to a lawn but are probably on their way to decimate some choice plants in nearby beds! Depending on how you feel...
  17. joh98.mac

    Tomatoes Going Rotten at the Bottom

    With pots you can give it a tap, they sound hollow if dry or lift gently (dry compost is very light). I sometimes stick my finger in to feel if the compost is dry or soggy an inch or so down....
    With pots you can give it a tap, they sound hollow if dry or lift gently (dry compost is very light). I sometimes stick my finger in to feel if the compost is dry or soggy an inch or so down. Otherwise buy a cheap moisture meter like this for less than a tenner:
    With pots you can give it a tap, they sound hollow if dry or lift gently (dry compost is very light). I sometimes stick my finger in to feel if the compost is dry or soggy an inch or so down. Otherwise buy a cheap moisture meter like this for...
    With pots you can give it a tap, they sound hollow if dry or lift gently (dry compost is very light). I sometimes stick my finger in to feel if the compost is dry or soggy an inch or so down....
  18. xNattyx

    Hosta Fungus

    Phew! That's a relief thanks for responding quickly!Sent from my HTC Desire C using Tapatalk
    Phew! That's a relief thanks for responding quickly!Sent from my HTC Desire C using Tapatalk
    Phew! That's a relief thanks for responding quickly!Sent from my HTC Desire C using Tapatalk
    Phew! That's a relief thanks for responding quickly!Sent from my HTC Desire C using Tapatalk
  19. hedgefog

    Cat problems

  20. Kristen

    Rust Fungus Cure? for Himalayan Balsam

    That's interesting Kristen, wonder if they can find one that does Rapeseed too, that's crowded out the Balsam along the Parrett.
    That's interesting Kristen, wonder if they can find one that does Rapeseed too, that's crowded out the Balsam along the Parrett.
    That's interesting Kristen, wonder if they can find one that does Rapeseed too, that's crowded out the Balsam along the Parrett.
    That's interesting Kristen, wonder if they can find one that does Rapeseed too, that's crowded out the Balsam along the Parrett.

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