Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. whis4ey

    Grey squirrel damage to Lapa

    That's illegal and not to be recommended.
    That's illegal and not to be recommended.
    That's illegal and not to be recommended.
    That's illegal and not to be recommended.
  2. Reetgood


    rhs advice on sawflys hope this helps
    rhs advice on sawflys hope this helps
    rhs advice on sawflys hope this helps
    rhs advice on sawflys hope this helps
  3. HarryS

    Safe Greenfly Spray ?

    What was Marley Farleys lavender mix used for, I remember immersing all the flower heads in water, then decanting into a spray bottle, and using it in the greenhouse, was it just for greenhouse use. :scratch:
    What was Marley Farleys lavender mix used for, I remember immersing all the flower heads in water, then decanting into a spray bottle, and using it in the greenhouse, was it just for greenhouse use. :scratch:
    What was Marley Farleys lavender mix used for, I remember immersing all the flower heads in water, then decanting into a spray bottle, and using it in the greenhouse, was it just for greenhouse use. :scratch:
    What was Marley Farleys lavender mix used for, I remember immersing all the flower heads in water, then decanting into a spray bottle, and using it in the greenhouse, was it just for greenhouse use. :scratch:
  4. rustyroots


    Heh heh, enjoy!!
    Heh heh, enjoy!!
    Heh heh, enjoy!!
    Heh heh, enjoy!!
  5. hans
    Like x 8

    Wasps in garden shed no problem

    i know they can be a nuisance but i love Cabbage Whites :wub2: i'd much rather have them eating their way through the garden than slugs :wallbanging:
    i know they can be a nuisance but i love Cabbage Whites :wub2: i'd much rather have them eating their way through the garden than slugs :wallbanging:
    i know they can be a nuisance but i love Cabbage Whites :wub2: i'd much rather have them eating their way through the garden than slugs :wallbanging:
    i know they can be a nuisance but i love Cabbage Whites :wub2: i'd much rather have them eating their way through the garden than slugs :wallbanging:
  6. Madahhlia

    Antirrhinum rust

    Several of my snapdragons have gone really manky with brown rust. I have cut them back. Are they likely to recover and do anything worthwhile?
    Several of my snapdragons have gone really manky with brown rust. I have cut them back. Are they likely to recover and do anything worthwhile?
    Several of my snapdragons have gone really manky with brown rust. I have cut them back. Are they likely to recover and do anything worthwhile?
    Several of my snapdragons have gone really manky with brown rust. I have cut them back. Are they likely to recover and do anything worthwhile?
  7. scrumpyjax

    slugs and woodlice eating potatoes

    And here is my King Edward crop, harvested yesterday (8 or 9 plants only).Usually these are very susceptible to wireworm and slugs, but as you can see they are very clean and damage free. I think...
    And here is my King Edward crop, harvested yesterday (8 or 9 plants only).Usually these are very susceptible to wireworm and slugs, but as you can see they are very clean and damage free. I think two have small holes in them and more where damaged by my fork as I lifted them! Steve...:)
    And here is my King Edward crop, harvested yesterday (8 or 9 plants only).Usually these are very susceptible to wireworm and slugs, but as you can see they are very clean and damage free. I think two have small holes in them and more where...
    And here is my King Edward crop, harvested yesterday (8 or 9 plants only).Usually these are very susceptible to wireworm and slugs, but as you can see they are very clean and damage free. I think...
  8. Freddy


    Hiya folks, thanks for the input. They are indeed Pollen Beetles, relatively harmless:)
    Hiya folks, thanks for the input. They are indeed Pollen Beetles, relatively harmless:)
    Hiya folks, thanks for the input. They are indeed Pollen Beetles, relatively harmless:)
    Hiya folks, thanks for the input. They are indeed Pollen Beetles, relatively harmless:)
  9. raebhoop

    Gunnera Manicata Problem

    Clutching at straws, but is hail stone damage possible or burn marks from hot sun through droplets of water???As hans says though the rest looks very healthy so it should be fine :dbgrtmb:
    Clutching at straws, but is hail stone damage possible or burn marks from hot sun through droplets of water???As hans says though the rest looks very healthy so it should be fine :dbgrtmb:
    Clutching at straws, but is hail stone damage possible or burn marks from hot sun through droplets of water???As hans says though the rest looks very healthy so it should be fine :dbgrtmb:
    Clutching at straws, but is hail stone damage possible or burn marks from hot sun through droplets of water???As hans says though the rest looks very healthy so it should be fine :dbgrtmb:
  10. mint

    Carnation desease

    They just look like finished flower heads to me. Pick/cut them all off and you might get more. My dianthus out the front do that every year about now, and because there are so many of them,...
    They just look like finished flower heads to me. Pick/cut them all off and you might get more. My dianthus out the front do that every year about now, and because there are so many of them, picking them off individually would take ages, so I tend to just trim the tops off the all the plants....
    They just look like finished flower heads to me. Pick/cut them all off and you might get more. My dianthus out the front do that every year about now, and because there are so many of them, picking them off individually would take ages, so I tend...
    They just look like finished flower heads to me. Pick/cut them all off and you might get more. My dianthus out the front do that every year about now, and because there are so many of them,...
  11. catmandoo

    Failing Yellow Rowan tree

    I planted a rowan in a patch which had been part of some old foundations, still quite rubbly and dry. I must admit to neglecting it terribly, and it began to look much like your photos. Last...
    I planted a rowan in a patch which had been part of some old foundations, still quite rubbly and dry. I must admit to neglecting it terribly, and it began to look much like your photos. Last winter I took pity on it and gave it some bonemeal and watered it more frequently. It made a huge...
    I planted a rowan in a patch which had been part of some old foundations, still quite rubbly and dry. I must admit to neglecting it terribly, and it began to look much like your photos. Last winter I took pity on it and gave it some bonemeal and...
    I planted a rowan in a patch which had been part of some old foundations, still quite rubbly and dry. I must admit to neglecting it terribly, and it began to look much like your photos. Last...
  12. Shell Louise

    Help with Clematis Montana Rubens please

    Let us all know how you, and the Clematis, get on. I think patience is the word with it:snork:
    Let us all know how you, and the Clematis, get on. I think patience is the word with it:snork:
    Let us all know how you, and the Clematis, get on. I think patience is the word with it:snork:
    Let us all know how you, and the Clematis, get on. I think patience is the word with it:snork:
  13. newtoitall

    Blossom tree

    It's probably lack of water, there has been very little rain in the past weeks. Try giving it a good soaking. My young trees are looking a bit sorry for themselves to and as I garden on a sandy...
    It's probably lack of water, there has been very little rain in the past weeks. Try giving it a good soaking. My young trees are looking a bit sorry for themselves to and as I garden on a sandy soil I've been watering them every three days.
    It's probably lack of water, there has been very little rain in the past weeks. Try giving it a good soaking. My young trees are looking a bit sorry for themselves to and as I garden on a sandy soil I've been watering them every three days.
    It's probably lack of water, there has been very little rain in the past weeks. Try giving it a good soaking. My young trees are looking a bit sorry for themselves to and as I garden on a sandy...
  14. pheobe

    Potato scab

    Very possibly, as Loli says, a lack of water may have contributed. An old preventive remedy is to scatter grass cuttings in the trenches when sowing - though I can't comment on how well that works...
    Very possibly, as Loli says, a lack of water may have contributed. An old preventive remedy is to scatter grass cuttings in the trenches when sowing - though I can't comment on how well that works as I've never got grass long enough to cut when I sow my first spuds. You may find the RHS info...
    Very possibly, as Loli says, a lack of water may have contributed. An old preventive remedy is to scatter grass cuttings in the trenches when sowing - though I can't comment on how well that works as I've never got grass long enough to cut when I...
    Very possibly, as Loli says, a lack of water may have contributed. An old preventive remedy is to scatter grass cuttings in the trenches when sowing - though I can't comment on how well that works...
  15. Kevin1964

    Fruit Tree Pests?

    Thank you, I have posted it in the trees forum as you suggested. Hope I have a bit more luck.
    Thank you, I have posted it in the trees forum as you suggested. Hope I have a bit more luck.
    Thank you, I have posted it in the trees forum as you suggested. Hope I have a bit more luck.
    Thank you, I have posted it in the trees forum as you suggested. Hope I have a bit more luck.
  16. Autumn

    Bug Problems

    Well that settles it. I will get some as it sounds like it will be a lot less hassle and less expensive in the long run as I have spent £10 on bug sprays with no deterrent for that white...
    Well that settles it. I will get some as it sounds like it will be a lot less hassle and less expensive in the long run as I have spent £10 on bug sprays with no deterrent for that white butterfly! Thanks for all your advice. I'm maybe a bit late this year and damage has already been done...
    Well that settles it. I will get some as it sounds like it will be a lot less hassle and less expensive in the long run as I have spent £10 on bug sprays with no deterrent for that white butterfly! Thanks for all your advice. I'm maybe a bit late...
    Well that settles it. I will get some as it sounds like it will be a lot less hassle and less expensive in the long run as I have spent £10 on bug sprays with no deterrent for that white...
  17. AndrewBarratt

    Risk of Blight

    Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm on plot 51 which is about half way down on the left. If you've time tak a look at the plots above and below, I might be wrong but I think they have blight
    Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm on plot 51 which is about half way down on the left. If you've time tak a look at the plots above and below, I might be wrong but I think they have blight
    Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm on plot 51 which is about half way down on the left. If you've time tak a look at the plots above and below, I might be wrong but I think they have blight
    Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm on plot 51 which is about half way down on the left. If you've time tak a look at the plots above and below, I might be wrong but I think they have blight
  18. Autumn

    Bug problems

    Thanks al n, that's what I thought but as I'm new to this I thought I'd consult the forum experts!:ThankYou:
    Thanks al n, that's what I thought but as I'm new to this I thought I'd consult the forum experts!:ThankYou:
    Thanks al n, that's what I thought but as I'm new to this I thought I'd consult the forum experts!:ThankYou:
    Thanks al n, that's what I thought but as I'm new to this I thought I'd consult the forum experts!:ThankYou:
  19. merleworld

    Why so many aphids this year?

    Blue Tits will have had a lot of them while feeding their young. Saw my first Ladybird of the year today, and the Honeybees have finally found the Borage patch :)
    Blue Tits will have had a lot of them while feeding their young. Saw my first Ladybird of the year today, and the Honeybees have finally found the Borage patch :)
    Blue Tits will have had a lot of them while feeding their young. Saw my first Ladybird of the year today, and the Honeybees have finally found the Borage patch :)
    Blue Tits will have had a lot of them while feeding their young. Saw my first Ladybird of the year today, and the Honeybees have finally found the Borage patch :)
  20. fumanchu

    Russian Vine - problem!

    It's difficult to know what could be wrong, perhaps it just needs time to settle, mean time keeping it watered. I've got similar issues with a young Buddleia I planted early last year, they are...
    It's difficult to know what could be wrong, perhaps it just needs time to settle, mean time keeping it watered. I've got similar issues with a young Buddleia I planted early last year, they are known to grow rampantly anywhere and on any soil, but not mine. It's still only 1ft high and I'll...
    It's difficult to know what could be wrong, perhaps it just needs time to settle, mean time keeping it watered. I've got similar issues with a young Buddleia I planted early last year, they are known to grow rampantly anywhere and on any soil,...
    It's difficult to know what could be wrong, perhaps it just needs time to settle, mean time keeping it watered. I've got similar issues with a young Buddleia I planted early last year, they are...

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