Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Suziequeue

    Potatoes - spots on leaves

    Thanks Dave. I thought I would bite the bullet and cut all the spotty hallums. I harvested the bag without anything left and sure enough - a lovely crop of perfect new potatoes. We had them boiled...
    Thanks Dave. I thought I would bite the bullet and cut all the spotty hallums. I harvested the bag without anything left and sure enough - a lovely crop of perfect new potatoes. We had them boiled and still slightly warm with mayonnaise. Bliss :)
    Thanks Dave. I thought I would bite the bullet and cut all the spotty hallums. I harvested the bag without anything left and sure enough - a lovely crop of perfect new potatoes. We had them boiled and still slightly warm with mayonnaise. Bliss :)
    Thanks Dave. I thought I would bite the bullet and cut all the spotty hallums. I harvested the bag without anything left and sure enough - a lovely crop of perfect new potatoes. We had them boiled...
  2. Dave W

    What nobbled my tomato plant?

    Soil is clean Sheal. I think the black blobs are fungal grows -0ught to have done an autopsy but too late now! My guess is that something had a good nibble and then the rot set in.
    Soil is clean Sheal. I think the black blobs are fungal grows -0ught to have done an autopsy but too late now! My guess is that something had a good nibble and then the rot set in.
    Soil is clean Sheal. I think the black blobs are fungal grows -0ught to have done an autopsy but too late now! My guess is that something had a good nibble and then the rot set in.
    Soil is clean Sheal. I think the black blobs are fungal grows -0ught to have done an autopsy but too late now! My guess is that something had a good nibble and then the rot set in.
  3. David G

    Brown patches on parsnip leaves

    Will wait until photo but have you been watering them in the sun?
    Will wait until photo but have you been watering them in the sun?
    Will wait until photo but have you been watering them in the sun?
    Will wait until photo but have you been watering them in the sun?
  4. scottyvdub

    honeysuckle help

    Hi Ben, It looks like sooty mould to me, it's created by scale insects. You will need to use an insecticide to kill off the bugs.
    Hi Ben, It looks like sooty mould to me, it's created by scale insects. You will need to use an insecticide to kill off the bugs.
    Hi Ben, It looks like sooty mould to me, it's created by scale insects. You will need to use an insecticide to kill off the bugs.
    Hi Ben, It looks like sooty mould to me, it's created by scale insects. You will need to use an insecticide to kill off the bugs.
  5. ManishKulkarni

    Help with my Jasmine plant!

    MorningIt might be worth lifting the pot and putting a couple of bits of wood or similar so the pot isn't sealed onto the floor..... Definatley worth a try.... You can get pot feet to do the...
    MorningIt might be worth lifting the pot and putting a couple of bits of wood or similar so the pot isn't sealed onto the floor..... Definatley worth a try.... You can get pot feet to do the same but the wood will also work
    MorningIt might be worth lifting the pot and putting a couple of bits of wood or similar so the pot isn't sealed onto the floor..... Definatley worth a try.... You can get pot feet to do the same but the wood will also work
    MorningIt might be worth lifting the pot and putting a couple of bits of wood or similar so the pot isn't sealed onto the floor..... Definatley worth a try.... You can get pot feet to do the...
  6. alpha-dog

    industrial weed killer?

    Even overlooking the possibility of permanent long term harm to yourself and, possibly, your family, you stand a good chance of having the pants sued off you by your neighbour if it kills his...
    Even overlooking the possibility of permanent long term harm to yourself and, possibly, your family, you stand a good chance of having the pants sued off you by your neighbour if it kills his plants. The courts would look very unfavourably upon a person that not only uses products they know...
    Even overlooking the possibility of permanent long term harm to yourself and, possibly, your family, you stand a good chance of having the pants sued off you by your neighbour if it kills his plants. The courts would look very unfavourably upon...
    Even overlooking the possibility of permanent long term harm to yourself and, possibly, your family, you stand a good chance of having the pants sued off you by your neighbour if it kills his...
  7. Annemieke

    Bad year for asparagus beetles?

    I get them on my plants every year but they're easier to control physically when the weather is cooler. I'm not keen on spraying food plants, but in a really bad year, I treat with an insecticide...
    I get them on my plants every year but they're easier to control physically when the weather is cooler. I'm not keen on spraying food plants, but in a really bad year, I treat with an insecticide once I've finished picking. It only takes one treatment and leaves the plants clean for the rest of...
    I get them on my plants every year but they're easier to control physically when the weather is cooler. I'm not keen on spraying food plants, but in a really bad year, I treat with an insecticide once I've finished picking. It only takes one...
    I get them on my plants every year but they're easier to control physically when the weather is cooler. I'm not keen on spraying food plants, but in a really bad year, I treat with an insecticide...
  8. Luidee

    Poorly acer needs help

    What Doug says is correct and to the point. These plants have a second set of buds for just this occurence. You may well be lucky if you follow the above advice :)
    What Doug says is correct and to the point. These plants have a second set of buds for just this occurence. You may well be lucky if you follow the above advice :)
    What Doug says is correct and to the point. These plants have a second set of buds for just this occurence. You may well be lucky if you follow the above advice :)
    What Doug says is correct and to the point. These plants have a second set of buds for just this occurence. You may well be lucky if you follow the above advice :)
  9. KevinWX

    Hardy Fuschia - pale patches

    Welcome to GC Kevin :sign0016: It won't be that long til those blooms die and are replaced by new ones, and then it will only be a memory :). You are not alone, we all learn by our mistakes, and sure as...
    Welcome to GC Kevin :sign0016: It won't be that long til those blooms die and are replaced by new ones, and then it will only be a memory :). You are not alone, we all learn by our mistakes, and sure as apples are in cider, just when you think you are getting along swimmingly, mother nature will throw...
    Welcome to GC Kevin :sign0016: It won't be that long til those blooms die and are replaced by new ones, and then it will only be a memory :). You are not alone, we all learn by our mistakes, and sure as apples are in cider, just when you think you are...
    Welcome to GC Kevin :sign0016: It won't be that long til those blooms die and are replaced by new ones, and then it will only be a memory :). You are not alone, we all learn by our mistakes, and sure as...
  10. Snorky85

    Mushroom kit full of black flies

    Why not use tea bags instead?
    Why not use tea bags instead?
    Why not use tea bags instead?
    Why not use tea bags instead?
  11. nickp

    Is my tree dying?

    It's officially died :ouch1:
    It's officially died :ouch1:
    It's officially died :ouch1:
    It's officially died :ouch1:
  12. Cjt2014

    Cornflower Mould

    Hi just asking if any of you have problems with mould on the leaves of cornflowers, I have had this two years running now, is there any way of stopping it, I will post pic up when I charged...
    Hi just asking if any of you have problems with mould on the leaves of cornflowers, I have had this two years running now, is there any way of stopping it, I will post pic up when I charged battery up on camera.....:coffee: Carl
    Hi just asking if any of you have problems with mould on the leaves of cornflowers, I have had this two years running now, is there any way of stopping it, I will post pic up when I charged battery up on camera.....:coffee: Carl
    Hi just asking if any of you have problems with mould on the leaves of cornflowers, I have had this two years running now, is there any way of stopping it, I will post pic up when I charged...
  13. docjohn

    A five year old Acer that is poorly

    I have clay soil, which is on the acidic side :blue thumb:
    I have clay soil, which is on the acidic side :blue thumb:
    I have clay soil, which is on the acidic side :blue thumb:
    I have clay soil, which is on the acidic side :blue thumb:
  14. sumbody

    Slug and snail deterrant

    Had a google and found the following I like the look of this - a bit pricey once you add delivery - best thing though it doesn't poison/kill them - I can still keep up my "hide and seek"...
    Had a google and found the following I like the look of this - a bit pricey once you add delivery - best thing though it doesn't poison/kill them - I can still keep up my "hide and seek" vigil - but I won't get it yet until Unwins have Hostas on sale and they can share the delivery costs...
    Had a google and found the following I like the look of this - a bit pricey once you add delivery - best thing though it doesn't poison/kill them - I can still keep up my "hide and seek" vigil - but I won't get it yet until Unwins have...
    Had a google and found the following I like the look of this - a bit pricey once you add delivery - best thing though it doesn't poison/kill them - I can still keep up my "hide and seek"...
  15. China Diapers

    Aphid epidemic and soap water

    Thanks Kristen :)
    Thanks Kristen :)
    Thanks Kristen :)
    Thanks Kristen :)
  16. GazSuttonUK

    Snails, but mostly slugs..

    I bought Nemaslug this year after a pretty disastrous time last year, and so far it seems to be working. There is still some damage but considering how wet it has been so far, I've been pleased...
    I bought Nemaslug this year after a pretty disastrous time last year, and so far it seems to be working. There is still some damage but considering how wet it has been so far, I've been pleased with the results. Suppose the recipes for making slug soup work on the same principle of biological...
    I bought Nemaslug this year after a pretty disastrous time last year, and so far it seems to be working. There is still some damage but considering how wet it has been so far, I've been pleased with the results. Suppose the recipes for making...
    I bought Nemaslug this year after a pretty disastrous time last year, and so far it seems to be working. There is still some damage but considering how wet it has been so far, I've been pleased...
  17. adamsh

    Euryops Pest

    just had a quick look in the garden and found slugs eating the flower petals :-/ so the little poos must be slug poo. removed the slugs that were on the flowers, and found about 5 more on a trek...
    just had a quick look in the garden and found slugs eating the flower petals :-/ so the little poos must be slug poo. removed the slugs that were on the flowers, and found about 5 more on a trek towards them, ignoring the lupins and everything else that slugs are supposed to like.
    just had a quick look in the garden and found slugs eating the flower petals :-/ so the little poos must be slug poo. removed the slugs that were on the flowers, and found about 5 more on a trek towards them, ignoring the lupins and everything...
    just had a quick look in the garden and found slugs eating the flower petals :-/ so the little poos must be slug poo. removed the slugs that were on the flowers, and found about 5 more on a trek...
  18. scooby-mas

    What's happening

    No no no haha steam is the best cleaner steriliser you can get
    No no no haha steam is the best cleaner steriliser you can get
    No no no haha steam is the best cleaner steriliser you can get
    No no no haha steam is the best cleaner steriliser you can get
  19. adamsh

    Small brown problem

    Glad to hear there is an improvement! If it is that hard to get a fork into it though, I would seriously consider getting it hollow-tined properly before the hard soil really starts to impact the...
    Glad to hear there is an improvement! If it is that hard to get a fork into it though, I would seriously consider getting it hollow-tined properly before the hard soil really starts to impact the lawn.
    Glad to hear there is an improvement! If it is that hard to get a fork into it though, I would seriously consider getting it hollow-tined properly before the hard soil really starts to impact the lawn.
    Glad to hear there is an improvement! If it is that hard to get a fork into it though, I would seriously consider getting it hollow-tined properly before the hard soil really starts to impact the...
  20. gingatulip29

    Slug control

    Purely by chance,some bark shavings from a closely growing silver birch have fallen on the patch where my peas are struggling and have noticed the slug trails avoiding them.So have stripped some...
    Purely by chance,some bark shavings from a closely growing silver birch have fallen on the patch where my peas are struggling and have noticed the slug trails avoiding them.So have stripped some more off the tree and wrapped them around the base of the pea plant and whaddya know no more...
    Purely by chance,some bark shavings from a closely growing silver birch have fallen on the patch where my peas are struggling and have noticed the slug trails avoiding them.So have stripped some more off the tree and wrapped them around the base...
    Purely by chance,some bark shavings from a closely growing silver birch have fallen on the patch where my peas are struggling and have noticed the slug trails avoiding them.So have stripped some...

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