Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Peorthine

    I want to cry - leaf miner!

    oh dear, im now pretty sure it's trips! thank you!
    oh dear, im now pretty sure it's trips! thank you!
    oh dear, im now pretty sure it's trips! thank you!
    oh dear, im now pretty sure it's trips! thank you!
  2. pip

    Leatherjacket treatment

    Hi Pip The Chemical imidacloprid is slowly being withdrawn from the market the big companies like B&Q etc have already started to withdraw from sale only professional groundsmen can get hold...
    Hi Pip The Chemical imidacloprid is slowly being withdrawn from the market the big companies like B&Q etc have already started to withdraw from sale only professional groundsmen can get hold of it now , or you may still get on line "Lawn Grub killer Provado" but its very dangerous to bees...
    Hi Pip The Chemical imidacloprid is slowly being withdrawn from the market the big companies like B&Q etc have already started to withdraw from sale only professional groundsmen can get hold of it now , or you may still get on line "Lawn Grub...
    Hi Pip The Chemical imidacloprid is slowly being withdrawn from the market the big companies like B&Q etc have already started to withdraw from sale only professional groundsmen can get hold...
  3. landimad

    Field rats???

    Well just to say, I have got rid of those pesky rats as the wood pile was giving them a place to hide. So the wood pile has gone and with it the bugs for the birds. :cry3: If push comes to shove then I...
    Well just to say, I have got rid of those pesky rats as the wood pile was giving them a place to hide. So the wood pile has gone and with it the bugs for the birds. :cry3: If push comes to shove then I will do without until I can rat proof the garden (never). Mr.G, I do not think that my dog will...
    Well just to say, I have got rid of those pesky rats as the wood pile was giving them a place to hide. So the wood pile has gone and with it the bugs for the birds. :cry3: If push comes to shove then I will do without until I can rat proof the garden...
    Well just to say, I have got rid of those pesky rats as the wood pile was giving them a place to hide. So the wood pile has gone and with it the bugs for the birds. :cry3: If push comes to shove then I...
  4. rosietutu

    Slug Gel

    Watch out for Lilly Beetle a bit later on - just in case that's not a pest that you've come across before; they will wreak havoc with your Lilies if left unchecked (a search here will no doubt...
    Watch out for Lilly Beetle a bit later on - just in case that's not a pest that you've come across before; they will wreak havoc with your Lilies if left unchecked (a search here will no doubt find threads from late Spring / early Summer in previous years where we have all moaned about them!
    Watch out for Lilly Beetle a bit later on - just in case that's not a pest that you've come across before; they will wreak havoc with your Lilies if left unchecked (a search here will no doubt find threads from late Spring / early Summer in...
    Watch out for Lilly Beetle a bit later on - just in case that's not a pest that you've come across before; they will wreak havoc with your Lilies if left unchecked (a search here will no doubt...
  5. edenworkshops

    New grower, problem with botrytis.

    yes spray all over plants,i only sprayed once a month worked well, white residue on toms easily washed off
    yes spray all over plants,i only sprayed once a month worked well, white residue on toms easily washed off
    yes spray all over plants,i only sprayed once a month worked well, white residue on toms easily washed off
    yes spray all over plants,i only sprayed once a month worked well, white residue on toms easily washed off
  6. Phil A
    Like x 7

    The Blight didn't get all of them

    They'll probably be Indian Ringnecks. :)
    They'll probably be Indian Ringnecks. :)
    They'll probably be Indian Ringnecks. :)
    They'll probably be Indian Ringnecks. :)
  7. miraflores

    ash tree disease

    Think of some of our poor Oaks and others, They too have a hard time of getting some form of resistance to what has been brought in from other countries and come across on prevailing winds.
    Think of some of our poor Oaks and others, They too have a hard time of getting some form of resistance to what has been brought in from other countries and come across on prevailing winds.
    Think of some of our poor Oaks and others, They too have a hard time of getting some form of resistance to what has been brought in from other countries and come across on prevailing winds.
    Think of some of our poor Oaks and others, They too have a hard time of getting some form of resistance to what has been brought in from other countries and come across on prevailing winds.
  8. SooBee

    Mole Epidemic!

    I caught a mole once when I was a kid. I wanted to keep it as a pet but it panicked and bit me and it hurt so I let go and it legged it.
    I caught a mole once when I was a kid. I wanted to keep it as a pet but it panicked and bit me and it hurt so I let go and it legged it.
    I caught a mole once when I was a kid. I wanted to keep it as a pet but it panicked and bit me and it hurt so I let go and it legged it.
    I caught a mole once when I was a kid. I wanted to keep it as a pet but it panicked and bit me and it hurt so I let go and it legged it.
  9. Ashes

    I'm Losing My Will To Plant

    Good to know that they're animal/human safe Ross, I was wondering about that.
    Good to know that they're animal/human safe Ross, I was wondering about that.
    Good to know that they're animal/human safe Ross, I was wondering about that.
    Good to know that they're animal/human safe Ross, I was wondering about that.
  10. Dave W

    Wireworm or millipede

    Thanks folks - that's a relief :blue thumb:
    Thanks folks - that's a relief :blue thumb:
    Thanks folks - that's a relief :blue thumb:
    Thanks folks - that's a relief :blue thumb:
  11. Aesculus

    Tip for Sciarid fly (Fungus Gnats)

    Well it looks like the bi-carb is working. I drenched the soil in all my house plants last week and the gnats are now down to a minimum, just the odd one here and there. I'll wait for the soil to...
    Well it looks like the bi-carb is working. I drenched the soil in all my house plants last week and the gnats are now down to a minimum, just the odd one here and there. I'll wait for the soil to dry out a bit and give them another drench, hopefully that should finish them off. :)
    Well it looks like the bi-carb is working. I drenched the soil in all my house plants last week and the gnats are now down to a minimum, just the odd one here and there. I'll wait for the soil to dry out a bit and give them another drench,...
    Well it looks like the bi-carb is working. I drenched the soil in all my house plants last week and the gnats are now down to a minimum, just the odd one here and there. I'll wait for the soil to...
  12. clueless1

    Ash Virus - Is Rowan (Mountain Ash) affected?

    Thanks for the info on our other types of Fraxinus. I will keep an eye on them for any disease. If i do have to fell them, can I use the wood for our wood burning stove?
    Thanks for the info on our other types of Fraxinus. I will keep an eye on them for any disease. If i do have to fell them, can I use the wood for our wood burning stove?
    Thanks for the info on our other types of Fraxinus. I will keep an eye on them for any disease. If i do have to fell them, can I use the wood for our wood burning stove?
    Thanks for the info on our other types of Fraxinus. I will keep an eye on them for any disease. If i do have to fell them, can I use the wood for our wood burning stove?


    You could always paint them a little to make them look like they fit in lol
    You could always paint them a little to make them look like they fit in lol
    You could always paint them a little to make them look like they fit in lol
    You could always paint them a little to make them look like they fit in lol
  14. Dave W

    Can't even mention felines now!

    New thread started now & stickied with the deterrent ideas thread.. Thanks Marley.. :SUNsmile:
    New thread started now & stickied with the deterrent ideas thread.. Thanks Marley.. :SUNsmile:
    New thread started now & stickied with the deterrent ideas thread.. Thanks Marley.. :SUNsmile:
    New thread started now & stickied with the deterrent ideas thread.. Thanks Marley.. :SUNsmile:
  15. MrMorgan

    Onions and a bit of mould!

    Thanks all. The root systems are generally good Tee Gee and they don't feel mouldy or 'mushy' inside. Good shout though with the alternate planting I had started another set off just in case but...
    Thanks all. The root systems are generally good Tee Gee and they don't feel mouldy or 'mushy' inside. Good shout though with the alternate planting I had started another set off just in case but will plant those out as said and see how we go. Cheers Zigs was on the verge of throwing them...
    Thanks all. The root systems are generally good Tee Gee and they don't feel mouldy or 'mushy' inside. Good shout though with the alternate planting I had started another set off just in case but will plant those out as said and see how we go. ...
    Thanks all. The root systems are generally good Tee Gee and they don't feel mouldy or 'mushy' inside. Good shout though with the alternate planting I had started another set off just in case but...
  16. randkell


    I heard that putting in cut-in-half-garlic cloves helps. Also peeing in the holes. Sounds like fun, for a man. Annemieke Wigmore, Somerset UK:
    I heard that putting in cut-in-half-garlic cloves helps. Also peeing in the holes. Sounds like fun, for a man. Annemieke Wigmore, Somerset UK:
    I heard that putting in cut-in-half-garlic cloves helps. Also peeing in the holes. Sounds like fun, for a man. Annemieke Wigmore, Somerset UK:
    I heard that putting in cut-in-half-garlic cloves helps. Also peeing in the holes. Sounds like fun, for a man. Annemieke Wigmore, Somerset UK:
  17. Reetgood

    Plants look dusty and is spreading

    Could be mildew? I got a photo of the sage (yes the culinary type) and a nearby chrysanthemumNeem oil says one page?
    Could be mildew? I got a photo of the sage (yes the culinary type) and a nearby chrysanthemumNeem oil says one page?
    Could be mildew? I got a photo of the sage (yes the culinary type) and a nearby chrysanthemumNeem oil says one page?
    Could be mildew? I got a photo of the sage (yes the culinary type) and a nearby chrysanthemumNeem oil says one page?
  18. ccmiller

    question about the anti-cat thread ban...

    Yes, sorry. They're not seedlings as I wrongly and completely misleadingly wrote. They were put in a nursery bed as small softwood cuttings (4-6'' long) in March last year to root. In July I put...
    Yes, sorry. They're not seedlings as I wrongly and completely misleadingly wrote. They were put in a nursery bed as small softwood cuttings (4-6'' long) in March last year to root. In July I put them in their destined bed but they've been getting a bit flooded and frosted recently. What with the...
    Yes, sorry. They're not seedlings as I wrongly and completely misleadingly wrote. They were put in a nursery bed as small softwood cuttings (4-6'' long) in March last year to root. In July I put them in their destined bed but they've been getting...
    Yes, sorry. They're not seedlings as I wrongly and completely misleadingly wrote. They were put in a nursery bed as small softwood cuttings (4-6'' long) in March last year to root. In July I put...
  19. stumorphmac

    rolling up leaves

    I thought this thread was about something completely different. Yes, they do this, I've got one doing it, water it and they relax!
    I thought this thread was about something completely different. Yes, they do this, I've got one doing it, water it and they relax!
    I thought this thread was about something completely different. Yes, they do this, I've got one doing it, water it and they relax!
    I thought this thread was about something completely different. Yes, they do this, I've got one doing it, water it and they relax!
  20. JWK

    Pesky Squirrels

    The ol air rifle here.. not a nice thing to do at all but they are vermin and do a lot of damage. If you go to a local park there are hundreds of them being fed by locals so they multiply like...
    The ol air rifle here.. not a nice thing to do at all but they are vermin and do a lot of damage. If you go to a local park there are hundreds of them being fed by locals so they multiply like anything. Nothing to do with the post but in our local cemetery the rabbits are a prob soon as the...
    The ol air rifle here.. not a nice thing to do at all but they are vermin and do a lot of damage. If you go to a local park there are hundreds of them being fed by locals so they multiply like anything. Nothing to do with the post but in our...
    The ol air rifle here.. not a nice thing to do at all but they are vermin and do a lot of damage. If you go to a local park there are hundreds of them being fed by locals so they multiply like...

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