Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. stephenprudence

    yellow spotting on Cordyline?

    I think it's time to remove the dead Autumn leaves out of the crown :snork: yes from a distance it's not noticeable, but if it doesn't kill it I'll get something to treat potential fungus/bacteria come...
    I think it's time to remove the dead Autumn leaves out of the crown :snork: yes from a distance it's not noticeable, but if it doesn't kill it I'll get something to treat potential fungus/bacteria come spring.
    I think it's time to remove the dead Autumn leaves out of the crown :snork: yes from a distance it's not noticeable, but if it doesn't kill it I'll get something to treat potential fungus/bacteria come spring.
    I think it's time to remove the dead Autumn leaves out of the crown :snork: yes from a distance it's not noticeable, but if it doesn't kill it I'll get something to treat potential fungus/bacteria come...
  2. stumorphmac

    Powderey mildew

    Full cream milk, by the way.
    Full cream milk, by the way.
    Full cream milk, by the way.
    Full cream milk, by the way.
  3. Jiffy

    Do slugs die in the cold weather

    That's just her hobby :whistle: :thumbsup:
    That's just her hobby :whistle: :thumbsup:
    That's just her hobby :whistle: :thumbsup:
    That's just her hobby :whistle: :thumbsup:
  4. landimad

    Black spot and other things wrong.

    If I remember correctly, Gardener's World did something on this with either Geoff Hamilton or Percy Thrower many years ago. I am not sure of the result or what had been offered up for a alternative.
    If I remember correctly, Gardener's World did something on this with either Geoff Hamilton or Percy Thrower many years ago. I am not sure of the result or what had been offered up for a alternative.
    If I remember correctly, Gardener's World did something on this with either Geoff Hamilton or Percy Thrower many years ago. I am not sure of the result or what had been offered up for a alternative.
    If I remember correctly, Gardener's World did something on this with either Geoff Hamilton or Percy Thrower many years ago. I am not sure of the result or what had been offered up for a alternative.
  5. Marley Farley

    Safe ways to keep cats out of your garden..!!

    A new idea sent in by member Justracing..
    A new idea sent in by member Justracing..
    A new idea sent in by member Justracing..
    A new idea sent in by member Justracing..
  6. "M"

    Midge/mosquito bites

    Which team does he play for then?:heehee:
    Which team does he play for then?:heehee:
    Which team does he play for then?:heehee:
    Which team does he play for then?:heehee:
  7. acather96

    Pear tree problem

    our 2 trees have it as well , no fruit really either this year but im blaming the weather
    our 2 trees have it as well , no fruit really either this year but im blaming the weather
    our 2 trees have it as well , no fruit really either this year but im blaming the weather
    our 2 trees have it as well , no fruit really either this year but im blaming the weather
  8. Phil A

    Ash Tree Fungus

    Wasn't that a plastic laminate? I'm annoyed as I only planted two last year!
    Wasn't that a plastic laminate? I'm annoyed as I only planted two last year!
    Wasn't that a plastic laminate? I'm annoyed as I only planted two last year!
    Wasn't that a plastic laminate? I'm annoyed as I only planted two last year!
  9. chitting kaz


    Chap next to me uses mustard,but he sows it at the back end and digs it in when it is about to flower.Then plants his potatoes on it in the new season.Also try growing Kestral or Picasio 2nd...
    Chap next to me uses mustard,but he sows it at the back end and digs it in when it is about to flower.Then plants his potatoes on it in the new season.Also try growing Kestral or Picasio 2nd earlys as slugs and wireworm seem to leave them alone.
    Chap next to me uses mustard,but he sows it at the back end and digs it in when it is about to flower.Then plants his potatoes on it in the new season.Also try growing Kestral or Picasio 2nd earlys as slugs and wireworm seem to leave them alone.
    Chap next to me uses mustard,but he sows it at the back end and digs it in when it is about to flower.Then plants his potatoes on it in the new season.Also try growing Kestral or Picasio 2nd...
  10. acather96

    Yellow spots on Royal Purple leaves

    Yep, after further research it looks like it definitely is autumn colours. Thanks very much guys :)
    Yep, after further research it looks like it definitely is autumn colours. Thanks very much guys :)
    Yep, after further research it looks like it definitely is autumn colours. Thanks very much guys :)
    Yep, after further research it looks like it definitely is autumn colours. Thanks very much guys :)
  11. Lolimac

    Yellowing Buxus....

    You could perhaps put some plastic around the plant / container so that the rain runs off,rather than into, the container? That would prevent it getting any more wet in the winter. Or move them...
    You could perhaps put some plastic around the plant / container so that the rain runs off,rather than into, the container? That would prevent it getting any more wet in the winter. Or move them into garage / under carport / overhang (they'd need light periodically if in garage though, so that's...
    You could perhaps put some plastic around the plant / container so that the rain runs off,rather than into, the container? That would prevent it getting any more wet in the winter. Or move them into garage / under carport / overhang (they'd need...
    You could perhaps put some plastic around the plant / container so that the rain runs off,rather than into, the container? That would prevent it getting any more wet in the winter. Or move them...
  12. SimonZ

    Non-lethal insecticide?

    Simon - I would agree with you about the devastating effect man is having on the environment. However, I think that the devastation is mainly cause by the sheer quantity of humans, rather than by...
    Simon - I would agree with you about the devastating effect man is having on the environment. However, I think that the devastation is mainly cause by the sheer quantity of humans, rather than by individual humans per se. And why do we have such quantities? Its because there is nothing to...
    Simon - I would agree with you about the devastating effect man is having on the environment. However, I think that the devastation is mainly cause by the sheer quantity of humans, rather than by individual humans per se. And why do we have...
    Simon - I would agree with you about the devastating effect man is having on the environment. However, I think that the devastation is mainly cause by the sheer quantity of humans, rather than by...
  13. Madahhlia

    Vine weevil in the house??

    Traps Zigs - and not the so called humane ones either. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt, and can tell you from experience the only way to get rid is to play hard
    Traps Zigs - and not the so called humane ones either. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt, and can tell you from experience the only way to get rid is to play hard
    Traps Zigs - and not the so called humane ones either. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt, and can tell you from experience the only way to get rid is to play hard
    Traps Zigs - and not the so called humane ones either. Been there, done that and got the t-shirt, and can tell you from experience the only way to get rid is to play hard
  14. Kristen
    Like x 3

    Early Prune to combat Black Spot?

    Very good point Kristen. I have been pruning off affected branches for some time now with the same view in mind. Most are reshooting and flowering,some or not. I don't normaly spray but maybee...
    Very good point Kristen. I have been pruning off affected branches for some time now with the same view in mind. Most are reshooting and flowering,some or not. I don't normaly spray but maybee next year I might.
    Very good point Kristen. I have been pruning off affected branches for some time now with the same view in mind. Most are reshooting and flowering,some or not. I don't normaly spray but maybee next year I might.
    Very good point Kristen. I have been pruning off affected branches for some time now with the same view in mind. Most are reshooting and flowering,some or not. I don't normaly spray but maybee...
  15. We finally own a garden!

    Humane Cat Deterrent

    Hi Jaimie.. We have a ref thread specifically about this problem here.. I have also closed this thread as we do not allow threads on cat deterants as they cause so much trouble.... I hope you...
    Hi Jaimie.. We have a ref thread specifically about this problem here.. I have also closed this thread as we do not allow threads on cat deterants as they cause so much trouble.... I hope you understand & find some ideas here Jaimie.. :SUNsmile:
    Hi Jaimie.. We have a ref thread specifically about this problem here.. I have also closed this thread as we do not allow threads on cat deterants as they cause so much trouble.... I hope you understand & find some ideas here Jaimie.. :SUNsmile:
    Hi Jaimie.. We have a ref thread specifically about this problem here.. I have also closed this thread as we do not allow threads on cat deterants as they cause so much trouble.... I hope you...
  16. clueless1

    Big hairy caterpillars munching my elderberry trees.

    Somebody should throw him/her a rope.:th scifD36:
    Somebody should throw him/her a rope.:th scifD36:
    Somebody should throw him/her a rope.:th scifD36:
    Somebody should throw him/her a rope.:th scifD36:
  17. Fat Controller

    Rust on a Hollyhock

    I'm sure someone more knowledgable will have a better answer, fc, but my understanding is that hollyhock rust is a common problem. In your shoes, I would bin them and enjoy your seeds.
    I'm sure someone more knowledgable will have a better answer, fc, but my understanding is that hollyhock rust is a common problem. In your shoes, I would bin them and enjoy your seeds.
    I'm sure someone more knowledgable will have a better answer, fc, but my understanding is that hollyhock rust is a common problem. In your shoes, I would bin them and enjoy your seeds.
    I'm sure someone more knowledgable will have a better answer, fc, but my understanding is that hollyhock rust is a common problem. In your shoes, I would bin them and enjoy your seeds.
  18. Fat Controller

    Is this botrytis?

    Thanks pete! :dbgrtmb: I've got a load of others ripening in my home made ripener - Help! Off-plant ripening - and they will probably end up in a tomato sauce to freeze and use for curry or pasta etc,...
    Thanks pete! :dbgrtmb: I've got a load of others ripening in my home made ripener - Help! Off-plant ripening - and they will probably end up in a tomato sauce to freeze and use for curry or pasta etc, so it can join them :)
    Thanks pete! :dbgrtmb: I've got a load of others ripening in my home made ripener - Help! Off-plant ripening - and they will probably end up in a tomato sauce to freeze and use for curry or pasta etc, so it can join them :)
    Thanks pete! :dbgrtmb: I've got a load of others ripening in my home made ripener - Help! Off-plant ripening - and they will probably end up in a tomato sauce to freeze and use for curry or pasta etc,...
  19. Bilbo675
    Like x 3

    Daddy Long Legs Plague :)

    I was a teenager once:)
    I was a teenager once:)
    I was a teenager once:)
    I was a teenager once:)
  20. Loofah


    Oh well that's something to look forward to lol
    Oh well that's something to look forward to lol
    Oh well that's something to look forward to lol
    Oh well that's something to look forward to lol

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