Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Bailey 15

    Pear tree disease

    Pear rust. Remove leaves and burn / throw away, not compost.
    Pear rust. Remove leaves and burn / throw away, not compost.
    Pear rust. Remove leaves and burn / throw away, not compost.
    Pear rust. Remove leaves and burn / throw away, not compost.
  2. Scrungee

    Marrow Warts

    I still have a further nasty crispy affliction I've never had my marrows have never had before to check out ....
    I still have a further nasty crispy affliction I've never had my marrows have never had before to check out ....
    I still have a further nasty crispy affliction I've never had my marrows have never had before to check out ....
    I still have a further nasty crispy affliction I've never had my marrows have never had before to check out ....
  3. tweacle

    Is this the dredded blight

    I agree, feed problem. Epsom Salts will fix a Magnesium deficiency. Bit late in the season for Magnesium deficiency though ... have they just started cropping perhaps? Cold nights?
    I agree, feed problem. Epsom Salts will fix a Magnesium deficiency. Bit late in the season for Magnesium deficiency though ... have they just started cropping perhaps? Cold nights?
    I agree, feed problem. Epsom Salts will fix a Magnesium deficiency. Bit late in the season for Magnesium deficiency though ... have they just started cropping perhaps? Cold nights?
    I agree, feed problem. Epsom Salts will fix a Magnesium deficiency. Bit late in the season for Magnesium deficiency though ... have they just started cropping perhaps? Cold nights?
  4. Scrungee

    Marrow Stem Rot

    A second marrow plant now has a rotting mainstem oozing gloop:
    A second marrow plant now has a rotting mainstem oozing gloop:
    A second marrow plant now has a rotting mainstem oozing gloop:
    A second marrow plant now has a rotting mainstem oozing gloop:
    marrowstemrot.jpg marrowstenrot2.jpg marrowstemrot2.jpg
  5. rodz

    Cabbage white butterflies

    oh i wish people would stop giving me really good ideas :blue thumb:
    oh i wish people would stop giving me really good ideas :blue thumb:
    oh i wish people would stop giving me really good ideas :blue thumb:
    oh i wish people would stop giving me really good ideas :blue thumb:
  6. prettypolly


    Lost one of my Asphopeline seedlings now - slugs round here must have flippers and a snorkel I reckon!
    Lost one of my Asphopeline seedlings now - slugs round here must have flippers and a snorkel I reckon!
    Lost one of my Asphopeline seedlings now - slugs round here must have flippers and a snorkel I reckon!
    Lost one of my Asphopeline seedlings now - slugs round here must have flippers and a snorkel I reckon!
  7. Fat Controller

    Powdery mildew?

    Ah well, that was good while it lasted. Lesson learnt for next year too. The more leaves I snipped off with the scissors, the worse and worse it got, and every single stem was also covered in...
    Ah well, that was good while it lasted. Lesson learnt for next year too. The more leaves I snipped off with the scissors, the worse and worse it got, and every single stem was also covered in the mildew, so they are now all gone. On the bright side, its letting a lot more light into the...
    Ah well, that was good while it lasted. Lesson learnt for next year too. The more leaves I snipped off with the scissors, the worse and worse it got, and every single stem was also covered in the mildew, so they are now all gone. On the...
    Ah well, that was good while it lasted. Lesson learnt for next year too. The more leaves I snipped off with the scissors, the worse and worse it got, and every single stem was also covered in...
  8. clueless1
  9. LauraB

    Apple tree disease??

    You've also got a leaf miner. Burn the leaves
    You've also got a leaf miner. Burn the leaves
    You've also got a leaf miner. Burn the leaves
    You've also got a leaf miner. Burn the leaves
  10. james swann

    Whats the best way to get rid of rsm

    I do exactly that too, although I specifically use "horticulural soap" which I understand is less harmful to [some] plants. Can't remember the chemistry, but I think it has to do with Phosphates...
    I do exactly that too, although I specifically use "horticulural soap" which I understand is less harmful to [some] plants. Can't remember the chemistry, but I think it has to do with Phosphates or something like that [present in regular washing up liquid, absent from "horticultural soap"] ...
    I do exactly that too, although I specifically use "horticulural soap" which I understand is less harmful to [some] plants. Can't remember the chemistry, but I think it has to do with Phosphates or something like that [present in regular washing...
    I do exactly that too, although I specifically use "horticulural soap" which I understand is less harmful to [some] plants. Can't remember the chemistry, but I think it has to do with Phosphates...
  11. Dave W

    Gooseberry Sawfly - Aftermath!

    Greedy gits!! This year certainly has been a bumper year for pests!!
    Greedy gits!! This year certainly has been a bumper year for pests!!
    Greedy gits!! This year certainly has been a bumper year for pests!!
    Greedy gits!! This year certainly has been a bumper year for pests!!
  12. rich00cap


    c'mon rich, what happened???
    c'mon rich, what happened???
    c'mon rich, what happened???
    c'mon rich, what happened???
  13. liz de winter

    Lily beetle

    I've done ok squashing them and their eggs plus pulling leaves off that have larvae and stepping on them. I'm a bug serial killer!!!
    I've done ok squashing them and their eggs plus pulling leaves off that have larvae and stepping on them. I'm a bug serial killer!!!
    I've done ok squashing them and their eggs plus pulling leaves off that have larvae and stepping on them. I'm a bug serial killer!!!
    I've done ok squashing them and their eggs plus pulling leaves off that have larvae and stepping on them. I'm a bug serial killer!!!
  14. Jawz

    Wasps are falling out of my tree!

    Does sound a little odd! Maybe the change from wet to hot has made them a bit dopey?
    Does sound a little odd! Maybe the change from wet to hot has made them a bit dopey?
    Does sound a little odd! Maybe the change from wet to hot has made them a bit dopey?
    Does sound a little odd! Maybe the change from wet to hot has made them a bit dopey?
  15. iank

    Black lesions on pear tree leaves and stem

    We have 3 pear trees planted 2010 as 3 yr old trees. This year all three have black spots and lesions concentrated along the central rib of the leaves. Virtually all the leaves are affected. The...
    We have 3 pear trees planted 2010 as 3 yr old trees. This year all three have black spots and lesions concentrated along the central rib of the leaves. Virtually all the leaves are affected. The black areas start out moist and then tend to dry out and the leaf cracks. The worst affected tree...
    We have 3 pear trees planted 2010 as 3 yr old trees. This year all three have black spots and lesions concentrated along the central rib of the leaves. Virtually all the leaves are affected. The black areas start out moist and then tend to dry...
    We have 3 pear trees planted 2010 as 3 yr old trees. This year all three have black spots and lesions concentrated along the central rib of the leaves. Virtually all the leaves are affected. The...
    pear leaf1reduced.JPG pear leaf2reduced.JPG pear bark1-001.JPG
  16. davetherave

    Red ants

    No Stephen, red spider mite are completely different and ants bite, particularly the red ones.
    No Stephen, red spider mite are completely different and ants bite, particularly the red ones.
    No Stephen, red spider mite are completely different and ants bite, particularly the red ones.
    No Stephen, red spider mite are completely different and ants bite, particularly the red ones.
  17. averil

    little flies

    We created the perfect condition for them in the mushroom tunnels. 98% Humidity, 35c. They loved it & made millions of babies
    We created the perfect condition for them in the mushroom tunnels. 98% Humidity, 35c. They loved it & made millions of babies
    We created the perfect condition for them in the mushroom tunnels. 98% Humidity, 35c. They loved it & made millions of babies
    We created the perfect condition for them in the mushroom tunnels. 98% Humidity, 35c. They loved it & made millions of babies
  18. Kilmington

    What's killing my Cherry Tree?

    Thanks HarmonyArb The bark does not appear to be affected. So if there is no treatment and therefore the tree wont get any better is the next stage to cut it down and plant a new one? If so...
    Thanks HarmonyArb The bark does not appear to be affected. So if there is no treatment and therefore the tree wont get any better is the next stage to cut it down and plant a new one? If so what are the risks of any new tree contracting the same disease?
    Thanks HarmonyArb The bark does not appear to be affected. So if there is no treatment and therefore the tree wont get any better is the next stage to cut it down and plant a new one? If so what are the risks of any new tree contracting the...
    Thanks HarmonyArb The bark does not appear to be affected. So if there is no treatment and therefore the tree wont get any better is the next stage to cut it down and plant a new one? If so...
  19. clueless1

    Worm that looks like a dog hair

    It sounds like a horsehair worm to me Dave...They are harmless if a bit spooky...!! :SUNsmile:
    It sounds like a horsehair worm to me Dave...They are harmless if a bit spooky...!! :SUNsmile:
    It sounds like a horsehair worm to me Dave...They are harmless if a bit spooky...!! :SUNsmile:
    It sounds like a horsehair worm to me Dave...They are harmless if a bit spooky...!! :SUNsmile:
  20. shiney

    Help! What's Eating Our Solomon's Seal

    Thanks, clueless.
    Thanks, clueless.
    Thanks, clueless.
    Thanks, clueless.

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