Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. blacksmith

    black aphids

    I have found a load on my nasturnum tonight, i will sort them tomorrow. Rusty
    I have found a load on my nasturnum tonight, i will sort them tomorrow. Rusty
    I have found a load on my nasturnum tonight, i will sort them tomorrow. Rusty
    I have found a load on my nasturnum tonight, i will sort them tomorrow. Rusty
  2. ann burnett


    Hi Ann, it's no problem, just trying to remember if I'd responded or not :blue thumb:
    Hi Ann, it's no problem, just trying to remember if I'd responded or not :blue thumb:
    Hi Ann, it's no problem, just trying to remember if I'd responded or not :blue thumb:
    Hi Ann, it's no problem, just trying to remember if I'd responded or not :blue thumb:
  3. merleworld

    Flamin' aphids, grrr

    Yep. The dirty boogers are sucking the life out of EVERYTHING. And not many ladybugs around either. Saw a couple today doin the dirty so that means SOME babies. Have seen a couple of hoverfly...
    Yep. The dirty boogers are sucking the life out of EVERYTHING. And not many ladybugs around either. Saw a couple today doin the dirty so that means SOME babies. Have seen a couple of hoverfly larvae but need a plague to SORT the plague. I've had those fat, nasty gray blue ones on my lupins too....
    Yep. The dirty boogers are sucking the life out of EVERYTHING. And not many ladybugs around either. Saw a couple today doin the dirty so that means SOME babies. Have seen a couple of hoverfly larvae but need a plague to SORT the plague. I've had...
    Yep. The dirty boogers are sucking the life out of EVERYTHING. And not many ladybugs around either. Saw a couple today doin the dirty so that means SOME babies. Have seen a couple of hoverfly...
  4. Elizabeth13

    Slugs and Snails

    That's quite funny ClaraLou - as this poor plant of mine was surrounded by Penstemons - and i did wonder why they hadn't been touched! Think i may surround my poor little plant with them as an...
    That's quite funny ClaraLou - as this poor plant of mine was surrounded by Penstemons - and i did wonder why they hadn't been touched! Think i may surround my poor little plant with them as an attempt as a barrier!
    That's quite funny ClaraLou - as this poor plant of mine was surrounded by Penstemons - and i did wonder why they hadn't been touched! Think i may surround my poor little plant with them as an attempt as a barrier!
    That's quite funny ClaraLou - as this poor plant of mine was surrounded by Penstemons - and i did wonder why they hadn't been touched! Think i may surround my poor little plant with them as an...
  5. Vince

    Pigeons, rats with wings?

    There's 2 that sit in the tree right next to my little veg patch....Albert and Annie i've called them.....they don't bother with my veg.....probably realise what a faff it is getting all the...
    There's 2 that sit in the tree right next to my little veg patch....Albert and Annie i've called them.....they don't bother with my veg.....probably realise what a faff it is getting all the netting off:blue thumb:
    There's 2 that sit in the tree right next to my little veg patch....Albert and Annie i've called them.....they don't bother with my veg.....probably realise what a faff it is getting all the netting off:blue thumb:
    There's 2 that sit in the tree right next to my little veg patch....Albert and Annie i've called them.....they don't bother with my veg.....probably realise what a faff it is getting all the...
  6. barryman

    Pear tree problem

    Um... no photo! But if it's like my pear tree then it could be a minor bit of rust. I usually take the leaves off and burn them. You can only trim the main stem once as next time it will be new...
    Um... no photo! But if it's like my pear tree then it could be a minor bit of rust. I usually take the leaves off and burn them. You can only trim the main stem once as next time it will be new shoots (I'm being pedantic) but I can't see why not. Make sure you're chopping the right ones though...
    Um... no photo! But if it's like my pear tree then it could be a minor bit of rust. I usually take the leaves off and burn them. You can only trim the main stem once as next time it will be new shoots (I'm being pedantic) but I can't see why not....
    Um... no photo! But if it's like my pear tree then it could be a minor bit of rust. I usually take the leaves off and burn them. You can only trim the main stem once as next time it will be new...
  7. Teri

    Have I got rid of them?

    Naughty Harry:nonofinger:
    Naughty Harry:nonofinger:
    Naughty Harry:nonofinger:
    Naughty Harry:nonofinger:
  8. Fat Controller

    Blackfly! Millions of them!

    Right, so I need to get some Provado - I'll look this thread up on my phone whilst I am at the garden centre so that I remember.Thanks :)
    Right, so I need to get some Provado - I'll look this thread up on my phone whilst I am at the garden centre so that I remember.Thanks :)
    Right, so I need to get some Provado - I'll look this thread up on my phone whilst I am at the garden centre so that I remember.Thanks :)
    Right, so I need to get some Provado - I'll look this thread up on my phone whilst I am at the garden centre so that I remember.Thanks :)
  9. -Paul-


    Again thank you!
    Again thank you!
    Again thank you!
    Again thank you!
  10. kels

    How to get rid of foxes from the garden.

    Hope you find a solution kels, we have a pair that visit our garden regularly, mainly to drink from the pond, know last year they had cubs too, heard them calling in the night, freeeeaky sound,...
    Hope you find a solution kels, we have a pair that visit our garden regularly, mainly to drink from the pond, know last year they had cubs too, heard them calling in the night, freeeeaky sound, must say I don't mind them they don't do any damage, but we do have a big rabbit problem and they help...
    Hope you find a solution kels, we have a pair that visit our garden regularly, mainly to drink from the pond, know last year they had cubs too, heard them calling in the night, freeeeaky sound, must say I don't mind them they don't do any damage,...
    Hope you find a solution kels, we have a pair that visit our garden regularly, mainly to drink from the pond, know last year they had cubs too, heard them calling in the night, freeeeaky sound,...
  11. Debs The Gardener

    Something is eating my plants!!

    Bought some general pesticide yesterday and some slug pellets so going to attack from both points of view. Hopefully will get the little beasties no matter what they are. Thanks for the advice x
    Bought some general pesticide yesterday and some slug pellets so going to attack from both points of view. Hopefully will get the little beasties no matter what they are. Thanks for the advice x
    Bought some general pesticide yesterday and some slug pellets so going to attack from both points of view. Hopefully will get the little beasties no matter what they are. Thanks for the advice x
    Bought some general pesticide yesterday and some slug pellets so going to attack from both points of view. Hopefully will get the little beasties no matter what they are. Thanks for the advice x
  12. Boghopper

    Is it a MOUSE??!!

    Oh well, there you are then. Their favourite food.:WINK1:
    Oh well, there you are then. Their favourite food.:WINK1:
    Oh well, there you are then. Their favourite food.:WINK1:
    Oh well, there you are then. Their favourite food.:WINK1:
  13. hans

    Few Insects

    I may have to ask you folks to send me some over to Mid Wales as my runners will soon be flowering :) . I expect things will improve this month but more rain on the way.
    I may have to ask you folks to send me some over to Mid Wales as my runners will soon be flowering :) . I expect things will improve this month but more rain on the way.
    I may have to ask you folks to send me some over to Mid Wales as my runners will soon be flowering :) . I expect things will improve this month but more rain on the way.
    I may have to ask you folks to send me some over to Mid Wales as my runners will soon be flowering :) . I expect things will improve this month but more rain on the way.
  14. kels

    How to get rid of garden moles

    Why would you want to? sorry i dont know about moles and what damage they can do,ive only seen grass verge mounds... so i love one in my lawn,another addition to the garden :dunno: x
    Why would you want to? sorry i dont know about moles and what damage they can do,ive only seen grass verge mounds... so i love one in my lawn,another addition to the garden :dunno: x
    Why would you want to? sorry i dont know about moles and what damage they can do,ive only seen grass verge mounds... so i love one in my lawn,another addition to the garden :dunno: x
    Why would you want to? sorry i dont know about moles and what damage they can do,ive only seen grass verge mounds... so i love one in my lawn,another addition to the garden :dunno: x
  15. ben01

    Problems with Birds

    Thanks all for your help, and thanks also Rusty for the link. I'm going to try skewers in the ground and i'm just off to the garden centre to see if I can find some sort of bird of prey decoy. ...
    Thanks all for your help, and thanks also Rusty for the link. I'm going to try skewers in the ground and i'm just off to the garden centre to see if I can find some sort of bird of prey decoy. Just as I am writing this I found 2 more casualties in my garden a lovely aster which I planted this...
    Thanks all for your help, and thanks also Rusty for the link. I'm going to try skewers in the ground and i'm just off to the garden centre to see if I can find some sort of bird of prey decoy. Just as I am writing this I found 2 more casualties...
    Thanks all for your help, and thanks also Rusty for the link. I'm going to try skewers in the ground and i'm just off to the garden centre to see if I can find some sort of bird of prey decoy. ...
  16. Gazania

    something eating my acer !?

    Out with the torch tonight :ideaIPB: Spuce
    Out with the torch tonight :ideaIPB: Spuce
    Out with the torch tonight :ideaIPB: Spuce
    Out with the torch tonight :ideaIPB: Spuce
  17. Yomper

    Tree/bush root problem what tree is this/these

    i was going to drill a hole as i read that somewhere as the stumps have been left for about 2 months now. i will put buckets over them as i wouldn't want my dog to get ill or worse
    i was going to drill a hole as i read that somewhere as the stumps have been left for about 2 months now. i will put buckets over them as i wouldn't want my dog to get ill or worse
    i was going to drill a hole as i read that somewhere as the stumps have been left for about 2 months now. i will put buckets over them as i wouldn't want my dog to get ill or worse
    i was going to drill a hole as i read that somewhere as the stumps have been left for about 2 months now. i will put buckets over them as i wouldn't want my dog to get ill or worse
  18. Loofah

    Violet ground beetle

    With a helmet and fangs?
    With a helmet and fangs?
    With a helmet and fangs?
    With a helmet and fangs?
  19. Dougy

    Pear tree problem

    it could be but it could just be that it has not settled into its new spot yet...Id leave it till next year see how it does then :biggrin:
    it could be but it could just be that it has not settled into its new spot yet...Id leave it till next year see how it does then :biggrin:
    it could be but it could just be that it has not settled into its new spot yet...Id leave it till next year see how it does then :biggrin:
    it could be but it could just be that it has not settled into its new spot yet...Id leave it till next year see how it does then :biggrin:
  20. MrJ

    Southern Green Shield Bug?

    Horrible things, the more I read, the more I realise what a pain they are/are going to be! 'They can cause plants to be stunted, fruits to be misshapen and discolored, and spread some plant...
    Horrible things, the more I read, the more I realise what a pain they are/are going to be! 'They can cause plants to be stunted, fruits to be misshapen and discolored, and spread some plant diseases.'Definitely describes the damage from last year to strawberries and runner beans. Just found...
    Horrible things, the more I read, the more I realise what a pain they are/are going to be! 'They can cause plants to be stunted, fruits to be misshapen and discolored, and spread some plant diseases.'Definitely describes the damage from last...
    Horrible things, the more I read, the more I realise what a pain they are/are going to be! 'They can cause plants to be stunted, fruits to be misshapen and discolored, and spread some plant...
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