Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. merleworld

    Black eggs under leaves - are they ants?

    The ants will be farming them like Moo Moos. They milk them for honeydew & protect them from predators like Ladybirds.
    The ants will be farming them like Moo Moos. They milk them for honeydew & protect them from predators like Ladybirds.
    The ants will be farming them like Moo Moos. They milk them for honeydew & protect them from predators like Ladybirds.
    The ants will be farming them like Moo Moos. They milk them for honeydew & protect them from predators like Ladybirds.
  2. hans

    Ants again

    I have an Aerosol names Dethlac which I keep in reserve, just in case we get Ants in the house. It puts a sticky surface on hard surfaces (sills, vents, steps etc) which kills the Ants. I would...
    I have an Aerosol names Dethlac which I keep in reserve, just in case we get Ants in the house. It puts a sticky surface on hard surfaces (sills, vents, steps etc) which kills the Ants. I would urge caustion where there are toddlers. Its supposed to be safe once it's dried - but I wouldn't want...
    I have an Aerosol names Dethlac which I keep in reserve, just in case we get Ants in the house. It puts a sticky surface on hard surfaces (sills, vents, steps etc) which kills the Ants. I would urge caustion where there are toddlers. Its supposed...
    I have an Aerosol names Dethlac which I keep in reserve, just in case we get Ants in the house. It puts a sticky surface on hard surfaces (sills, vents, steps etc) which kills the Ants. I would...
  3. karl


    I found a few in my greenhouse and decided to try 'putting up' a few ladybirds (rent free of course :biggrin:) that I caught from the garden and its definitely worked, there are very few left..:dbgrtmb:
    I found a few in my greenhouse and decided to try 'putting up' a few ladybirds (rent free of course :biggrin:) that I caught from the garden and its definitely worked, there are very few left..:dbgrtmb:
    I found a few in my greenhouse and decided to try 'putting up' a few ladybirds (rent free of course :biggrin:) that I caught from the garden and its definitely worked, there are very few left..:dbgrtmb:
    I found a few in my greenhouse and decided to try 'putting up' a few ladybirds (rent free of course :biggrin:) that I caught from the garden and its definitely worked, there are very few left..:dbgrtmb:
  4. townandcountry

    Free Pest Control

    Once Ziggy's finished then send Jack around to collect the donation :thumbsup:
    Once Ziggy's finished then send Jack around to collect the donation :thumbsup:
    Once Ziggy's finished then send Jack around to collect the donation :thumbsup:
    Once Ziggy's finished then send Jack around to collect the donation :thumbsup:
  5. ozinm

    What insect is this?

    Thank you all! Now I know what it is I've got a chance dealing with it. No idea how I got them but I'm guessing one of the houseplants I've been given must have had eggs in it.
    Thank you all! Now I know what it is I've got a chance dealing with it. No idea how I got them but I'm guessing one of the houseplants I've been given must have had eggs in it.
    Thank you all! Now I know what it is I've got a chance dealing with it. No idea how I got them but I'm guessing one of the houseplants I've been given must have had eggs in it.
    Thank you all! Now I know what it is I've got a chance dealing with it. No idea how I got them but I'm guessing one of the houseplants I've been given must have had eggs in it.
  6. Ava


    Red ants invade my veg plots/coldframes/mulch sheets/compost heaps/raised beds/bags of horse poo/pots/seed trays/all sorts of places and want to fight me whenever I try to weed/plant/etc. They...
    Red ants invade my veg plots/coldframes/mulch sheets/compost heaps/raised beds/bags of horse poo/pots/seed trays/all sorts of places and want to fight me whenever I try to weed/plant/etc. They have a preference for using clay to build their mounds and drag it back to wherever I've been...
    Red ants invade my veg plots/coldframes/mulch sheets/compost heaps/raised beds/bags of horse poo/pots/seed trays/all sorts of places and want to fight me whenever I try to weed/plant/etc. They have a preference for using clay to build their...
    Red ants invade my veg plots/coldframes/mulch sheets/compost heaps/raised beds/bags of horse poo/pots/seed trays/all sorts of places and want to fight me whenever I try to weed/plant/etc. They...
  7. Spruce

    Recipe for the garlic spray (slugs and snails)

    I usually simmer 6 cloves in half pint of water then tip about 2tbspoons worth in a litre spray bottle n fill it up with warm water :blue thumb:seems strong enough to me :heehee: stinks :eeew:
    I usually simmer 6 cloves in half pint of water then tip about 2tbspoons worth in a litre spray bottle n fill it up with warm water :blue thumb:seems strong enough to me :heehee: stinks :eeew:
    I usually simmer 6 cloves in half pint of water then tip about 2tbspoons worth in a litre spray bottle n fill it up with warm water :blue thumb:seems strong enough to me :heehee: stinks :eeew:
    I usually simmer 6 cloves in half pint of water then tip about 2tbspoons worth in a litre spray bottle n fill it up with warm water :blue thumb:seems strong enough to me :heehee: stinks :eeew:
  8. lowrider69

    Indoor Grape plant pest problems

    Yes, they are quite normal.
    Yes, they are quite normal.
    Yes, they are quite normal.
    Yes, they are quite normal.
  9. bluequin

    Vine Weevils

    i tried everything to get rid of them in pots and 1 bed in the end i resorted to fine riddle and i emptied the bed and pots and riddle off the blighters out, then with all the stones in a plastic...
    i tried everything to get rid of them in pots and 1 bed in the end i resorted to fine riddle and i emptied the bed and pots and riddle off the blighters out, then with all the stones in a plastic tub i poured boiling water over just to be sure that i had missed anyYou get em girl!!! Bet you...
    i tried everything to get rid of them in pots and 1 bed in the end i resorted to fine riddle and i emptied the bed and pots and riddle off the blighters out, then with all the stones in a plastic tub i poured boiling water over just to be sure...
    i tried everything to get rid of them in pots and 1 bed in the end i resorted to fine riddle and i emptied the bed and pots and riddle off the blighters out, then with all the stones in a plastic...
  10. Victoria

    Red Palm Weevil

    I didn't mean stop all imports, just that they need to be checked before entering the country. I know that Australia for instance is very careful what plant material it lets in. Not sure if its...
    I didn't mean stop all imports, just that they need to be checked before entering the country. I know that Australia for instance is very careful what plant material it lets in. Not sure if its still the same but in the US they had rules about what plant material could actually cross state...
    I didn't mean stop all imports, just that they need to be checked before entering the country. I know that Australia for instance is very careful what plant material it lets in. Not sure if its still the same but in the US they had rules about...
    I didn't mean stop all imports, just that they need to be checked before entering the country. I know that Australia for instance is very careful what plant material it lets in. Not sure if its...
  11. rosietutu


    Thankt you Silver Surfer, you were absolutely right slow release fertilizer it is.
    Thankt you Silver Surfer, you were absolutely right slow release fertilizer it is.
    Thankt you Silver Surfer, you were absolutely right slow release fertilizer it is.
    Thankt you Silver Surfer, you were absolutely right slow release fertilizer it is.
  12. Chopper

    Dang mices!!!!

    Told you, mice are skin and bone, they weigh nothing, so dont set spring traps off, sticky pad, or better still electric one, stop feeding them and start killing them!! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Told you, mice are skin and bone, they weigh nothing, so dont set spring traps off, sticky pad, or better still electric one, stop feeding them and start killing them!! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Told you, mice are skin and bone, they weigh nothing, so dont set spring traps off, sticky pad, or better still electric one, stop feeding them and start killing them!! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Told you, mice are skin and bone, they weigh nothing, so dont set spring traps off, sticky pad, or better still electric one, stop feeding them and start killing them!! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  13. Gazania

    What is eating my plants ?

    Yes, I would expect to see not much left if rabbits were involved. And the strawberries are next to some nice veggies that are untouched as yet. Gazania
    Yes, I would expect to see not much left if rabbits were involved. And the strawberries are next to some nice veggies that are untouched as yet. Gazania
    Yes, I would expect to see not much left if rabbits were involved. And the strawberries are next to some nice veggies that are untouched as yet. Gazania
    Yes, I would expect to see not much left if rabbits were involved. And the strawberries are next to some nice veggies that are untouched as yet. Gazania
  14. stony

    Indoor plants pest

    Hi You could also try almond oil in a small jar and they will be attracted to the smell and drown :sofa: Spruce
    Hi You could also try almond oil in a small jar and they will be attracted to the smell and drown :sofa: Spruce
    Hi You could also try almond oil in a small jar and they will be attracted to the smell and drown :sofa: Spruce
    Hi You could also try almond oil in a small jar and they will be attracted to the smell and drown :sofa: Spruce
  15. ismene

    Strange white fungus in soil

    I get this in my garden sometimes. Its fungal, but never found it to be a problem. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that it is a fungus that lives on dead wood as I've found it near decaying...
    I get this in my garden sometimes. Its fungal, but never found it to be a problem. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that it is a fungus that lives on dead wood as I've found it near decaying fence posts. Could even be mushrooms.:biggrin:
    I get this in my garden sometimes. Its fungal, but never found it to be a problem. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that it is a fungus that lives on dead wood as I've found it near decaying fence posts. Could even be mushrooms.:biggrin:
    I get this in my garden sometimes. Its fungal, but never found it to be a problem. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that it is a fungus that lives on dead wood as I've found it near decaying...
  16. mrmojo

    Insecticides killing bees?

    Well insecticides are insecticides and they are made to kill insects. Bees are a kind of good skadedyr (insect) that nobody wants to lose in a pesticide spray. Neem oil looks like a workable...
    Well insecticides are insecticides and they are made to kill insects. Bees are a kind of good skadedyr (insect) that nobody wants to lose in a pesticide spray. Neem oil looks like a workable solution but still not sure about it. Please consult a registered pest controller firm to help you better.
    Well insecticides are insecticides and they are made to kill insects. Bees are a kind of good skadedyr (insect) that nobody wants to lose in a pesticide spray. Neem oil looks like a workable solution but still not sure about it. Please consult a...
    Well insecticides are insecticides and they are made to kill insects. Bees are a kind of good skadedyr (insect) that nobody wants to lose in a pesticide spray. Neem oil looks like a workable...
  17. Yacobian

    Earwigs on my pear tree..

    Hey guys, I went to my allotment the other day just as the sun was going down to water some stuff and i noticed that there were absolutely loads of earwigs all over the new growth on my conference...
    Hey guys, I went to my allotment the other day just as the sun was going down to water some stuff and i noticed that there were absolutely loads of earwigs all over the new growth on my conference pear tree. Does anyone know if these guys are going to damage the growth on the tree or should i...
    Hey guys, I went to my allotment the other day just as the sun was going down to water some stuff and i noticed that there were absolutely loads of earwigs all over the new growth on my conference pear tree. Does anyone know if these guys are...
    Hey guys, I went to my allotment the other day just as the sun was going down to water some stuff and i noticed that there were absolutely loads of earwigs all over the new growth on my conference...
  18. Pixie

    Grub thing

    Mr and Mrs Robin had a wonderful time ate all 3 i found and when i dig more this weekend, i'll make sure anything i find will be available for the Robin duo. Hopefully, that'll save my plants! :dunno:
    Mr and Mrs Robin had a wonderful time ate all 3 i found and when i dig more this weekend, i'll make sure anything i find will be available for the Robin duo. Hopefully, that'll save my plants! :dunno:
    Mr and Mrs Robin had a wonderful time ate all 3 i found and when i dig more this weekend, i'll make sure anything i find will be available for the Robin duo. Hopefully, that'll save my plants! :dunno:
    Mr and Mrs Robin had a wonderful time ate all 3 i found and when i dig more this weekend, i'll make sure anything i find will be available for the Robin duo. Hopefully, that'll save my plants! :dunno:
  19. Bluedun

    Lilly Beetles

    You have to paint a Lily symbol on the pot for every one you kill. 20 kills gets you Ace status. The Beetles are pretty thick really as they just sit there in the sun thinking all is well with...
    You have to paint a Lily symbol on the pot for every one you kill. 20 kills gets you Ace status. The Beetles are pretty thick really as they just sit there in the sun thinking all is well with the world until..........stomp:snork:
    You have to paint a Lily symbol on the pot for every one you kill. 20 kills gets you Ace status. The Beetles are pretty thick really as they just sit there in the sun thinking all is well with the world until..........stomp:snork:
    You have to paint a Lily symbol on the pot for every one you kill. 20 kills gets you Ace status. The Beetles are pretty thick really as they just sit there in the sun thinking all is well with...
  20. Moopants

    Mice ARGH!

    I really do feel for you. Personally I can't bring myself to kill anything either... Good luck anyway :scratch:
    I really do feel for you. Personally I can't bring myself to kill anything either... Good luck anyway :scratch:
    I really do feel for you. Personally I can't bring myself to kill anything either... Good luck anyway :scratch:
    I really do feel for you. Personally I can't bring myself to kill anything either... Good luck anyway :scratch:

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