Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Dopey

    Rat in polly

    No offence taken n.p
    No offence taken n.p
    No offence taken n.p
    No offence taken n.p
  2. Letty

    Whats Your Choice for Vine Weevil Removal

    I know that I have vine weevils in the garden because of the yearly decimation of my fuchsias while overwintering in the greenhouse. I don't have a problem outdoors, but having had the same...
    I know that I have vine weevils in the garden because of the yearly decimation of my fuchsias while overwintering in the greenhouse. I don't have a problem outdoors, but having had the same trouble for several years [losing well-grown plants and finding larvae feasting on the roots in spring] I...
    I know that I have vine weevils in the garden because of the yearly decimation of my fuchsias while overwintering in the greenhouse. I don't have a problem outdoors, but having had the same trouble for several years [losing well-grown plants and...
    I know that I have vine weevils in the garden because of the yearly decimation of my fuchsias while overwintering in the greenhouse. I don't have a problem outdoors, but having had the same...
  3. Liz

    Vine weevils again:(

    Try nematodes Liz they worked for me last year
    Try nematodes Liz they worked for me last year
    Try nematodes Liz they worked for me last year
    Try nematodes Liz they worked for me last year
  4. HarryS

    Blackfly V Seedlings

    Big midges!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Big midges!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Big midges!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Big midges!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Jack McHammocklashing

    Bargain Not a Bargain Slug control

    Been watching James Martin doing his Creme Brulee again eh Jack:pcthwack:
    Been watching James Martin doing his Creme Brulee again eh Jack:pcthwack:
    Been watching James Martin doing his Creme Brulee again eh Jack:pcthwack:
    Been watching James Martin doing his Creme Brulee again eh Jack:pcthwack:
  6. Lolimac

    Scaley leg mite !

    Don't think i dare try that Scrungee...i'm a bit of a chicken myself:D i did once try the 'vent over warm water thing' which did the trick...:thumbsup:
    Don't think i dare try that Scrungee...i'm a bit of a chicken myself:D i did once try the 'vent over warm water thing' which did the trick...:thumbsup:
    Don't think i dare try that Scrungee...i'm a bit of a chicken myself:D i did once try the 'vent over warm water thing' which did the trick...:thumbsup:
    Don't think i dare try that Scrungee...i'm a bit of a chicken myself:D i did once try the 'vent over warm water thing' which did the trick...:thumbsup:
  7. Phil A

    Mouse Louse

    He's getting better, just a bit of residual scratching now, won't give him another treatment till tommorow. He's sulking at the moment because the girly mouse is in the cage above & he can't...
    He's getting better, just a bit of residual scratching now, won't give him another treatment till tommorow. He's sulking at the moment because the girly mouse is in the cage above & he can't get to her. Don't qualify for PDSA as you have to be on Mousing Benefit.
    He's getting better, just a bit of residual scratching now, won't give him another treatment till tommorow. He's sulking at the moment because the girly mouse is in the cage above & he can't get to her. Don't qualify for PDSA as you have to...
    He's getting better, just a bit of residual scratching now, won't give him another treatment till tommorow. He's sulking at the moment because the girly mouse is in the cage above & he can't...
  8. Dave W

    Club Root Control - It worked!

    I did wonder about that, but didn't mention it as I didn't want to scare a new member off:heehee::WINK1: Welcome to Gardeners Corner Ted:dbgrtmb:
    I did wonder about that, but didn't mention it as I didn't want to scare a new member off:heehee::WINK1: Welcome to Gardeners Corner Ted:dbgrtmb:
    I did wonder about that, but didn't mention it as I didn't want to scare a new member off:heehee::WINK1: Welcome to Gardeners Corner Ted:dbgrtmb:
    I did wonder about that, but didn't mention it as I didn't want to scare a new member off:heehee::WINK1: Welcome to Gardeners Corner Ted:dbgrtmb:
  9. revin helen

    flatworm warning

    Shouldn't that be lightly steamed moderator:heehee::chicken: Its a very old thread Alex, most of the posters don't post anymore & one is banned, but good point about location. I have put a footnote about...
    Shouldn't that be lightly steamed moderator:heehee::chicken: Its a very old thread Alex, most of the posters don't post anymore & one is banned, but good point about location. I have put a footnote about location on the rules thread in the new members forum, thanks to Pete for that suggestion:thumbsup:
    Shouldn't that be lightly steamed moderator:heehee::chicken: Its a very old thread Alex, most of the posters don't post anymore & one is banned, but good point about location. I have put a footnote about location on the rules thread in the new members forum,...
    Shouldn't that be lightly steamed moderator:heehee::chicken: Its a very old thread Alex, most of the posters don't post anymore & one is banned, but good point about location. I have put a footnote about...
  10. fuchsialady

    Bugs - what are they?

    If you want to be eco friendly, get a butterwort: They eat aphids and whitefly.
    If you want to be eco friendly, get a butterwort: They eat aphids and whitefly.
    If you want to be eco friendly, get a butterwort: They eat aphids and whitefly.
    If you want to be eco friendly, get a butterwort: They eat aphids and whitefly.
  11. merleworld

    Do slugs like cardboard?

    Slugs love cardboard! At least they left a small clue as to what's in this box. Don't use plain card, but pieces with instructions, diagrams, lists of ingredients, batch numbers, manufacturer's...
    Slugs love cardboard! At least they left a small clue as to what's in this box. Don't use plain card, but pieces with instructions, diagrams, lists of ingredients, batch numbers, manufacturer's contact details on them, etc. as I find that's what the slugs are most attracted to.
    Slugs love cardboard! At least they left a small clue as to what's in this box. Don't use plain card, but pieces with instructions, diagrams, lists of ingredients, batch numbers, manufacturer's contact details on them, etc. as I find that's what...
    Slugs love cardboard! At least they left a small clue as to what's in this box. Don't use plain card, but pieces with instructions, diagrams, lists of ingredients, batch numbers, manufacturer's...
  12. capney

    The clues were there (VINE WEEVIL)

    I have a strawberry patch 1.5m x 6m. Yesterday I was digging out some of the plants in a section of the bed that had been in there for approx 3 years to replace with new plants. When digging them...
    I have a strawberry patch 1.5m x 6m. Yesterday I was digging out some of the plants in a section of the bed that had been in there for approx 3 years to replace with new plants. When digging them out I found vine weevil grubs in the soil. I tried to dig them all out but its inevitable that I...
    I have a strawberry patch 1.5m x 6m. Yesterday I was digging out some of the plants in a section of the bed that had been in there for approx 3 years to replace with new plants. When digging them out I found vine weevil grubs in the soil. I tried...
    I have a strawberry patch 1.5m x 6m. Yesterday I was digging out some of the plants in a section of the bed that had been in there for approx 3 years to replace with new plants. When digging them...
  13. *dim*

    It's time to add the snail/slug bait?

    Do you know what, in one of the gardners magazines i was readin in the supermarket one day they had they had a snail kit you could send for i think it was £20-30 contained verything even the food...
    Do you know what, in one of the gardners magazines i was readin in the supermarket one day they had they had a snail kit you could send for i think it was £20-30 contained verything even the food until they matured, they were beeing sold as a delicacy i thought they must think people are :rolleyespink: i want...
    Do you know what, in one of the gardners magazines i was readin in the supermarket one day they had they had a snail kit you could send for i think it was £20-30 contained verything even the food until they matured, they were beeing sold as a...
    Do you know what, in one of the gardners magazines i was readin in the supermarket one day they had they had a snail kit you could send for i think it was £20-30 contained verything even the food...
  14. moonraker

    Moles and what to do.

    Evening All, Warning this is going to be a long thread so please read it all. Moles, The first thing you'll need to know is as much as you can about the "Mole" Lets start with the build up of...
    Evening All, Warning this is going to be a long thread so please read it all. Moles, The first thing you'll need to know is as much as you can about the "Mole" Lets start with the build up of a Mole, for a start he/she are not blind and never have been, Their eye sight reacts to bright...
    Evening All, Warning this is going to be a long thread so please read it all. Moles, The first thing you'll need to know is as much as you can about the "Mole" Lets start with the build up of a Mole, for a start he/she are not blind and never...
    Evening All, Warning this is going to be a long thread so please read it all. Moles, The first thing you'll need to know is as much as you can about the "Mole" Lets start with the build up of...

    Snails on the menu

    This place opened 3kms down the road from us 3 1/2 years ago on a previous orange orchard ... sorry, it's all in Portuguese but there are some beautiful and fascinating photographs ... ...
    This place opened 3kms down the road from us 3 1/2 years ago on a previous orange orchard ... sorry, it's all in Portuguese but there are some beautiful and fascinating photographs ...
    This place opened 3kms down the road from us 3 1/2 years ago on a previous orange orchard ... sorry, it's all in Portuguese but there are some beautiful and fascinating photographs ...
    This place opened 3kms down the road from us 3 1/2 years ago on a previous orange orchard ... sorry, it's all in Portuguese but there are some beautiful and fascinating photographs ... ...
  16. ikemalik

    What is this black sooty deposit

    Hi everyone Belated happy new year. Just to update you, I sprayed the tree with soapy water, although the tree is bare at the moment , the branches look nice and clean, I have also tied ...
    Hi everyone Belated happy new year. Just to update you, I sprayed the tree with soapy water, although the tree is bare at the moment , the branches look nice and clean, I have also tied greasebands around the trunk,I will spray the systemic insecticide once the leaves are back, hopefully this...
    Hi everyone Belated happy new year. Just to update you, I sprayed the tree with soapy water, although the tree is bare at the moment , the branches look nice and clean, I have also tied greasebands around the trunk,I will spray the systemic...
    Hi everyone Belated happy new year. Just to update you, I sprayed the tree with soapy water, although the tree is bare at the moment , the branches look nice and clean, I have also tied ...
  17. Dopey


    Sounds like a typical farmer's ingenuity, taking the idea from the sliding barn door and applying the principle to his gate.Proper farmers (ie the 'old school' farmers, not the businessmen that...
    Sounds like a typical farmer's ingenuity, taking the idea from the sliding barn door and applying the principle to his gate.Proper farmers (ie the 'old school' farmers, not the businessmen that some of them are nowadays) are fantastic people. They just make stuff work. No engineering degrees,...
    Sounds like a typical farmer's ingenuity, taking the idea from the sliding barn door and applying the principle to his gate.Proper farmers (ie the 'old school' farmers, not the businessmen that some of them are nowadays) are fantastic people....
    Sounds like a typical farmer's ingenuity, taking the idea from the sliding barn door and applying the principle to his gate.Proper farmers (ie the 'old school' farmers, not the businessmen that...
  18. klloyd

    can I treatmy bulbs with JEYS fluid powder

    Id be inclined to increase ventilation, ZiggyBack on the bulbs in vases. Just wondering if those cut flower food sachets might do the trick.
    Id be inclined to increase ventilation, ZiggyBack on the bulbs in vases. Just wondering if those cut flower food sachets might do the trick.
    Id be inclined to increase ventilation, ZiggyBack on the bulbs in vases. Just wondering if those cut flower food sachets might do the trick.
    Id be inclined to increase ventilation, ZiggyBack on the bulbs in vases. Just wondering if those cut flower food sachets might do the trick.
  19. Ariadae

    Rabbit protection for brassicas

    Many thanksThat's just what I wanted, thanks very muchand I just might splash out on a cage as well, for my currantsAri
    Many thanksThat's just what I wanted, thanks very muchand I just might splash out on a cage as well, for my currantsAri
    Many thanksThat's just what I wanted, thanks very muchand I just might splash out on a cage as well, for my currantsAri
    Many thanksThat's just what I wanted, thanks very muchand I just might splash out on a cage as well, for my currantsAri

    Future and fuchsia not looking so good

    As always, you're forgiven:heehee::heehee::heehee::loll::loll::D
    As always, you're forgiven:heehee::heehee::heehee::loll::loll::D
    As always, you're forgiven:heehee::heehee::heehee::loll::loll::D
    As always, you're forgiven:heehee::heehee::heehee::loll::loll::D

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