Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. moonraker

    nature's clock

    It shows you what a good rating GC has, it normally takes weeks to update a site. I might not have the quote exactly right, as Chopper still has my book. Harry Dodson, of Victorian Kitchen...
    It shows you what a good rating GC has, it normally takes weeks to update a site. I might not have the quote exactly right, as Chopper still has my book. Harry Dodson, of Victorian Kitchen Garden fame.
    It shows you what a good rating GC has, it normally takes weeks to update a site. I might not have the quote exactly right, as Chopper still has my book. Harry Dodson, of Victorian Kitchen Garden fame.
    It shows you what a good rating GC has, it normally takes weeks to update a site. I might not have the quote exactly right, as Chopper still has my book. Harry Dodson, of Victorian Kitchen...
  2. MrMorgan

    Attack of the 50' Killer Moles

    Jasper Carrott said it right all you need is revolving stole, flash light and shotgun. Go out at night with mr flashlight when mr moley appears blam no more molely. Jasper Carrott - The Mole -...
    Jasper Carrott said it right all you need is revolving stole, flash light and shotgun. Go out at night with mr flashlight when mr moley appears blam no more molely. Jasper Carrott - The Mole - Animated - YouTube
    Jasper Carrott said it right all you need is revolving stole, flash light and shotgun. Go out at night with mr flashlight when mr moley appears blam no more molely. Jasper Carrott - The Mole - Animated - YouTube
    Jasper Carrott said it right all you need is revolving stole, flash light and shotgun. Go out at night with mr flashlight when mr moley appears blam no more molely. Jasper Carrott - The Mole -...
  3. cybersioux2001

    Cotton wool disease?

    Cotton wool diseaseHello everyone. Thank you for your helpful responses.I will take your advice and let you know the outcome next year.Have a great Christmas.Thank you once again. Cybersioux.
    Cotton wool diseaseHello everyone. Thank you for your helpful responses.I will take your advice and let you know the outcome next year.Have a great Christmas.Thank you once again. Cybersioux.
    Cotton wool diseaseHello everyone. Thank you for your helpful responses.I will take your advice and let you know the outcome next year.Have a great Christmas.Thank you once again. Cybersioux.
    Cotton wool diseaseHello everyone. Thank you for your helpful responses.I will take your advice and let you know the outcome next year.Have a great Christmas.Thank you once again. Cybersioux.
  4. gaelldew

    Black aphids?

    Methinks tis an audition for the next Bushtucker Trial. :)
    Methinks tis an audition for the next Bushtucker Trial. :)
    Methinks tis an audition for the next Bushtucker Trial. :)
    Methinks tis an audition for the next Bushtucker Trial. :)
  5. HarryS

    Slugs in Da House !

    I suppose if slugs are determined to get into your nice, warm house, they will. Rather like spiders - which reminds me, I haven't seen a lot of them indoors this year.How horrid to be stung...
    I suppose if slugs are determined to get into your nice, warm house, they will. Rather like spiders - which reminds me, I haven't seen a lot of them indoors this year.How horrid to be stung whilst you are asleep. I woke up to a tickling sensation on my cheek once and it was a spider!!! ...
    I suppose if slugs are determined to get into your nice, warm house, they will. Rather like spiders - which reminds me, I haven't seen a lot of them indoors this year.How horrid to be stung whilst you are asleep. I woke up to a tickling...
    I suppose if slugs are determined to get into your nice, warm house, they will. Rather like spiders - which reminds me, I haven't seen a lot of them indoors this year.How horrid to be stung...
  6. Grib

    Blanket weed control

    Hi Grib.I found that the best way to tackle blanket weed is to use cloverleaf blanket weedAs far as I'm aware, it poses no threat to wildlife.Hope this...
    Hi Grib.I found that the best way to tackle blanket weed is to use cloverleaf blanket weedAs far as I'm aware, it poses no threat to wildlife.Hope this helps.Cheers...Freddy.
    Hi Grib.I found that the best way to tackle blanket weed is to use cloverleaf blanket weedAs far as I'm aware, it poses no threat to wildlife.Hope this helps.Cheers...Freddy.
    Hi Grib.I found that the best way to tackle blanket weed is to use cloverleaf blanket weedAs far as I'm aware, it poses no threat to wildlife.Hope this...
  7. von

    Cherry laurrel - brown leaves

    I'm no expert on Laurels, but I think it may be some sort of food deficiency in the soil. Do you know what soil they are growing in, sandy, clay etc?
    I'm no expert on Laurels, but I think it may be some sort of food deficiency in the soil. Do you know what soil they are growing in, sandy, clay etc?
    I'm no expert on Laurels, but I think it may be some sort of food deficiency in the soil. Do you know what soil they are growing in, sandy, clay etc?
    I'm no expert on Laurels, but I think it may be some sort of food deficiency in the soil. Do you know what soil they are growing in, sandy, clay etc?
  8. Armchair

    Silver Ash like Fungus?

    No worries, its an indicator that you have clean air too.
    No worries, its an indicator that you have clean air too.
    No worries, its an indicator that you have clean air too.
    No worries, its an indicator that you have clean air too.
  9. Stingo

    White fly on greens

    you could try sraying a rubarb leaf solution, it won,t last long but I think it shifts white fly.
    you could try sraying a rubarb leaf solution, it won,t last long but I think it shifts white fly.
    you could try sraying a rubarb leaf solution, it won,t last long but I think it shifts white fly.
    you could try sraying a rubarb leaf solution, it won,t last long but I think it shifts white fly.
  10. bi9johnny


    Leave the poor little things alone. They'll be dying off soon anyway.
    Leave the poor little things alone. They'll be dying off soon anyway.
    Leave the poor little things alone. They'll be dying off soon anyway.
    Leave the poor little things alone. They'll be dying off soon anyway.
  11. Granny Smith


    I've got a wasps nest in my flat roof. Even though I've had quite a few in the house, they only want to get outside and they have never once been aggressive to me, even when I've been on the roof...
    I've got a wasps nest in my flat roof. Even though I've had quite a few in the house, they only want to get outside and they have never once been aggressive to me, even when I've been on the roof near the entrance to their nest.I've been picking them up off the windowsills and putting them...
    I've got a wasps nest in my flat roof. Even though I've had quite a few in the house, they only want to get outside and they have never once been aggressive to me, even when I've been on the roof near the entrance to their nest.I've been...
    I've got a wasps nest in my flat roof. Even though I've had quite a few in the house, they only want to get outside and they have never once been aggressive to me, even when I've been on the roof...
  12. blacksmith

    Leeks Mildew

    Were your peas just about finished blacksmith? They do go all mildewy as they die off anyway (peas that is). It doesn't sound good if your leeks have caught it and it will do them harm if it gets...
    Were your peas just about finished blacksmith? They do go all mildewy as they die off anyway (peas that is). It doesn't sound good if your leeks have caught it and it will do them harm if it gets bad, though seldom kills the plants right off. hopefully some of this predicted hot weather will...
    Were your peas just about finished blacksmith? They do go all mildewy as they die off anyway (peas that is). It doesn't sound good if your leeks have caught it and it will do them harm if it gets bad, though seldom kills the plants right off....
    Were your peas just about finished blacksmith? They do go all mildewy as they die off anyway (peas that is). It doesn't sound good if your leeks have caught it and it will do them harm if it gets...
  13. Spruce

    Pots and snails/slugs

    Good idea John thanks. That reminds me the hanging geranium pots I hung up in the glass fronted shed need watering in all this sun better go do it before I forget. ..........
    Good idea John thanks. That reminds me the hanging geranium pots I hung up in the glass fronted shed need watering in all this sun better go do it before I forget. ..........
    Good idea John thanks. That reminds me the hanging geranium pots I hung up in the glass fronted shed need watering in all this sun better go do it before I forget. ..........
    Good idea John thanks. That reminds me the hanging geranium pots I hung up in the glass fronted shed need watering in all this sun better go do it before I forget. ..........
  14. alysha1988

    Japenese Beetle

    Over here (in the US) these things have no natural insect enemies. So they're tough to get rid of. I've dealt with them myself. You may want to try trapping them, or look into beetle nets. Or you...
    Over here (in the US) these things have no natural insect enemies. So they're tough to get rid of. I've dealt with them myself. You may want to try trapping them, or look into beetle nets. Or you could just plant some garlic. They don't like fragrant plants. I found a site: how to get rid of...
    Over here (in the US) these things have no natural insect enemies. So they're tough to get rid of. I've dealt with them myself. You may want to try trapping them, or look into beetle nets. Or you could just plant some garlic. They don't like...
    Over here (in the US) these things have no natural insect enemies. So they're tough to get rid of. I've dealt with them myself. You may want to try trapping them, or look into beetle nets. Or you...
  15. Shea Pendragon

    Spiders in the Hibiscus

    Not sure what you can get in Germany, but look for a spray containing Abermectin, and states that it kills Red Spider Mite.I've not tried Neem oil, but as its an ornamental plant I'd just go for...
    Not sure what you can get in Germany, but look for a spray containing Abermectin, and states that it kills Red Spider Mite.I've not tried Neem oil, but as its an ornamental plant I'd just go for a killer rather than trying the organic approach.
    Not sure what you can get in Germany, but look for a spray containing Abermectin, and states that it kills Red Spider Mite.I've not tried Neem oil, but as its an ornamental plant I'd just go for a killer rather than trying the organic approach.
    Not sure what you can get in Germany, but look for a spray containing Abermectin, and states that it kills Red Spider Mite.I've not tried Neem oil, but as its an ornamental plant I'd just go for...
  16. madmick


    My guess would be pea sized tubers at that age, they need to do a bit more growing yet. :dbgrtmb:
    My guess would be pea sized tubers at that age, they need to do a bit more growing yet. :dbgrtmb:
    My guess would be pea sized tubers at that age, they need to do a bit more growing yet. :dbgrtmb:
    My guess would be pea sized tubers at that age, they need to do a bit more growing yet. :dbgrtmb:
  17. miraflores

    keep snails off cucumbers

    When I saw the title I thought it was a Directive. What a great idea, I thought. Unfortunately Miraflores has the same problem as me. :wallbang::wallbang: Would a big notice work? Probably not.
    When I saw the title I thought it was a Directive. What a great idea, I thought. Unfortunately Miraflores has the same problem as me. :wallbang::wallbang: Would a big notice work? Probably not.
    When I saw the title I thought it was a Directive. What a great idea, I thought. Unfortunately Miraflores has the same problem as me. :wallbang::wallbang: Would a big notice work? Probably not.
    When I saw the title I thought it was a Directive. What a great idea, I thought. Unfortunately Miraflores has the same problem as me. :wallbang::wallbang: Would a big notice work? Probably not.
  18. Evil Len

    What the heck's this on my lemon ?

    Aw heck, yup, definitely whitefly ... they're hatching now !
    Aw heck, yup, definitely whitefly ... they're hatching now !
    Aw heck, yup, definitely whitefly ... they're hatching now !
    Aw heck, yup, definitely whitefly ... they're hatching now !
  19. Canna W

    Nasturtiums and blackfly?

    The thing about nasturtium, and one of the reason they are sometimes grown as a 'decoy' plant to protect your crops, is that they are very popular with pests like slugs, snails, caterpillars and...
    The thing about nasturtium, and one of the reason they are sometimes grown as a 'decoy' plant to protect your crops, is that they are very popular with pests like slugs, snails, caterpillars and aphids. They can usually survive pretty well though because they grow so vigorously once established,...
    The thing about nasturtium, and one of the reason they are sometimes grown as a 'decoy' plant to protect your crops, is that they are very popular with pests like slugs, snails, caterpillars and aphids. They can usually survive pretty well though...
    The thing about nasturtium, and one of the reason they are sometimes grown as a 'decoy' plant to protect your crops, is that they are very popular with pests like slugs, snails, caterpillars and...
  20. DANNY_P

    Strawberry disease: Replace whole crop?

    My entire strawberry crop was killed this year. I have about 50 plants and the whole lot developed normally then shriveled and withered just as the berries were starting to form.At the time I...
    My entire strawberry crop was killed this year. I have about 50 plants and the whole lot developed normally then shriveled and withered just as the berries were starting to form.At the time I thought it was because I had moved them in the winter and they suffered because of the severe...
    My entire strawberry crop was killed this year. I have about 50 plants and the whole lot developed normally then shriveled and withered just as the berries were starting to form.At the time I thought it was because I had moved them in the...
    My entire strawberry crop was killed this year. I have about 50 plants and the whole lot developed normally then shriveled and withered just as the berries were starting to form.At the time I...

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