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I could cry..
There's been more good advice here than in any gardening book, with the exception of the excellent 'Garden Plants for Scotland' which gives a list of rabbit resistant plants. (And no, I don't...
There's been more good advice here than in any gardening book, with the exception of the excellent 'Garden Plants for Scotland' which gives a list of rabbit resistant plants. (And no, I don't live in Scotland but as we can see Scotland just across the Solway from our windows, and share many of...
There's been more good advice here than in any gardening book, with the exception of the excellent 'Garden Plants for Scotland' which gives a list of rabbit resistant plants. (And no, I don't live in Scotland but as we can see Scotland just...
There's been more good advice here than in any gardening book, with the exception of the excellent 'Garden Plants for Scotland' which gives a list of rabbit resistant plants. (And no, I don't...
Sep 6, 2011
Sep 9, 2011
Elder tree and red mite?
just at the back of our run is a elder tree it is in a neighbours garden but over hangs our run,when the wind blows leaves off I have noticed they are crawling with insects some which look like...
just at the back of our run is a elder tree it is in a neighbours garden but over hangs our run,when the wind blows leaves off I have noticed they are crawling with insects some which look like mite grey and small.Pigeons roost in this tree so am i right in thinking this is where my pen gets...
just at the back of our run is a elder tree it is in a neighbours garden but over hangs our run,when the wind blows leaves off I have noticed they are crawling with insects some which look like mite grey and small.Pigeons roost in this tree so...
just at the back of our run is a elder tree it is in a neighbours garden but over hangs our run,when the wind blows leaves off I have noticed they are crawling with insects some which look like...
Sep 5, 2011
Sep 5, 2011
Peach tree problem
Thanks for the link Dave - I'll have a look at it.
Thanks for the link Dave - I'll have a look at it.
Thanks for the link Dave - I'll have a look at it.
Thanks for the link Dave - I'll have a look at it.
Jul 24, 2011
Jul 27, 2011
pepper plant pests
looks like greenfly. Give them a spray of insecticide which is OK for use on edible plants.
looks like greenfly. Give them a spray of insecticide which is OK for use on edible plants.
looks like greenfly. Give them a spray of insecticide which is OK for use on edible plants.
looks like greenfly. Give them a spray of insecticide which is OK for use on edible plants.
Jul 5, 2011
Jul 5, 2011
Beautiful beetle
I like that reply because it's a little jewel in my garden and would hate to have to remove it
. Thanks
I like that reply because it's a little jewel in my garden and would hate to have to remove it
. Thanks
I like that reply because it's a little jewel in my garden and would hate to have to remove it
. Thanks
I like that reply because it's a little jewel in my garden and would hate to have to remove it
. Thanks
Jul 2, 2011
Jul 2, 2011
total novice - ??cabbage/carrot root fly
This is intersting Ziggy, I've got carrots growing, they are in a homemade cloche made from sticks from this years "great stick harvest" (the back hedge was out of control) :D anyway being a...
This is intersting Ziggy, I've got carrots growing, they are in a homemade cloche made from sticks from this years "great stick harvest" (the back hedge was out of control) :D anyway being a neebie I covered the cloche in fine netting just to keep the birds and dog off, then I read a bit about...
This is intersting Ziggy, I've got carrots growing, they are in a homemade cloche made from sticks from this years "great stick harvest" (the back hedge was out of control) :D anyway being a neebie I covered the cloche in fine netting just to...
This is intersting Ziggy, I've got carrots growing, they are in a homemade cloche made from sticks from this years "great stick harvest" (the back hedge was out of control) :D anyway being a...
May 31, 2011
Plant Potty
Jun 2, 2011
Electronic Insect repelling gadgets
Simple really, do they work and if they do, do they work on bees? We like having bees in the garden, but wife is allergic to them so they are not welcome indoors. Rather than kill them we were...
Simple really, do they work and if they do, do they work on bees? We like having bees in the garden, but wife is allergic to them so they are not welcome indoors. Rather than kill them we were wondering if these gadgets were of any use.
Simple really, do they work and if they do, do they work on bees? We like having bees in the garden, but wife is allergic to them so they are not welcome indoors. Rather than kill them we were wondering if these gadgets were of any use.
Simple really, do they work and if they do, do they work on bees? We like having bees in the garden, but wife is allergic to them so they are not welcome indoors. Rather than kill them we were...
May 25, 2011
May 25, 2011
Red Lily Beetle beware .................
I found the first of the next generation today - removed about 30 larvae of various sizes with a kitchen towel. Yurghh.The one good thing about lily beetle is they do make themselves easy to...
I found the first of the next generation today - removed about 30 larvae of various sizes with a kitchen towel. Yurghh.The one good thing about lily beetle is they do make themselves easy to spot at most stages of their lives.I put the pot on it's side and gently roll it around to get a...
I found the first of the next generation today - removed about 30 larvae of various sizes with a kitchen towel. Yurghh.The one good thing about lily beetle is they do make themselves easy to spot at most stages of their lives.I put the...
I found the first of the next generation today - removed about 30 larvae of various sizes with a kitchen towel. Yurghh.The one good thing about lily beetle is they do make themselves easy to...
Mar 27, 2011
May 8, 2011
lilly beetle
I'm not sure how effective netting would be, Kristen
The red gent is quite mobile and a good climber, it also flies, but the real problem is the fact that it pops it's head up in around...
I'm not sure how effective netting would be, Kristen
The red gent is quite mobile and a good climber, it also flies, but the real problem is the fact that it pops it's head up in around March/April and continues until the end of October or beginning of November and you couldn't keep the...
I'm not sure how effective netting would be, Kristen
The red gent is quite mobile and a good climber, it also flies, but the real problem is the fact that it pops it's head up in around March/April and continues until the end of October or...
I'm not sure how effective netting would be, Kristen
The red gent is quite mobile and a good climber, it also flies, but the real problem is the fact that it pops it's head up in around...
Mar 18, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
rosemary beetle
have just spotted my first copulating couple.... we have a lot of rosemary and lavender at work, but maybe not for much longer, does anyone know what can be used and when?thanks
have just spotted my first copulating couple.... we have a lot of rosemary and lavender at work, but maybe not for much longer, does anyone know what can be used and when?thanks
have just spotted my first copulating couple.... we have a lot of rosemary and lavender at work, but maybe not for much longer, does anyone know what can be used and when?thanks
have just spotted my first copulating couple.... we have a lot of rosemary and lavender at work, but maybe not for much longer, does anyone know what can be used and when?thanks
Apr 5, 2011
Apr 5, 2011
Viburnum Beetle
Hi Shiney, Many thanks for putting up the photos for us to see
The devastation looks really bad and I don't blame you for resorting to using sprays to try to save your bushes and hope that it...
Hi Shiney, Many thanks for putting up the photos for us to see
The devastation looks really bad and I don't blame you for resorting to using sprays to try to save your bushes and hope that it solves the problem :yess: All around our village the landscapers have put in hedges that have been...
Hi Shiney, Many thanks for putting up the photos for us to see
The devastation looks really bad and I don't blame you for resorting to using sprays to try to save your bushes and hope that it solves the problem :yess: All around our village...
Hi Shiney, Many thanks for putting up the photos for us to see
The devastation looks really bad and I don't blame you for resorting to using sprays to try to save your bushes and hope that it...
Apr 3, 2011
Apr 3, 2011
Alder Flea Beetle - arghhhhhhhh!!!!
They are a true beetle so they can definitely fly. They only have one generation a year which is good news. This place has a little info: It looks like the damage is largely superficial - but...
They are a true beetle so they can definitely fly. They only have one generation a year which is good news. This place has a little info: It looks like the damage is largely superficial - but that's what they said about the the Horse Chestnut leaf miner!
They are a true beetle so they can definitely fly. They only have one generation a year which is good news. This place has a little info: It looks like the damage is largely superficial - but that's what they said about the the Horse...
They are a true beetle so they can definitely fly. They only have one generation a year which is good news. This place has a little info: It looks like the damage is largely superficial - but...
Flora Poste
Apr 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2011
Flea Beetles
Oh they really are a pain I know... You could try companion planting Carraway as that is supposed to deter them.They can cause serious damage. They can kill young plants and eat holes in the...
Oh they really are a pain I know... You could try companion planting Carraway as that is supposed to deter them.They can cause serious damage. They can kill young plants and eat holes in the leaves of larger plants. Time plantings to avoid peak populations, or plant under cloches or...
Oh they really are a pain I know... You could try companion planting Carraway as that is supposed to deter them.They can cause serious damage. They can kill young plants and eat holes in the leaves of larger plants. Time plantings to avoid...
Oh they really are a pain I know... You could try companion planting Carraway as that is supposed to deter them.They can cause serious damage. They can kill young plants and eat holes in the...
Mar 16, 2011
Marley Farley
Mar 17, 2011
lily Beetle
Thanks Cajary, I think my last resort will be a systemic bug killer but I have a lot of different kinds of bees, hoverflies and butterflies in the garden So I have to be careful how I spray and...
Thanks Cajary, I think my last resort will be a systemic bug killer but I have a lot of different kinds of bees, hoverflies and butterflies in the garden So I have to be careful how I spray and when. I spray and then try to deter any would-be suicidal beneficial insects bent on landing where...
Thanks Cajary, I think my last resort will be a systemic bug killer but I have a lot of different kinds of bees, hoverflies and butterflies in the garden So I have to be careful how I spray and when. I spray and then try to deter any would-be...
Thanks Cajary, I think my last resort will be a systemic bug killer but I have a lot of different kinds of bees, hoverflies and butterflies in the garden So I have to be careful how I spray and...
Jan 19, 2011
Jan 20, 2011
Stag Beetles
Are you sure they're stag beetle larvae and not leather jackets or vine weevils?The reason I ask is that stag beetle larvae live in rotten wood, particularly roots of old trees. I would have...
Are you sure they're stag beetle larvae and not leather jackets or vine weevils?The reason I ask is that stag beetle larvae live in rotten wood, particularly roots of old trees. I would have thought you would only find them by digging if you were taking out woody stumps.I took part in...
Are you sure they're stag beetle larvae and not leather jackets or vine weevils?The reason I ask is that stag beetle larvae live in rotten wood, particularly roots of old trees. I would have thought you would only find them by digging if...
Are you sure they're stag beetle larvae and not leather jackets or vine weevils?The reason I ask is that stag beetle larvae live in rotten wood, particularly roots of old trees. I would have...
Oct 4, 2010
Oct 8, 2010
Cabbage White Catterpillars
Hi What you need is Nemasys Grow Your Own, it's a system that is completely natural and organic. It uses biological nematodes that occur naturally in our landscapes that will feed on the...
Hi What you need is Nemasys Grow Your Own, it's a system that is completely natural and organic. It uses biological nematodes that occur naturally in our landscapes that will feed on the catapiller grubs and will eat them until they are all gone, Nemasys Grow Your Own is good for a number of...
Hi What you need is Nemasys Grow Your Own, it's a system that is completely natural and organic. It uses biological nematodes that occur naturally in our landscapes that will feed on the catapiller grubs and will eat them until they are all gone,...
Hi What you need is Nemasys Grow Your Own, it's a system that is completely natural and organic. It uses biological nematodes that occur naturally in our landscapes that will feed on the...
Sep 20, 2010
Sep 26, 2010
Excellent - List of Insecticides - RHS
Thanks Dave some interesting stuff there.:gnthb:
Thanks Dave some interesting stuff there.:gnthb:
Thanks Dave some interesting stuff there.:gnthb:
Thanks Dave some interesting stuff there.:gnthb:
Dave W
Aug 26, 2010
Aug 26, 2010
Rot/ Disease on pepper plants
It does sound like sun scald, except for the fact that it spreads quickly. I would expect sun scald to remain and for the pepper to survive.If you can't take a picture yourself, check against...
It does sound like sun scald, except for the fact that it spreads quickly. I would expect sun scald to remain and for the pepper to survive.If you can't take a picture yourself, check against these pictures for something similar:Are the lesions damp? Does the fruit turn brown or die?
It does sound like sun scald, except for the fact that it spreads quickly. I would expect sun scald to remain and for the pepper to survive.If you can't take a picture yourself, check against these pictures for something similar:Are the...
It does sound like sun scald, except for the fact that it spreads quickly. I would expect sun scald to remain and for the pepper to survive.If you can't take a picture yourself, check against...
Aug 3, 2010
Aug 25, 2010
Caterpillars have won!
daitheplant, now that is a very handsome pest !! I too have decided that if I wish to grow any cabagges etc...next year, then it will have to be covered in mesh of some sort. All that hard work...
daitheplant, now that is a very handsome pest !! I too have decided that if I wish to grow any cabagges etc...next year, then it will have to be covered in mesh of some sort. All that hard work just to look at lacy leaves.
daitheplant, now that is a very handsome pest !! I too have decided that if I wish to grow any cabagges etc...next year, then it will have to be covered in mesh of some sort. All that hard work just to look at lacy leaves.
daitheplant, now that is a very handsome pest !! I too have decided that if I wish to grow any cabagges etc...next year, then it will have to be covered in mesh of some sort. All that hard work...
Aug 10, 2010
Aug 13, 2010
Unwelcome Lodgers in my Orchid Pot
Cheers - it's been repotted in new medium. I repotted it in May and a lot of the plant was rotting, coupled with my overwatering. Sterilised the pot and vase it was in as well. Eurgh!
Cheers - it's been repotted in new medium. I repotted it in May and a lot of the plant was rotting, coupled with my overwatering. Sterilised the pot and vase it was in as well. Eurgh!
Cheers - it's been repotted in new medium. I repotted it in May and a lot of the plant was rotting, coupled with my overwatering. Sterilised the pot and vase it was in as well. Eurgh!
Cheers - it's been repotted in new medium. I repotted it in May and a lot of the plant was rotting, coupled with my overwatering. Sterilised the pot and vase it was in as well. Eurgh!
Aug 10, 2010
Aug 12, 2010
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