Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. andrewh

    Drought or leatherjacket damage? How to tell?

    The grubs themselves are very hard to find by digging. Try pulling the grass and if it comes away very easily it could be a sign that something is munching on the roots. You could try watering the...
    The grubs themselves are very hard to find by digging. Try pulling the grass and if it comes away very easily it could be a sign that something is munching on the roots. You could try watering the effected area in the evening, cover the area with a sheet of polythene (bin bag maybe) weigh down...
    The grubs themselves are very hard to find by digging. Try pulling the grass and if it comes away very easily it could be a sign that something is munching on the roots. You could try watering the effected area in the evening, cover the area with...
    The grubs themselves are very hard to find by digging. Try pulling the grass and if it comes away very easily it could be a sign that something is munching on the roots. You could try watering the...
  2. marjoriesseedling

    Will roots penetrate butyl pool liner?

    My pond has been in position for over twenty yrs. When I dug it there was a young wisteria about 10ft away.Anyway it was not a problem at the time of digging.Eventually I was forced to cut...
    My pond has been in position for over twenty yrs. When I dug it there was a young wisteria about 10ft away.Anyway it was not a problem at the time of digging.Eventually I was forced to cut down the wisteria as it was taking over the whole area, very nice plant it was too.I dug out all the...
    My pond has been in position for over twenty yrs. When I dug it there was a young wisteria about 10ft away.Anyway it was not a problem at the time of digging.Eventually I was forced to cut down the wisteria as it was taking over the whole...
    My pond has been in position for over twenty yrs. When I dug it there was a young wisteria about 10ft away.Anyway it was not a problem at the time of digging.Eventually I was forced to cut...
  3. Andyh

    Japanese Knotweed

    Tordon.22k = Picloram :)
    Tordon.22k = Picloram :)
    Tordon.22k = Picloram :)
    Tordon.22k = Picloram :)
  4. LiviMum

    Novice Gardener with bug eating my beautiful tree - help needed

    This is quite a good little article about them from gardeners world..
    This is quite a good little article about them from gardeners world..
    This is quite a good little article about them from gardeners world..
    This is quite a good little article about them from gardeners world..
  5. celine

    Green flies on my plants!!!What is best to use?

    If I have to use anything I use savon noir, it is a really good and safe for the plant and environment. However by chance yesterday I discovered a plant in my garden that is a magnet for aphids...
    If I have to use anything I use savon noir, it is a really good and safe for the plant and environment. However by chance yesterday I discovered a plant in my garden that is a magnet for aphids even though it is really close to my vegetables, it was kindly identified by Marley as being Mugwort,...
    If I have to use anything I use savon noir, it is a really good and safe for the plant and environment. However by chance yesterday I discovered a plant in my garden that is a magnet for aphids even though it is really close to my vegetables, it...
    If I have to use anything I use savon noir, it is a really good and safe for the plant and environment. However by chance yesterday I discovered a plant in my garden that is a magnet for aphids...
  6. Louise

    Rosemary Beetle

    It's beautiful isn't it? But it will decimate your rosemary plants.:mad: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    It's beautiful isn't it? But it will decimate your rosemary plants.:mad: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    It's beautiful isn't it? But it will decimate your rosemary plants.:mad: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    It's beautiful isn't it? But it will decimate your rosemary plants.:mad: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  7. Rhyleysgranny

    Leggy Pieris

    :lollol: Yes it was a sort of liberating moment..:thumb: How sad are we:doh::hehe:
    :lollol: Yes it was a sort of liberating moment..:thumb: How sad are we:doh::hehe:
    :lollol: Yes it was a sort of liberating moment..:thumb: How sad are we:doh::hehe:
    :lollol: Yes it was a sort of liberating moment..:thumb: How sad are we:doh::hehe:
  8. Sephranilla

    Raspberry Problems

    I have a Raspberry plant and it seems to have some brown markings on the leaves. If anyone can help me identify the problem and preferrably a non-toxic solution would be most appreciated!...
    I have a Raspberry plant and it seems to have some brown markings on the leaves. If anyone can help me identify the problem and preferrably a non-toxic solution would be most appreciated! I also have another question about the raspberry plant, it has had some new offshoots ( or...
    I have a Raspberry plant and it seems to have some brown markings on the leaves. If anyone can help me identify the problem and preferrably a non-toxic solution would be most appreciated! I also have another question about the...
    I have a Raspberry plant and it seems to have some brown markings on the leaves. If anyone can help me identify the problem and preferrably a non-toxic solution would be most appreciated!...
  9. Sephranilla

    Oregano Problems

    I have an oregano plant which has many white spots on it. I have recently trimmed it back and on the cuttings I did notices that there were little white balls or eggs probably that were on them. ...
    I have an oregano plant which has many white spots on it. I have recently trimmed it back and on the cuttings I did notices that there were little white balls or eggs probably that were on them. I will submite some photo's and I am hoping someone can help me identify and resolve the problem...
    I have an oregano plant which has many white spots on it. I have recently trimmed it back and on the cuttings I did notices that there were little white balls or eggs probably that were on them. I will submite some photo's and I am hoping...
    I have an oregano plant which has many white spots on it. I have recently trimmed it back and on the cuttings I did notices that there were little white balls or eggs probably that were on them. ...
  10. cas1

    Unripe grapes being eaten

    I think thats a hoverfly.I cant tell from the thumnails but in you main picture I cant see any small grapes, the bunch is only just starting to flower and the hoverfly is probably helping...
    I think thats a hoverfly.I cant tell from the thumnails but in you main picture I cant see any small grapes, the bunch is only just starting to flower and the hoverfly is probably helping pollination.just run your hand through the bunches at mid day when the flowers are open and move from...
    I think thats a hoverfly.I cant tell from the thumnails but in you main picture I cant see any small grapes, the bunch is only just starting to flower and the hoverfly is probably helping pollination.just run your hand through the bunches at...
    I think thats a hoverfly.I cant tell from the thumnails but in you main picture I cant see any small grapes, the bunch is only just starting to flower and the hoverfly is probably helping...
  11. Sephranilla

    Pear and Apple Problems

    I have recently noticed that my Pear Tree has some spots on some of the leaves and that the new fruit is coming off the tree quite easily. I am a beginner gardener and I am hoping that someone...
    I have recently noticed that my Pear Tree has some spots on some of the leaves and that the new fruit is coming off the tree quite easily. I am a beginner gardener and I am hoping that someone will be able to assist me on the identification of the problem and a non-toxic (preferrably) way to...
    I have recently noticed that my Pear Tree has some spots on some of the leaves and that the new fruit is coming off the tree quite easily. I am a beginner gardener and I am hoping that someone will be able to assist me on the identification of...
    I have recently noticed that my Pear Tree has some spots on some of the leaves and that the new fruit is coming off the tree quite easily. I am a beginner gardener and I am hoping that someone...
  12. dan_uk_1984

    Sick, Droopy Lupin

    Hi Hoka and welcome to the forum.The pest you are reffering to on your lupins is called a Lupin Aphid.Horrid little blighters and I have found the best way to get rid of them is to spray them with...
    Hi Hoka and welcome to the forum.The pest you are reffering to on your lupins is called a Lupin Aphid.Horrid little blighters and I have found the best way to get rid of them is to spray them with Pravado Ultimate Bug Killer which you can get in an Areosol spray can. It is a systemic bug...
    Hi Hoka and welcome to the forum.The pest you are reffering to on your lupins is called a Lupin Aphid.Horrid little blighters and I have found the best way to get rid of them is to spray them with Pravado Ultimate Bug Killer which you can get in...
    Hi Hoka and welcome to the forum.The pest you are reffering to on your lupins is called a Lupin Aphid.Horrid little blighters and I have found the best way to get rid of them is to spray them with...
  13. Kelly38

    Slugs & snails

    Hi Tom,Good to hear your potatoes are thriving...they certainly do flower and can be quite pretty I think!There are two types of slug pellets out there - ones like Eraza based on Metaldehyde...
    Hi Tom,Good to hear your potatoes are thriving...they certainly do flower and can be quite pretty I think!There are two types of slug pellets out there - ones like Eraza based on Metaldehyde and Methiocarb which are all potentially lethal to pets, wildlife, children and the environment - and...
    Hi Tom,Good to hear your potatoes are thriving...they certainly do flower and can be quite pretty I think!There are two types of slug pellets out there - ones like Eraza based on Metaldehyde and Methiocarb which are all potentially lethal to...
    Hi Tom,Good to hear your potatoes are thriving...they certainly do flower and can be quite pretty I think!There are two types of slug pellets out there - ones like Eraza based on Metaldehyde...
  14. pip

    Rhody dying

    Hi Marley,The plant is in a tub which sailed through the winter with well covered roots, produced lots of flowers and started new growth before it went. No signs of fungus, probably the...
    Hi Marley,The plant is in a tub which sailed through the winter with well covered roots, produced lots of flowers and started new growth before it went. No signs of fungus, probably the dreaded weevil. On a different note, I lost an acer to some form of beetle. didn't notice that until to...
    Hi Marley,The plant is in a tub which sailed through the winter with well covered roots, produced lots of flowers and started new growth before it went. No signs of fungus, probably the dreaded weevil. On a different note, I lost an acer to...
    Hi Marley,The plant is in a tub which sailed through the winter with well covered roots, produced lots of flowers and started new growth before it went. No signs of fungus, probably the...
  15. michell8151

    buddliea davidii black knight leaves producing holes

    Dear wiseoldowl, It's appreciated, dearly, Michell8151 :o dearly
    Dear wiseoldowl, It's appreciated, dearly, Michell8151 :o dearly
    Dear wiseoldowl, It's appreciated, dearly, Michell8151 :o dearly
    Dear wiseoldowl, It's appreciated, dearly, Michell8151 :o dearly
  16. wickyd988

    shrew trouble. please help!

    we planted some mole traps but these didn't kill them. We found one dead in the barn which the cat killed, the mini poodle had one in its mouth so we released it, the other was led dead on...
    we planted some mole traps but these didn't kill them. We found one dead in the barn which the cat killed, the mini poodle had one in its mouth so we released it, the other was led dead on saturday morning inbetween two spinach plants. i can only imagine it ate some slug pellets because there is...
    we planted some mole traps but these didn't kill them. We found one dead in the barn which the cat killed, the mini poodle had one in its mouth so we released it, the other was led dead on saturday morning inbetween two spinach plants. i can only...
    we planted some mole traps but these didn't kill them. We found one dead in the barn which the cat killed, the mini poodle had one in its mouth so we released it, the other was led dead on...
  17. raymitchell

    Red Ants

    try here, hope it helps
    try here, hope it helps
    try here, hope it helps
    try here, hope it helps
  18. jw_universe

    Top heavy plants/ skinny stalks

    All my plants are legal, no naughty ones :D The goji is sort of growing upwards in a weak way, although when I looked in the soil yesterday I noticed a see-through tiny worm thing, ew ew noo! :mad: I...
    All my plants are legal, no naughty ones :D The goji is sort of growing upwards in a weak way, although when I looked in the soil yesterday I noticed a see-through tiny worm thing, ew ew noo! :mad: I stuck pesticide in the soil, I hope that will get rid of it, but it was a bit unnerving seeing...
    All my plants are legal, no naughty ones :D The goji is sort of growing upwards in a weak way, although when I looked in the soil yesterday I noticed a see-through tiny worm thing, ew ew noo! :mad: I stuck pesticide in the soil, I hope that will get...
    All my plants are legal, no naughty ones :D The goji is sort of growing upwards in a weak way, although when I looked in the soil yesterday I noticed a see-through tiny worm thing, ew ew noo! :mad: I...
  19. harmola

    Apples and chestnuts falling, is this normal.

    Thanks everybody, I cut the chestnuts to get a photo of where the chestnuts were fracturing by the way, you can see how it is shriveled at the top.
    Thanks everybody, I cut the chestnuts to get a photo of where the chestnuts were fracturing by the way, you can see how it is shriveled at the top.
    Thanks everybody, I cut the chestnuts to get a photo of where the chestnuts were fracturing by the way, you can see how it is shriveled at the top.
    Thanks everybody, I cut the chestnuts to get a photo of where the chestnuts were fracturing by the way, you can see how it is shriveled at the top.
  20. raymitchell

    Lavender Pest

    Hi everyone, Bought two lavender trees back in May but over the last three weeks the leaves seem to have some sort of pest over them which is killing the trees. Can anyone identify what they are...
    Hi everyone, Bought two lavender trees back in May but over the last three weeks the leaves seem to have some sort of pest over them which is killing the trees. Can anyone identify what they are and how to bring my trees back to life. Here are the pictures: Best regards Novice Gardener
    Hi everyone, Bought two lavender trees back in May but over the last three weeks the leaves seem to have some sort of pest over them which is killing the trees. Can anyone identify what they are and how to bring my trees back to life. Here are...
    Hi everyone, Bought two lavender trees back in May but over the last three weeks the leaves seem to have some sort of pest over them which is killing the trees. Can anyone identify what they are...

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