Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Delboy

    Something on my Hydrangeas

    Can't help with hydrangea problem, Delboy, but who do you have to get permission from to upload a photo? Not us, in fact photo's are a big help if there's a problem. Have a look around this...
    Can't help with hydrangea problem, Delboy, but who do you have to get permission from to upload a photo? Not us, in fact photo's are a big help if there's a problem. Have a look around this site, you'll find loads of them:) cheers
    Can't help with hydrangea problem, Delboy, but who do you have to get permission from to upload a photo? Not us, in fact photo's are a big help if there's a problem. Have a look around this site, you'll find loads of them:) cheers
    Can't help with hydrangea problem, Delboy, but who do you have to get permission from to upload a photo? Not us, in fact photo's are a big help if there's a problem. Have a look around this...
  2. acky76

    Yellow Potato leaves

    Not ready for harvesting then. Might be just in need of food and water as Dave says.
    Not ready for harvesting then. Might be just in need of food and water as Dave says.
    Not ready for harvesting then. Might be just in need of food and water as Dave says.
    Not ready for harvesting then. Might be just in need of food and water as Dave says.
  3. Kedi-Gato

    Infected leaves?

    Fine by me babe.:D
    Fine by me babe.:D
    Fine by me babe.:D
    Fine by me babe.:D
  4. skylark

    What are happening to my Willows?

    No digging at all - we've only just bought the house - well at Christmas - so it's been interesting to know what plants & trees we have - I took a twig & leaf to RHS Rosemoor & no they hadn't a...
    No digging at all - we've only just bought the house - well at Christmas - so it's been interesting to know what plants & trees we have - I took a twig & leaf to RHS Rosemoor & no they hadn't a clue! Typical!
    No digging at all - we've only just bought the house - well at Christmas - so it's been interesting to know what plants & trees we have - I took a twig & leaf to RHS Rosemoor & no they hadn't a clue! Typical!
    No digging at all - we've only just bought the house - well at Christmas - so it's been interesting to know what plants & trees we have - I took a twig & leaf to RHS Rosemoor & no they hadn't a...
  5. nickp

    Black spots on paths and driveway

    When we had builders in last year and also had a new patio laid it was covered with ground in dirt and blobs of cement. What didn't clean off with pressure hosing (quite a lot) they cleaned up...
    When we had builders in last year and also had a new patio laid it was covered with ground in dirt and blobs of cement. What didn't clean off with pressure hosing (quite a lot) they cleaned up with with a liquid in a can that said it was brick and concrete cleaner. It came from their builders...
    When we had builders in last year and also had a new patio laid it was covered with ground in dirt and blobs of cement. What didn't clean off with pressure hosing (quite a lot) they cleaned up with with a liquid in a can that said it was brick...
    When we had builders in last year and also had a new patio laid it was covered with ground in dirt and blobs of cement. What didn't clean off with pressure hosing (quite a lot) they cleaned up...
  6. ray.finch


    Ray we tend to plant marigolds all over our garden as they attract hoverflies who lay their larvae in or around the flowers who then when hatched eat all the greenflies! Works well for us as we...
    Ray we tend to plant marigolds all over our garden as they attract hoverflies who lay their larvae in or around the flowers who then when hatched eat all the greenflies! Works well for us as we really don't like sitting outside in swarms of greenflies although you do have to watch the slugs...
    Ray we tend to plant marigolds all over our garden as they attract hoverflies who lay their larvae in or around the flowers who then when hatched eat all the greenflies! Works well for us as we really don't like sitting outside in swarms of...
    Ray we tend to plant marigolds all over our garden as they attract hoverflies who lay their larvae in or around the flowers who then when hatched eat all the greenflies! Works well for us as we...
  7. paddy_rice

    Crawly things on my honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle is very attractive to numerous moths and those caterpillars could well be the result of their visits. If your plant is big enough to tolerate a bit of damage, it would be interesting...
    Honeysuckle is very attractive to numerous moths and those caterpillars could well be the result of their visits. If your plant is big enough to tolerate a bit of damage, it would be interesting to see what any other caterpillars grow into. But that's the kind of thing I used to do as a little...
    Honeysuckle is very attractive to numerous moths and those caterpillars could well be the result of their visits. If your plant is big enough to tolerate a bit of damage, it would be interesting to see what any other caterpillars grow into. But...
    Honeysuckle is very attractive to numerous moths and those caterpillars could well be the result of their visits. If your plant is big enough to tolerate a bit of damage, it would be interesting...
  8. Bashy

    huge problem with blackfly!!

    Bashy.The soap solution doesn't kill the Black Fly, it just stops them being able to stick to the plant in question. The ants are farming the Black Fly.================To try to avoid Black...
    Bashy.The soap solution doesn't kill the Black Fly, it just stops them being able to stick to the plant in question. The ants are farming the Black Fly.================To try to avoid Black Fly on Broad Beans, you have to remove the tips or top of the plant. Sometimes it works, other...
    Bashy.The soap solution doesn't kill the Black Fly, it just stops them being able to stick to the plant in question. The ants are farming the Black Fly.================To try to avoid Black Fly on Broad Beans, you have to remove the tips or...
    Bashy.The soap solution doesn't kill the Black Fly, it just stops them being able to stick to the plant in question. The ants are farming the Black Fly.================To try to avoid Black...
  9. crofthouse

    Devastated lupins

    CH do try the Provado as I have been pleased with it.It even kills off the dreaded Lilly beetle though luckily this year i have managed to at least kill the adults under my shoe,but it is the...
    CH do try the Provado as I have been pleased with it.It even kills off the dreaded Lilly beetle though luckily this year i have managed to at least kill the adults under my shoe,but it is the youngsters that cause a lot of the problems.:eek: If you buy some of the Provado spray it should tell...
    CH do try the Provado as I have been pleased with it.It even kills off the dreaded Lilly beetle though luckily this year i have managed to at least kill the adults under my shoe,but it is the youngsters that cause a lot of the problems.:eek: If...
    CH do try the Provado as I have been pleased with it.It even kills off the dreaded Lilly beetle though luckily this year i have managed to at least kill the adults under my shoe,but it is the...
  10. kitesurf4

    Mint Flea Beetles!

    It's not the kind of beetle you mentioned, as it is not at all green. It is the exact colour of the mint beetle, although I'm guessing it is not a 'mint beetle'. It is most interested in my...
    It's not the kind of beetle you mentioned, as it is not at all green. It is the exact colour of the mint beetle, although I'm guessing it is not a 'mint beetle'. It is most interested in my lettuces now! I have had to hose off the mints and bring the them inside to save them!I bought some...
    It's not the kind of beetle you mentioned, as it is not at all green. It is the exact colour of the mint beetle, although I'm guessing it is not a 'mint beetle'. It is most interested in my lettuces now! I have had to hose off the mints and bring...
    It's not the kind of beetle you mentioned, as it is not at all green. It is the exact colour of the mint beetle, although I'm guessing it is not a 'mint beetle'. It is most interested in my...
  11. Barnowl

    Corylus Contorta (Hazel) - leaf curl

    They do have contorted leaves as well as the branches. Some people think the leaves are ugly but we quite like them although the tree looks at its best in the early spring when the branches still...
    They do have contorted leaves as well as the branches. Some people think the leaves are ugly but we quite like them although the tree looks at its best in the early spring when the branches still haven't got their leaves but have the lovely catkins hanging from them. We have had our tree for...
    They do have contorted leaves as well as the branches. Some people think the leaves are ugly but we quite like them although the tree looks at its best in the early spring when the branches still haven't got their leaves but have the lovely...
    They do have contorted leaves as well as the branches. Some people think the leaves are ugly but we quite like them although the tree looks at its best in the early spring when the branches still...
  12. Victoria

    Yellowing Yuccas

    Got it in one .... I'm beautiful enough without it ...:rolleyes::D
    Got it in one .... I'm beautiful enough without it ...:rolleyes::D
    Got it in one .... I'm beautiful enough without it ...:rolleyes::D
    Got it in one .... I'm beautiful enough without it ...:rolleyes::D
  13. musabasjoo

    Petunia problem

    Pinch the tips, and feed them. ;)
    Pinch the tips, and feed them. ;)
    Pinch the tips, and feed them. ;)
    Pinch the tips, and feed them. ;)
  14. huggiebear100

    Ealeagnus Covered In Fleas ???

    If you do a search on Flea Beetles I think you will find that this is what your mystery bugs are!
    If you do a search on Flea Beetles I think you will find that this is what your mystery bugs are!
    If you do a search on Flea Beetles I think you will find that this is what your mystery bugs are!
    If you do a search on Flea Beetles I think you will find that this is what your mystery bugs are!
  15. Bashy

    Sick Hydranga - Help please

    cheers david
    cheers david
    cheers david
    cheers david
  16. mztrouble

    camelia under attack!

    will give that a try if the ladybirds don't work!
    will give that a try if the ladybirds don't work!
    will give that a try if the ladybirds don't work!
    will give that a try if the ladybirds don't work!
  17. flowerpot08

    wiggly things

    Looking at the picture on the link you gave, yes it looks like Ladybird larvae, i cant send a pic to show you, because i squished it:oThanks also for the link of insects, i will put it in my...
    Looking at the picture on the link you gave, yes it looks like Ladybird larvae, i cant send a pic to show you, because i squished it:oThanks also for the link of insects, i will put it in my favourites for the future.:thumb:
    Looking at the picture on the link you gave, yes it looks like Ladybird larvae, i cant send a pic to show you, because i squished it:oThanks also for the link of insects, i will put it in my favourites for the future.:thumb:
    Looking at the picture on the link you gave, yes it looks like Ladybird larvae, i cant send a pic to show you, because i squished it:oThanks also for the link of insects, i will put it in my...
  18. Victoria

    Grubs or what ????

    Why didn't you get a really good close-up, Sis, and post it up in Wildlife / What's buzzing.........., too? We love things like that over there. :D If necessary, I get down on the ground and...
    Why didn't you get a really good close-up, Sis, and post it up in Wildlife / What's buzzing.........., too? We love things like that over there. :D If necessary, I get down on the ground and position the critters so I get good pics. Did you see the pics of the marvellous larvae I found in...
    Why didn't you get a really good close-up, Sis, and post it up in Wildlife / What's buzzing.........., too? We love things like that over there. :D If necessary, I get down on the ground and position the critters so I get good pics. Did you...
    Why didn't you get a really good close-up, Sis, and post it up in Wildlife / What's buzzing.........., too? We love things like that over there. :D If necessary, I get down on the ground and...
  19. daisybelle

    Greenfly resistant plants

    I`ve never known them on Marigolds or Tagetes.
    I`ve never known them on Marigolds or Tagetes.
    I`ve never known them on Marigolds or Tagetes.
    I`ve never known them on Marigolds or Tagetes.
  20. borrowers


    Thank you flinty & JarBax, I'll try to remember your comments when I'm panicking cos I see something 'horrible':) I do feel bad about killing anything really - hence the cobwebs and spiders that...
    Thank you flinty & JarBax, I'll try to remember your comments when I'm panicking cos I see something 'horrible':) I do feel bad about killing anything really - hence the cobwebs and spiders that live in my house:) Only joking - sort of:). I can even watch ants but not if they're destroying my...
    Thank you flinty & JarBax, I'll try to remember your comments when I'm panicking cos I see something 'horrible':) I do feel bad about killing anything really - hence the cobwebs and spiders that live in my house:) Only joking - sort of:). I can...
    Thank you flinty & JarBax, I'll try to remember your comments when I'm panicking cos I see something 'horrible':) I do feel bad about killing anything really - hence the cobwebs and spiders that...

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