Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Shelby

    Unknown problem with my Oxalis Regnelli.

    It`s a physiological disease, Shelby, there is nothing you can buy to treat it. Scorch is caused in one of two ways. Either there are water droplets on the leaves acting like a magnifying glass...
    It`s a physiological disease, Shelby, there is nothing you can buy to treat it. Scorch is caused in one of two ways. Either there are water droplets on the leaves acting like a magnifying glass which increase the warmth from the sun, thus burning the plant. Or, if it`s hot and sunny with a...
    It`s a physiological disease, Shelby, there is nothing you can buy to treat it. Scorch is caused in one of two ways. Either there are water droplets on the leaves acting like a magnifying glass which increase the warmth from the sun, thus burning...
    It`s a physiological disease, Shelby, there is nothing you can buy to treat it. Scorch is caused in one of two ways. Either there are water droplets on the leaves acting like a magnifying glass...
  2. SimonFJ

    Leaf spot on ivy

    SimonJust "spotted" your post - sorry for the pun...Ivy is generally pretty tough but can suffer from leaf spot. You don't say how big it is but with 80% damage, I'd dig it out and get...
    SimonJust "spotted" your post - sorry for the pun...Ivy is generally pretty tough but can suffer from leaf spot. You don't say how big it is but with 80% damage, I'd dig it out and get rid of it. Trouble is, even if you replace the soil, the infection might still be lurking on the...
    SimonJust "spotted" your post - sorry for the pun...Ivy is generally pretty tough but can suffer from leaf spot. You don't say how big it is but with 80% damage, I'd dig it out and get rid of it. Trouble is, even if you replace the...
    SimonJust "spotted" your post - sorry for the pun...Ivy is generally pretty tough but can suffer from leaf spot. You don't say how big it is but with 80% damage, I'd dig it out and get...
  3. hammerchewa

    Gooseberry decimation

    That's great - thanks for the help and link :)
    That's great - thanks for the help and link :)
    That's great - thanks for the help and link :)
    That's great - thanks for the help and link :)
  4. Freddy


    . If you can get Pif-Paf spray, then no ants!Last year got 3 tins for a quid in the "Poundshop", but have not seen any this yearCherrio
    . If you can get Pif-Paf spray, then no ants!Last year got 3 tins for a quid in the "Poundshop", but have not seen any this yearCherrio
    . If you can get Pif-Paf spray, then no ants!Last year got 3 tins for a quid in the "Poundshop", but have not seen any this yearCherrio
    . If you can get Pif-Paf spray, then no ants!Last year got 3 tins for a quid in the "Poundshop", but have not seen any this yearCherrio
  5. borrowers

    Tobacco water for pests-?

    Dai. "There's none so pure as the purified":D
    Dai. "There's none so pure as the purified":D
    Dai. "There's none so pure as the purified":D
    Dai. "There's none so pure as the purified":D
  6. elliegreenwellie

    strange fly on my chillis!

    I have a few strange flies in my mini greenhouse - they have been there a while and so far I can't see any harm done but they seem to sit on my chillis so I thought I'd just check as one has bites...
    I have a few strange flies in my mini greenhouse - they have been there a while and so far I can't see any harm done but they seem to sit on my chillis so I thought I'd just check as one has bites out of it's leaves and has fallen over (all the rest are in perfect health) they are about the size...
    I have a few strange flies in my mini greenhouse - they have been there a while and so far I can't see any harm done but they seem to sit on my chillis so I thought I'd just check as one has bites out of it's leaves and has fallen over (all the...
    I have a few strange flies in my mini greenhouse - they have been there a while and so far I can't see any harm done but they seem to sit on my chillis so I thought I'd just check as one has bites...
  7. miraflores


    :):):)Great advice, just hope none of my neighbours are lurking here :eek:
    :):):)Great advice, just hope none of my neighbours are lurking here :eek:
    :):):)Great advice, just hope none of my neighbours are lurking here :eek:
    :):):)Great advice, just hope none of my neighbours are lurking here :eek:
  8. mole man

    mole control

    Launching today a new mole control directory. This directory is different froms the others as we only have traditional molecatchers and not pest controllers as members. All of our members are...
    Launching today a new mole control directory. This directory is different froms the others as we only have traditional molecatchers and not pest controllers as members. All of our members are fully insured and offer an excellent level of service to its customers. For more information go to
    Launching today a new mole control directory. This directory is different froms the others as we only have traditional molecatchers and not pest controllers as members. All of our members are fully insured and offer an excellent level of service...
    Launching today a new mole control directory. This directory is different froms the others as we only have traditional molecatchers and not pest controllers as members. All of our members are...
  9. Small flower

    Holes in acer and maple leaves?

    Ok thanks - thats defo the reason then!Trouble is I've planted flowers round the base of the acer plant to add colour (tis the only place I can plant flowers, as I have 2 x bunnies who eat all...
    Ok thanks - thats defo the reason then!Trouble is I've planted flowers round the base of the acer plant to add colour (tis the only place I can plant flowers, as I have 2 x bunnies who eat all my flowers otherwise, so flowers can only be planted in tall pots!) So I'll lay off watering as much.
    Ok thanks - thats defo the reason then!Trouble is I've planted flowers round the base of the acer plant to add colour (tis the only place I can plant flowers, as I have 2 x bunnies who eat all my flowers otherwise, so flowers can only be...
    Ok thanks - thats defo the reason then!Trouble is I've planted flowers round the base of the acer plant to add colour (tis the only place I can plant flowers, as I have 2 x bunnies who eat all...
  10. JarBax

    Woolly aphid???

    Your right ellie - I picked another few infested stems yesterday. Never seen aphids like these before - green ones, and black ones, but not these nasty grey flakey ones...
    Your right ellie - I picked another few infested stems yesterday. Never seen aphids like these before - green ones, and black ones, but not these nasty grey flakey ones...
    Your right ellie - I picked another few infested stems yesterday. Never seen aphids like these before - green ones, and black ones, but not these nasty grey flakey ones...
    Your right ellie - I picked another few infested stems yesterday. Never seen aphids like these before - green ones, and black ones, but not these nasty grey flakey ones...
  11. ellenw

    aphids and ants and what to do about them!

    Ants dont always mean aphids, aphids tend to be an early summer problem. That in lots of cases goes away on its own. You only need to act if you can see that serious damage is being done.
    Ants dont always mean aphids, aphids tend to be an early summer problem. That in lots of cases goes away on its own. You only need to act if you can see that serious damage is being done.
    Ants dont always mean aphids, aphids tend to be an early summer problem. That in lots of cases goes away on its own. You only need to act if you can see that serious damage is being done.
    Ants dont always mean aphids, aphids tend to be an early summer problem. That in lots of cases goes away on its own. You only need to act if you can see that serious damage is being done.
  12. gardenlearner

    snail issue

    Take a look here Gardenlearner hopefully should help you
    Take a look here Gardenlearner hopefully should help you
    Take a look here Gardenlearner hopefully should help you
    Take a look here Gardenlearner hopefully should help you
  13. paddy_rice

    Yellowing bean plants

    Yes, you are right Dai. I have fed my beans a good feed of Tomorite and hey presto they are back to a healthy green again and have their first blooms on them.
    Yes, you are right Dai. I have fed my beans a good feed of Tomorite and hey presto they are back to a healthy green again and have their first blooms on them.
    Yes, you are right Dai. I have fed my beans a good feed of Tomorite and hey presto they are back to a healthy green again and have their first blooms on them.
    Yes, you are right Dai. I have fed my beans a good feed of Tomorite and hey presto they are back to a healthy green again and have their first blooms on them.
  14. ellenw


    mmm yep jarbax, my garden was seriously neglected b4! thx for all the replies.
    mmm yep jarbax, my garden was seriously neglected b4! thx for all the replies.
    mmm yep jarbax, my garden was seriously neglected b4! thx for all the replies.
    mmm yep jarbax, my garden was seriously neglected b4! thx for all the replies.
  15. jervis

    Pigeon pests!

    the TATE gallery have been in contact with me :thumb:. next week im gonna do a pile of bricks :D
    the TATE gallery have been in contact with me :thumb:. next week im gonna do a pile of bricks :D
    the TATE gallery have been in contact with me :thumb:. next week im gonna do a pile of bricks :D
    the TATE gallery have been in contact with me :thumb:. next week im gonna do a pile of bricks :D
  16. flowerpotty

    Leaves dropping off acer palmatum atropurpea

    I suppose its nice to be prunned whis4ey especially when it means no effort on our part
    I suppose its nice to be prunned whis4ey especially when it means no effort on our part
    I suppose its nice to be prunned whis4ey especially when it means no effort on our part
    I suppose its nice to be prunned whis4ey especially when it means no effort on our part
  17. huggiebear100

    Ealeagnus Covered In Fleas ???

    Sorry, thought you meant about the fleas, not the photos. At least I can sort them out now anyway.
    Sorry, thought you meant about the fleas, not the photos. At least I can sort them out now anyway.
    Sorry, thought you meant about the fleas, not the photos. At least I can sort them out now anyway.
    Sorry, thought you meant about the fleas, not the photos. At least I can sort them out now anyway.
  18. Bashy

    Black eggs and ants

    Yeah, just noticed them on my sunflowers too. Even loadsa ants crawling up and down plants that haven't got any 'eggs' on them. Isn't there an organic spray I can use? Fairy liquid/vegetable...
    Yeah, just noticed them on my sunflowers too. Even loadsa ants crawling up and down plants that haven't got any 'eggs' on them. Isn't there an organic spray I can use? Fairy liquid/vegetable oil? WOO advised me to use this on my roses to control the aphids, will this kill the black fly and...
    Yeah, just noticed them on my sunflowers too. Even loadsa ants crawling up and down plants that haven't got any 'eggs' on them. Isn't there an organic spray I can use? Fairy liquid/vegetable oil? WOO advised me to use this on my roses to...
    Yeah, just noticed them on my sunflowers too. Even loadsa ants crawling up and down plants that haven't got any 'eggs' on them. Isn't there an organic spray I can use? Fairy liquid/vegetable...
  19. Essexgardens

    Could this be squirrels?

    a well set trap will reveal the culprate :thumb:
    a well set trap will reveal the culprate :thumb:
    a well set trap will reveal the culprate :thumb:
    a well set trap will reveal the culprate :thumb:
  20. martandmichelle

    Greenfly on my Chillies I think

    Dave, not sure about commercially but it is in the trade, like most effective insecticides it will probably be withdrawn.:(
    Dave, not sure about commercially but it is in the trade, like most effective insecticides it will probably be withdrawn.:(
    Dave, not sure about commercially but it is in the trade, like most effective insecticides it will probably be withdrawn.:(
    Dave, not sure about commercially but it is in the trade, like most effective insecticides it will probably be withdrawn.:(

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