Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. wilroda


    lol that it is rather amusing
    lol that it is rather amusing
    lol that it is rather amusing
    lol that it is rather amusing
  2. Rouxbee

    Yellow spots

    Then all of a sudden, the plant dies, along with 2 reputations.:D:D Only joking Ruby, it IS scorch.:thumb:
    Then all of a sudden, the plant dies, along with 2 reputations.:D:D Only joking Ruby, it IS scorch.:thumb:
    Then all of a sudden, the plant dies, along with 2 reputations.:D:D Only joking Ruby, it IS scorch.:thumb:
    Then all of a sudden, the plant dies, along with 2 reputations.:D:D Only joking Ruby, it IS scorch.:thumb:
  3. huggiebear100

    Ealeagnus covered in Fleas???

    I see them on Ealeagnus Ebbingei. They are the bog standard type you see everywhere, industrial estates, apartment blocks. Have a look at one near youLooked up Springtails but couldn't...
    I see them on Ealeagnus Ebbingei. They are the bog standard type you see everywhere, industrial estates, apartment blocks. Have a look at one near youLooked up Springtails but couldn't identify with these.
    I see them on Ealeagnus Ebbingei. They are the bog standard type you see everywhere, industrial estates, apartment blocks. Have a look at one near youLooked up Springtails but couldn't identify with these.
    I see them on Ealeagnus Ebbingei. They are the bog standard type you see everywhere, industrial estates, apartment blocks. Have a look at one near youLooked up Springtails but couldn't...
  4. beanie b12

    Ants in my plants

    Many thanks. It's like asking a shop assistant for something in Sainsbury and finding out you're standing by the shelf. Beanie
    Many thanks. It's like asking a shop assistant for something in Sainsbury and finding out you're standing by the shelf. Beanie
    Many thanks. It's like asking a shop assistant for something in Sainsbury and finding out you're standing by the shelf. Beanie
    Many thanks. It's like asking a shop assistant for something in Sainsbury and finding out you're standing by the shelf. Beanie
  5. happymundays

    black aphids on cherry blossom

    My poor flower buds froze in the snow now black aphid are running rampant we only planted it last autum. I've sprayed with provado should I just sponge the clumps with washing detergent or will...
    My poor flower buds froze in the snow now black aphid are running rampant we only planted it last autum. I've sprayed with provado should I just sponge the clumps with washing detergent or will the tree fight back.Thanks munday
    My poor flower buds froze in the snow now black aphid are running rampant we only planted it last autum. I've sprayed with provado should I just sponge the clumps with washing detergent or will the tree fight back.Thanks munday
    My poor flower buds froze in the snow now black aphid are running rampant we only planted it last autum. I've sprayed with provado should I just sponge the clumps with washing detergent or will...
  6. sawfish


    Just read a book about wireworms and they said that it is a good idea to plat a row of wheat by the affected veggies and the worms should home on it and then you can dig up both wheat and worms...
    Just read a book about wireworms and they said that it is a good idea to plat a row of wheat by the affected veggies and the worms should home on it and then you can dig up both wheat and worms and destroy them. (Source Caroline Foley). If you try let me know if it works
    Just read a book about wireworms and they said that it is a good idea to plat a row of wheat by the affected veggies and the worms should home on it and then you can dig up both wheat and worms and destroy them. (Source Caroline Foley). If you...
    Just read a book about wireworms and they said that it is a good idea to plat a row of wheat by the affected veggies and the worms should home on it and then you can dig up both wheat and worms...
  7. paddy_rice

    What's up with my oregano?

    The leaves of my little oregano plant (country cream variety, variegated leaves) are starting to develop brown patches, as are some of the stems. It was bought from a garden centre and is about...
    The leaves of my little oregano plant (country cream variety, variegated leaves) are starting to develop brown patches, as are some of the stems. It was bought from a garden centre and is about 6in high, planted in a trough with basil and dill. The basil has developed a grey mould (which we...
    The leaves of my little oregano plant (country cream variety, variegated leaves) are starting to develop brown patches, as are some of the stems. It was bought from a garden centre and is about 6in high, planted in a trough with basil and dill....
    The leaves of my little oregano plant (country cream variety, variegated leaves) are starting to develop brown patches, as are some of the stems. It was bought from a garden centre and is about...
  8. SpringsHere

    Those wretched Pigeons and Doves!!!

    I've just bought one of these water jet spray repellers for the cats, but it does say it works for birds too.
    I've just bought one of these water jet spray repellers for the cats, but it does say it works for birds too.
    I've just bought one of these water jet spray repellers for the cats, but it does say it works for birds too.
    I've just bought one of these water jet spray repellers for the cats, but it does say it works for birds too.
  9. Veg-and-flower-man


    or this?this is a potato capsid which I read is quite fond of carrots and chrysanthemums too.
    or this?this is a potato capsid which I read is quite fond of carrots and chrysanthemums too.
    or this?this is a potato capsid which I read is quite fond of carrots and chrysanthemums too.
    or this?this is a potato capsid which I read is quite fond of carrots and chrysanthemums too.
  10. jonno1230

    Any advice on aphids?

    If you have white fly then make the atmosphere a little damper by spraying the floor etc. They thrive when climate is hot and dry. Greenfly just thrive!Nothing to stop you gently crushing...
    If you have white fly then make the atmosphere a little damper by spraying the floor etc. They thrive when climate is hot and dry. Greenfly just thrive!Nothing to stop you gently crushing the aphid cluster with finger and thumb using enough pressure to kill but not damage the stems of the...
    If you have white fly then make the atmosphere a little damper by spraying the floor etc. They thrive when climate is hot and dry. Greenfly just thrive!Nothing to stop you gently crushing the aphid cluster with finger and thumb using enough...
    If you have white fly then make the atmosphere a little damper by spraying the floor etc. They thrive when climate is hot and dry. Greenfly just thrive!Nothing to stop you gently crushing...
  11. Maxillian

    Red bugs eating my lovely lillies!

    provado definitely works - has sorted mine out for a couple of seasons now - also works on mealy bug on my stephanotis.
    provado definitely works - has sorted mine out for a couple of seasons now - also works on mealy bug on my stephanotis.
    provado definitely works - has sorted mine out for a couple of seasons now - also works on mealy bug on my stephanotis.
    provado definitely works - has sorted mine out for a couple of seasons now - also works on mealy bug on my stephanotis.
  12. TAL

    First Post - Very Newbie-Got maggots I think

    no expert . pull the other one ;) :D
    no expert . pull the other one ;) :D
    no expert . pull the other one ;) :D
    no expert . pull the other one ;) :D
  13. minxycat2002

    Meadow Spittlebug on my strawberry plants?

    The bug is inside the spit, a relativly large yellowish thing that moves slowly. The spit does no harm and will disappear once the bug is killed.
    The bug is inside the spit, a relativly large yellowish thing that moves slowly. The spit does no harm and will disappear once the bug is killed.
    The bug is inside the spit, a relativly large yellowish thing that moves slowly. The spit does no harm and will disappear once the bug is killed.
    The bug is inside the spit, a relativly large yellowish thing that moves slowly. The spit does no harm and will disappear once the bug is killed.
  14. sawfish

    cornus kousa unwell

    :) Hi Sawfish, I'm not sure but have a look here you may be able to identify what is wrong from here...;) I do say maybe though...:D
    :) Hi Sawfish, I'm not sure but have a look here you may be able to identify what is wrong from here...;) I do say maybe though...:D
    :) Hi Sawfish, I'm not sure but have a look here you may be able to identify what is wrong from here...;) I do say maybe though...:D
    :) Hi Sawfish, I'm not sure but have a look here you may be able to identify what is wrong from here...;) I do say maybe though...:D
  15. Bashy


    Me too terrier, thats All I use soapy water. On my lupins as well. 02
    Me too terrier, thats All I use soapy water. On my lupins as well. 02
    Me too terrier, thats All I use soapy water. On my lupins as well. 02
    Me too terrier, thats All I use soapy water. On my lupins as well. 02
  16. Neil C

    Gnarled leaves?

    Don't forget to give them a feed of liquid plant food to help them recover. :thumb:
    Don't forget to give them a feed of liquid plant food to help them recover. :thumb:
    Don't forget to give them a feed of liquid plant food to help them recover. :thumb:
    Don't forget to give them a feed of liquid plant food to help them recover. :thumb:
  17. compost maker

    Choisa Sundance turning soggy light brown?

    My 6 yr old healthy sundance has white flowers and some leaves look healthy but an increasing amount of leaves a re turning khaki brown and look unhealthy. What is the cause and what can I do?
    My 6 yr old healthy sundance has white flowers and some leaves look healthy but an increasing amount of leaves a re turning khaki brown and look unhealthy. What is the cause and what can I do?
    My 6 yr old healthy sundance has white flowers and some leaves look healthy but an increasing amount of leaves a re turning khaki brown and look unhealthy. What is the cause and what can I do?
    My 6 yr old healthy sundance has white flowers and some leaves look healthy but an increasing amount of leaves a re turning khaki brown and look unhealthy. What is the cause and what can I do?
  18. Angelica

    Egg-shaped wasp nest?

    Good advice mira - I like the jar idea. We caught a wasp just starting a nest a week or so ago. I waited until it had left the shed, then took the nest away. It was very fragile, and...
    Good advice mira - I like the jar idea. We caught a wasp just starting a nest a week or so ago. I waited until it had left the shed, then took the nest away. It was very fragile, and beautiful, and I did feel bad, but as pal says, they're not good in buildings!
    Good advice mira - I like the jar idea. We caught a wasp just starting a nest a week or so ago. I waited until it had left the shed, then took the nest away. It was very fragile, and beautiful, and I did feel bad, but as pal says, they're not...
    Good advice mira - I like the jar idea. We caught a wasp just starting a nest a week or so ago. I waited until it had left the shed, then took the nest away. It was very fragile, and...
  19. Bashy

    Vine weevil ate my Hydranga!!!

    I'd say that could be your culprit EGW! Damn pests!!!! Hopefully someone can supply us with some preventative measures. Thanks Bekimac though, I will buy some of the provado spray and spray my...
    I'd say that could be your culprit EGW! Damn pests!!!! Hopefully someone can supply us with some preventative measures. Thanks Bekimac though, I will buy some of the provado spray and spray my pots anyway.
    I'd say that could be your culprit EGW! Damn pests!!!! Hopefully someone can supply us with some preventative measures. Thanks Bekimac though, I will buy some of the provado spray and spray my pots anyway.
    I'd say that could be your culprit EGW! Damn pests!!!! Hopefully someone can supply us with some preventative measures. Thanks Bekimac though, I will buy some of the provado spray and spray my...
  20. nickp

    Gnats, Flies, Bugs - how to discourage ... ?

    This may sound daft but I've heard that people that eat marmite get bitten less... I guess the insects either love or hate it;)
    This may sound daft but I've heard that people that eat marmite get bitten less... I guess the insects either love or hate it;)
    This may sound daft but I've heard that people that eat marmite get bitten less... I guess the insects either love or hate it;)
    This may sound daft but I've heard that people that eat marmite get bitten less... I guess the insects either love or hate it;)

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