Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. groundbeetle

    Has anybody used Grazers for Slugs& Snails or for Caterpillars?

    I've been using the Ferric phosphate pellets and I find they do work up to a point, with Metaldehyde you could see the results the next morning, with this you dont.But that dont mean its not...
    I've been using the Ferric phosphate pellets and I find they do work up to a point, with Metaldehyde you could see the results the next morning, with this you dont.But that dont mean its not working.Yes a trip out on damp evenings is a good way to lower numbers and I usually cut them in half...
    I've been using the Ferric phosphate pellets and I find they do work up to a point, with Metaldehyde you could see the results the next morning, with this you dont.But that dont mean its not working.Yes a trip out on damp evenings is a good...
    I've been using the Ferric phosphate pellets and I find they do work up to a point, with Metaldehyde you could see the results the next morning, with this you dont.But that dont mean its not...
  2. QuothTheRaven

    What's wrong with my Rhododendrons?

    I dont think it would hurt, but might take a few weeks to work if it is the problem.Maybe the plants are struggling to get out of the existing root ball if its been dry in your area. Often the...
    I dont think it would hurt, but might take a few weeks to work if it is the problem.Maybe the plants are struggling to get out of the existing root ball if its been dry in your area. Often the rootball of plants planted out late in the year dry out and without water added directly to the neck...
    I dont think it would hurt, but might take a few weeks to work if it is the problem.Maybe the plants are struggling to get out of the existing root ball if its been dry in your area. Often the rootball of plants planted out late in the year dry...
    I dont think it would hurt, but might take a few weeks to work if it is the problem.Maybe the plants are struggling to get out of the existing root ball if its been dry in your area. Often the...
  3. Matt578

    What is wrong with my Portuguese Laurel?

    Were these 3 or 4 bushes also Laurel and part of the 20 originally mentioned? When were the 20 Laurel planted? How big were they when planted? Soil conditions? A few pictures of the general hedge...
    Were these 3 or 4 bushes also Laurel and part of the 20 originally mentioned? When were the 20 Laurel planted? How big were they when planted? Soil conditions? A few pictures of the general hedge and garden woul help as would an indication of location.
    Were these 3 or 4 bushes also Laurel and part of the 20 originally mentioned? When were the 20 Laurel planted? How big were they when planted? Soil conditions? A few pictures of the general hedge and garden woul help as would an indication of...
    Were these 3 or 4 bushes also Laurel and part of the 20 originally mentioned? When were the 20 Laurel planted? How big were they when planted? Soil conditions? A few pictures of the general hedge...
  4. Love my chicken

    Does anyone know what’s wrong with my horse-chestnut tree

    I'm pretty sure its mostly leaf miner that is causing the problems with horse chestnut early leaf fall. Apparently HC native to Asia and S. E. Europe so I'm pretty sure they can handle a drought...
    I'm pretty sure its mostly leaf miner that is causing the problems with horse chestnut early leaf fall. Apparently HC native to Asia and S. E. Europe so I'm pretty sure they can handle a drought or two.In my street we have crab apple trees and the leaves usually start falling around now, I...
    I'm pretty sure its mostly leaf miner that is causing the problems with horse chestnut early leaf fall. Apparently HC native to Asia and S. E. Europe so I'm pretty sure they can handle a drought or two.In my street we have crab apple trees and...
    I'm pretty sure its mostly leaf miner that is causing the problems with horse chestnut early leaf fall. Apparently HC native to Asia and S. E. Europe so I'm pretty sure they can handle a drought...
  5. thriftybri


    thanks for info
    thanks for info
    thanks for info
    thanks for info
  6. groundbeetle

    Tiny spherical "greenfly?" on violas and other plants.

    I think the clue is in the Fleabane name. Native plant traditionally burnt indoors to control fleas.
    I think the clue is in the Fleabane name. Native plant traditionally burnt indoors to control fleas.
    I think the clue is in the Fleabane name. Native plant traditionally burnt indoors to control fleas.
    I think the clue is in the Fleabane name. Native plant traditionally burnt indoors to control fleas.
  7. BlackCountryGardener

    What's wrong with my plants :-( ?

    Ok, will continue with water only, see how we go, thank you.
    Ok, will continue with water only, see how we go, thank you.
    Ok, will continue with water only, see how we go, thank you.
    Ok, will continue with water only, see how we go, thank you.
  8. mazambo

    Decapitated buds

    put some peanuts out and water for them they will stop eating your plants
    put some peanuts out and water for them they will stop eating your plants
    put some peanuts out and water for them they will stop eating your plants
    put some peanuts out and water for them they will stop eating your plants
  9. kazzawazza

    Lilac Tree Problem

    If it’s not a fungal disease, it must be weed killer or something similar, the tree has grown really well for years. As you say, unfortunately it’s difficult to prove that he’s done anything. I...
    If it’s not a fungal disease, it must be weed killer or something similar, the tree has grown really well for years. As you say, unfortunately it’s difficult to prove that he’s done anything. I have considered contacting my house insurers as we have legal cover for nuisance neighbours. The fact...
    If it’s not a fungal disease, it must be weed killer or something similar, the tree has grown really well for years. As you say, unfortunately it’s difficult to prove that he’s done anything. I have considered contacting my house insurers as we...
    If it’s not a fungal disease, it must be weed killer or something similar, the tree has grown really well for years. As you say, unfortunately it’s difficult to prove that he’s done anything. I...
  10. teddy6

    Callistemon pest

    It's tortrix moth of some kind. I have the same problem with them on other plants. It's a case of watching and when you think a caterpillar is in there just give the shoot tip a squeeze.
    It's tortrix moth of some kind. I have the same problem with them on other plants. It's a case of watching and when you think a caterpillar is in there just give the shoot tip a squeeze.
    It's tortrix moth of some kind. I have the same problem with them on other plants. It's a case of watching and when you think a caterpillar is in there just give the shoot tip a squeeze.
    It's tortrix moth of some kind. I have the same problem with them on other plants. It's a case of watching and when you think a caterpillar is in there just give the shoot tip a squeeze.
  11. Jasmine star

    What is this flying thing?

    @Nikolaos it was definitely a fine specimen and I watched it for a while having never seen one before. Eventually flying back out of the window I did wonder if it might have been some kind of...
    @Nikolaos it was definitely a fine specimen and I watched it for a while having never seen one before. Eventually flying back out of the window I did wonder if it might have been some kind of hornet or something relating to the local farm or stables. Every day is a learning day :biggrin:
    @Nikolaos it was definitely a fine specimen and I watched it for a while having never seen one before. Eventually flying back out of the window I did wonder if it might have been some kind of hornet or something relating to the local farm or...
    @Nikolaos it was definitely a fine specimen and I watched it for a while having never seen one before. Eventually flying back out of the window I did wonder if it might have been some kind of...
  12. ThePlantAssassin

    fuschsia gone wrong

    @Pushkin I rarely buy plants & certainly not from a garden centre. The few I've bought in the last few years have come from a nursery where they do all their own propagating from what I've been...
    @Pushkin I rarely buy plants & certainly not from a garden centre. The few I've bought in the last few years have come from a nursery where they do all their own propagating from what I've been able to see from it.
    @Pushkin I rarely buy plants & certainly not from a garden centre. The few I've bought in the last few years have come from a nursery where they do all their own propagating from what I've been able to see from it.
    @Pushkin I rarely buy plants & certainly not from a garden centre. The few I've bought in the last few years have come from a nursery where they do all their own propagating from what I've been...
  13. Sheal


    I don't think I can manage to eat my way through a whole herd. :biggrin:
    I don't think I can manage to eat my way through a whole herd. :biggrin:
    I don't think I can manage to eat my way through a whole herd. :biggrin:
    I don't think I can manage to eat my way through a whole herd. :biggrin:
  14. Janet mahay

    Acer problem....?

    Hi thanks nigel and pete and nigel you not lazy lol you areright using the right treatment will kill the right pest and most likely it was squirrel
    Hi thanks nigel and pete and nigel you not lazy lol you areright using the right treatment will kill the right pest and most likely it was squirrel
    Hi thanks nigel and pete and nigel you not lazy lol you areright using the right treatment will kill the right pest and most likely it was squirrel
    Hi thanks nigel and pete and nigel you not lazy lol you areright using the right treatment will kill the right pest and most likely it was squirrel
  15. Andeks

    Ribes wilting

    Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. When i said wilting they are actually dying now. becoming brown and dry. seems to be moving from cane to cane. I have been watering ( not too much ) to...
    Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. When i said wilting they are actually dying now. becoming brown and dry. seems to be moving from cane to cane. I have been watering ( not too much ) to try and help.
    Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. When i said wilting they are actually dying now. becoming brown and dry. seems to be moving from cane to cane. I have been watering ( not too much ) to try and help.
    Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated. When i said wilting they are actually dying now. becoming brown and dry. seems to be moving from cane to cane. I have been watering ( not too much ) to...
  16. JWK

    Vegetable Growing 2022

    Ah yes!Thanks JWK - very helpful.The fluff stays on then.
    Ah yes!Thanks JWK - very helpful.The fluff stays on then.
    Ah yes!Thanks JWK - very helpful.The fluff stays on then.
    Ah yes!Thanks JWK - very helpful.The fluff stays on then.
  17. cucumber

    Please ID Amelanchier lamarckii leaf problem

    Thank you so much for your advice and comments, they really are appreciated.
    Thank you so much for your advice and comments, they really are appreciated.
    Thank you so much for your advice and comments, they really are appreciated.
    Thank you so much for your advice and comments, they really are appreciated.
  18. Kevin73

    What's eating my Clematis - Miss Bateman

    Strulch around the base of the plants keeps slugs and snails away. I use it in one of my cold frames and it works a treat.
    Strulch around the base of the plants keeps slugs and snails away. I use it in one of my cold frames and it works a treat.
    Strulch around the base of the plants keeps slugs and snails away. I use it in one of my cold frames and it works a treat.
    Strulch around the base of the plants keeps slugs and snails away. I use it in one of my cold frames and it works a treat.
  19. Ben1995

    Problems with large, 30 year old japanese Acer.

    Hello,My mother has a beautiful Acer tree in the garden, for years we have just left her alone and had no problem, last year we removed a sucker and early spring we removed what had grown back...
    Hello,My mother has a beautiful Acer tree in the garden, for years we have just left her alone and had no problem, last year we removed a sucker and early spring we removed what had grown back of said sucker. We are now having a problem with the Acer and no idea what to do, my mother is quite...
    Hello,My mother has a beautiful Acer tree in the garden, for years we have just left her alone and had no problem, last year we removed a sucker and early spring we removed what had grown back of said sucker. We are now having a problem with...
    Hello,My mother has a beautiful Acer tree in the garden, for years we have just left her alone and had no problem, last year we removed a sucker and early spring we removed what had grown back...
  20. Tiny Clanger

    Treating White Rot in Allium Family

    Hi John,I'll do that, can't hurt with that dosage- apart from the neighbouring plots might moan about the smell :hapfeet:
    Hi John,I'll do that, can't hurt with that dosage- apart from the neighbouring plots might moan about the smell :hapfeet:
    Hi John,I'll do that, can't hurt with that dosage- apart from the neighbouring plots might moan about the smell :hapfeet:
    Hi John,I'll do that, can't hurt with that dosage- apart from the neighbouring plots might moan about the smell :hapfeet:

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