Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Bunslip

    Laurel attacked!!

    I'd wait untill the new growth is forming and its warmer personally.
    I'd wait untill the new growth is forming and its warmer personally.
    I'd wait untill the new growth is forming and its warmer personally.
    I'd wait untill the new growth is forming and its warmer personally.
  2. Scrofula

    Best Marigold for Aphid/Whitefly

    The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive...
    The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well. If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as...
    The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well. If you choose...
    The marigold is probably the most well known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive...
  3. Mrs T

    Little flies in soil

    Thanks very much!
    Thanks very much!
    Thanks very much!
    Thanks very much!
  4. DC

    Leylandii browning

    Nothing you can do, spraying trees of the height and maturity you mention is a waste of time and money. i suspect soil poisoning or something similar. Any road salt runn off?
    Nothing you can do, spraying trees of the height and maturity you mention is a waste of time and money. i suspect soil poisoning or something similar. Any road salt runn off?
    Nothing you can do, spraying trees of the height and maturity you mention is a waste of time and money. i suspect soil poisoning or something similar. Any road salt runn off?
    Nothing you can do, spraying trees of the height and maturity you mention is a waste of time and money. i suspect soil poisoning or something similar. Any road salt runn off?
  5. kerripaul

    Citrus plant brown leaft patches

    I had a similar experience kerripaul. I put it down to the dry central heating and extremes in temperatures. Have you checked for unwanted guests ?
    I had a similar experience kerripaul. I put it down to the dry central heating and extremes in temperatures. Have you checked for unwanted guests ?
    I had a similar experience kerripaul. I put it down to the dry central heating and extremes in temperatures. Have you checked for unwanted guests ?
    I had a similar experience kerripaul. I put it down to the dry central heating and extremes in temperatures. Have you checked for unwanted guests ?
  6. Bluedun

    Fuchsia Gall Mite

    Yep. It works.
    Yep. It works.
    Yep. It works.
    Yep. It works.
  7. Boot

    A sick Yukka

    Hahaha geoffhandley :D
    Hahaha geoffhandley :D
    Hahaha geoffhandley :D
    Hahaha geoffhandley :D
  8. Fastboy

    Delphiniums. Looking a bit sick..

    They naturally die down Fastboy, there perennials..
    They naturally die down Fastboy, there perennials..
    They naturally die down Fastboy, there perennials..
    They naturally die down Fastboy, there perennials..
  9. Fastboy

    Shoots going black ?

    One of those two lower inward growing shoots should be taken off anyway, as if both develop you'll end up with crossed and rubbing stems.
    One of those two lower inward growing shoots should be taken off anyway, as if both develop you'll end up with crossed and rubbing stems.
    One of those two lower inward growing shoots should be taken off anyway, as if both develop you'll end up with crossed and rubbing stems.
    One of those two lower inward growing shoots should be taken off anyway, as if both develop you'll end up with crossed and rubbing stems.
  10. Fastboy

    Rust ?

    They always seem to go rusty, I tend to use Foxgloves instead.
    They always seem to go rusty, I tend to use Foxgloves instead.
    They always seem to go rusty, I tend to use Foxgloves instead.
    They always seem to go rusty, I tend to use Foxgloves instead.
  11. unbusybee

    plant killer

    Hi Unbusy, you have great potential there. I would agree with Dave in the previous post & everyone. Get rid of everything you don't want or like anymore. Clear all the weeds from the stones...
    Hi Unbusy, you have great potential there. I would agree with Dave in the previous post & everyone. Get rid of everything you don't want or like anymore. Clear all the weeds from the stones etc.. Then stand back & look at the areas without the clutter. Choose your colour for the walls etc &...
    Hi Unbusy, you have great potential there. I would agree with Dave in the previous post & everyone. Get rid of everything you don't want or like anymore. Clear all the weeds from the stones etc.. Then stand back & look at the areas without the...
    Hi Unbusy, you have great potential there. I would agree with Dave in the previous post & everyone. Get rid of everything you don't want or like anymore. Clear all the weeds from the stones...
  12. elliegreenwellie

    Poorly Fushias

    Then in that case, pop it in the shed. Tip check under the leaves for white fly when you tip it out of its old compost, and if you see any wash them off holding the plant upside down before you...
    Then in that case, pop it in the shed. Tip check under the leaves for white fly when you tip it out of its old compost, and if you see any wash them off holding the plant upside down before you pop them into new compost.
    Then in that case, pop it in the shed. Tip check under the leaves for white fly when you tip it out of its old compost, and if you see any wash them off holding the plant upside down before you pop them into new compost.
    Then in that case, pop it in the shed. Tip check under the leaves for white fly when you tip it out of its old compost, and if you see any wash them off holding the plant upside down before you...
  13. daveM

    yew hedge disease?

    Thanks to all for the replies. I'd post a picture but I cant see an obvious solution
    Thanks to all for the replies. I'd post a picture but I cant see an obvious solution
    Thanks to all for the replies. I'd post a picture but I cant see an obvious solution
    Thanks to all for the replies. I'd post a picture but I cant see an obvious solution
  14. roders

    Grotty Fungus.

    Thanks guys........I just found this.
    Thanks guys........I just found this.
    Thanks guys........I just found this.
    Thanks guys........I just found this.
  15. bumblebee

    The Slugs Tale

    That's not under their own steam Ste. doesn't some one throw them from next door but one :D
    That's not under their own steam Ste. doesn't some one throw them from next door but one :D
    That's not under their own steam Ste. doesn't some one throw them from next door but one :D
    That's not under their own steam Ste. doesn't some one throw them from next door but one :D
  16. willow13

    greenfly etc

    Define organic, you mean? Easiest thing is for me to tell you what I DO import into my garden ...manure : Masses of it. Luckily (and coincidentally) it comes from a neighbouring organic beef...
    Define organic, you mean? Easiest thing is for me to tell you what I DO import into my garden ...manure : Masses of it. Luckily (and coincidentally) it comes from a neighbouring organic beef farm.lime :seeds : I don't go out of my way to buy organically grown seedbeer : for slug...
    Define organic, you mean? Easiest thing is for me to tell you what I DO import into my garden ...manure : Masses of it. Luckily (and coincidentally) it comes from a neighbouring organic beef farm.lime :seeds : I don't go out of my way to...
    Define organic, you mean? Easiest thing is for me to tell you what I DO import into my garden ...manure : Masses of it. Luckily (and coincidentally) it comes from a neighbouring organic beef...
  17. Stingo

    White fly?!

    I have had problems with whitefly in the greenhouse in the past on the tomatoes. I did not want to use insecticides, well not persistent ones anyway. I had heard about using French marigolds and i...
    I have had problems with whitefly in the greenhouse in the past on the tomatoes. I did not want to use insecticides, well not persistent ones anyway. I had heard about using French marigolds and i was not entirely convinced but i thought i will give it a whirl. i grew a few from seed...
    I have had problems with whitefly in the greenhouse in the past on the tomatoes. I did not want to use insecticides, well not persistent ones anyway. I had heard about using French marigolds and i was not entirely convinced but i thought i will...
    I have had problems with whitefly in the greenhouse in the past on the tomatoes. I did not want to use insecticides, well not persistent ones anyway. I had heard about using French marigolds and i...
  18. chkm8

    My Maple is dying

    I can't access your photograph , but are you sure you are not overwatering this tree?
    I can't access your photograph , but are you sure you are not overwatering this tree?
    I can't access your photograph , but are you sure you are not overwatering this tree?
    I can't access your photograph , but are you sure you are not overwatering this tree?
  19. carolS

    advice on mouldy Crab Apple

    These are Malus sargentii apples.
    These are Malus sargentii apples.
    These are Malus sargentii apples.
    These are Malus sargentii apples.
  20. Sandy Loam

    Snails -- no trouble?

    In London where, would that be?
    In London where, would that be?
    In London where, would that be?
    In London where, would that be?

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