Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. Scotkat

    Ceanothus looking poorly

    If it is deciduous then my guess would be that its just colouring up early. Its been a funny year and many trees down here have decided to "call it a day", early.
    If it is deciduous then my guess would be that its just colouring up early. Its been a funny year and many trees down here have decided to "call it a day", early.
    If it is deciduous then my guess would be that its just colouring up early. Its been a funny year and many trees down here have decided to "call it a day", early.
    If it is deciduous then my guess would be that its just colouring up early. Its been a funny year and many trees down here have decided to "call it a day", early.
  2. Banana Man

    Flies on my Dasylirion...

    Yeah, I think my seedlings have a long way to go. :D
    Yeah, I think my seedlings have a long way to go. :D
    Yeah, I think my seedlings have a long way to go. :D
    Yeah, I think my seedlings have a long way to go. :D
  3. accidentalgardener


    i have a lack of slugs but not snails but i wont go into that :mad: keepin getting the odd snail half way up my front door ooohhhhh
    i have a lack of slugs but not snails but i wont go into that :mad: keepin getting the odd snail half way up my front door ooohhhhh
    i have a lack of slugs but not snails but i wont go into that :mad: keepin getting the odd snail half way up my front door ooohhhhh
    i have a lack of slugs but not snails but i wont go into that :mad: keepin getting the odd snail half way up my front door ooohhhhh
  4. seeker of knowledge

    The mountaineering mole

    Hi Seeker Of Knowledge, contrary to common beleif, moles don't just burry underground, they will also travel above ground at night, when it is quietest, so my guess is it's climbed up there.
    Hi Seeker Of Knowledge, contrary to common beleif, moles don't just burry underground, they will also travel above ground at night, when it is quietest, so my guess is it's climbed up there.
    Hi Seeker Of Knowledge, contrary to common beleif, moles don't just burry underground, they will also travel above ground at night, when it is quietest, so my guess is it's climbed up there.
    Hi Seeker Of Knowledge, contrary to common beleif, moles don't just burry underground, they will also travel above ground at night, when it is quietest, so my guess is it's climbed up there.
  5. compost maker

    Whats tis bark disease

    Hi Will the bark grow back then? Do you know what caused it?
    Hi Will the bark grow back then? Do you know what caused it?
    Hi Will the bark grow back then? Do you know what caused it?
    Hi Will the bark grow back then? Do you know what caused it?
  6. compost maker

    Canker on Gleditsia HELP

    Hopefully this will help identify it.
    Hopefully this will help identify it.
    Hopefully this will help identify it.
    Hopefully this will help identify it.
  7. Celia

    poorly skimmia

    Hi Fran, it's planted in the ground in a raised bed. The soil isn't particularly good and doesn't retain moisture too well but everything else is growing really well. The nasturtiums are sending...
    Hi Fran, it's planted in the ground in a raised bed. The soil isn't particularly good and doesn't retain moisture too well but everything else is growing really well. The nasturtiums are sending out shoots all over the garden, the magnolia is fine as is the other skimmia which is a male/female...
    Hi Fran, it's planted in the ground in a raised bed. The soil isn't particularly good and doesn't retain moisture too well but everything else is growing really well. The nasturtiums are sending out shoots all over the garden, the magnolia is...
    Hi Fran, it's planted in the ground in a raised bed. The soil isn't particularly good and doesn't retain moisture too well but everything else is growing really well. The nasturtiums are sending...
  8. manderson60


    OK thanks I'll have a look.
    OK thanks I'll have a look.
    OK thanks I'll have a look.
    OK thanks I'll have a look.
  9. Belto

    Is This a Vine Weevil

    No, definitely not a weevil. It is a ground beetle and it would be in your beer trap because it eats slugs. Weevils all have long 'noses with the final pair of antenna emerging from the end rather...
    No, definitely not a weevil. It is a ground beetle and it would be in your beer trap because it eats slugs. Weevils all have long 'noses with the final pair of antenna emerging from the end rather than just behind it as in beetles, Google Vine Weevil images for some very useful identification...
    No, definitely not a weevil. It is a ground beetle and it would be in your beer trap because it eats slugs. Weevils all have long 'noses with the final pair of antenna emerging from the end rather than just behind it as in beetles, Google Vine...
    No, definitely not a weevil. It is a ground beetle and it would be in your beer trap because it eats slugs. Weevils all have long 'noses with the final pair of antenna emerging from the end rather...
  10. Muddy

    Bedding plants dying - what now?

    Keep your seeds in the fridge until you want to sow them in Spring, they have a better start this way. Buzzing around!
    Keep your seeds in the fridge until you want to sow them in Spring, they have a better start this way. Buzzing around!
    Keep your seeds in the fridge until you want to sow them in Spring, they have a better start this way. Buzzing around!
    Keep your seeds in the fridge until you want to sow them in Spring, they have a better start this way. Buzzing around!
  11. cajary

    Pesky Rabbit

    Cajary,My manA perfect end to a wonderful 'it happened to me' story :D
    Cajary,My manA perfect end to a wonderful 'it happened to me' story :D
    Cajary,My manA perfect end to a wonderful 'it happened to me' story :D
    Cajary,My manA perfect end to a wonderful 'it happened to me' story :D
  12. accidentalgardener

    Weigela Monet in trouble

    Fran,Now i am getting the use of my arm back i have taken over doing a lot of the gardening again :D boy did it pain me to relinquish control of my beloved garden over to the lads.The...
    Fran,Now i am getting the use of my arm back i have taken over doing a lot of the gardening again :D boy did it pain me to relinquish control of my beloved garden over to the lads.The Monet's are picking up it would seem, but with the bit of rain we have had it's too soon to tell.I...
    Fran,Now i am getting the use of my arm back i have taken over doing a lot of the gardening again :D boy did it pain me to relinquish control of my beloved garden over to the lads.The Monet's are picking up it would seem, but with the bit...
    Fran,Now i am getting the use of my arm back i have taken over doing a lot of the gardening again :D boy did it pain me to relinquish control of my beloved garden over to the lads.The...
  13. Howard


    "FATHER OF TEN SHOT DEAD " mistaken for a rabbit..
    "FATHER OF TEN SHOT DEAD " mistaken for a rabbit..
    "FATHER OF TEN SHOT DEAD " mistaken for a rabbit..
    "FATHER OF TEN SHOT DEAD " mistaken for a rabbit..
  14. accidentalgardener

    Salix dying

    Did what you said, haven't pruned it back yet as has bud leaves on what i thought were dead branches, but this is it's state as of today, thanks for your help :D
    Did what you said, haven't pruned it back yet as has bud leaves on what i thought were dead branches, but this is it's state as of today, thanks for your help :D
    Did what you said, haven't pruned it back yet as has bud leaves on what i thought were dead branches, but this is it's state as of today, thanks for your help :D
    Did what you said, haven't pruned it back yet as has bud leaves on what i thought were dead branches, but this is it's state as of today, thanks for your help :D
  15. Dorsetmike

    Pests and diseases

    And people don't read stickies anyway!
    And people don't read stickies anyway!
    And people don't read stickies anyway!
    And people don't read stickies anyway!
  16. David G

    Jonagold Apple trouble (emergency)

    Hi Dave There Is a Nursery .PerryHill Nurseries In Hartfield East Sussex That lists Jonagold apple trees.Good luck
    Hi Dave There Is a Nursery .PerryHill Nurseries In Hartfield East Sussex That lists Jonagold apple trees.Good luck
    Hi Dave There Is a Nursery .PerryHill Nurseries In Hartfield East Sussex That lists Jonagold apple trees.Good luck
    Hi Dave There Is a Nursery .PerryHill Nurseries In Hartfield East Sussex That lists Jonagold apple trees.Good luck
  17. Andrew s

    wood lice

    Andrew woodlice can be beneficial they help to breakdown organic matter read this link before you blitz them.
    Andrew woodlice can be beneficial they help to breakdown organic matter read this link before you blitz them.
    Andrew woodlice can be beneficial they help to breakdown organic matter read this link before you blitz them.
    Andrew woodlice can be beneficial they help to breakdown organic matter read this link before you blitz them.
  18. MaternalLove
  19. intermiplants

    greenfly blackfly

    If you haven't already, get flowers that attract predatory insects into the garden. Ladybirds being one of many. Their larvae are voracious eaters of greenfly, even more than the adults.
    If you haven't already, get flowers that attract predatory insects into the garden. Ladybirds being one of many. Their larvae are voracious eaters of greenfly, even more than the adults.
    If you haven't already, get flowers that attract predatory insects into the garden. Ladybirds being one of many. Their larvae are voracious eaters of greenfly, even more than the adults.
    If you haven't already, get flowers that attract predatory insects into the garden. Ladybirds being one of many. Their larvae are voracious eaters of greenfly, even more than the adults.
  20. dinky73

    Poorly Rhododendron

    Hi Dinky, don`t worry about the yellow balls as TO says they are slow release fertiliser pellets ( probably deplete by now ), Don`t make the mistake of overwatering the plant either. Now, if you...
    Hi Dinky, don`t worry about the yellow balls as TO says they are slow release fertiliser pellets ( probably deplete by now ), Don`t make the mistake of overwatering the plant either. Now, if you had to really force the roots apart I would say it is pot bound, so move it into a slightly bigger...
    Hi Dinky, don`t worry about the yellow balls as TO says they are slow release fertiliser pellets ( probably deplete by now ), Don`t make the mistake of overwatering the plant either. Now, if you had to really force the roots apart I would say it...
    Hi Dinky, don`t worry about the yellow balls as TO says they are slow release fertiliser pellets ( probably deplete by now ), Don`t make the mistake of overwatering the plant either. Now, if you...

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