Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. roders

    Horse Chestnut...Problem.

    I've noticed it as well roders, not that many with leaves still on around here. I think there is another problem going around as well that affects Horse Chestnut, it causes the bark to crack and...
    I've noticed it as well roders, not that many with leaves still on around here. I think there is another problem going around as well that affects Horse Chestnut, it causes the bark to crack and weep sap. I've seen a few dead ones with this problem
    I've noticed it as well roders, not that many with leaves still on around here. I think there is another problem going around as well that affects Horse Chestnut, it causes the bark to crack and weep sap. I've seen a few dead ones with this problem
    I've noticed it as well roders, not that many with leaves still on around here. I think there is another problem going around as well that affects Horse Chestnut, it causes the bark to crack and...
  2. daitheplant

    Sudden Oak Death

    That`s what they intend doing Geoff, the wife is a barrister so she is dealing with it. David.
    That`s what they intend doing Geoff, the wife is a barrister so she is dealing with it. David.
    That`s what they intend doing Geoff, the wife is a barrister so she is dealing with it. David.
    That`s what they intend doing Geoff, the wife is a barrister so she is dealing with it. David.
  3. Sunshine2

    Jeyes fluid for killing diseses?

    Thanks Sarraceniac. I'll be careful.
    Thanks Sarraceniac. I'll be careful.
    Thanks Sarraceniac. I'll be careful.
    Thanks Sarraceniac. I'll be careful.
  4. paul walker


    I think I am going to step into the cauldron here but here goes. There are many alternative remedies to high blood pressure and without the dreadful side effects which conventional medicine gives...
    I think I am going to step into the cauldron here but here goes. There are many alternative remedies to high blood pressure and without the dreadful side effects which conventional medicine gives you. Mr K has hereditary high blood pressure but with alternative remedies can keep it at a norm. ...
    I think I am going to step into the cauldron here but here goes. There are many alternative remedies to high blood pressure and without the dreadful side effects which conventional medicine gives you. Mr K has hereditary high blood pressure but...
    I think I am going to step into the cauldron here but here goes. There are many alternative remedies to high blood pressure and without the dreadful side effects which conventional medicine gives...
  5. dalbuie

    Chilli's rotting.

    Most of the chilli's are in grow-bags, a few in pots , I think I will replace the pots for next year. I think that it probably is high humidity pete. the greenhouse is covered inside with...
    Most of the chilli's are in grow-bags, a few in pots , I think I will replace the pots for next year. I think that it probably is high humidity pete. the greenhouse is covered inside with condensation in the mornings. I have invested in a electric fan heater as it is getting quite cold here...
    Most of the chilli's are in grow-bags, a few in pots , I think I will replace the pots for next year. I think that it probably is high humidity pete. the greenhouse is covered inside with condensation in the mornings. I have invested in a...
    Most of the chilli's are in grow-bags, a few in pots , I think I will replace the pots for next year. I think that it probably is high humidity pete. the greenhouse is covered inside with...
  6. bermudagaz

    Hebe Plant and Root Rot

    Unusual for a newly planted bush to behave like that so I guess it is not happy where you planted it Possibly too wet? Too dry? Only you know the conditions it is enduring so tell us more ...
    Unusual for a newly planted bush to behave like that so I guess it is not happy where you planted it Possibly too wet? Too dry? Only you know the conditions it is enduring so tell us more Meantime .. welcome to GC
    Unusual for a newly planted bush to behave like that so I guess it is not happy where you planted it Possibly too wet? Too dry? Only you know the conditions it is enduring so tell us more Meantime .. welcome to GC
    Unusual for a newly planted bush to behave like that so I guess it is not happy where you planted it Possibly too wet? Too dry? Only you know the conditions it is enduring so tell us more ...
  7. -Lisa-

    Trachycarpus fortunei prob

    I'd say that a trachy of that size would be much better growing in the ground, and then it could take a couple of summers to really get going. Most, when bought are potbound and have been like...
    I'd say that a trachy of that size would be much better growing in the ground, and then it could take a couple of summers to really get going. Most, when bought are potbound and have been like that for a while, or dug up and potted for sale in an unrealistically small pot. I find them almost...
    I'd say that a trachy of that size would be much better growing in the ground, and then it could take a couple of summers to really get going. Most, when bought are potbound and have been like that for a while, or dug up and potted for sale in...
    I'd say that a trachy of that size would be much better growing in the ground, and then it could take a couple of summers to really get going. Most, when bought are potbound and have been like...
  8. Barndym

    Club root

    Thank you for the replies on lupins and mangetout. So much to learn - so little time.................
    Thank you for the replies on lupins and mangetout. So much to learn - so little time.................
    Thank you for the replies on lupins and mangetout. So much to learn - so little time.................
    Thank you for the replies on lupins and mangetout. So much to learn - so little time.................
  9. ruffmeister

    blight - the fightback

    Lost ours too - and it was the first year for veggie growing. Really pleased you have managed to save some Ruffmeister.While out walking yesterday only saw one garden with tomato plants in -...
    Lost ours too - and it was the first year for veggie growing. Really pleased you have managed to save some Ruffmeister.While out walking yesterday only saw one garden with tomato plants in - and they looked quite pathetic. If you knew how much the French grow in their gardens you would...
    Lost ours too - and it was the first year for veggie growing. Really pleased you have managed to save some Ruffmeister.While out walking yesterday only saw one garden with tomato plants in - and they looked quite pathetic. If you knew how...
    Lost ours too - and it was the first year for veggie growing. Really pleased you have managed to save some Ruffmeister.While out walking yesterday only saw one garden with tomato plants in -...
  10. lapod

    Blight potatoes

    True, but not so common.
    True, but not so common.
    True, but not so common.
    True, but not so common.
  11. NewbieGreen

    Wasps falling from tree

    Ok i'll get a picture of it and its leaves so we can id it.
    Ok i'll get a picture of it and its leaves so we can id it.
    Ok i'll get a picture of it and its leaves so we can id it.
    Ok i'll get a picture of it and its leaves so we can id it.
  12. Kedi-Gato

    To get rid of slugs and snails -

    Shoot doesn't seem to have Nastursium in their database. It suggests nasturtium. Is that what you meant?
    Shoot doesn't seem to have Nastursium in their database. It suggests nasturtium. Is that what you meant?
    Shoot doesn't seem to have Nastursium in their database. It suggests nasturtium. Is that what you meant?
    Shoot doesn't seem to have Nastursium in their database. It suggests nasturtium. Is that what you meant?
  13. Keving

    Holes in Acer leaves

    David, thanks for advise, looking back at the pictures there appears to be 2 differant problems, as Lavender suggested, there is the scorching problem and the clean eaten looking leaves. Have...
    David, thanks for advise, looking back at the pictures there appears to be 2 differant problems, as Lavender suggested, there is the scorching problem and the clean eaten looking leaves. Have moved now and planted in ground, looking a bit worse this evening, but lets see what happens.
    David, thanks for advise, looking back at the pictures there appears to be 2 differant problems, as Lavender suggested, there is the scorching problem and the clean eaten looking leaves. Have moved now and planted in ground, looking a bit worse...
    David, thanks for advise, looking back at the pictures there appears to be 2 differant problems, as Lavender suggested, there is the scorching problem and the clean eaten looking leaves. Have...
  14. Slips

    Small black beetles...?

    Slips, are you sure it isn`t aphids? your best bet anyway would be to spray with a systemic insecticide. David.
    Slips, are you sure it isn`t aphids? your best bet anyway would be to spray with a systemic insecticide. David.
    Slips, are you sure it isn`t aphids? your best bet anyway would be to spray with a systemic insecticide. David.
    Slips, are you sure it isn`t aphids? your best bet anyway would be to spray with a systemic insecticide. David.
  15. Scotkat

    Black spots on leaves

    Walnut, I thought Benlate was taken off the market because the license expired and it would cost to much to renew . I was working in a garden centre at the time and that is the excuse we were...
    Walnut, I thought Benlate was taken off the market because the license expired and it would cost to much to renew . I was working in a garden centre at the time and that is the excuse we were given. David.
    Walnut, I thought Benlate was taken off the market because the license expired and it would cost to much to renew . I was working in a garden centre at the time and that is the excuse we were given. David.
    Walnut, I thought Benlate was taken off the market because the license expired and it would cost to much to renew . I was working in a garden centre at the time and that is the excuse we were...
  16. Chrysocolla

    Distressed Robinia

    Hi Chrysocolla, The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are near enough the same ie yellowing of leaves, wilting and leaf drop, so I would say that as long as the ground dries out the plant...
    Hi Chrysocolla, The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are near enough the same ie yellowing of leaves, wilting and leaf drop, so I would say that as long as the ground dries out the plant should recover. Is it possible to move the plant to a drier spot? David.
    Hi Chrysocolla, The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are near enough the same ie yellowing of leaves, wilting and leaf drop, so I would say that as long as the ground dries out the plant should recover. Is it possible to move the plant...
    Hi Chrysocolla, The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are near enough the same ie yellowing of leaves, wilting and leaf drop, so I would say that as long as the ground dries out the plant...
  17. Grimmy


    Hi everyone, thanks for those replies, i will give them a try. but i also wondered if some sort of spray or insecticide would be good. there must be some on the market that wont harm the plants or...
    Hi everyone, thanks for those replies, i will give them a try. but i also wondered if some sort of spray or insecticide would be good. there must be some on the market that wont harm the plants or damage the fruits and veg. im sorry for all these questions im quite new to this game. :confused:
    Hi everyone, thanks for those replies, i will give them a try. but i also wondered if some sort of spray or insecticide would be good. there must be some on the market that wont harm the plants or damage the fruits and veg. im sorry for all these...
    Hi everyone, thanks for those replies, i will give them a try. but i also wondered if some sort of spray or insecticide would be good. there must be some on the market that wont harm the plants or...
  18. cattwoman25

    creepy crawlys in turnips ?

    I think it is likely to be cabbage root fly. Discs won't help cause you are sowinmg seeds rather than planting young plants. I would sow them and then cover with fleece. You are then using a...
    I think it is likely to be cabbage root fly. Discs won't help cause you are sowinmg seeds rather than planting young plants. I would sow them and then cover with fleece. You are then using a physical barrier to stop the insects flying in and laying. It also means you are not using any chemicals...
    I think it is likely to be cabbage root fly. Discs won't help cause you are sowinmg seeds rather than planting young plants. I would sow them and then cover with fleece. You are then using a physical barrier to stop the insects flying in and...
    I think it is likely to be cabbage root fly. Discs won't help cause you are sowinmg seeds rather than planting young plants. I would sow them and then cover with fleece. You are then using a...
  19. catinwaiting

    Acer leaves browning and curling

    What?? You are having a hot spell?? You lucky thing We are simply having rain, rain, and rain Some of my own acers are drying up on the leaf edges We haven't been having a normal summer here,...
    What?? You are having a hot spell?? You lucky thing We are simply having rain, rain, and rain Some of my own acers are drying up on the leaf edges We haven't been having a normal summer here, so one has to expect some signs of stress in these plants
    What?? You are having a hot spell?? You lucky thing We are simply having rain, rain, and rain Some of my own acers are drying up on the leaf edges We haven't been having a normal summer here, so one has to expect some signs of stress in these...
    What?? You are having a hot spell?? You lucky thing We are simply having rain, rain, and rain Some of my own acers are drying up on the leaf edges We haven't been having a normal summer here,...
  20. Kandy


    Eeeee! You 'ull people are all the same. No taste. Slugs are far tastier than gherkins. But I wonder if other peeps have alcoholic visitors. Must try mine on G & T.The beer traps are now...
    Eeeee! You 'ull people are all the same. No taste. Slugs are far tastier than gherkins. But I wonder if other peeps have alcoholic visitors. Must try mine on G & T.The beer traps are now down for tonight. All invited.John [ 09. August 2007, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Sarraceniac ]
    Eeeee! You 'ull people are all the same. No taste. Slugs are far tastier than gherkins. But I wonder if other peeps have alcoholic visitors. Must try mine on G & T.The beer traps are now down for tonight. All invited.John [ 09....
    Eeeee! You 'ull people are all the same. No taste. Slugs are far tastier than gherkins. But I wonder if other peeps have alcoholic visitors. Must try mine on G & T.The beer traps are now...

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