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Vine Weevil
Provado only lasts a few weeks so you may have been lucky and got the entire infestation. You are right about them walking so if you had susceptible plants in a greenhouse you could put them on...
Provado only lasts a few weeks so you may have been lucky and got the entire infestation. You are right about them walking so if you had susceptible plants in a greenhouse you could put them on the staging and paste something on the legs of the staging as a barrier - grease perhaps? I use...
Provado only lasts a few weeks so you may have been lucky and got the entire infestation. You are right about them walking so if you had susceptible plants in a greenhouse you could put them on the staging and paste something on the legs of the...
Provado only lasts a few weeks so you may have been lucky and got the entire infestation. You are right about them walking so if you had susceptible plants in a greenhouse you could put them on...
Aug 3, 2007
Aug 8, 2007
red lily beetle
That's not necessary. My lilies were devastated three years ago as I had not heard of lily beetle.Last year I gave them a spray with Provado when they were about a foot high and never saw...
That's not necessary. My lilies were devastated three years ago as I had not heard of lily beetle.Last year I gave them a spray with Provado when they were about a foot high and never saw another beetle all season. This year I did the same at the sight of the first beetle, very little...
That's not necessary. My lilies were devastated three years ago as I had not heard of lily beetle.Last year I gave them a spray with Provado when they were about a foot high and never saw another beetle all season. This year I did the same at...
That's not necessary. My lilies were devastated three years ago as I had not heard of lily beetle.Last year I gave them a spray with Provado when they were about a foot high and never saw...
Jul 29, 2007
Aug 8, 2007
lily beetle
I think you need to bite the bullet and get squishing. You can use a spray as I recommended before but lets face it, would you prefer a quick squishing or a long drawn out poisoning if it came to...
I think you need to bite the bullet and get squishing. You can use a spray as I recommended before but lets face it, would you prefer a quick squishing or a long drawn out poisoning if it came to it? I tend to look every day, particularly under the leaves and because i haven't sprayed I squeeze...
I think you need to bite the bullet and get squishing. You can use a spray as I recommended before but lets face it, would you prefer a quick squishing or a long drawn out poisoning if it came to it? I tend to look every day, particularly under...
I think you need to bite the bullet and get squishing. You can use a spray as I recommended before but lets face it, would you prefer a quick squishing or a long drawn out poisoning if it came to...
May 17, 2007
Aug 7, 2007
As you can see lady i basically have no excuse at all, i hold my hand up to having a complete mental block on the jeep cleaning job, I simply can't bring myself to do it
As you can see lady i basically have no excuse at all, i hold my hand up to having a complete mental block on the jeep cleaning job, I simply can't bring myself to do it
As you can see lady i basically have no excuse at all, i hold my hand up to having a complete mental block on the jeep cleaning job, I simply can't bring myself to do it
As you can see lady i basically have no excuse at all, i hold my hand up to having a complete mental block on the jeep cleaning job, I simply can't bring myself to do it
Banana Man
Jul 14, 2007
Aug 3, 2007
How can I eradicate ants nests??
There was a thread about this on this topic site on 8/7/07. Scroll down and have a peek
There was a thread about this on this topic site on 8/7/07. Scroll down and have a peek
There was a thread about this on this topic site on 8/7/07. Scroll down and have a peek
There was a thread about this on this topic site on 8/7/07. Scroll down and have a peek
Aug 2, 2007
Aug 2, 2007
Conifer itch?
im a gardener ,theres a bloke at work who cant prune conifers as he comes up in a rash ,i think this is quite common!
im a gardener ,theres a bloke at work who cant prune conifers as he comes up in a rash ,i think this is quite common!
im a gardener ,theres a bloke at work who cant prune conifers as he comes up in a rash ,i think this is quite common!
im a gardener ,theres a bloke at work who cant prune conifers as he comes up in a rash ,i think this is quite common!
Aug 1, 2007
Aug 1, 2007
Make money from your snails!!! I saw this little item when googling and in view of all the GC members that have so many snails, I thought this was a useful idea."I was happily eating my oats...
Make money from your snails!!! I saw this little item when googling and in view of all the GC members that have so many snails, I thought this was a useful idea."I was happily eating my oats yesterday morning in front of the telly, when I almost choked. nothing wrong with my oats, nor with...
Make money from your snails!!! I saw this little item when googling and in view of all the GC members that have so many snails, I thought this was a useful idea."I was happily eating my oats yesterday morning in front of the telly, when I...
Make money from your snails!!! I saw this little item when googling and in view of all the GC members that have so many snails, I thought this was a useful idea."I was happily eating my oats...
Jul 8, 2007
Jul 30, 2007
leek moth
I read that last year, thanks! thought more people would be affected by this problem?
I read that last year, thanks! thought more people would be affected by this problem?
I read that last year, thanks! thought more people would be affected by this problem?
I read that last year, thanks! thought more people would be affected by this problem?
Jul 27, 2007
Jul 28, 2007
Vapourer Moth Caterpillar
thanks Hyla, I'll move it as it is making good progress through my geranium! Not quite sure what I want it too eat instead though? Perhaps it will accidently find it self at the other side o the...
thanks Hyla, I'll move it as it is making good progress through my geranium! Not quite sure what I want it too eat instead though? Perhaps it will accidently find it self at the other side o the neighbours wall :D
thanks Hyla, I'll move it as it is making good progress through my geranium! Not quite sure what I want it too eat instead though? Perhaps it will accidently find it self at the other side o the neighbours wall :D
thanks Hyla, I'll move it as it is making good progress through my geranium! Not quite sure what I want it too eat instead though? Perhaps it will accidently find it self at the other side o the...
Jul 26, 2007
Jul 27, 2007
Ceanothus problems
I had a ceanothus that had die back this year too, I cut it out then later more died so I cut it right back and now it seems to be growing ok, mine was only 5ft high though and I used to trim it...
I had a ceanothus that had die back this year too, I cut it out then later more died so I cut it right back and now it seems to be growing ok, mine was only 5ft high though and I used to trim it after flowering in the spring every year to keep the same height. So fingers crossed it might grow...
I had a ceanothus that had die back this year too, I cut it out then later more died so I cut it right back and now it seems to be growing ok, mine was only 5ft high though and I used to trim it after flowering in the spring every year to keep...
I had a ceanothus that had die back this year too, I cut it out then later more died so I cut it right back and now it seems to be growing ok, mine was only 5ft high though and I used to trim it...
Jul 25, 2007
Tropical Oasis
Jul 26, 2007
Is this pittosporum dying?
Thanks Celia for taking the trouble to reply. No other ideas have been forthcoming so I'll enquire elsewhere. Perhaps a tree surgeon. A great shame if it has to be cut down as it's the main...
Thanks Celia for taking the trouble to reply. No other ideas have been forthcoming so I'll enquire elsewhere. Perhaps a tree surgeon. A great shame if it has to be cut down as it's the main feature in that part of the garden.It's surprising how these things creep up on you - I only really...
Thanks Celia for taking the trouble to reply. No other ideas have been forthcoming so I'll enquire elsewhere. Perhaps a tree surgeon. A great shame if it has to be cut down as it's the main feature in that part of the garden.It's surprising...
Thanks Celia for taking the trouble to reply. No other ideas have been forthcoming so I'll enquire elsewhere. Perhaps a tree surgeon. A great shame if it has to be cut down as it's the main...
Jul 23, 2007
Jul 26, 2007
Thin Iceberg
Thanks Celia & wiseoldowl, I'm glad it is alright, as you might have noticed I'm not a lover of gardening, I've hated it since I was a kid as I never got anything right now I've retired I...
Thanks Celia & wiseoldowl, I'm glad it is alright, as you might have noticed I'm not a lover of gardening, I've hated it since I was a kid as I never got anything right now I've retired I have the time to potter around and try things out......
Thanks Celia & wiseoldowl, I'm glad it is alright, as you might have noticed I'm not a lover of gardening, I've hated it since I was a kid as I never got anything right now I've retired I have the time to potter around and try things...
Thanks Celia & wiseoldowl, I'm glad it is alright, as you might have noticed I'm not a lover of gardening, I've hated it since I was a kid as I never got anything right now I've retired I...
Jul 25, 2007
Jul 26, 2007
Vine Weevil Horror
I planted 2 Actaea and 2 Filipendula in a border, the Actaea ended up with mildew and Filip with Vine Weevils - I was not a happy bunny! Anyway, I used the provado and removed any leaves, mulch ...
I planted 2 Actaea and 2 Filipendula in a border, the Actaea ended up with mildew and Filip with Vine Weevils - I was not a happy bunny! Anyway, I used the provado and removed any leaves, mulch etc. from around the base of the plant, seems to have done the trick. I like Geoff's idea of...
I planted 2 Actaea and 2 Filipendula in a border, the Actaea ended up with mildew and Filip with Vine Weevils - I was not a happy bunny! Anyway, I used the provado and removed any leaves, mulch etc. from around the base of the plant, seems to...
I planted 2 Actaea and 2 Filipendula in a border, the Actaea ended up with mildew and Filip with Vine Weevils - I was not a happy bunny! Anyway, I used the provado and removed any leaves, mulch ...
Jul 23, 2007
Jul 26, 2007
Hope this works because I haven't posted a photo before. I was out in my polytunnel this morning and came across this little darling... and I have seen bigger ones in there. I left it on the...
Hope this works because I haven't posted a photo before. I was out in my polytunnel this morning and came across this little darling... and I have seen bigger ones in there. I left it on the bird table after taking its pic next to a �£1 coin. That was 1/2 an hour ago and none of the...
Hope this works because I haven't posted a photo before. I was out in my polytunnel this morning and came across this little darling... and I have seen bigger ones in there. I left it on the bird table after taking its pic next to a �£1...
Hope this works because I haven't posted a photo before. I was out in my polytunnel this morning and came across this little darling... and I have seen bigger ones in there. I left it on the...
Jul 20, 2007
Comber gardener
Jul 25, 2007
Hi Paul,I had the same problem with my Hosta's and also my Echinacea, I found that the slug pellets worked well. If you get the green waxy ones they will be safe around pets too!Hope it...
Hi Paul,I had the same problem with my Hosta's and also my Echinacea, I found that the slug pellets worked well. If you get the green waxy ones they will be safe around pets too!Hope it helps."Its a dog diggidy dog not a ball and a chain" :D
Hi Paul,I had the same problem with my Hosta's and also my Echinacea, I found that the slug pellets worked well. If you get the green waxy ones they will be safe around pets too!Hope it helps."Its a dog diggidy dog not a ball and a chain" :D
Hi Paul,I had the same problem with my Hosta's and also my Echinacea, I found that the slug pellets worked well. If you get the green waxy ones they will be safe around pets too!Hope it...
paul walker
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 24, 2007
Black slugs ?
Hi ismeval the black slug(arion ater)is probably the least damaging of all the slugs an omnivorous species, eating carrion and dung as well as vegetable matter. It prefers rotting vegetation to...
Hi ismeval the black slug(arion ater)is probably the least damaging of all the slugs an omnivorous species, eating carrion and dung as well as vegetable matter. It prefers rotting vegetation to living plants and consequently rarely does much harm in the garden. Largely nocturnal, but large...
Hi ismeval the black slug(arion ater)is probably the least damaging of all the slugs an omnivorous species, eating carrion and dung as well as vegetable matter. It prefers rotting vegetation to living plants and consequently rarely does much harm...
Hi ismeval the black slug(arion ater)is probably the least damaging of all the slugs an omnivorous species, eating carrion and dung as well as vegetable matter. It prefers rotting vegetation to...
Jul 21, 2007
Jul 22, 2007
Problem with young vine.
Yes good idea.I will get my camera out tomorrow hopefully.Thanks Pete
Yes good idea.I will get my camera out tomorrow hopefully.Thanks Pete
Yes good idea.I will get my camera out tomorrow hopefully.Thanks Pete
Yes good idea.I will get my camera out tomorrow hopefully.Thanks Pete
Jul 20, 2007
Jul 20, 2007
More blight
I ventured out into the pouring rain this afternoon to have a look in the garden. I had a good look at the potaotoes and tomatoes which I planted in a portion of my neighbours' garden, and noticed...
I ventured out into the pouring rain this afternoon to have a look in the garden. I had a good look at the potaotoes and tomatoes which I planted in a portion of my neighbours' garden, and noticed some blight on both lots of plants which i hadn't seen before. I think it may be too far along to...
I ventured out into the pouring rain this afternoon to have a look in the garden. I had a good look at the potaotoes and tomatoes which I planted in a portion of my neighbours' garden, and noticed some blight on both lots of plants which i hadn't...
I ventured out into the pouring rain this afternoon to have a look in the garden. I had a good look at the potaotoes and tomatoes which I planted in a portion of my neighbours' garden, and noticed...
Jul 20, 2007
Jul 20, 2007
Japanese Acer & Disease?
Tropical I agree with you entirely, and, monroe, when you`ve cut out all the affected parts spray the rest with a systemic fungicide every 10 days. David.
Tropical I agree with you entirely, and, monroe, when you`ve cut out all the affected parts spray the rest with a systemic fungicide every 10 days. David.
Tropical I agree with you entirely, and, monroe, when you`ve cut out all the affected parts spray the rest with a systemic fungicide every 10 days. David.
Tropical I agree with you entirely, and, monroe, when you`ve cut out all the affected parts spray the rest with a systemic fungicide every 10 days. David.
Jul 15, 2007
Jul 19, 2007
Browning Conifers
Hi mum4t. Is there a cat in the area? if there is it could be that it is " spraying " that is marking it`s territory. This causes the lower foliage of the tree to die. David.
Hi mum4t. Is there a cat in the area? if there is it could be that it is " spraying " that is marking it`s territory. This causes the lower foliage of the tree to die. David.
Hi mum4t. Is there a cat in the area? if there is it could be that it is " spraying " that is marking it`s territory. This causes the lower foliage of the tree to die. David.
Hi mum4t. Is there a cat in the area? if there is it could be that it is " spraying " that is marking it`s territory. This causes the lower foliage of the tree to die. David.
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 19, 2007
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